A Collection of Fun Things to See and Do!
clickable quizzes, puffs, and more!

Take the M&M's Test @ Rasberry Rain

Take the Greek Goddess Test @ Rasberry Rain

Hey, guess what? I'm a--

I'm a Pink Yoshi!

What color Yoshi are you? Come take the quiz!

If I were a Neopet... I'd be an Acara!

Acaras are a playful bunch that love to live by the sea.

Their favorite pastimes are diving for hidden treasures off the coastline and playing Gormball on the beach.
Which Neopet are you?
Which Neopet are you? Click here to find out!

I am Belle!
You are a true bookworm
and dream of a life better than the simple, quiet one you lead now.
Your good looks can attract the town jerks,
but you manage to ignore them most of the time.
Sometimes you feel like you're surrounded by idiots.
So what are you waiting for?
You don't need your father to be kidnapped to get out and see the world.
Although you can be stubborn,
you're also very compassionate and see beyond people's façades.
Which Disney Princess are you?

You are Leia
You are Princess Leia from Star Wars. You are very smart and very determined. You may have trouble letting your emotions show, though. You are very sensible but also very brave. You rock!
Which movie heroine are you?