Chapter 68

AJ looked at Howie and asked, "Got a beer?"

"Yeah, I think I could use one too."

As he went to the refrigerator, AJ followed, shaking his head. "I can definitely see why they are best friends."

"Yeah? Why’s that?" Howie asked.

"They’re just alike! Love hard and fight hard."

Howie popped the cap and handed the first beer to AJ. "I should have listened to you. Kris is furious with me for not telling her what was really going on."

"She’ll get over it. She never has been able to stay mad at you for any length of time."

"I hope you’re right. I wanted this night to be perfect and instead, once again Stephen ruins it!"

"I take it, by the rather large diamond ring that she was wearing that you asked her to marry you?" AJ said grinning.

Howie couldn’t help but smile, remembering the look of surprise on her face when he got down on one knee in front of her. "Yeah, I proposed at dinner tonight. She had no idea!"

"That’s awesome, ‘D’. You guys were meant to be together."

"I know that and so does she, but every time we move a step forward towards a normal life, HE seems to be a step ahead of us. It frustrates the hell out of me!"

Howie walked towards the window and stood watching Kristina and Sarah as they sat down on the beach, engrossed in conversation. "You know, Age, he’s one sick Bastard!"

"Tell me about it. To do what he did to Kris and then to that private eye you hired and now to threaten his own sister. There’s got to be a way to catch this psycho!"

"Yeah, but how?" Howie asked.

" I don’t know, ‘D’. I don’t know" AJ said quietly, taking another sip of his beer.

Howie turned to him, a desperate look in his eyes. "I’ve got to take Kris to the police station tomorrow. Can you and Sarah meet us there and then maybe drive over to Tampa and have lunch? We could spend the day over there without having to worry about Stephen finding us."

"Yeah, I don’t see a problem with that. But I get the feeling there is a hidden agenda in there somewhere." AJ said.

"Well, I’m hoping that you and Sarah can help me convince Kris that singing at Tabu Saturday night isn’t a good idea. Especially since Stephen knows that I own the club."

" I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try to talk some sense into her. But, DAMN she’s stubborn!"

"Don’t I know" Howie said as he looked out the window. Kristina glanced back towards the house, causing him to move away so she wouldn’t think he was spying on her.

As AJ finished his beer and threw the bottle in the trash, Howie changed the subject. "So, I take it you know about Kevin and Lynne?"

"Yeah. Kevin showed up at the house, drunk off his ass last night and interrupted a VERY heated moment between Sarah and myself."

Howie laughed. "You like her, huh?" he asked before adding, " She is pretty hot."

"Hell yeah!" AJ shouted. "What’s not to like? She’s gorgeous, she’s got a killer body, she’s smart, she’s sensitive and she gave me the worst case of blue balls that I’ve ever had in my life!"

Howie and AJ burst into a fit of laughter as AJ rubbed his crotch. They were still laughing as Sarah walked back into the house.

Afraid to make her angry again, they both grew serious. "Everything okay?" AJ asked carefully.

"Yeah. We had a good talk. Short, but good nonetheless."

"Is she still angry with me?" Howie asked.

" A little bit. I think she’s more upset over the fact that my brother continues to wreak havoc in your life. She’s ready to move forward but she doesn’t know how."

Howie smiled just a little. "Maybe I should go talk to her now."

"No, Howie. Let her spend a little time alone and get her frustrations out. She’ll come to you when she’s ready."

AJ turned to Sarah and smiled. "You ready to go home?"

Staring into his dark brown eyes, she said, "Yeah. I’m tired."

Howie walked them to the door. "Goodnight guys. Be careful."

Sarah turned and smiled at him. "Things may seem a little crazy right now, Howie, but the two of you have a special love for each other and I have every faith that it is all going to work out in the end."

Howie hugged her tightly, surprising both her and AJ. "Thank you, Sarah." Releasing her he turned to AJ. "I’ll call you in the morning."

AJ nodded and escorted Sarah to the car.

Locking the door, Howie turned off the living room light and walked out the back door, leaning against the balcony railing. He watched as Kristina walked down the beach alone, lost in thought.

Twenty minutes later, he gave up waiting for her, against better judgment and went inside. Stripping off his clothes, he climbed into bed both disappointed and hurt. The night was to have been perfect. A night of dinner, romance, dancing and lovemaking. Instead, he lay in bed alone, depressed and worried. Much of it was his own fault for not telling her of all that had happened, but he had only wanted to protect her and not spoil their evening. All he truly had wanted was simply to love her and make her feel loved. Would their lives ever be that simple? He rolled over and stared out the window, a single tear sliding down his face.

Chapter 69       Index