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Webmaster: Christina
Opened: May 24, 2003
Layout: Version 1.3 featuring Britney Spears
Layout Credit: credit...


Hi I am Christina, your webmaster, and this is my site, Tangy Graphics. The reason I made this site is so I could have somewhere where I could display my graphics and so I could have a place to express myself. All the graphics on this site are completely free as long as you link me! I hope you enjoy your stay as well as my graphics. Dont be shy and write me a message in my guestbook!


1. If you use any graphics you must link back to here!
2. You may not give away my graphics on your site
3. Don't claim my graphics as your own
4. No direct linking!!
5. This isn't a rule just a request; please sign my guestbook and tell me what graphic you are using so I know who is taking my graphics!


All material on Tangy Graphics, are 100% © to me, Christina. All rights reserved. If you use any of these graphics you must link back. All pictures I used on my site I found and thought they were free. If you want credit for any of them, then let me know. All PSDs are credited on the credit page.

-Link Me

Please link back to



If you want to be an affiliate email me here

me you site internet guestbook clear


Hey everyone, just one this to say. I just made a wish list from Hot Topic. I will make a separate page for it but right now I don't have time. If you want to get me something then go ahead (hehe)only one thing is over $20 and then the most of it is $10 and under. So go check it out!

Hey everyone, I added two new blends (Justin Timberlake) and I won another award from a blend challenge, so that is cool. I won't be able to update for awhile cause I am in Houston visiting family! Later!

New layout, yes again. I am sorry I am just really into making layouts now that I know how. But this one is going to be up for awhile, atleast 3 weeks. I know I have been lacking on the layouts but I have been really really busy. I might update again sometime this week but then I am going to Houston for God knows how long and then when I get back I am going to camp. So things should start picking up sometime after all of that! But I did add 6 new fanlistings that I joined!

First off, I changed the layout, I made everything myself (graphic, html, everything!) It features, obviously (sp?), Shane West! I also updated my blog, added 4 new blends (I also re-did that whole page), and I added another link to No Name go check that out. And please if you are going to use any of my graphics sign the guestbook. Also, when you guys start requesting Buddy Icons and Blinkies the more often those pages will be updated! One more thing I just realized that the link the guestbook wasn't working, so I fixed those links!

This is just a little update. I changed the email addy for affiliates and links, because I forgot to change them yesterday, so they should all be working now! I added another link me button. And I added one link to Miranda's site (Xtreme) which yall all need to go check out cause her site is awesome and she is a really cool person. I also changed up the whole look of the guestbook so yall go check that out and while yall are over there sign it!

Ok sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I just don't like to update the site when I only have one thing to add. I like to wait til I have a bunch of this, so here we go. I uploaded two new blends (Goodluck bear and pink). I added a new section call "Blend Awards" and I put an award I received in there. I updated my blog and I added a new quiz that I took. I also changed my sn so if you were trying to request and it didn't go through that is why. But I changed all the links and everything so yall can start sending stuff to my new addy ( I also added a new link to the link section (Briana's site) so yall go check it out. I also added a counter and an online user counter to the site. I have a new link me button but I will add that next time and I am hoping to add more sections soon! Well that is it, so yall go look around and sign the guestbook

Hey sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I am getting lazy lol. Well as you can see I have changed the layout. I got this lovely layout from Lissy Designs, go check her out. I added 6 new fanlistings. I have two blends to add and I am about to go update the blog. Go sign the guestbook!

If you haven't noticed I have really changed up the site. I moved the Blog to a different part of he site. Click me and then you should see it. I moved the fanlistings under the www part of the site. And I re-organized a lot of the things. I think it looks a lot neater. I am going to start making AIM Icons and blinkies (when I get time). So if you want to request some go under extra! I joined 6 more fanlistings and I added 2 blends.