Chapter 81

Sarah’s cell phone rang incessantly as she searched for it in her purse. Finally finding it, she turned to AJ and grimaced. "I think it’s my brother."

"Why do you say that?" he asked.

"The caller id doesn’t register. Same as the last few times."

"Shit!" he said, taking her by the hand and leading her to the backstage area where it was a little quieter. "Okay, answer it."

Sarah’s hand shook as she pushed the talk button. "Hello."


"Kris, where are you?" Sarah asked, as she looked around to see if Howie was nearby.

Howie ran to her, his eyes pleading to talk to Kristina.

"I’m driving down the road. He was there tonight, Sarah. He was there and he knows the truth. You should have seen the hatred in his eyes."

"Are you sure it was him?"

"YES, I’m sure" she sobbed, the tears of anger and frustration blurring her vision as she sped down the highway.

"Okay, baby. Just calm down. I believe you."

"Is Howie there?" Kris asked.

Sarah turned to him as she spoke. "Yes honey, he’s here and he’s worried sick about you. Why don’t you just come back to the club so we can all talk?"

"NO! I’m too angry! I’ve got to release some of this anger somehow and I don’t want to fight with him or anyone else just because of the mood I’m in."

"Kris, we understand the anger. That’s normal. But, we are your family. You have to let us help at times like this."

"I’m just so damn MAD" Kristina said through her tears. "I want to beat the shit out of something. I don’t know what to do."

Howie and AJ could see the worried _expression on Sarah’s face as she continued to talk to Kristina. The _expression didn’t escape Nick and Fiona either as they made their way backstage to see what all of the commotion was about.

"What’s going on?" Fiona asked as Sarah tried to hear Kristina on the other end of the line.

Howie held his finger to his lips, not wanting to miss any of the one sided conversation that he had been privy to so far.

"Kristina, are you on the interstate?"


"How fast are you driving?"

"I don’t know! I’m just so fucking mad at him. Tonight was supposed to be special and he showed up and ruined it like he ruins everything!"

"Kris, honey. Look down at the speedometer and tell me how fast you are driving."

"Is she in the 'vette?" AJ asked, knowing that his fear was NOTHING compared to what Howie was feeling at that moment.

"Yes" Howie whispered, fingering the cross that hung around his neck and saying a silent prayer for her safety.

"Kris? You still there?" Sarah asked again.

"I’m here."

"Honey, pull over somewhere and let us come and get you. Please!"

"Don’t start with me, Sarah! You know driving calms my nerves and I think I fucking deserve that right now!"

Sarah covered the phone as she turned to Howie. "When she’s REALLY upset, she drives and way too fast. She literally has no concept of speed or fear. How many times has she driven that corvette and how fast will it go?"

"Oh NO!" Fiona gasped, covering her mouth. "Nick, we have to do something. I’ve seen her upset like that, once. It’s not good!"

"Let me talk to her, Sarah. Please?" Howie said, holding out his hand for the phone.

"I don’t know..." she started.

AJ turned to Sarah and nodded his head in agreement. "Sarah, let him try."

As Howie placed the phone to his ear, he could hear Kristina crying, her words almost completely incoherent. " I....can’t take anymore. I’s got to....he needs to.....go away!"

Fear gripped his heart, realizing just how upset she was and knowing that her tears were more than likely blurring her vision. If Sarah and Fiona were right about how fast she could be driving, he knew that she was in grave danger being in the corvette on an open highway.

"Kris, baby. I love you," he said softly.

She didn’t speak at first and all he could hear was her sobs, a soft ballad playing in the background.

"Baby, please pull over. Let me come and get you. I’ll take you home and make it all better" he crooned.

"I’m so mad, ‘D’. I need to break something, punch someone, SOMETHING!" she spat. "I don’t want to take that anger out on you. I just need a release."

Walking away from the others, he spoke to her softly and tenderly. "Kris, I know that type of anger. I felt the same way when you left and I don’t ever want to feel that way again. Please baby, stop the car and let me come and get you. If you want a release, I’ll take you to the gym and you can punch and kick anything and everything you want to get that anger out. Just please, let me come and get you."

"Okay" she whispered, giving in.

He turned to the others, a triumphant smile on his face. "Where are you, honey?"

"I-4 heading west, about fifteen miles down the road. I’m pulling over."

"Stay in the car, lock the doors and we’ll be right there to get you."

"I love you, ‘D’."

"I love you too, baby. I’m on my way!"

Chapter 82       Index