width="144" height="60" autostart="true" loop="infinite"> I  Love  You  Guys  All  Sooooo  Much  !!! 
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Go Canada.

Come And Check It Out!!

Hey ppl...Here's my shitty web page..lol...i gotta keep working on it so it wont b as bad some day...lol..but this is how it is right now so enjoy!later!

My Best Friend Paty!

My friends!!

Guys Are Wutever Friends Are Forever When Worst Comes To Worst My Gurlies Come First!!! My guys too..lol...sorry guys =p

A PiC Of Me!!Pretty Bad Tho..LoL

Comming soon!!

Thank Yous!!

~*PaTy*~:Hey hun i just wanted to say thanx for always being there and u know ill b there for u ne time ne where when ever u need me...i hope everthing goes great with your life if u have ne problemes just tell me u know ill make everything better..hehe..i already miss u sooo much this aint fair!nnnnnnnn e ways..love ya lots hunny!!

~*DaN*~Hey sweetie!! How are you??I hope everything is going great!Well i just want to say that ive been really happy since ive met u..your the sweetest guy in the world and your such a CUTIE..hehe...love ya lots hun!

~*Mike*~Hey you....well i hope u still rember me when u move..il b think of u..lol..ya well now i hate ur bro too,u made me feel better when u told me u hated him too,tee hee....ne ways later!

~*Emily*~Hey SIS..lol...i just want u to know that im always thinking of u hun! if u ever need ne thing im just a phone call away..lol....rember you were my first friend..lol...ill never forget u!!!! u better not forget me!!i love you with all my heart and no one will ever take your place!YAY i moved back home!!PARTY!!

~*Chris Zaggar*~Hey big guy!wuzzzup!!lol...well i hope everything in your lil world is going great i know i always have fun hanging out with u and mike...lol... remember Greg The Bunny...lol...that was cute...ne ways see ya later

~*Tyson*~Hey Ty i just want u to know that i appriciat everything uve done for me...your the best guy friend a girl could ask for! i meen it..Now that i moved back mabey we can hang out more!...treat all of your gfs right boy...even if i already know u do!!..lol...bye hun!

~*Manny & Neil*~Hi guys..i dont really know u guys that nuch but i do know that u guys are sweethearts....i think u guys are cool and look like u always have fun..i cant wait to c u guys someday!!

~*Joel*~:Hey sweety...how are yah?? I just want u to know that ur the best guy ever..and the tallest i know...lol....but ne ways babe i just want u to know that i cant and wont forget a great guy like you...your one of a kind bud....p.s Black..lmao!

~*Lauren*~Hey Sweetie.....lol..i rember the first time u saw snow it was great i helped u make your first snow man....:)your the cutest friend n e could ask for..lol..i hope high school is going great....i know i couldnt ask for a better friend then u...you ve always been good to me!thanx Laur!!

~*David*~Hey Firlotte....wuts up cutie,well i just want to say that i know u like my toungue.....LMAO!!!N e ways hun i hope to c yah soon and we can get a chance to hang out,mabey have some fun....ahahahhahaha...... =P!!!..Later babe!P.S u know im always gonna b tougher then u!!!lol

~*Tamara*~:Hey gurl....wuts going on?? well humm wut can i say?? lol....well ur probally the only girl i know that smiles ALOT and laughs too!! heheh but thats wuts great aboutcha...i hope everything is going great....ne ways ttyl buh bye!=)

~*Bryan*~:Hey sweety....how are yah!! i hoe everything is going great..well i just want to say that your probally the funnest guy friend i have!!lol...your the best wut can i say =p....hehe ne ways sweety next time i go back home to the soo we should chill out somemore....lol...remember how in lil skool we never hanged out..lol...well i guess since ive mooved we've been closer eh??lol....n e ways hun im here for yah if u ever need ne thing!!Luv yah lots!!-XoX0-

~*Mike.G.*~:Hey Hun....wuts up?? just wanted to let ya no that i thnk ur a sweety and well ur a cutie :P.....uhh cant find someone better then u...hehe...ne ways i hope everything in your life gose great....keep on smiling dude!

~*Leif*~:Hey Sweety.....Hows everything going?? i just wanna letcha no that i still love ya! =p....hehe but i guess it just wasnt ment to b u know..and well i think were doing better just being friends....lol..i think we talk more that way....lol....but yah rember that ill never forget u....i had some fun times....Hope u have fun in love life also in just plain life....lol...bye sweet heart..ttyl

A LiL AbOuT Me

Hey wuts going on???lol....Well im a girl that loves to hang out with her friends..lol....im always there for them if they have ne problemes and well we love to b crazy!! hehe.....I love playing sports and well im usally in a happy person...lol....uhh if u wanna know more well pff ask ..lol,,,o yah and im a tough....LMAO!!!!!!!Later!!

My BrOs.....there is missing the oldest tho

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