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Around the World 2002/2003

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The Dreamfleet Piper Archer

Around the World in a Beech Baron 58 Piper Archer and Microsoft Flight Sim 2002

This flight is being flown by Ben Peters, a West Wind Virtual Airlines pilot (WWA6605). I departed KLCI, Laconia, NH on December 22, 2002 in the Beech Baron 58, and started on my "epic" journey, flying around the world eastbound. Regular Progress Updates will be posted as I progress on my flight. Feel free to roam around this website, and take a look at my dream flight.

After an awful crash on the taxiway in London, the Baron was sent to the shops for repairs. Unfourtanetly, my insurance company will not cover the repair fees, so the plane was loaded on a WestWind Cargo 747 & flown to Denver for damage assessment. In the mean time, I enjoyed London, but I kept my eye out for General Avaition planes for sale. Finally I found one at Heathrow, a Piper Archer 2, in excellent shape. I talked with the West Wind Management, who had been paying for fuel & sponsoring the flight for publicity, and they agreed to purchase the plane. At this point it is unclear how much of the rest of the flight will be flown in this Archer, since West Wind is still analyzing the Baron & a newly arrived Cessna 421.

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Around the World 2002/2003, Flown by Ben Peters
Last Update on 4/19/03