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T-M/Dining Hall
This is where we as a family come to eat our meals together and enjoy how our days have gone we reserve the right to allow who we wish and not allow who we do not wish here if you have a problem with that well tell someone who cares after we are finished with our meal .
Tal-grapes: a purple grape much like earths.
Redfruit: similar in flesh and taste to apples of earth origins.
Tospits: The tospit is yellow in color. Small, peach-like fruit that is about the size of a plum. They are bitter, but edible. Often they are dried and candied. Much favored by the Tuchuks as both a target for weapon's practice and in weapon skill contests. Also, a favorite for the betting of the number of seeds a specific piece of fruit may contain. They are indigenous to the drier valleys of the western Cartius.
Larma: a firm, single-seeded applelike fruit.
Ramberries: small reddish fruit with edible seeds
Misc Fruits: Apricots, Dates, Melons, Peaches, Plums, and Raisins.

Bosk: a huge, shambling, animal, with a thick, humped neck and long shaggy hair. It has a wide head and tiny red eyes, a temper to match that of a sleen, and two long, wicked horns that reach out from it's head, much like an ox. Provides meat and milk from the cows.
Tabuk: most common Gorean antelope, a small graceful animal, one-horned and yellow, that haunts the Ka-la-na thickets of the planet and occasionally ventures into its meadows in search of berries and salt. It is also one of the favorite kills of a tarn.
Tarsk: a formidable six tusked wild boar of Gor`s temperate forests. This meat is roasted. On way to prepare it is stuffed with Suls and Peppers from the City of Tor.
Verr: a mountain goat indigenous to the Voltai. It was a wild, agile, ill-tempered beast, long haired and spiral-horned.
Marsh Shark: is transported from the marshes, marsh shark is served as filets or steaks.

Sa-Tarna: a bread that is rounded, flat loaf that is yellow in color. It is marked, before baking, into six sections. A staple for all Groean meals.
Slave Bread: a rough and course-grained bread.
Black Bread: baked soft and full flavored from Gorean grains, heavy and dark, served with clotted Bosk Cream or honey.
Biscuits: no known description, much like that of Earth, presumed.

Butter: made from the milk of bosk and verr, churned.
Cheese: made from the milk of bosk and verr, usually melted when served.
Verr Cheese: is crumbly, like a cross between feta and cheddar, a perfect accent for a fruit platter.
Bosk Cheese: sharp in taste but travels well, resisting molds in their hard rinds.
White Grunt Eggs: a tiny black egg.
Artic Gant Eggs: eaten much like an apple when frozen.
Vulo Eggs: another tiny egg.

Tastas: soft, rounded, succulent candies, usually covered in a coating of syrup or fudge, rather in the nature of the caramel apple, but much smaller, and, like the caramel apple, mounted on sticks. The candy is prepared and then the stick, from the bottom, is thrust up, deeply, into it. It is then ready to be eaten.
Chocolate: made from beans brought back on one of the early Voyages of Acquisition, this is the same as the chocolate of Earth. It is served in higher class establishments.
Custard: a thick pudding like dessert.