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The weeks go by and the wrestlers come and go. Steadily the EWE falls deeper and deeper into a dead zone as the other wrestling federations around grow bigger and bigger while prospering. As the shows get smaller and the Pay Per Views get more disappointing out of the shadows and from behind the curtains come the wrestlers with bigger matches than other federations can put out. The things the wrestlers put out sperates the EWE from all the other Wrestling Fedrations. The thing that makes the EWE what it is is going to be shown for the first time ever on War. When Triple H and Daemon Jones the Dynamic Tag Team splits up and takes on new tag team partners to fight for the tag team champion ship. What will happen when these two forces combine with two other members beside them to fight for the tag team titles. It should be a fight to hell and back. There is no telling what will happen when these forces combine and go head up on War. It should be a War like never before seen on War. I hope it is awesome and then more and more. Tune in to EWE War to see.

The Scene is opening up with EWE War. The cameras go around the arena looking at twenty or so thousand screaming fans threw out the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. As the cameras are searching threw the crowd they come forward to the top of the entrance ramp to where Jim Ross and Jerry The King Lawler are sitting as they start the show off.

||’The Good Ole’ Jim Ross||

Welcome ladies and gentlemen I am Good old Jr and sitting along my side is none other than the king Jerry Lawler. And we and the EWE proudly bring you War. It is just any War it is EWE War. Man Thriller was great. We had several great matches on Friday Thriller but it isn’t going to be anything like War is going to be here tonight. It should be just great. I can’t wait to see it. But on Thriller I just couldn’t believe that Death going head up with Jason Kash match. It was just shocking. Hell it was amazing. Kash is gone and Death is still around and damn I wish I could see a match like that every day of the week and man I would love to see it again. But on War we are going to have a match that should prove to be much more interesting. D-X is spliting up with Daemon Jones going his own way with The Rock and Triple H and X-Pac staying together. But the interesting thing in there is that Daemon Jones and Triple H are the current Tag Team Champions and the winner of this match should be great as hell. I just couldn’t wait to see that. I mean now that all of the stuff with Trish is going on and she is the special ref there is no telling what will happen. We got Triple H the US and World Champ, Tag Champ, and former Undisputed Champion with X-Pac a former, European, IC, US, Tag, Light weight, Cruiser Weight, and Undisputed Champion going head up with DJ a TV and Tag team champion and a former Undisputed Champ and The Rock the hollywood master. It should prove to be one hell of a match and I am ready to watch it go down and watch this truly amazing match come down to the wire and I am sure it will. Boy oh boy oh boy! What are your opinions on it King.

||’The Puppy Loving” Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler||

Well Jim buddy oh buddy what do you mean what I think. Hell it is Trish Stratus refing the match. I just can’t wait to see her in that ref shirt tonight it should be most truefully exciting. But other wise the match here to night has been boiling up and getting bigger and bigger. I can’t wait to see the explosion when it happens to night. I can just about bet you there is going to be body’s laying around the mat and broken bones and god knows what else. Just think about the ratings for this match. They will be off the charts. God I just can’t wait to see this match it will be the best match of the night. At it even looks like before the night is over we will have some fighting between the two teams. And that should just add to the fuel for tonight. And man DJ is drueling over trish like she is a piece of meat but heck Jim can you look at Trish and not. I mean look at those puppies and heck she even has some pretty nice legs. Who could turn her down. I know I could not and she is the womens champion and hell Triple H even said that Steph is coming back could it be Stephanie McMahon or who. But who ever it is what is it going to mean. I just can’t wait to see what happens.

||’The Good Ole’ Jim Ross||

King I know that is a scary thought. What if it is Stephanie mcMahon and could that have been her Titan Tron Message. And could she come back tonight. There are just so many questions we could as about this matter and just not enough time to answer all of them. But We all know that Shane O’ Mac is back in the EWE and he is running things around this place. It should be one hell of a show now that he is back, Large and In Charge. And man what other great matches do we have planned for tonight we have Brock Lesnar going head up with Jeff jarett and that should prove to be one hell of a match to. I just can’t wait and see man it should be great when it all comes down to the wire tonight I can’t believe it. And that should also prove to be one hell of a match. But what will happen if Brock Lesnar beats Jeff Jarrett in this match. We all know that Jeff Is the Chossen one and he is the commish witch gives him some stroke. Will he try and make Brock’s life a living hell or will he just take the loss as a loss. There is just no telling. And that is not all. We also have the Light Weight Title up for grabs when Jeff Hardy the raining Light Weight Champion goes head up with the new commer Rey Mysterio Junior. That should be a high flying impacted match. I think it will be a close runner for the second best match of the night. I mean that match should be full of Missle Drop Kicks. Summersaults, Cross body drops, hurricanrannas, leg drops, and all kinds of body banging, head busting moves in this match. What do you think about this match King.

