Chapter 61

Setting her back down, the two stood face to face as Kris admired the way the ring sparkled on her finger.

"Do you truly like it?" he asked, loving the way it looked on her hand.

"Are you crazy?" she laughed. "I love it! It’s breathtaking!"

"My sisters said you would love it."

"They knew about this?" she shrieked. "You little weasel! That’s why your parents wanted to talk to me, alone."

Laughing he said, "Uh huh. And they loved you just like I knew they would."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Nope. I thought we could invite everyone over and tell them together."

"How do you think they will react?" she asked, more worried about his management team more so than the guys.

"They will be thrilled for us, baby. You know the guys love you."

Playing with the cross that dangled around his neck, afraid to meet his eyes, she asked, "What about management and the fans? Is this going to have a negative affect on you or the band?"

"Some fans will be jealous and will probably say ugly things, but most of them will be really supportive. As for management, they will get over it. We are grown men now and it had to happen at some point in time."

"I just..."

"Shh!" he said taking her into his arms. "Quit worrying about everyone else and let’s concentrate on just the two of us and our future together. Okay?"

"Okay" she sighed.

"Now, what does my future bride want to do the rest of the evening?"

"I want to ‘salsa’ with my gorgeous, fiancé’!" she purred. "After all, that is the REAL reason you bought this dress, isn’t it? To watch the way it shimmies up my thighs when we are dancing, the way my muscles flex, the way..."

He stopped her by kissing her passionately, his tongue parting her lips, gaining entrance to what he craved. Still reeling from the wine and his marriage proposal, Kristina moaned beneath his touch, sinking further into his arms, lacing her hand in his soft downy curls for support.

As the kiss ended, Kristina wiped the remaining lipstick from his lips and smiled. "WOW!"

He began to laugh as his cell phone chirped from his jacket pocket. "This better be good!" he chuckled, having recognized Kevin’s phone number on the caller id.

Kristina watched as his smile faded. He listened intently as Kevin relayed the story about Lynne. After a long silence he said, "Well, how do you feel about all of this?" More silence. "I think that it’s a great idea, Kev. I hope that it works." Silence again. "Hell yeah, bro! I think it’s awesome. I knew that you still loved her." Silence. "She’s right here. Yes, I’ll explain everything to her, but first I have some awesome news of my own that you have to promise to keep a secret."

Howie winked at Kristina as she glanced down once again at her ring and then back at him.

"I asked Kris to marry me and she said ‘yes’. I know. Yeah, thanks Kev. Good luck and call me and let me know what happens with Lynne."

Closing the flip phone, he laughed. "Well, it looks like we aren’t the only ones about to blow the fans mind. Kevin is going to be a dad."

"What? Oh my God. Lynne?" Kristina said astonished at the revelation.

"Yep" Howie smiled.

"I was wondering what happened to Lynne when I saw him with Fiona, but I was scared to ask just what had happened. I mean, they were together for a couple of years, right?"

"Yeah, baby. I’ll explain it all on the way home" he said taking her hand.

Kristina didn’t move, her bottom lip protruding as if she were going to cry. "I thought we were going dancing!"

"Don’t you give me that look, angel. You know that I can’t resist that pout of yours."

Smiling like a child about to get her way, Kristina said, "I know that you can’t resist my pout. That’s why I’m pouting! I REALLY want to go dancing tonight, ‘D’."

"We are going dancing. I just wanted to swing by the house and get out of this monkey suit and into something more comfortable."

"YAY!" Kristina shouted happily. "I’ve really missed dancing with you."

Howie smirked as they walked towards the car. "I’ve missed how HOT you get when we dance together. We’ve had some of our most memorable sex after a couple of hours out dancing."

Kristina laughed out loud. "Tonight is going to be NO exception, Sweet ‘D’."

Chapter 62       Index