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Extreme For The Hardy Boys

Hey Wassup people? This website has just been started as of....umm...October 30th, 2002, so that is why it absolutely SUCKS! LOL. It'll get better soon, I promise.

Eventually I want to have Hardy Boyz fanfiction on here, (mostly about Jeff), and some crazy ass sexy pics as well...(Once again, mostly of Jeff).

In case it is sooo not noticable by now, Jeff is my personal favorite of the two.

While you are here, be sure to check out my Color Blind Buttons

Don't Diss Wrestling

Wanna read about Jeff? Then Click HERE

Heh, Jeffie has Devil Eyes here...

Man, them DIVAS went stealing my styles!

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Don't forget to check out these awesome websites! - a great place for fanfic of any kind!
Good wrestling site, check out the comedy section!
A great site about the Hardyz...It's got everything!
Great place for wrestling can even search by wrestler!
The OFFICIAL Lord Of The Rings website
Want WWE stationary for your email? Then check this out!
The best site out there for fans of Orlando Bloom!
Jeff Hardy's Band, Peroxwhygen!
Another good Hardy Boyz Website!
The BEST place for your wrestling news!
