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Torrie's info People Used & Mentioned W/L/D Record Achievements OOC Comment
*Start of Disclaimer*
This Layout was lent to me by Nikki (Tylene Buck) This Roleplay is fiction and is not associated with the WWE, NWATNA or any other federation. I am not Torrie Wilson and this RP doesn't reflect her it is just a fun game made by a fan.
·*End of Disclaimer*
.::* Torrie Wilson ................. The Lucious Blonde Beauty ................. And Dont You Dare Try To Tell Her Otherwise!*::.
-([Beginning of Forward])-
What a time Torrie Wilson has had since she arrived in the WME. She debuted on Velocity where she defeated Trish Stratus who is now in the Woman's Main Event at WrestleMania now Stephanie Bellars vacated the Woman's Title. Torrie has also announced that she will be taking Stephanie Bellars place in Playboy In her Second Match Torrie Wilson defeated Terri Runnels in a PlayBoy Pose down and then in her third match Torrie Wilson along with fellow PMS members defeated Chyna, Jazz and Terri Runnels! Many were shocked to see how Torrie Wilson held her own in the ring against Chyna. There have been many rumours that she is managing Syxx which is untrue. Also Torrie has had some strange encounters with WME Co Owner Shane McMahon since she arrived. But now she faces her toughest challenge yet at WrestleMania she has a chance to go onto compete in a Number One Contenders match all she has to do is defeat Stacy Keibler, Terri Runnels and The Kat. Yeah All she has to do right! Watch WrestleMania to find out if Torrie continues to be Undefeated.
-([End of Forward])-

-|| Begin Scene ||-
The scene opens with a long black limousine pulling up into the arena. The security guard stops the car.

"The Security Guy" Jimmy

Excuse me but do you have access to this arena? This is for WME Superstars only and nobody is getting in here without my permission.

A window winds down and Torrie Wilson is shown

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

"It's ok, Jimmy It's me. I phoned forward and got a Limousine sent you know WrestleMania is on it's way and I am going to make sure that I look damn good from now on. That means arriving in style which is what I am doing here."

"The Security Guy" Jimmy

I am sorry Miss Wilson I didn't realise it was you sure you can go on ahead.

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

"Don't worry about it, I will see you later

Torrie Wilson's limousine goes further into the parking lot and stops outside the arena. Another Limousine pulls up at the gate and Jimmy stops it.

"The Security Guy" Jimmy

Excuse me but I need to know who is in the limousine?

The door is thrown open and an angry Stacy Keibler gets out

"The leggy Godess" Stacy Keibler

How the hell can you not know who I am for god sake! I am the women who is going to get you fired if you ever make this mistake again. Now get out of my way. Oh and one more thing.

Before he can stop her Stacy Keibler throws a glass of water all over the security guy. She laughs as she gets back into the car with her boyfriend John Cena. Torrie Wilson rushes over to Jimmy.

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

"She is Such a bitch! She only gives a damn about herself nobody else. I can't wait to kick her ass.

"The Security Guy" Jimmy

Don't do anything on my account I get this all the time from her.

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

Don't worry about it this time between me and Stacy it is definetly personal.

Torrie Wilson picks up her bags and heads into the arena. She makes her way down to her locker room down a corridor and walks into it where she finds her dad.

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

Hey Daddy.

'The Ultimate Daddy' Al Wilson

Torrie I have been thinking and I really do not like the idea of you perading around in your underwear for this company equally I do not like the thought of you posing naked for Playboy. However Torrie, I do have faith in you and I know that whatever you are up to as long as you know what you are doing then I definetly have no problem at all with it. You know Torrie when you were a little girl I always knew that you would grow up to be a powerful women and sure I didn't think you would have to use your naked body to gain it but if you feel that is the right thing for you to do then who am I to stand in your way?

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

You know Daddy I am really glad that you came to that way of thinking and as for me using my body to gain power that is exactly what I will be doing during my match at WrestleMania but believe me the way I use my body in this match will be the way I stand up for myself and beat the living hell out of Stacy Keibler, Terri and The Kat. Dad I am going to gain power and respect in this company but appearing in playboy is not going to make me become the Woman's Champion or gaining power no. I have to use my body to kick ass which is exactly what I am going to do and if you think that Stacy Keibler is going to get away without recieving an ass kicking they you are very much mistaken. I have worked my ass off since I arrived and if they think that I am going to start losing now then they are very much mistaken. This girl is going straight for Gold. I have beat Trish Stratus, Terri Runnels, Chyna, Jazz and Terri again and nobody is going to be stoping me now!

'The Ultimate Daddy' Al Wilson

You know Torrie, I may not have been the supportive father that you would have liked. But I do want to make sure that you are doing what you want to do and that the bosses are not forcing you to do anything that you don't want to do.

