Chapter 9

When Kris and Fi arrived at the club, the place was hopping. Fiona helped her carry the new dress into the club and was teasing her about dressing up just for the owner. Fi was new to the club too and had never met this mysterious ‘brother’ of John’s. All she knew was that he was supposed to be really sweet and extremely handsome, so the girls had gone shopping shortly after John’s phone call and both of them had bought new clothes.

Shopping seemed to have helped relax Kris and soften her mood. She had told Fiona while they were out shopping that something John had said the night before had made her remember the guy that she had fallen in love with but walked out on. Fiona knew most of her past, as sad as it was, but she couldn’t help but think there was something important she was leaving out. She hadn’t wanted to push her though because she knew that Kris had a hard enough time confiding in her about what her ex did to her and what it had cost her.

After shopping they had dinner together and then went to the tanning bed to relax. Most people think it is stupid to go to the tanning bed when you live in Florida but it’s something Kris and Fi agree on. The tanning bed is wonderful for relaxing and escaping life’s problems for a little while. After leaving the tanning bed, Kris freaked out because the scar on her neck was noticeable and she didn’t want anyone asking questions. Fiona quickly fixed that problem with a little make-up and Kris in return fixed Fi’s hair really cute. After applying the makeup and putting on her favorite piece of jewelry (the choker ‘D’ had bought for her), you couldn’t even see the scar and she was relieved.

"Are you going to wear your hair up or down for tonight’s show?" Fiona asked.

"I’m thinking up would be good. What do you think?"

"Definitely up, but with a few loose tendrils to frame your face and neck. I think that would look awesome!"

"Yeah, I think you might be right. But are you sure these boots will go with this dress?" Kris asked as she pulled out her favorite black boots from the garment bag.

"Umm, hello…hell yes, girl! They will give you that ‘rock-n-roll’ look even though the dress is sophisticated. Besides, you know what a good pair of boots will do for your attitude" Fiona said laughing.

Kris couldn’t help but laugh. Fiona was so right. Boots always did make her feel like she could conquer anything when she wore them and tonight she needed that extra boost of confidence. She wanted John’s brother to like her. She desperately needed her singing gig and knew that she had to show him that she could bring down the house. Staring at her image in the mirror, her fingers touching the choker lightly, remembering the day she received it. She had stared at it in the window every time she passed by the boutique. Something about it just sucked her in and she wanted it badly, but couldn’t afford it. It was absolutely beautiful and she loved the big black onyx that sat in the middle of it. She had tried it on once and when she found out the onyx was surrounded by 32 very real diamonds, her hands had trembled. She had thought it was only costume jewelry and couldn’t believe the enormous price tag attached to it.

From then on, she had vowed that oneday she would own that choker or something very similar to it.

About two months into her relationship with Howie, they had passed the boutique and she stopped to admire its beauty once again. He took her by the hand and pulled her inside to try it on despite her protestations. However, he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

As she stood in the mirror, the choker around her neck, she could see him standing behind her smiling proudly.

"What?" she laughed.

"That looks like it was designed just for you!"

Laughing she removed it and handed it back to the sales clerk. "Thank you" she said politely.

"Don’t you want it, sweetheart?" he asked.

The petite elderly lady behind the counter smiled brightly, anticipating the sale.

"No. But thanks anyway!" Kristina said as she put her arm through his.

From behind the counter, the sales lady spoke up. "But honey, I’ve watched you stare at this necklace for weeks now. I thought you wanted it more than anything."

Kristina blushed and bowed her head in embarrassment.

"Do you want it, baby? I would love nothing more than to buy it for you!" he said as he tipped her chin to meet his gaze.

"Thank you, ‘D’ but I don’t think so" she lied.

That night after dinner he told her to draw a hot bubble bath for the two of them and he would be there in a minute to join her. Doing as she was told, she drew the bath and got in. As she sat in the garden tub, her back against his chest lost in the moment, she felt something slide around her neck rather snug. She turned towards the mirrored wall to see the choker, the diamonds sparkling brilliantly in the light. However, nothing could have been brighter or sweeter than the smile on Howie’s face.

He put his arms around her as she turned to face him. "It looked so beautiful around your neck that I couldn’t resist," he whispered.

"But it…." she started to say, but he hushed her by crushing her eager lips with his.

"You are worth it."

She wore the choker proudly the remainder of their time together and before going home to face the horror that awaited her, she took the choker to her mother’s house and explained everything to her about Howie and how she loved him. Her mother had promised to hold onto it with great care until she was free to wear it again.

"Hey Kris…you in there?" Fi said waving her hands in front of Kris’s face.

"Yeah, just lost in memories," she said as she managed to smile.

"Putting the choker on reminded you of the guy you walked out on?" she asked innocently.

"Yeah. He loved the way it looked on me."

Fiona stood behind her and smiled. "You’ll find him again one day. I know you will!"

"Fi, I know you care but I can’t have this discussion right now. I need to get ready and be in the right frame of mind to perform like I’ve never performed before."

"Okay" she said as she pulled the black velvet dress from the garment bag. "Time to get you dressed. "

As Kris stood in front of the mirror, turning first to the right and then to the left to admire her image. Fiona laughed.

"What? What is so funny?" she asked

"Nothing really, I was just thinking that anything other than the boots with that dress, the way it is slit up both sides almost to your thigh, wouldn’t look half as good as they do. I love it!"

Kris laughed until she remembered something crucial.

"Oh god, Fi. I forgot to tell John that I’m opening with the new song that I wrote and that I’ll need a piano for the opening number only."

"I’ll go tell him to get you a piano out on stage and that he needs someone to wheel it off after your finished. Don’t worry. Okay?"

"Okay and tell him that he won’t be sorry. I promise!"

Chapter 10        Index