A Short Bio

      About me, I don’t even know where to start…       Truth is, there isn’t much to me. I grew up surrounded by people who were undoubtedly certain about life. As I reached high school I started to understand that many of those people who seemed to be so sure of their ideals and beliefs, were simply hiding behind them. Living one life in secret and preaching another. I don’t judge others and I don’t lay down false pretences. I take pride in living a non-hypocritical life for the first time. I will not follow the example of those before me and play out false ideas of perfection; I will live guilt free of my actions. If I make a mistake, it can’t be reversed so what is the point in hiding behind a lie? My strength is a virtue newly known, and I plan to stick to it. If you disagree with the life I live, take a quick look at your own. Don’t compare. Better or worse, there’s no such thing, only me, and you.


if you need to contact me write me at
Email: bergsma_melissa@yahoo.com

jokes and funny sayings

Words to Live by:

It is in the search for perfection that we find love in our flaws.