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Hi, my name is AJ, my birthday is the 05/01/1985 so you can work out the maths of how old I am and I welcome you to my web site.

I have made this page to show off some of my skills and also because I need models for my line of work.


You see, I’m a student learning and doing photography and in need for models for my portfolio.  So if you like what you see and interested with the idea of becoming a model then please E-mail me @:


To show you what I mean about the modelling here’s a few photo I have taken of my friend:



This is Dwyane, one my best mates that offered to help me by being a model. Dwyane is the only one who has been willing to do this for me and though he is great at modelling I’m afraid I’m running out of ideas for him, this is why I am looking for new people to help me out.


If you live in South East London and interested in being a model then please contact me by E-mail which is given above, just give a few detail about yourself and if you have any photos of yourself then please send that as well it will help me decide on who to choose, please state your name, age and E-mail address and I’ll try to get back to you ASAP (As Soon As Possible).




The above picture is me, Dwyane (the model above my picture) suggested that I have my photo taken so that

 People know who is taken the photos.


My Art

As well as photography I also like to mess around on my computer designing and creating

my own posters and pictures, so I thought “why not add some of these to my site”, so I have.



  All these pictures I had design on days, which I got bored, or days that I was bloody bored, lol, but really I enjoyed designing them.

When ever I have an idea I always write it down or draw a sketch of my idea, it don’t matter if it’s for my photography or my computer art, I always get my ideas down.

  I would like to know what you think of my work, so please E-mail me and let me know what you think.

  Thanks for visiting my site I hope you enjoyed it and if you didn’t I am very sorry to here that, if you any suggestions on what I can do to improve my site the let me know and I get back to you.




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