||’The Puppy Loving” Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler||

Well Jim it is not going to be any where near as good as D-X and Hollywood show down. But like you said Jim it should be a great match. You know Rey he is always looking to end the match with a big big show and then we got Jeff hardy who always likes to give the crowd one hell of a show and I just couldn’t think that this match could not be great. Man there is no telling how this match will end. We have seen Jeff Hardy successfully defend that Light Weight Title many times and we have also seen Rey hold man Cruiserweight titles in many other federations. But I think that the Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarett will put on a better match that they will. Because these guys are sure as hell going to use a lot of power in their moves and god knows what else. So when it all goes down I will think that Brock and Jeff will come out victorious over Rey and Jeff. It should be one heck of a War but who knows. Because this is the EWE and anything is possible. But Jr I am getting word that back stage there is some stuff going on in the back stage are so lets go their and listen.


The cameras come off of Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler and then they go to the back they look around for something then they see Triple H and X-Pac standing in the middle of the hallway talking about their match. The cameras zoom in on them and then sit their and listen to them.

||’The Ceribal Assassin’ Triple H||

Listen Pac man. You have beaten Daemon Jones at least two times. I know how good you are and I respect you. And I am sure Daemon knows how good you are and all. But we have to focus on this match. I didn’t let you be my partner because we are friends. I let you join The Game in this fight because you are that damn Good. And me and you together should be able to go head up with The Rock and Daemon Jones. They should not be much of a challenge to us. Just look at them for heavens sakes. We got this want to be actor and a want to be rapper in the wrestling business trying to wrestle. Hell I have to give it to them they do have some talent and at any given time they could take this from us. But Pac I want this. I want this more than you could imagen right now. Hell I could snap at any fucking moment and hurt them. First of all I know you are small and you can not take as much as the bigger guys in the business but you have to pull yourself together and get with the program. There are going to be times during the match that you can’t save me when I am pinned and there are going to be times that you are pinned and I can not come in and save you. I know you do not quit. But man I am asking for a little bit more in this match. I have gold on my brain and I want to keep this. Me and Daemon Jones were the best Tag Team in the EWE. And I know you are better than him so think about how great we will be if wait what am I saying when we win this thing. I just can’t wait to pull it off man. What about you.

||’The Lethal Degenerate’ X-Pac||

Yo, man chill just a little bit. The Rock he is nothing trust me on that. But he is better than Daemon Jones I have to give him that much. But I never had any trouble with Daemon jones when I fought him. So I should not have any problems with The Rock. In matter of a fact I am not expecting to have any problems with anyone. I want this championship just as much has you do Hunter. I lost my damn Undisputed Title To Brock Lesnar. And now I am getting one more chance. Hunter I will do anything to get this champion ship around my waist. And to tell you the truth man I am happy that you are my partner but I really don’t give a damn who it would have been as long as I would have gotten this shot. But Hunter bro I know that me and you can work together a lot better than me and someone else or you and someone else could have worked together. So man Just get with it and I will help pull this off. But that isn’t what is bugging me man. I know their might be a little bad blood between me and Tris I just want her to call it right down the line. I want all this championship. I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Man I really want to pull this off.

