The scene opens up to a sold out XWO arena. All of a sudden the titan tron flickers on and Rob Van Dam is shown walking in to a hotel room in Houston, Texas. The camera's zoom in as he is talking to the desk clerk.

| DESK CLERK | "Yes sir, how may I help you?"

| ROB VAN DAM | "I need the room number for one Chris Davis. I beleave he is stay here."

| DESK CLERK | "Yes he just signed in. What a very nice guy...."

| ROB VAN DAM | "I don't care if he was a nice guy, I just want his damn room number, alright?"

| DESK CLERK | "Sure thing, he is room 3024 on the third floor. There is an elavator right there and you can go strait up to the third floor from there."

| ROB VAN DAM | "Dude, tell me something I don't know alright."

Rob Van Dam walks up to the elavator and pushes the up botton. The doors take a minute before they open. Rob steps in and hits the third floor botton. It takes him up to the third floor. Rob steps out when the door opens up. He walks down the hall until he see's room 3024. He knocks on the door and it is answered by Chris Davis. The slap hands and Chris invites Rob inside. Rob walks in and sits down in a chair. The begin to speak about things.

| ROB VAN DAM | "Hey, man, what's going on?"

| CHRIS DAVIS | "Nothing much. Just down here visiting family and getting ready to go to Rebellion and watch you win those titles!"

| ROB VAN DAM | "Oh, so I don't have to spend my money on ya this time."

Both men laugh at the joke.

| ROB VAN DAM | "You know I am just messing with ya, right?"

| CHRIS DAVIS | "Yeah. So, are you going to win those belts at Rebellion."

| ROB VAN DAM | "That's a dumb question, man. Because you know, just like everyone else, that I am going to win. Randy Orton has no chance just like he had no god damn chance on Raw last week. Orton is nothing. And he does not deserve that belt that he has. And I do. So I am going to take it from him."

| CHRIS DAVIS | "Damn, your pumped about this thing aren't you."

| ROB VAN DAM | "Hell yeah man. This is only my fourth match here in the XWO and I am already getting a chance to win two different championships. And I am not going to ruin this oppertunity. Like the Eminem song 'Lose Yourself' goes. I don't care if I have to face Kane, Jeff Hardy, Cheif Morley or anyone. As long as I win these two belts."

| CHRIS DAVIS | "True that."

| ROB VAN DAM | "So where are you going to be sitting at?"

| CHRIS DAVIS | "About, 30 rows up from where I was sitting at Raw."

| ROB VAN DAM | "Cool, man. You are going to see me win some XWO gold. This match here is going to make my XWO career and it is going to show that Revolution isn't a joke like everyone says it is."

| CHRIS DAVIS | "Hey, sorry to end this short, but I got to go see some famly. So I am going to have to kick you outta here."

| ROB VAN DAM | "No problem, I got to get back to the arena and cut a promo about the match and talk about how big of a sluty whore Stacy Keibler is and how Rock is a stupid ass. But mostly to talk about Orton and about the belts and crap like that, man. Talk to you later."

Both men leave the hotel room and the XWO fades to a commercial break.


The scene opens up to the parking lot where Rob Van Dam is pulling in to thr arena. He brings the car to a screeching hult. He gets out of the car. As soon as Rob shuts the door, Coach walks up to him.

| COACH | "Mr. Van Dam, may I get a word with you."

| ROB VAN DAM | "Dude, you want a word with me? Than go watch a television screen, because I am headed to the ring."

The scene zooms in to the arena as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are talking about the XWO sponsers for XWO's first Rebellion show. All of a sudden the lights go out and pyro's blast off as Limp Bizkit's "Crack Addict" is heard throughout the arena. Rob Van Dam walks out on to the ramp with a big smile on his face. He decends to the ring after a minute of standing up on the ramp. He rolls in, gets up and does the RVD taunt. Rob than walks over to Lillian Garcia and grabs the MIC from her. He puts it up to his lips and begins speaking.

