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Webmaster: Christina
Opened: May 24, 2003
Layout: Version 1.3 featuring Britney Spears
Layout Credit: credit...


Hi I am Christina, your webmaster, and this is my site, Tangy Graphics. The reason I made this site is so I could have somewhere where I could display my graphics and so I could have a place to express myself. All the graphics on this site are completely free as long as you link me! I hope you enjoy your stay as well as my graphics. Dont be shy and write me a message in my guestbook!


1. If you use any graphics you must link back to here!
2. You may not give away my graphics on your site
3. Don't claim my graphics as your own
4. No direct linking!!
5. This isn't a rule just a request; please sign my guestbook and tell me what graphic you are using so I know who is taking my graphics!


All material on Tangy Graphics, are 100% © to me, Christina. All rights reserved. If you use any of these graphics you must link back. All pictures I used on my site I found and thought they were free. If you want credit for any of them, then let me know. All PSDs are credited on the credit page.

-Link Me

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If you want to be an affiliate email me here

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Here are a few fanlistings that I have joined of my favorite singers, actors, movies ect..!





TV Shows
