True Playa

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The lights go down in the arena. "True Playaz Anthem" by DJ Hype hits the PA system and the crowd boo.
JR: Here comes that bastard True Playa
King:You don't like him do you?
JR: No I Don't not one little bit.
Pyros shoot off across the arena and when the lights come up the the crowd are still booing but only at Wednesday as True Playa is nowhere to be seen.
JR: Where's True Playa?
King: Maybe he's at the gym like Michelle McVay suggested. Who cares though as now we get to look only at the puppies.
JR: That's right now you won't be distracted by True Playa's annoying voice and the rubbish that he comes out with.
The thing is, is Wednesday safe with Flame's comeback to the XWM with her role to keep an eye on her. I hope so JR.

Wednesday climbs through the ropes and just as she is about to speak a chant of SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT echoes around the arena.
JR: The crowd getting on this sluts...I mean Wednesday's back tonight.

Wednesday: Why don't you people just SHUT UP!(BOOS) Who are you people anyway. You're all just a bunch of degenerate nobodies like that no good, fit for nothing mother Michelle McVay(BOOS) Oh yeah Michelle we all sat your pathetic little attempt to show the world that you give a rats ass about your kids(BOOS) What you inbred retards bought into that. You people are more stupid than I thought(LOUDER BOOS)
JR: She's got a nerve saying that King.
King: But she's right JR
JR: Excuse Me!?
Wednesday: I got a few things to talk about tonight and a few things to show you. First off McVay you bring down a he/she in Flame and expect me to be scared of her/him whatever it is. The only thing I'm scared of is looking at the ugly bastard. Well she's been doing an awful job of keeping an eye on me. You see I turned the tables this week. Take a look at the screen.
The cameras turn to the tron. Flame is in the cafeteria eating a salad. The cameras turn and you can see a broadsheet newspaper with two eyeholes cut out in the middle. The cameras pan behind the newspaper amd sitting there in an old fashioned detective hat and detective overcoat is Wednesday. She looks at the camera and whispers SSSSSH! and puts a finger to her mouth and then starts looking through the newspaper again.
The next shot is Flame shopping. This time a secret camera in Wednesday's pocket is filming the action. Flame goes into a lingerie shop and browses through a selection of underwear. She finds something sexy that she likes and walks into the changing rooms. Wednesday reaches for the nearest thing available and grabs a pair of huge bloomers. The crowd laugh as she follows Flame into the cubicles and enters the one next to Flame. She climbs onto a bench in the cubicle and puts the camera over the top. Unfortunately she chooses the wrong one and films an old lady trying on the same bloomers that Wednesday picked up. The crowd laughs again as Wednesdayu realises the error. She puts the camera onto the other cubicle and the crowd cheer as t Flame is seen in lingerie.
The cameras focus back on the ring.
Wednesday: You see flame is not good enough to keep an eye on me. I have loads of footage just like this. You think that the threat of this hairy warrior is enough to keep me away from ringside on Monday. Believe me Michelle it's not that easy to scare me and I'm not gonna miss Monday for the world. Now Michelle the other day you said your right has punched a lot of people. Now we know that's true, but we know that it's done a lot more than that don't we!!
Wednesday makes a blowjob motion with her hand poking her tongue into her cheek with every wrist movement. The crowd boo loudly but the boos turn to cheers when Wednesday's face turns from laughing to shock as Evanescence hit the PA systam and Maichelle McVay and Flame appear at the top of the ramp.
JR: Uh-Oh I wouldn't wanna be in Wednesday's shoes right now.
King: I wouldn't ever wanna be in her shoes listening to True Playa everyday. But I'd like to be in something other than her shoes JR!
JR: All hell is gonna break loose and that's all you can think of to say?
King: Yep
Wednesday: Hold on hold on. Before you two come barging down here I've got something else to show you. Watch the screen.
The cameras show the screen and it shows Michael Cole tied up in a chair. His forehead is bust wide open. A caption "Earlier Today" is in the bottom left hand corner.
Michael Cole: I'm not going to tell you.
Suddenly a hand comes into shot and slaps Cole across the face. The crowd boos as True Playa comes into shot.
True Playa: I know you know. (He shows Cole the chair on the floor. He picks it up and rests it against Cole's head.) So you better tell me.
Cole: Ok Ok I'll tell you.
The sound is cut and the word censored appears on Cole's mouth covering it up.
King: What's he telling him JR?
JR: I have no idea!?
