Chapter 38

AJ went to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer both for himself and for Howie. As he sat down on the couch, he handed the beer to his friend and sighed. He couldn’t decide which question he wanted to ask first, so he began peeling the label from the bottle in an attempt to gather his thoughts. Realizing that Howie seemed pre-occupied as well, he decided to jump right in with the thoughts running haphazardly through his mind.

"Jesus Christ, ‘D’. When did all of this happen?"

"Couple of days ago. I know, it’s a lot to take in, huh?" Howie said as he toyed with the silver band around his thumb.

"Yeah, that’s an understatement. Are you okay though? I mean, I know it’s got to be a lot to absorb for you too."

Howie braved only a hint of a smile as he explained. "I’m thankful to have Kris back in my life, but I’m angry as hell knowing what she went through and that she has been ripped from her family."

"Just how did she end up with a prick like Stephen, anyway? I can’t see her dating someone like him!"

AJ noted a visible change in Howie when he mentioned Stephen’s name. His jaw became ridged, the grip on his beer becoming tighter and an obvious hatred burned within his eyes. When he spoke, it was through clenched teeth.

"A friend of hers set them up on a blind date."

"And Kris didn’t see right through him?" AJ asked, astonished. He knew that Kristina was a bright girl who always seemed to see both the best and worst in people. She had told him on numerous occasions that she had learned to trust her ‘gut instinct’ over the years and he was puzzled at how she had made such a costly incorrect judgment with Stephen.

"NO! He gave her the ‘I’m a business man and know how to treat a lady routine’ for the better part of a year. When she finally realized that his car repair business was only a front for numerous illegal activities, she dumped him."

"Why do I sense something more?"

Howie took in a deep breath, his nostrils flaring as his frustration and anger began to surface once again. "Because there IS more. Once she dumped him, he slapped her around and threatened her family. So she stayed. Well, that is, until she met me."

Figuring out the rest on his own, AJ completed the remainder of the story for Howie. "She fell in love with you and once she found out that you loved her, it gave her the strength to leave him for good. Until her friend from college called. Right?"

"Yeah. Only my love wasn’t enough to protect her from that psycho!" he hissed.

"What are the chances of him finding out that she is still alive? Does anyone have any idea where he might be?"

"I have a private investigator on the case right now, but so far, there have been no leads. Kris seems to think that his friends have helped him change his identity and therefore he is able to come and go as he pleases between LA and Mexico."

AJ downed the rest of his beer and sat the empty bottle on the table. "Man, this is FUCKED up!"

"Tell me about it."

Trying to put a positive spin on the situation, AJ grinned. "Well, at least you have her back. And DAYUM she looks awesome!"

That comment summoned the reaction AJ had been hoping for as Howie smiled brightly.

"And she feels awesome too, Bone! Holding her and making love to her was like heaven. It was almost as if she had never left."

AJ patted Howie’s shoulder in a brotherly fashion, a wide smile spreading across his face as well.

"Dude, I’m happy for you. And to be honest, I’m happy that she’s back in my life too. I really missed her a whole helluva lot!"

"I know, Bone. But remember, she’s my girlfriend first and foremost! Got that?" Howie said as he cocked an eyebrow towards his best friend.

AJ rolled his eyes and laughed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! I got it!"

"Not to be rude, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to go to bed" Howie said smiling wickedly.

"I bet you would!" AJ said as he stood and pulled his keys out of his pocket. "By all means, go enjoy yourself and call me in the next day or two. Okay?"

"Are you okay to drive?"

"Yeah man, I’m fine."

Howie hugged AJ as he opened the door for him. "Night, ‘J’. Drive safely!"

"Night ‘D’. Give Kristina a kiss for me."

Howie stood in the door, watching as AJ got into his Mercedes and sped out of the driveway, sticking his arm out the window and waving as he left. Howie chuckled as he shut the door and locked up for the night.

Chapter 39        Index