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Traceys Page

First and foremost...
Thanx for taking the time to visit my site.
My name is Tracey but many call me "Trace"....
some call me "TNT"...
and my sweetie calls me Tracerzzzzz (hehe).
Anyway...I live in Florida.Truely an over-rated
state.It is nice here but nothing as
remarkable as many say it is.The summers are
Icky Hot...and the winters are a weird kinda
cold.There is however a plus side to it tho....
Florida is known for its
entertainment.There's always something
you can do.Plenty of everything...
anything from clubs to beaches and anything in
between.It is the perfect vacation spot...but
to live here year round is different...you
begin to take for granted all the things you
once found exciting.

I'm 24 years old (Yes...getting old lol)...
and I come from a rather large family.
I have two WONDERFUL parents
who, no matter what,you can count on.
Not only are they the best parents I
could ever ask for but they also are
the absolute kewlest!!!!....I have no sisters
but I have 2 brothers (both older than me)...
they are as different as night and day.My
oldest brother is very down to earth...funny
as hell...and pretty much still a kid..(lol)...
yep yep...cartoons and all...lmaooo.He is
married to a great woman who if I did have a
sister...I'd want her to be just like her.They
have 2 beautiful kids who I think the world of.
Both outgoing, smart, and very well mannered.
When I have children of my own someday...
I hope I am as blessed as they are.My other
brother...well...lets just say...he's got alot
of growing up to do.I really dont think he's
reached that point in his life where he
realizes life can't just be all fun and
games....Have fun but take care of your
responsibilities.One day (hopefully
soon) he'll join the rest of us in the
adult world...lol. Aside from my immediate
family, I have numerous aunts, uncles, and
cousins....And the very best Grams in the
world.Shes the heart that holds the family
together.Right now she's having alot of
problems (medically)...but nothing prayer
can't heal.

In the early part of November....
God truely smiled down on me.Not just a simple
grin....Im talkin' MAJOR...Here, lemme just
tell ya what happened hehe...
ok, here goes...
I hadn't been on yahoo in months and months.
One night in early November I decided to
reinstall yahoo bc believe it or not I
actually missed it.I think I missed the
smileys most (lol)...anyway my very first
night back..I was room hopping and landed
in CM2 (Country Music 2).My room hopping ended
there...it was obvious pretty much everyone
knew everyone and shared a closeness (I like
that..smiles)..so I kinda hung out.Well the
next afternoon when I logged on, I was drawn
back to that room and thats when I seen him...I
seen Shawn for the very first time.He was joking
around with everyone (VERY AWESOME SENSE OF
HUMOR!!)...I was intrigued...
something happened to one of the other roomies
(not sure now what it was) but Shawn
reached right out to her without a
second thought.He was so gentle...
I was like "WOW".I pulled up his profile to
check him out...and OMGGGGGGGG...not only
was he funny as hell with a heart of gold...but
he was SOOOOOOOOO Gorgeous!!!!!!!...
swear to God my first reaction was
Ya know?...I sat there and just watched him
for like 3 days....No Shit.And on that 3rd day he
finally said hi to me...wheeeeeew....omg you
woulda thought I hit the lotto or something
as giddy as I got!!!!

Two days later...I went back in
that room.I was getting blasted with pm's
so I put in the room DO NOT PM ME.....
hehe..Shawn with his silly lil azz
pmed me...lmaoo.Thats when God Grinned down
on me....It all happened so quickly....
feelings blossomed so rapidly it left Shawn and
I both standing there stunned...finally one day
I felt something so much stronger...
something I NEVER felt before.Something SO
powerful I couldn't put a name on it.In
my heart I knew that it was LOVE....I fell
in love with him when I wasnt even looking...
Im serious..lol.I looked behind me and
when I turned back around there was that Love
Bug we so often hide from....No time for
reaction...he bit me..lmaoo...
bit me HARD!!!!...I didn't tell Shawn what I
felt...not yet...bc really at that point
I didn't want to think it could be love.
I wasn't looking to fall in love at that
point...I barely slept that night bc all I could
think about was what was happening inside of me...
a zillion thoughts and feelings I couldn't put
names on.The following morning...I went to work
and over lunch break I talked to a co-worker
(friend) about what I was feeling...she just
looked at me... smiled... giggled...and then
said "Girl...You're In Love!!!!!"...
at first Im like.."No Way"...and then almost
instantly every thought and feeling I had been
tossing around in my head the night before
started clicking into place...and I was like...
shes hootin and hollerin to everyone
"Hey Ya'll...Trace is in love!!!"...
and Im just sitting there staring off into
space...still just WOW!!!!!...finally I
smiled...looked at her...and simply said
"Im in love"....
Well..that afternoon I wrestled with the question
of whether or not I should tell Shawn my
discovery...I wanted to share it with him...
but was I guess a little worried about his
reaction...Would he freak out?...Would he be
scared off by it??...What if he wasn't feeling
anything close to the same???.... SOOOOOO...
in the end I decided silence would be best.
Here's the REALLY kewl part....The moment God
Truely Amazingly SMILED down on me....I was on the
mic singing to him.He was typing to me while
he listened to me...and finally he typed in...
I was like..."OMG OMG OMG"....
I didn't know what to say....
too many emotions were flying at once...
WOW...relief that he was feeling it too...
pure excitement....I was smiling..
I was crying...my heart was doing a lil
happy dance.

That was 2 months ago...
and since that time...
The Love has only grown stronger...
more intense.We have our share of ups and
downs....sometimes more downs than ups...
but I honestly believe and know with
everything Im made of that what Shawn
and I share can and will overcome ANYTHING
thrown in our path. Our faith and trust has been
tested over and over... but it still
remains firmly intact.We have a beautiful future
ahead of us...and I vow that I will ALWAYS do
anything and everything I can to ensure it.
Without you...I swear I would be nothing.
Just merely existing.

*I promise you Shawn...
that from here on
(and everyone seeing this site are witnesses)...
Everything I do...Every decision I make...
I'll do with the intent of making us
stronger and keeping us that way...
I will talk to you more about my feelings...
when something bugs me, I'll bring it to your
attention and discuss it rationally.When there's
an approaching hurdle...we'll put our
heads together and work out a plan to get around
it....rather than slamming into it and
struggling to stand back up on our feet.We'll
face things head on TOGETHER....I will do better
in managing my jealousy..(lol...my biggest
downfall)...and I will ALWAYS do my best to let
you know in everyway how much you mean in my
life...how much of a difference you've
made....how much I adore you...how much
I need and want you...and how much I LOVE YOU....
This I Promise You Shawn*