The word censored disappears and the sound comes back. True Playa: Thanks. True Playa then nails Michael Cole with the chair the crowd boos become deafening.
JR: MY GOD! That was an almighty chair shot that Michael Cole just took.
King: Did you hear that sickening thud JR?
JR: I did King. I hope he's alright.
Would you be?
JR: I guess not. That poor guy's got a family.
King: Well I hope he's got good insurance!
The next shot is inside True Playa's jeep. He's driving but still talking to the camera.
True Playa. Hey there Michelle. How's trick's? You know I couldn't quite forget what you said last time you were in the arena. "I've been called whore a lot of times by a lot of men!" Am I missing something here? Normally people who are called whore take offence. I guess in your case you've heard it so many times that it just doesn't affect you. You said that no one's ever backed it up though. You pointed at John Cena as an example. So what! You beat someone who would have trouble beating Dink let alone Doink The Clown. At Destruction you will be fighting a real man. You may think that I've been crying about you coming down and your little kids have been saying why am I crying when I asked for you to come down, and why is my mommy such a huge slut. I'll tell you why. I wanted a worthy opponent. Someone worth fighting. A Man! So you come out and slap me. That's cool but it can't go unpunished, so that's why I did what I did. I thought that after I had showed my superiority over you by locking in the Super Sharp Shooter that would be the end of that. I guess I was wrong. You see the jackasses in the powers that be decided that we should have a match. I didn't want my debut match in the XWM to be against a woman. I mean I've been listening to everyone and all I've heard is respect this and respect that. I respect my opponent. You know something fuck that, fuck respect and fuck you Michelle McVay, but I guess I'm the only one that hasn't. Your time of running around trying to play with the men is coming to an end. I have no respect for you or your family. That's right. You wanna know where I'm going?
The jeep comes to a stop and the cameras look outside.
King: How did you know that was her house. Oh no JR not you as well?
JR: Shut up King this is very serious and could turn very nasty at any moment.
True Playa: I know you're there Michelle and I know what you're thinking. Just what is True Playa gonna do? Well just keep watchinhg. Oh and by the way there are two endings to this. One is considerably worse than the other and that will become apparant. It's not gonna be worse for me though. Basically if you touch Wednesday,MYbaby, well, I just wouldn't if I were you!!
JR: What in hell does that mean. My God what is he gonna do!?
True Playa walks up to McVay's front door and gently knocks. McVay's mother opens the door.
Grandma: Hello sonny can I help you?
True Playa: I'm one of Michelle's friends, is she home?
Grandma: I'm afraid she's not in at the moment.
Suddenly there's a voice from upstairs.
Kid: Grandma don't let him in.
Grnadma: Why not?
True Playa: Cuz I'm TRUE PLAYA
He takes a swing at Grandma and knocks her into the bushes surrounding the front door.
King: Take that Grandma
Screams are heard from inside the house. True Playa runs into the house and picks up both of the girls, one in each arm, and carries them to the jeep. He puts them in the boot. He gets in the jeep and turns to the camera.
True Playa: Now hold tight McVay and don't you even think about touching Wednesday. I don't think I have to spell it out to you.
JR: Can you hear that King the crowd are booing louder than I have ever heard them boo and True Playa deserves it. Stalking, assault of an OAP and now kidnap.
King: Not only that but he's threatened that if McVay touches Wednesday he's gonna harm the kids.
JR: In all my days I've never seen anything like this!!
The tron shows the Jeep pulling upto the arena. Michelle and Flame run from ringside to the back. They both pick up chairs and run to the car. True Playa gets out and hits Flame with a right hand. She goes down but Michelle hits True Playa right across the back of the head. True Playa hits the floor. Michelle grabs the key and unlocks the boot and gives her kids a big hug. She tells them to get in the jeep and then picks Flame up. Flame kicks True Playa in the back of the head and then jumps into the jeep. The crowd are going wild as McVay starts the jeeps engine and drives off to her house to look after Grandma. Wednesday rushes out and comforts True Playa as the cameras cut to commercial with JR shouting MY GOD again.

Start Disclaimer Comment:
This RPing Layout Was Made By "Mr Chaos" Matt Fury If You Would Like A Copy Make Your Own lol, This Roleplay Was Made By
True Playa so please dont copy it. This RP and Layout is not affilated with the WWE, NWA/TNA,
XPW, FWA, CZW or any other wrestling federation.
All content on the page is copyright of
©Chaos Inc
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