Chapter 35

As Kristina began to explain the reason why she had left Howie without so much as an explanation and why she didn’t tell him where she was going, he listened pensively. His facial expressions mirrored his thoughts as she continued, especially through the more brutal phase of the story. When she had finished, he sat there motionless and speechless, absorbing all that she had told him.

"Damn that Son-of-a-Bitch!" he shouted, causing Kristina to jump. "I wish you would have come to me or to Howie. We would have protected you."

Kristina laughed half-heartedly. "I’ve already had this discussion with ‘D’. There is nothing that either of you could have done. The important thing is that I’m here now and we have a second chance."

AJ hung his head low, feeling like an ass for all of the horrible things he had said about her, not realizing the sacrifice she had made. He snapped back to the moment at hand when she tilted his face to meet her gaze and then rested her forehead against his.

"Now that you understand, do you think you can forgive me?" she asked.

"I’m so sorry, Kristina. You were so in love with Howie that I should have realized something was VERY wrong to make you leave like that."

"It’s okay, Alex. Really, it is."

He stood and walked over towards the railing overlooking the beach. "But I said some horrible things about you after you left."

"I know. But I had hurt your best friend and hurt you too."

Turning towards her, his heart sank. "How do you know that I said horrible things about you?"

She refused to look at him, for fear of allowing the pain those words caused to surface.

For a brief moment she simply stared out at the ocean, trying to compose herself. Then as if it were nothing, she said flatly. "I read them in the magazines during therapy. They pissed me off and they hurt me, but they also made me more determined to get better. I wanted to prove you wrong one day."

AJ took her in his arms and hugged her tightly, his hand caressing the small of her back. "I’m so sorry, Kris. Ask any of the guys, I’m an asshole when I’m angry."

"Enough apologizing already! I hurt you, you hurt me, we’re equal" she said with a tired laugh.

He stared at her for a moment, the way her eyes danced in the moonlight, the way the waves in her hair framed her face. He smiled mischievously.

"Oh God. What’s that look for?" she asked with a chuckle.

"Nothing. I’m just tripping out on your blonde hair!"

Kristina laughed and brushed her hair over her shoulder in an overly dramatic manner.

"What? You don’t like it? I think I fit right in with all of the beach bunnies here in sunny Orlando!"

"Are you really okay? Truly?" he asked.

"I miss my family and it’s been a long hard road to get here" she said holding out her hands and expressing her feeling of being with Howie without coming right out and saying the words. "But you know me, Alex. I’m tough and I’ll make it."

He put his arms around her and pulled her close to him. "I don’t doubt that baby. Just promise that you will let us help you when you need it."

"I will. I promise," she said as she returned his embrace.

He smiled. "Good. Now, I’m getting hungry, how about you?"

"Uh oh" she said as she glanced at the dining room lights, "we better get in there and claim our steaks before Nicky decides to eat them!"

"Race you!" AJ shouted as they sprinted towards the house, laughing the entire time.

Chapter 36        Index