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Basic Characters:

Heihachi Mishima

The lord of the first Iron Fist tournament fell from his throne when his son,Kazuya,defeated him to claim the entire Mishima empire.Heihachi retreated into the mountains to begin a rigorous training regime.Accompanying Heihachi was a huge bear known as Kuma.During this period,Heihachi honed his skills and harnessed the powers of thunderstorms.The pure air and mists in the mountains affected Heihachi's thought patterns and upon hearing of the second tournament,he uses ancient weaving techniques and electricity to sculpt his hair into points,and bounded down the hills to prepare to engage both new and old faces in a quest for his lost fortune. When he wins,he aims to create a wonderous new empire based on peaceful coexistance.This is after he has killed his son!

Paul Phoenix

The red blooded Judo star performed well in the first Rave War and although he was the only competitor insane enough to challenge a fully grown bear and win,he was defeated by Kazuya in a furious battle that lasted for hours.Shaking his head in disbelief,Paul left the Mishima estate and returned to New York.

He found work in the south Bronx as a bouncer,his ego and arrogance led him into numerous confrontations with unsavoury characters;all of whom came off second best to his Judo techniques.After months of punishing streetfighting,throughout the USA,Paul emerges ready for the second Iron Fist tournament with overwhelming confidence believing himself to be the strongest fighter in the world.This time,the tournament belongs to Paul Phoenix!

Nina Williams

Nina fled from her native Ireland after numerous disputes with her sister,Anna Williams.She travelled the world,honing the combat skills taught by her father,Richard Williams,while offering herself as a beautiful but deadly assassin to the highest bidder. An unknown organisation has paid her well to execute Kazuya.She accepts the mission immediately after learning her sister has become involved with the new leader of the Mishima conglomerate.Despite her father's pleadings on his death bed,Nina still hates her sister with a venegence.There will be no reconcilliation as both women have old scores to settle.Now the worlds deadliest assassin is gearing up for a sister-on-sister showdown.

Marshall Law

After his performance in the first tournament,Law managed to acquire enough money to construct his own dojo with the help of Paul Phoenix,while still finding time to cook in a local restaurant.Upon returning from the restaurant one evening,he discovered that his entire centre had been razed to the ground.All of his students had been beaten severely.Many were viciously hospitalised.Cupping the head of his prized pupil Yaz,he asked the name of the fighter responsible for this outrage.Through a mouthfull of blood,Yaz answered,"Baek".Laws anger was terrible,and he single handedly rebuilt his dojo before commencing a hyper intensive training programme. He hears of the second Rave War and vows to honour the reputation of his dojo by facing and defeating the Korean Killing Hawk before turning his attention to the real leader of the attack,Kazuya.This is a matter of personal honour!


After the last tournament,King returned depressed and despondant having been thourougly beaten by his great rival,Armor King.Although he recieved some payment,this was not enough to start the orphanage he had promised the children of his homeland.He sank to his knees in anguish,too ashamed to return home to the ones he loved so much.He threw down his mask and travelled to Mexico city where he lived in the gutter,searching for rotten food in the dark,brooding alleyways. He soon aquired a taste for alcohol and began to drink heavily.On the verge of a breakdown,a figure appeared before him and tossed King's old leopard at his feet.It was Armor King,his rival and former friend,who produced a piece of paper detailing a new Rave War.King staggered to his feet and gazed in amazement.The children!He could ragain the money for the children!!!


A refit of the original Jack,Jack-2 was on test in a battlefield situation when he stumbled upon a child.Jack-2 and his contingent of droids were being tested for their response to chemical weapons when he halted his troops and rescued the child.He fled the restricted zone.The thought of the child's life that he almost destroyed was stored in his on-board memory. He fought his way to the Akihabara pursued by the Soviet military,anxious that the secrets in Jack-2's programming are erased so as not to fall into the wrong hands.Via his satellite link-up hardware,Jack-2 became aware that his creator,Dr Bosconovich,has been kidnapped.He sets about a rescue attempt,ploughing through all competitors and stopping at nothing till the doctor has been located.Should he rescue Bosconovich,Jack-2 shall ask the doctor to implant memory chips enabling him to feel human reason and emotion.