| ROB VAN DAM | "Ever since his lose Saturday night, I havn't seen Randy Orton walking around here acting like the big shot he thinks he is. Hell, I havn't seen him period. He hasn't showed up for god knows how long. He know's everyone is going to laugh at him because of the lose on Raw. After everything he talked and said about me. I am on a two match winning streak. As he is on a two match losing streak. How he has that X*Division belt, I do not know. But after Saturday night, he won't be holding that belt. I will! And I will also have another title around my waist called the Television title. Orton can only dream of holding both the belts. But, he knows he cannot hold them. And he knows he isn't the whole fuckin show. I, Rob Van Dam, is going to kick the living crap out of Orton, man. And that isn't me lying to you. See Orton, what I don't get is, you called me a lyer. You said you I couldn't beat you. If I recall something that I am going to rub in your face like I want to, is I am the one that pinned you on Raw. Undertaker was laid out. I don't see why in the hell Bicsoff put you in a match with me. Why could he let you get your ass kicked by Sabu or something. Hell, you suck so much that Paul Heyman can beat the crap out of you. And Heyman isn't a fighter. Orton, I don't know where you are from or why you are here. I could give two shits, though. But listen up, boy, you think you can stand up to me? I don't. You better prove yourself to everyone. Because as I stand here in the ring, I see a lot more signs saying you suck than I do saying you rule. Like this one right here, RVD 4:20 Runnin Wyld On Orton. That's what I am going to be doing. I am going to go none stop. I am cyched up about this match. Not everyone gets a chance to win two titles in one match like me and you are getting. One of the titles vacant. Than you get the X*Division belt handed down to you. Hell, how is a guy without a win gonna get a belt like that? It isn't possible. So he has to do a lot of kissing ass just to get some gold here in this federation. You can't be like me or that son of a bitch Rock and earn your belts. Oh no. See, I am the XWO's best wrestler. Do you think you could ever be something like that? MAn, I don't think you could. You don't have the skill. Just like Cena can't rap. But shit, man, he isn't in this match is he? Nope. It's me and you. One on one. This time, I don't have Undertaker to worry about when I am kicking the shit out of you at Rebellion. I have you all by myself. And what kind of match are we in again, a Last Man Standing match? Damn, I am getting all the matches I love to be in. Witch means, I can take you anywhere in the building and I can beat you up with anything I want to. And I will not lose the match for doing so. Orton, you might forget that I am from ECW. And these are the types of matches we had back in that federation. And your from what? WWE? You have no idea what kind of pain I can take and what kind of pain I can make you feel. But you will get an idea of all that when me and you go one on one at Rebellion. I know how you are kissing up to Morley and Eric, and let me tell you something, any of you try to screw me out of this match and any way, than there is going to be hell to pay. Well, I know I can trust Eric not to get involved. But I don't know about Morley. Or Orton bringing anyone in to the match. I bet you will try to do that Orton, but let me advise you that that is NOT a good idea. You bring anyone in, and they are not only going to get an ass whoopin by RVD, they got Revolution to worry about also. And Orton, I beat you without any help on Raw, and I am going to beat you without help at Rebellion, man. I have again asked Revolution to let me have this match by myself and they agree with me once again. Orton, as I proved last time, I am going to show I am better than you. You are going to be out of two titles and your going to like it that way! All I have to say is wake up the morning before the event. Eat your breakfest of your moms boob. Since she never really stopped breast feeding you, and pack your shit. Come to the arena. Walk down to the ring, step inside of the ring with me. And get your ass kicked all night long. Randy, man, your in for a very long night. Just pray that I don't really hurt you!"

Rob Van Dam drops the MIC and leaves the ring. He walks up the ramp and in to the back. Once in the back, Rob once again runs in to Coach. And once again, Coach wants to get a word with him.

| COACH | "Rob, may I get a word with you now?"

| ROB VAN DAM | "Dude, would it make you happy if you interviewed me or something? Would you get off just for one interview with the whole fuckin show about how he is going to kick Orton's ass?"

| COACH | "Ok, whatever. First of all, why do you continue to pick on Stacy Keibler and Rock."

| ROB VAN DAM | "First of all, what does it matter. They are not in my match Monday night. But I will answer the question though. Because they make me sick. Running around like they are something. Rock is only the XWO Champ because of Eric. And when Austin come's back, Rock is in for it. Or wait, as Trish said, I may be getting a shot at that title pretty soon. So his title is in big jerperdy and he better hold on to it like I know Orton is going to try to hold on to his belt. Than Stacy. She's a slut. She stabbed her friend Trish in the back just to be with a little punk like the Rock. But as I said, who cares about them. They are not in the RVD/Orton match. They are not getting two titles in one night like I am.

| COACH | "How do you feel about this match and your opponent?"

| ROB VAN DAM | "To tell you the truth, I should be all happy and shit about this match, man. But I am kind of upset that I don't have a better opponent. But look at it this way, I am going to get two XWO Championships very easy in one night. Orton isn't going to be hard at all to beat. I have this match in the bag. And no one is going to stop me from winning this XWO gold. About the match itself. I love the match. Just another match for Rob Van Dam to show his skills off to the whole world, man."

| COACH | "How do you feel about Trish refusing to be your manager?"

| ROB VAN DAM | "Hey, she was nice about it. She wasn't bitchy. I totally understand why she did it. I am not mad or anything."

| COACH | "Cool. Any last words to your opponent, Randy Orton before we go to a commercial break?"

| ROB VAN DAM | "These won't be the last words I say to him. I can gurentee that. Randy, he thinks. But something he don't do is think before he speaks. He just comes out and says it and doesn't give a damn about what he is saying and what is going to happen to him if he says the wrong thing to someone. He may come out and speak of the match. But it will be rampling. Becuase he already knows he cannot beat me. He proved that to himself and his mommy on Raw last Saturday. I am not afraid to hurt the guy. And I am not afraid to break any rules to get to him. The fact of the madder is, all I am worried about is winning these two titles that will be up for grabs in this match. Wait. That was a lie right there. The other thing I am worried about is being the last man standing in the middle of that ring. Witch means, I cannot go for any pins. So that means Orton is going to have to stay down for ten seconds. Witch that will be easy to do because he is a weak little asshole. And that's all I got to say about that."

| COACH | "Thanks for the..."

Rob just turns around and walks away and the XWO fades to a commercial break.