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

Have you ever known anybody be able to make me do anything that I don't want to. You see Dad I would never do something unless I felt it was right for my career. Dad, I really have to go now. I have to put in some ring time. I have got lots to do. You know at WrestleMania it will be my big chance to finally get a chance at the Number One Contender ship. I get my big chance following this match on Smackdown where I get to compete in one of the biggest matches of my short career. WrestleMania is going to be a great night in the wrestling divas history. The women in this company are all brilliant and finally we have someone who shows us exactly how we need help and he is showing us and directing us in the right direction. There are loads of women's matches on the card and that is all because of him. Al Snow has really given me this oppurtunity and I will thank him later but right now I have someone else I have to go and thank.

Torrie Wilson makes her way down the corridor and walks down into someone's locker room

Torrie walks into the locker room where some other people are playing poker.

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

Listen Bradshaw, I just came by to thankyou for what you did on Smackdown. Chavo has really been coming on strong and I really wanted to thankyou for everything.

'The Big Texan ' Bradshaw

Torrie, What I did was something that needed to be done. I saw it and everyone saw it around here. He was coming on to strong. Nobody has the right to do that. Torrie why don't you stay and play a game. We are playing Poker but if you want to join in. We can make it strip poker.

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

Sure but boyz get ready to get your kit off.

'The King' Jerry Lawler

What is going on. Go back to the strip poker. I want to see Torrie get stripped. C'Mon this isn't fair!

'Good Ole J.R' Jim Ross

Well we will get to see that soon enough when she appears in playboy next month.

'The King' Jerry Lawler

I am counting down the days J.R Torrie Wilson appearing in Playboy. It is going to be one of the greatest days in my life to finally get the view.

'Good Ole J.R' Jim Ross

Your old enough to be here Father. Think of your age

'The King' Jerry Lawler

Yes but we all know that I am not her father Al Wilson is so it is all ok.

The Titantron shows once again Torrie wilson competing in the Strip Poker game against Bradshaw and a few other members of the Roster and some staff. One of the staff guys has no shirt on and Torrie is laughing as she won the last hand. However she loses this one! She looks shocked and the looks around as the men chant "Off Off Off Off" Torrie looks at her outfit and notices her hair band. She then pulls that off and then men chant "Cheat!" But Torrie then suddenly looks at her watch

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

Would you look at the time. But really I have to go. I was supposed to be doing a promo ten minutes ago. Thanks for the drink and a good game.

Torrie gets up and walks over to Bradshaw she kisses him on the cheek and then heads out of the door down a corridor. Towards the ring

'The King' Jerry Lawler

I can't believe it! She didn't get out her puppies.

'Good Ole J.R' Jim Ross

Did you really think she would in that room? Full of all those men

'The King' Jerry Lawler

I hoped and prayed yet still she kept her clothes on. This is all because of you J.R!

'Good Ole J.R' Jim Ross

How did you work that one out King?

'The King' Jerry Lawler

Because if you hadn't said anything about me being to old then Torrie Wilson would have took of her clothes and wouldn't have worried about people looking at her

"Born to Try" By Delta Goodrum (The girl from neighbours) hits the titantron. The fans give Torrie Wilson a standing ovation as she makes her way out onto the ramp with a huge smile on her face. She makes her way down the ramp the fans chant


Torrie Wilson climbs up the steel steps and gets into the ring

'The ring announcer' Lilian Garcia

Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the ring... WME Diva and star of playboy.....TORRIE WILSON!

The fans go crazy as Torrie Wilson climbs up into the ring under the bottom rope. She then takes a microphone from Lilian and the fans continue to chant as she prepares to speak

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

Thankyou so much for your kindness, But you know I heard a funny story the other day that our payper view provider does not want to give us the rating that we want because they do not believe that the women in this company should be wrestling and of course at WrestleMania there are about four Woman's Matches. I mean come on we women just like the men are highly trained athletes and we put our best into everything that we do. Everytime I walk out from behind that curtain and I know it is the same for every other women in this company when we walk out here there is nothing like this huge ovation that we recieve everytime we compete and we would not give this up for anything. Now WrestleMania is my first Pay Per View here in the WME and many people have come up to me and said 'Torrie why do you think you deserve to be given a Woman's Title Shot?' and you know what my response has been. It has been 'I don't' I don't deserve a title shot here in the WME. I have not been here long enough to deserve one. But the fact of the matter is that Al Snow has decided that along with eight other divas I am one who deserves to have a chance at becoming the Number One Contender. But now I have this chance do you people really think that I am going to give it up hell no! When I go out there on the biggest stage in sports I am not going to let my fans go down. I am going to push myself in that match and prove that I am not just some sad little hooker that cannot compete in a wrestling match. I have heard what the other divas who are in this match have had to say about me and frankly I am disappointed. I have gone to the ring now on three seperate occastions and picked up the victory. I have gone down to the ring and stood toe to toe with Chyna in the six women tag team match last week and yet still you ladies don't think that I have a Cat in Hell's chance of winning. Well I will be proving you wrong. You see people have also stated that I brag everytime I come out to the ring that I am going to appear in playboy.

