Chapter 42

Fiona had decided to go into town and buy some new clothes before her shift at Tabu started. She desperately wanted to talk to Kristina, but knew that she and Howie still needed time alone.

She also knew that pretty soon she would have to look for a new roommate as well. Kristina would be moving in with Howie and Fiona just couldn’t afford to keep the house by herself. It was either find a new roommate, move into an apartment and leave the house she loved or get a different job that paid more money. Actually, she wasn’t thrilled about any of the choices in front of her. She didn’t want anyone other than Kristina for a roommate, she definitely did not want to move from her home and she loved her job at Tabu.

Her head was beginning to hurt just thinking about her choices so she grabbed her purse and started out the door. Much to her surprise, Nick was standing on the doorstep, a picnic basket in his hands.

"Nick..." Fiona gasped as a shy smile crept across her face.

"Hey gorgeous! Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

Bowing her head, her eyes unable to keep the gaze of his crystal blue eyes, she said, "Just into town to pick up a few things."

He smiled brightly. "Can it wait? I thought we might have a picnic together."

"I would like that" she said as she shut the door and dropped her keys into her purse.

"Cool" he said excitedly, slipping an arm around her waist and guiding her towards his dark blue Mercedes convertible. "Right this way, Madame."

Fiona’s heart felt as if it were in her throat, making breathing seem almost impossible. She couldn’t believe he had just shown up on her doorstep like that.

"How did you know where I lived?" she asked, puzzled.

He blushed as he answered. "I followed you and Kevin last night."

"So you knew that he wouldn’t be here this morning and that’s why you showed up here wanting to take me out?"

"Yeah. I hope you don’t mind," he said as he helped her into the car.

"I guess I should be flattered, but you took a big risk. What if Kevin would have seen you following us?"

"He would have been pissed!"

"Yeah, he would have," she said solemnly. Once she realized that Nick apparently felt reprimanded by her remarks, she quickly added, "But I’m glad that you did."

He gave her the infamous Carter smirk and hopped into the driver’s seat.

"Let’s go, doll."

As he started the car and backed out of her driveway, he reached over and took her hand. Once again, her breath caught in her throat at his touch. She knew that no matter what happened, he held her heart and she would never be able to give it to anyone else. Now, if only she could capture his heart as well.

Chapter 43       Index