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\m/ Odin's Hate \m/

This page is exclusively for bashing "sell-outs", "preps" or "yo's". In the words of the great Iced Earth, "FUCK POSERS". I am not putting myself in a godly position, but I despise little kids telling me they listen to descent death metal and then telling me their favorite band is "Slipcock", that is a disgrace to the Metal Scene anywhere. I also despise what I call "yo's", just for the special reason that rap music has no talent or skill, it is just a bunch of people rhyming to a lazy computer or scratched beat. "Preps" are just despisable to anyone who is not a "prep", just because they have money does not mean they are better than anyone, I think they should all rot, I do not get how you can be so self indulgent as they are. I would like to thank all "metalheads" for keeping the Metal Scene alive, wether it is in Norway or in Peru, Metal lives. Now when I type Metal it does not mean Ozzy or Pantera, I mean even better Metal than that, like Vehemence or Kreator, if you like Metal you know what I mean. Now something that really pisses me off is these sell-outs out there, for Example: METALLICA...the biggest sell-outs in the history of Thrash, they went from underground Thrash scene to mainstream Shit-core scene. I think it is pathetic the change they came up with. I would like to also say thanks to "Metalheads" for keeping the scene alive in places like the U.S.A., because if it was not for us North American Metalheads the US would be lost in shit-core.\m/ KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS \m/ please for the sake of the best of us. Oh I forgot to mention Slayer, another huge sell-out band, heh they were ok butnow they are Slipcock with Tom Araya on the vocals, now that is horrible. And what is the deal with these satanists wannabes, like Brian Warner (Marylin Manson), he only wishes he was THE antichrist, he might be an antichrist many people are, but THE antichrist...I doubt it, well if he really is then I give him props for being himself. I would love to meet Charlee Manson, that dude was a master mind, he really knew how to persuade people to brutally slaughter innocent by-standers, do not take me wrong, I am not a mass murderer...or so I think. I believe that you should not change your image or music genre just for a crowd, you will always have your loyal fans and many more will come, the image changing for popularity only makes your music weaker and weaker the bigger you get the more ego you build up so you say to yourself "why play good music if anything i make will satisfy them" and I know it will happen. Your probably saying to yourself, "This guy is pathetic..." and so on and so forth, but think about it, so many people look for fame and always have a huge ego, even if their the nicest person in the world before that their ego builds up, like I said, and blows up to make a horrible selfish person who only believes in making money and spanking bitches(I added that).