Michelle chang

Michelle Chang's upbringing in her Native American reservation was influenced by an old Chinese gentleman who taught her the art of Kempo.Michelle's parents were deeply spiritual people,and she learned knowledge from both her Native American father and her Chinese mother. By puberty,her father had divulged knowledge of his tribe's ancient treasure,but despite playful pleading,he never revealed the exact location until her 18th birthday,when he presented her with a priceless pendant engraved with the treasures whereabouts. Soon afterwoods,Heihachi's men kidnapped her father,Bernard Chang,and tortured him to death in a quest for answers.With Kazuya at the head of the Zaibatsu,a new terror seeks this elusive tribal treasure.This time,Kazuya's men kidnap Michelle's mother,hoping she will reveal the location.Desperate to rescue her,Michelle enters the tournament for the second time.


Leader of the Manji/Swastika clan of ninja bandits from a remote mountain region,Yoshimitsu is reputed to have clawed his way out of the bowels of the earth to lead the posse of outlaws from obscurity.The ninjas swoop down from their hideout to rob and pillage,distributing their gains amongst the poor villagers. After dismissing a female assassin(Kunimitsu) from his ranks,for stealing,Yoshimitsu plans a more difficult mission;attempting to infiltrate the Soviet laboratory of Dr Bosconovcich to steal the infinite energy engine that Jack-2 is powered by. Unfortunately,his team was spotted and,during their retreat,military lasers lasers severed Yoshimitsu's left arm.The mission proved to be a partial sucess as the scientist accompanied the group out of the Akihabara.To relay his gratitude,Bosconovich fitted Yoshimitsu with a cybernetic arm.It was when Kazuya's men kidnapped the doctor that Yoshimitsu flew into a rage,and entered the second tournament to free his venerable scientist.

Lei Wu-long

During his time as one of the most respected Hong Kong police detectives,officer Lei Wulong has developed his own style of Kempo,and uses this to his advantage when facing the many criminals he within his home metropolis. A number of killings lead to the investigation of Kazuya Mishima who was linked with several Triad and Mafia transactions across the globe.Lei's partner was dispatced to investigate ,but his ocver was blown on the flight to Kazuya's hideout and a hired thug,Bruce Irvin,executed the unlucky police officer.Lei flew into a blind rage,vowing to track down the centre of Kazuya's operations and secretly planned to avenge his partners death.To further his enquiry,he enters the second Rave War!

Jun Kazama

Jun is a master in Aiki - jujitsu. She is a WWWC top field operative. She works undercover for this organisation that works mainly to expose illegal animal exporters. She is known as "the pretty flower". A nature maiden, she grew up in the wilds of Yakushima (a remote Japanese region). She was taught of the spirits and the flow and energy of nature. She became " The chosen one" by her relatives prior to moving to Tokyo. However, it didn't take long for her to divert her attentions to the hectic city life. She soon forgot about her childhood teachings. However, one day the ghost of her dead father appeared to Jun and convinced her to go back to her natural origins. Since this encounter, she learns of Kazuya's evil animal trade. She also learns of the darkness within his spirit. She vows to stop his illegal animal trade and exorcise the demons that inhabit his soul!

Secret charcters:

Wang Jinrey

Wang was a companion of Jinpachi Mishima;Heihachi's father.Wang watched Heihachi and Kazuya with great interest as they grew and chose thier respective paths of life. Wang remained generous and kind whilst living as a recluse in the Mishima gardens. Now,Wang tends to the huge number of vegetables in the gardens,finding time to hone his awesome(and highly individual)martial arts skill.Every morning at the crack of dawn,he can be seen strolling down the mountains gazing at the clouds.His lithe athletiscism, despite his age, has meant that his inner chi strength is channelled with great purity of spirit,despite his frail bones. His reason for entering the second tournament is to carry out the final wishes of the long-dead Jinpachi.During his life,Jinpachi watched with grief as Heihachi and Kazuya followed the path of evil. He instructed his faithful friend to eliminate both of them when the time was right.Wang theorises that the best way to fulfill this plea is to face all challengers giving way to those adept enough to defeat Kazuya and dispatches those unworthy of his attention.Heihachi will stare into the face of destiny at another time!

