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Lumbee Land Cuz...

My Beautiful Stephanie

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R.I.P. Aunt Addie Maye (April 07, 2003), we will always remember you

My name is Brandon, I am 18. I am outta school thank GOD! I love to play guitar, volleyball, lacrosse,and just hang out with my friends which are as follows:

Girls: Ashley J. (your nuts) , Robyn C. (I still say you took that pic), STEPHANIE (I didn't forget you!!!), Ashley A. (I am glad that we've settled our differnces), Nora, Sam, Jessica, Mindy, Camie, Alex, Christine, Sarah, Samantha, Kayleigh (your pretty crazy),Amanda, Chandler, Shannon........ect I could go forever

My Boys: Now to my bros. Caleb, Ryan, Chris, Sam, Big Sam, John S., Kyle, Richard, John J, Rex, Brian, Justin, Eric, Richard, Chris M., Jessie,AGAIN I could go forever

Let me know if I missed you....thats bout all of that....

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