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PrintMirror [A print viewer utility by Vipin Aravind]

PrintMirror [A print viewer utility by Vipin Aravind]


Prerequisites :- At least one windows 2000/XP printer driver installed on windows 2000/XP system before installing PrintMirror and at the time of using PrintMirror.


It is a printer driver for windows 2000/XP which does:-

1)      Extract MetaFiles from Spool File(useful for debugging,analysis and customer support)

2)      Print to a system Printer.

3)      Save the document to a Image file(useful for sending it across to someone who doesn’t have the same application to view)

4)      Preview the to-be-printed document.(saves Paper and money!!!)

Current Release version is 1.2. This is a free tool which you can hack, distribute, sell, enhance. The latest source code can be obtained from


PrintMirror Window has the following 6 buttons (refer Figure 2):-

1.      Extract:-Clicking this button lets you save a printed page to an EMF or a bmp file via a "save as" dialog.

2.      Previous:-This is for traversing the printed pages and is used to select an active page for previewing/extracting.

3. Next:-serves the same purpose as the Previous button.

4 Preview:-This is for previewing the currently active page.(Figure 3)

5. Print:-It prints to the printer selected in the PrintMirror-->Properties before printing.

6. License:-Says Vipin Aravind is the author of the utility and you can use it for any

purpose as long as you admit so.


Below are some screenshots of PrintMirror illustrating the usage.



Figure 1. PrintMirror’s Properties dialog.





Figure 2. PrintMirror’s Main Window.






Figure 3. PrintMirror’s Preview Window preview Microsoft India home page




Figure 4. PrintMirror shown installed




This is a free tool which you can hack, distribute, sell, enhance but all the above should confine with GNU GPL.To learn more about GNU GPL, visit GNU Click HERE to get the built driver.The project is in development in


Send me an email whenever PrintMirror had been useful either commercially or otherwise


Hacking Articles On Metafiles Written by Vipin Aravind:-


Metafile Extraction Part-1

Metafile Extraction Part-II