Just then the cameras come off of X-Pac and Triple H and then they go up the hall to where ric Flair is walking down the hall. He walks up to them with a big smile on his face. Then he starts to talk.

||’The Nature Boy’ Ric Flair||

WOOOOOOOOO! D-Genration X getting the biggest tag team shot in the world. Boys I hope you do great in this match. You both know how much these titles mean to me and the group. And I would be so, so, so fucking mad if they ended up in the hands of Daemon Jones and The Rock so they can take them back to Hollywood and show them off to all of their big fancey friends. No I have a better idea. You both get your asses out their and you both beat the holly shit out of them and then you end it by takeing them both out. And I will make sure the match is called down the line. Ric WOOOOOOOOO Flair is not in the habbit of cheating. And WOOOOOOOO I am sure both of you can put on one hell of a match with out cheating. I know how Good both of you are. Hell both of you are former Undisputed Champions and Hunter Man you have three damn titles with you right now and I know you and X-Pac and work together as a well oiled machine and I know you want this more than Daemon Jones and his little butt buddy The Rock. I don’t really care what you do to win this as long as it does not get you kicked out of the match so come on pull it together and concentrate on this match. So come on guys and get it. But now any ways I have to get back to work so I will see both of you after the match when you are both holding the tag team champions.

Ric Flair turns around and walks off down the hall. Then the cameras go back to X-Pac and Triple h.

||’The Lethal Degenerate’ X-Pac||

You know hunter man Ric there is how does he say it WOOOOOOOOOOOO right. We really need to take this win back to D-X and man I hope no I know we can do it. We are two damn good wrestlers. We are just going to have to watch are backs and then stick it to their asses and we should beat the fuck out of them and win this mother fuck not for any one but us. But yo man I have to get going so I will see you later.

X-Pac walks off and goes down the hall. A few minutes later the Titan Tron comes on and X-Pac is sitting in the back in a chair looking at a camera. Then they go to X-Pac and listen in on what he has to say.

||’The Lethal Degenerate’ X-Pac||

Well it’s me it’s me, it’s The X to the P to the A to the C. That is right folks it is X-Pac, Lately I have had a lot of things going on in my life. I have changed my name to Syxx-Pac like it was back during WcW and then I changed it back to X-Pac. And that is where it is going to stay. And then I am sure you all seen me propose to Trish. But that is over and done with now. And then you all seen me lose my Undisputed Champion ship to Brock Lesnar then a few days later I had my rematch against Chris Jericho and I lost it to him. But do not worry folks I will win that damn title back soon. Why because that win that Chris Jericho got over me was nothing more that a fluk. I know he can not handle me and when I get my next shot I am going to win and that title will go back around my waist. Now to the next thing me and Triple H have a tag team title match tonight against Triple H’s former tag team partner Daemon Jones and my former group member. And then we get to throw The Rock into the mix. He has nothing on me tho. I am going to whip his ass and that is that. So I hope he is ready for what I am about to give him. Because I am going to whip his ass and I am going to do it while having fun. And if you ain’t down with that I got two words for ya Suck it!

Then X-Pac gets up out of his chair and then he walks off. As he is he walks down the hall and Michael Cole walks up to him.

||’The Loud Mouth’ Michael Cole||

X-Pac tonight you and Triple H have a pretty big match how do you feel about Daemon Jones being in this match.

||’The Lethal Degenerate’ X-Pac||

Well to tell the truth it does not bother me at all. I have beaten him two times. Not once but twice and I am not about to get beaten by him now. I want this damn match and I am going to win this damn match. There is no one that is going to stop me from winning this match so they all better get ready to watch what I am going to do to both of them. Because I am going to take both of them out. And there is nothing that neither one of them are going to do about it. I have Triple h on my side and there is no possible way that I am going to be stoped from winning this title. I have no gold and damn it tonight I am going to get it and there is not a damn person that can stop me from doing it.

||’The Loud Mouth’ Michael Cole||

Well how do you feel about The Rock being in this match and Trish Stratus.

||’The Lethal Degenerate’ X-Pac||

Well The Rock he is not any worry to me. I am going to beat the fuck out of him when he gets in the ring with me. The Rock is nothing. I am the best there is at the moment in my opinion and he is no where near good enough to stop me so when he gets in the ring and walks up to me and trys to stop me he better be ready because I am going to whip his ass and he better be ready for that and for Trish. She has said she is going to call it right downt he middle and I hope that is what she does. I trust her and everything. It is just that I don’t want to work my ass off for this title and be screwed out of it. I don’t think trish is like that tho. So When me and Triple h win that is going to be because we were the better guys. Now michael if you would excuse me I have to go.

X-Pac then walks off leaving michael in the middle of the hall as Pac goes up the ahll and goes to his locker room.


This has been brought to you by the greatest faction in EWE, D-Generation X