The male fans erupt in cheering

'The Ultimate Diva 'Torrie Wilson

I am appearing in Playboy because I am doing it for myself. I did not come to the WrestleMania Entertainment ring just to get into playboy. I came to this ring to become the Woman's Champion and that is what I will be doing whether it is my night at WrestleMania or not one way or another that championship is going to be mine. You see you people have always cheered for me and for that I thankyou and now I believe that it is time I give something back and make sure that the fans in this company get what they want. If I was appearing in Playboy just to show off myself then why would I need to come to WrestleMania Entertainment to do it. I would have become a model to do it. Now the women in my match all except Terri have history in the WME before I arrived here. You see we have Stacy Keibler who seems to think that she is the hottest thing on two legs no pun intended. Stacy Keibler I am not coming out here to bitch about you or to try and upset you but please Big Bird will you shut up and listen. I am not in the WME to get into playboy or to become famous. I am in the WME to become the Woman's Champion. Now whether or no I get the title in the near future depends on the outcome of this match. You see Stacy Keibler has always been known even before I came to the WME as a well respected diva. When we were friends in WCW we had a great time out partying all the time and having fun but then what happened? MEN! Yes that is right men got in between our friendship and we never were the same after that and now we are going to be fighting in a match where it is pretty obvious that either me or her are going to win.There isn't really much competiton in this match. We have The Kat Stacy Carter who well let's just say back in the WWE The Right to Censor were on the right lines in shutting her up. She is one overgrown little pussy who thinks that she can take it with the big girls. Well little Miss. You really need to understand that a women of my talent is not going to let you get the victory. The only reason you were chosen as the newest New World Order Divas was because I dropped out of the role. The Kat really isn't going to be much of a problem. Her name says it all, She is just a scardy Kat and believe me little kitty a Kat is going to burn at WrestleMania. Now as for the other participant in the match Terri Runnels I don't wish ill of anyone but seriously Terri honey isn't it time to retire. Let's look at it seriously you are having problems with you ex husband. You have tried to beat me twice and failed. First in a pose down you lost out big time and then what you couldn't take it that I picked up the victory so what do you do? You attack me from behind then again we meet up in a Six women tag team match and what happened? Your team lost to PMS the better team. It amuses me a hell of a lot to watch you come down to the ring and try to do what you call wrestling. If you call that wrestling honey then you seriously need to check an other women's match. Like when Stacy Keibler beat Tylene Buck now that was wrestling. You see many people are shocked that I make a statement like that but the fact of the matter is Stacy Keibler is a brilliant wrestler it is just the fact that all she does is act like one big trailer park peace of trash outside the ring. Now I know that Stacy Keibler has a good reputation here for wrestling and I know that she has always worked hard in the ring and I know that she has got a big win record but if her head gets any bigger people won't be able to see her ass anymore. Stacy Keibler used to be one of the nicest people you could meet but since she has got to know Trish Stratus her ego has sky rocketed. Stacy Keibler and I are definetly not friends and I am definetly going to work damn hard to make sure that I get the victory over her at WrestleMania. Stacy Keibler had better watch her back because she has made me angry. I am not going to go out to the ring and Cat Fight. I am going to go out to the ring and play the game because all bet's are off and the Woman's Number One Contendership shot is not going to be in the hands of Stacy Keibler and I will make damn sure of it. If I have to sweat blood. Nobody and I mean nobody is going to be walking away from this fatal four way match not Terri Runnels, not The Kat and definetly not Stacy Keibler. I have got a taste for winning now and I know that when I go out to that ring. I have learnt alot on how to utilize my WCW, WWE and now WME Skills that I have picked up to achieve the best of my ability and become the winner of a match. I have been undefeated because of my philosophey and now I will still be undefeated after WrestleMania. Many believe that Stacy Keibler has the victory easy in this match but guess what the fire still burns inside me and Stacy Keibler's flame went out a long time ago when she turned on the fans. But you fans still treat me with respect and still believe in me and for that I thankyou all and that is why at WrestleMania you will be seeing me win one of the two Fatal Four Way Matches."

"Born to Try" By Delta Goodrum hits the titantron and Torrie Wilson leaves the ring posing one last time for the fans

><><>Torrie The Lucious Beauty Wilson<><><