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In Memoriam

This page is in memory Kristine Lynn Sowa-Lacoste
Mother, Wife, Daughter, and Friend
March 15, 1969 - June 8, 2002

Kris was taken from us in June of 2002 after a courageous battle with cancer. She was the most amazing person. Anybody that knew her did nothing but love her to absolute pieces. She made any room light up with her amazing smile and her kindness and genoristy never went unnoticed.

At the young age of only 33, it seem so unfair that God took her from us. She left behind one of my best friends, her husband Scott, and his daugter Ashlyn Cate. When Kris and Ash were together, they were unseperable. It always seemed like Kris was her MOM, not her step-mom. And Ashlyn loved her so very much.

Scott and Kris met about 7 years ago, the same year I met Matt, my boyfriend. They dated for years and then Scott asked Kris to marry him Christmas Eve of 2001. They wed in December of 2002 in a small chruch on a beautiful winter's day in Keene NH. I cried when I saw her come down the aisle... she was breathtaking.

She went through numerous treatments for her cancer in the months to follow and finally succumbed and went on to her next life in Heaven on June 8th. Scott phoned us late that Saturday night and let us know she had passed. I couldn't believe my ears and had to ask him to repeat what he had just said. Matt and I held each other for what seems like an eternity that night. The next months was filled with sadness and never ending questions on why she was taken from this earth. And seeing her things in the house that Scott and her shared still bothers me to this day.

It's gotten a little easier over the past months but we are still in awe that she in no longer here. It seems like she is away on a long trip and will be calling or coming home anyday now. I guess I will have to wait many years to see her again but I am definitely looking foward to the day when we can meet again as we miss her and love her sooo very much!

See below for some photos...

Wedding Day

Here are Kris and Scott on their wedding day, December 10, 2002

Here Comes The Bride

This is one of my favorite shots of Kris on her wedding day...see how her face lights up the room?

Here Comes The Bride