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Review of Fridgeflip for Fridgeplay

A new generation of games has hit our fridges! Yes, you heard me right, Fridgeflip is a game specifically made to be played on a fridge. Fridgeflip was created by Fridgeplay, who are makers of games especially for fridges, Fridgeflip is just one of their many games but it sure is flipping fun! Fridgeflip consists of a

square board, which is magnetic so it sticks to your fridge. On the front of the board lie 64 circles where the black and white magnetic counters are placed.

The objective of the game is to flip your opponent's pieces over to the colour of your piece, which will either be black or white and you do this by flanking them over your pieces. It's simple!

Ever wanted to be unique? Well now you can, all you need is a house, 2 people, a fridge and Fridgeflip! What else could be more fun? Time for tea but don't want to stop because you might forget whose turn it is, well no worries because yourturn square will keep track for you, just stick it on and when you come back you can play, play, play. Why not tell your friends, Free with the game comes a detachable post card, go on get your friends livening up their fridges with this frigetastic game.

Don't have a fridge no worries any magnetic surface will do, there's no excuse to miss out on have a flanking time!

Every game has its floors (even ones played on a fridge), be careful those black and white counters can go wondering, so keep track of them! Use the box, which happens to look just like the game board! This box has great design to attract all. It's a great present too.

So what you waiting for, you're missing out on some 'fine Fridgeplay flipping fun!'


review of fridge star

fridgestar comes in a slim square envelope with a glossy feel to it. theres a star shaped design on the front based on the game and graphic info about the game on the back. it really makes u wanna rip it open and see wots inside.

wot u get is a game board which is about the size of a mousemat chopped up so its square plus the game pieces which u press out of a square made of the same magnetic material.

the reason everything is magnetic is coz fridgestar is designed to go on a fridge!

the game is a version of chinese checkers which is like draughts wiv a star shaped board. wot u do is start wiv 6 pieces on a point of the star and hav to move them across the board to the other side. u can jump over other pieces but not take them and the first one wiv all 6 pieces on the other side wins.

u can play the game wiv 2-6 players but the best number is 4. the reason is the game gets interestin when theres loads of pieces in the centre of the board and u can find ways to jump over them to get across. wiv 6 players it gets complicated rememberin who goes next and fittin ppl in front of the fridge.

the game board and pieces stick on well and it looks gd on the fridge. some ppl say the pieces are diff to use coz they are v.small but i think theyre ok. wot i dont like is the color of some of the playin pieces, in particular the pink ones.

fridgeplay make a whole range of games includin fridgeflip which TK is reviewin. havin a game on a fridge is a gr8 idea and fridgestar looks gd on the fridge apart from some of the colors and is gr8 to play wiv the right number of ppl and as long as someone isnt tryin to get in the fridge all the time.

the package looks gd 2 and coz of that i also think it makes a gr8 present

by James