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Crew 3
Crew 1 Crew 2 Crew 4 College 1

~Leigh, Mike, Bryan, Mo Mo, Mario, Rocco, Chris... and of course Brad who brought out his drunk face~
~Brad & Brianne.... aw how cute!~
~Brad, with the humping dog, ha ha~

~Brad in a tree.... "The plane, the plane"~
~Brianne, taking a sip of...~
~Brianne on SUPER MARIO~

~Brian, lol~
~Bryan, with the ever popular dustbuster~

~Chris and Melissa~
~Chris sleeping.... and probobly snoring~
~George and Melissa~

~Me & Brianne... HHIIIII!!!!!~

~Jessica, blowing balls as usual.... ha ha~
~Jessica, getting sucked~
~Jess with/on top of.... Melissa & Brianne~

~Leigh picking up Liz~
~Melissa's poking Chris with her teeny weeny~
~Melissa on George, shocker isn't it?~

~Melissa singing, Call her vocal coach!~
~Melissa with Mario~
~Me & Liz~

~Jessica, Melissa, Brianne, & Me~
~Yea I don't know what is going on here, but Melissa is on her knees~
Crew 1 Crew 2 Crew 4 College 1