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Waste and Baste Brews

Welcome drunks and alcoholics alike! The Waste and Baste brewing co. was founded in Januaray 2003 by two friends who coinceidentially have nick names that are "waste" and "baste". They decided to create this company cause they are poor college kids who dont have enough money to buy all those expensive beers out there, you know the ones, Budweiser, Corona, Milwalkee's best. The 2 friends wanted to be able to drink beer at least every once a week without going broke, and then Waste and Baste Brew Co. was formed. Taking simple tastes created with the dorm brew style, Waste and Baste brews quickly became a craze all around Jacksonville and soon spread to Tallahassee, creating a stir among young poor college kids. The answer to their quest of cheap good tasting beer was finally solved. Waste and Baste Brew Co. consided with the creation of what is now known as CCC. Cheap Cooler Concoctions were just another way of creating an alternative to the corporate giants known for selling their product at ABC Liquors. This product was more popular among those of the hard core and wino status. These 2 products began to reshape the under-age college drinking institution.