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Streb's Page

  Welcome to my Web page. My name is Andrew. Please look around and Enjoy your stay, sorry if everything is not complete, I don't have time to complete it all.  I have a big trip comeing up.
Make sure you check out the Pictures page you can see what I look like.
Look up the About Me! page to find out some of my interests and things.
This is a page devoted to my mission I served. I will begin soon to add pictures and other stuff to it. "My MBM" So come back in a bit and see what is new.
The Download page will remain down for awhile.
Check out my Links Page, I will try to finish that up soon. get some cool links on there.
  May 27th, 2003

  I know, The Green Frames don't look good, but everyone has to start somewhere, perhaps I will change it later.

  July 22nd, 2003

  I have added a lot of new things since May. so please look around and enjoy. The download page will not be updated till I get back. I am hoping to have someone update this site while I am away.  I am trying to come up with something new, so please check back soon to see updates.

  July 24th, 2003

  I have my "BMM" page up- Baltimore Maryland Mission.  Its up and running...I will be gone starting the 10th of August.  But I will try and find someone to update the site for me.

July 28th, 2003

  As you can see, I have found a new design and a theme, I like it, I hope you will like it too.


August 10, 2003

 Well I am going to be gone for 2 yrs for my mission for the LDS church. I will have someone update this site for me and you people to view what i am currently up to.  So for now, Good bye all!