Kazuya Mishima

After defeating his father,Heihachi Mishima,and throwing his lifeless body from a cliff (as Heihachi did to his son previously)Kazuya appointed himself the new head of the Mishima Zaibatsu. After 2 years had passed,Kazuya organised the second King of Iron Fist Tournament.There was also a rumour that Kazuya had made a pact with the Devil.This turned out to be true.Kazuya did this to gain the power he needed to save his own life and to destroy his father forever!

Anna Williams

Anna Williams is the sister of Nina.Although they have a lot of similar interests,they hate each other with a venegence.Where Anna differs from Nina is that she hates her father also and left home vowing to meet her sister again in a combat arena. Currently on holiday in India,Anna hears of Kazuya's rise to prominence and travels to his estate.Once there,she presents herself and is granted a position immediatly in the tournament. After placing a car bomb underneath Nina's car,Anna was diving for cover under fire from Nina's machine gun and it's bulletts.Now both sisters have entered the tournament,Kazuya seems eager to pit sister against sister and view the outcome.Anna cannot wait to hear her sister scream as her bones break.Such a sweet sound!

Bruce Irvin

In the kick-boxing circle,Bruce has carved a niche for himself.He became the undisputed heavy-weight champion 5 years before the 2nd Iron Fist tournament.His ferocity and uncompromising technique dominated all the competition.It is thought that the reason for his temper and nature is due to the fact that at an early age,Bruce's parents and brother were killed,which left him on the streets having to fight on a daily basis just to survive. He learnt to inflict great pain on his victims.He accumulated a small amount of money competing in pit fights and brawls.He lives for the fight! He entered a Muai Thai tournament in Thailand where he was paid to rig a fight and lose.Bruce decided otherwise and beat his opponent to death.The bookie of the Muai Thai gym,enraged at his loss of revenue, sent a hired killer after Bruce.He fled the country by plane only to meet a Hong Kong detective and the hired killer.Within minutes,the 3 confronted each other.It developed into a full blown battle which caused the plane to crash.The detective (Lei's partner) and the killer were killed on impact but Bruce was thrown free. Wandering in a remote region,Kazuya's men picked him up and he was given a new job as Kazuya's combat champion!


Kunimitsu is known as "The Cat Devil".She was a former member of the Swastika posse of ninja bandits lead by Yoshimitsu.She lost her Japanese identity when she joined the group to maintain her annonimity.Upon joining,she was taught the skills of the stealth knife at the Swastika ninja schools of "Jujutau". She stayed with the group for a few months,until a series of petty thefts from the bands funds led to her dismissal.At a loose end,she decided to train as a mechanic mending air conditioners. She entered the first Iron Fist tournament with the intent on stealing a native American treasure from a young brave(Michelle Chang).Kunimitsu was easily defeated.Feeling humiliated,she saught solace with her grandfather.He was a swordsmith with a reputation.He informed Kunimistu that the sword used by Yoshimitsu (also called Yoshimitsu),was a relic of unimaginable value.She learnt that it was handed down through the Swastika band and it had the power to sever an enemy both spiritually and mentallly.The sword exchanges hands when a new leader is elected.The old leader is ritually sacrificed and the swords power is transferred to it's new owner.Kunimitsu's grandfather has spent his entire existance trying to forge a copy of the sword.

P. Jack

After the first Rave War,the remains of the first prototype Jack unit (a first stage model of the final Jack model) was almost destroyed by Jack's rampaging combat abilities.Upon reactivation,P Jack complained that his alter-ego had received a refit,and repeated his plea til his fuel ran out.Now resting in Kazuya's laboratory,P Jack was left for months before a back up fuel supply reactivated him,and once again he began his constant pleas for a new look.To quieten him,Kazuya gave his captured scientist (Dr Bosconovitch) the task of remodelling the robot.With a cunning memory change,the doctor managed to convince P Jack that his new body afforded him superior protection to Jack's,despite it being only a hat and sunglasses. Kazuya is currently goading P Jack into a rage,claiming that the robot isn't strong enough to defeat Jack-2.This has lead P Jack to demand more programmed manouevers in time for the second tournament.Having repeated his fighting moves over an over (to such an extent that the doctor dis-connectedP P Jack's voice box),P Jack now feels his next encounter with Jack will have a much different conclusion!


