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The Middle of Nowhere

I wouldn't want to be on this website either, oh well.

Welcome to the middle of nowhere, because as Great Big Sea says it best "it's where I likes it best!"

And so did Kuna, the resident pet (along with two cats) at the Monastery Hostel in Ireland's Connemarra. I heard she passed away recently.

And as I travelled Europe, that is where I found the best places, smack in the middle of nowhere. Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Italy and Spain. I've found a bit of nowhere in all these places, and there are lots more.

There are many tourists now in Europe, and lots of backpackers, but if you want to find those isolated spots, the ones where you can actually meet some locals, not hear a word of English for a couple of days, totally immerse yourself in a new culture, you have to look. They're there, but you have to go off the beaten path, and sometimes that even isn't good enough, you have to make your own path.

What can you expect here, tips on travelling, good hostels to stay at in Europe, where to go and not to go, or more importantly, when to go and not to go.


