Chapter 13

Fiona began to explain how Kris had tried several times to escape the beatings only to be tracked down by Stephen’s hired henchmen and told that if she didn’t return he would kill her family. Apparently he had told her that he would kill Howie as well if he ever found out his identity. That seemed to soften Howie and help him understand why she felt the need to protect him. Fiona went on to explain that the last beating happened as soon as Kristina returned from her mother’s house, and on top of beating her severely, he cut her throat and left her for dead. That was something her mother had not told ‘D’ when he visited her. The police had told Kristina that the only way they could truly protect her was if she allowed the doctors to pronounce her dead and leave her family behind until they were able to apprehend Stephen. To protect her family and heal her wounds, she went along with their plan, knowing that she could be gone indefinitely. Stephen was on the run, thinking he had murdered Kristina and the authorities were not sure where he was.

It was evident that Howie’s heart was breaking as Fi described in detail the scars that Kris was still healing from both mentally and physically. Her next admission, however, sent him to his knees.

"She still loves you. She never told me your name or who you were; only that she knew that she would always have an empty hole in her heart. And to prove how much she loves you, she had the funeral home director take the choker out of the coffin and give it to her. She is wearing it tonight. I caught her touching it in the dressing room and she admitted that she was thinking back to the day that you gave it to her. It hides the scar on her neck well too and she’s very conscious of it. She thinks that you would be repulsed by her scars."

The harsh reality of the horrible situation she had been in weighed heavily on his heart and he couldn’t take it any longer. He felt as though he should have been there to help her through it all, and now, she needed him almost as much but was too scared to reach out to him.

The tears streamed down his face as he cried for the time they had lost, the pain that she had suffered and the fear in her heart. He knew that he had to reason with her and find a way to forgive her for not allowing him to help.

John went to Howie and held him. "Talk to her ‘D’. Make her lean on you this time instead of running away."

John explained his plan for putting them together and Howie, being impatient as he is sometimes, decided to shut the club down early. The thought of holding her again was exciting to him and he wasn’t sure he would be able to wait much longer.

"Handle it for your little brother. Okay?"

"Done!" John said as he left the room.

Kevin turned to Fiona, who was smiling nervously.

 "Thank you for explaining to us what you know."

Howie hugged her. "Yes Fi. Thank you so very much."

"You are welcome. But, I have to warn you Howie. She’s been through a lot and has become very cautious. Don’t be surprised if she is not the same woman you fell in love with. Just try to understand where she is coming from."

"Don’t worry. I won’t hurt her. Now, no sense in the two of you hanging out here- Go have some fun."

Kevin smiled at Fiona, causing her knees to weaken once again. "Shall we?" he asked holding out his hand for her to take.

"Yeah. I think I need to get far away from here tonight," she said.

"Fi, unless things go badly, I’ll be taking Kristina back to my house for a few days. I’ll have her call you tomorrow to let you know that she is okay," Howie said apprehensively.

Kevin smiled at the two of them. "I’m sure things will be fine, bro. Good luck!"

Chapter 14        Index