Kuma was once an abandened pup in the forests of the Mishima estate.Heihachi found Kuma and took him in as his pet.When Kuma reached adulthood,Heihachi built him an outhouse to cater for his impressively large frame.Heihachi taught the bear simple commands and hand signals which Kuma picked up at alarming speed.Kuma was even taught rudimental Japanese! After 2 years,Heihachi realised the power contained in Kuma and so taught him in the arts of Kuma Shinken.None of Heihachi's associates could understand why Kuma was so intelligent which lead to a lot of them fleeing the estate in fear of the bear's intellect.This was further reinforced by Kuma's penchant for the taste of human flesh! Despite Kuma's unflinching loyalty to his master,Kuma liked to leave the side of Heihachi to sleep,even during the summer.This lazy approach has meant that his fighting style has never really matured and is very disjointed.This was demonstrated in the first tournament where Kuma was easily defeated by Paul Phoenix.Kuma was mightily impressed with Paul's fighting prowess as he thought that the only strong human was Heihachi.Heihachi too was defeated and so the pair retreated into a mountain dojo to re-train. Kuma travelled to the second tournament with his master vowing to this time destroy Paul Phoenix.If anyone gets in his way,he will eat them!!!


Ganryu is a sumo wrestler of great merit.He is also the youngest fighter ever to gain the,"Ozeki".Once this title was gained,many who watched the sport (including a certain bandit leader,Yoshimitsu) thought Ganryu would reap the rewards and challenge fot the title of "Yokozuna"; a title he was more than capable of winning,but his immoral style (such as starting bouts with fire breathing and a fanfare whilst taunting his opponents,and also a bad gambling habit) lead to a dishonourable discharge and gave Ganryu the chance to join the crime world. This path of life lead Ganryu into pursuing one overriding purpose; to become the world's strongest man in a move that he feels is just and honourable.This of course lead to his arrival into the first tournamnet where he was defeated by a one time fan,Yoshimitsu.Noticing his skill,Kazuya hired the sumo once he retook the Mishima estate.,paying him more than enough to feed his gambling addiction. Ganryu is participating in the 2nd tournamnet as Kazuya's bodyguard but also for another reason; so that he may express his love for a Native American girl called Michelle Chang whom he fell in love with after seeing her movements and physique!

Baek Doo San

Baek's father was one of the foremost experts of Tae Kwon Do.During his childhood,he learnt the ways of this martial art and won many tournaments until an injury forced him to quit the sport.This lead Baeks family into terrible poverty and angered Baek.This rage towards his families dissention caused Baek to kill his father after a furious arguement.Grieving and full of remorse,Baek was taken into police custody where he spent most of his childhood.During this time,his Tae Kwon Do skills became legendary as he became totally focussed on his fighting prowess; wishing to honour his father. .After 3 years,he fled the police home and took to the streets becoming a pit fighter of great strength and a firm audience favourite; striking his opponents again and again to see them reduced to a bloodied mess.Tracked by a secret organisation aware of his past,Baek was coaxed into the assassination of the owner of a property wanted by the group; a certain Marshall Law.Baek was only partly sucessful and enters the second tournament to finish his task and destroy Law!

Armor King

Armor King travels from one wrestling ring to another searching for a worthy challenger.Long ago he found this in a Mexican village priest called James King.They became bitter rivals for many years. Armor King watched with interest at the 1st tournament as King's attempt to win the tournament (and the much needed cash prize),ended in failure.As King chose the path of the drunkard,Armor King saw a total change in his old rival as King no longer entered any wrestling tournamnets and disappeared for long periods of time.Armor King became worried for his friend/rival and intervened just in time as King was at the edge of a breakdown.He found King sitting in an alleyway totally drunk and pitiful.He threw Kings leopard mask at his feet and told King of the 2nd Iron Fist tournament. He made King see that if he were to enter the 2nd tournament,there was still a chance he could bulid the proposed orphanage for the children.With this,King came to his senses and began a furious training regime.Although Armor King was Kings friend and rival,Armor King looked forward to punishing King; and with King now entering the 2nd tournament,Armor King could defeat him once and for all!