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Welcome to the world of spiders. This site was created to help all people, newcomers or otherwise care and tend to Tarantulas. This site is still being developed, so please bare with me, and email me any suggestions and comments.

The thing that makes this site different from most others, is that i am not in it for any personal gain, i do not sell anything at the moment, and all information is free of charge. If you need anything at all, be it a new spider, information or spider supplies, leave a message on the forum or contact me at, and i will get the information back to you.

Brachypelma Smithi (Mexican Redknee)

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Spiderworld wishes to thank Scott Scher, webmaster of Arachnopets for giving us permission to use his pictures. We recommend that everyone visits his site, the link is on our links page.

I would also like to thank everybody who has let me use their pics, and the people who helped me test this website.

Thank you.