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..:: Taz - Beat Me If You Can...........Survive If I let You! ::..

Draagold stopped speaking when smoke started pouring out of the stage and a logo pulsed on the screen as a heart beat begun. Music then cut in as a shape appeared beneath the Titan Tron.

The crowd were in mixed reactions as most knew who was coming but knowing you it was, they could never tell what would happen because as they expected, from under the Tron appeared the most unpredictable man in pro wrestling, The One Man Crime Spree, The Human Suplex Machine.....Taz!!!!!!!!

He headed to the ring with the black towel on his head and climbed up the step and looked Draagold in the eye. He stared him down then pulled the microphone from his hands as Draagold shook his head. Taz looked around at the fans then lifted the mic to his mouth.

"Okay, okay, shut up I wanna talk. Draagold....boss? What do I think? What I think is that the Saturday before Deceit, a huge problem was born because in his last day as acting owner, an old friend of mine, 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas signed me to a fat new contract. And because we are good friends a lot of things were put in that contract that may not have been put in others and frankly, I'm gonna abuse that to my advantage until I drive your ass out of BSE. I don't care how much the people want Draagold, you're a useless piece of crap and I don't give a damn about you and that's all that counts. Now Draagold you can bring your 10, 000 little buddies, The Untouchables for all I care because anyone that gets in my way will be JUST ANOTHER VICTIM OF THE TAZMISSION!! I haven't got much else to say to you're pathetic cruiserweight ass out here than that because I shouldn't have to lower myself to conversing with scum, so Draagold, take back this microphone that you apparently now own and I'll return backstage until you put me in a match of enough calibre that I bother to bring myself to the ring and win. If you book me in matches that I don't want to wrestle, I ain't gonna wrestle them. It was all in the contract...Drag. Go read. But remember, whoever you do book me in a match with, all I can say is, BEAT ME IF YOU CAN..............SURVIVE IF I LET YOU!!!!!!!!!"

Taz returns backstage leaving Draagold angry at the arrogance of the debutant.