Chapter 6

It was almost noon when Kristina woke to the sound of the telephone ringing. Evidently Fiona wasn’t at home because normally she answered it before the second ring.

"Hello?" she said as she gently wiped the sleep from her swollen eyes. She had cried herself to sleep and knew that it would take thirty minutes or so of cool compresses to reduce the swelling.

"Kris-how are you feeling today?"

"Hey John. Sorry about last night. One minute I was fine and then all of a sudden I got sick to my stomach. It must have been something that I ate."

She was lying and felt bad about it, but she knew that she couldn’t tell him what really made her sick. Evidently he bought the excuse and moved on to the ‘real’ reason he was calling.

"Oh good. But listen, apparently something came up and the boys are not going to make it to Orlando after all. I got the call this morning."

Kristina covered the mouthpiece of the phone, letting out a sigh of relief. She said a ‘thank you’ to God for not making her face ‘D’ just yet.

"Sorry to hear that, John." she lied. "Maybe next time."

"Yeah. I’m sure they’ll make it back here sometime soon, but in the meantime, I do have some good news for you" he said enthusiastically.

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?"

"My brother is finally in town and he wants to meet you."

"Great! When is this?"

"How about tonight?" he said glancing towards Kevin.

"Sure. What time?"

"Well, I was hoping that since he is going to be at the club later that you would do a short set tonight. Maybe two or three songs so he can hear you sing."

"Not a problem. I’ve got a new song that I’ve been thinking about adding to the set and tonight would be a great night to see how the crowd reacts."

"Great-thanks Kris. See you around ten!" he said as they both hung up the phone.

John hung up the phone and covered his face with his hands. Sighing, he said, "I sure hope this doesn’t backfire on us."

Kevin knew exactly what John was feeling because he was feeling much the same way. His heart told him that it was right because both Kristina and ‘D’ needed closure but the voice in his head kept telling him that they were playing with fire.

With everything arranged, the two men set up the stage for Kristina’s performance and then went home to get ready for the evening’s events.

Chapter 7        Index