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The Best Home Based Business Out There!

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Enter Our Weekly Drawing to Win a FREE 16oz. Gourmet Soy Candle & Soy Bath & Body Bar!

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You CAN Make Money in an AFFORDABLE Home Business!


Before you read on about this business, here's a little bit about me. My name is Tracy Russell, I'm from a small town in South Eastern Indiana but close to the city Cincinnati.
I joined the USAF at the bright age of 18, I was active duty for 7 years and 7 years in the Guard, I separated this past Dec 2003 due to the fear of being deployed with the War and leaving my two boys behind (2 and 9 months).
Since the day I signed with the military, I have always been looking for something better, something I wouldn't have to work very hard at and have fun doing. I have been in other similar businesses but the products were not right for me. I have tremendous faith in this product!
I'm one of those people who has done everything when it comes to work. I get bored easily and just have to move on. Amway, Excel, Serving, Blockbuster, Dental Assisting, home daycare, cake decorating, I have even planted Christmas trees!
This business has made me so happy and motivated me unlike anything else. My husband even sees it in my eyes. So take a look below and find the greatest home business out there.
Tracy Russell

Dear Home Business Entrepreneur,

Does this describe you? A home business seeker?

Someone who is

Looking for the right business that can be run successfully from home

Looking for a business that's affordable to start up and run, that won't break the family
bank account

Looking for support and training from someone who has already built a successful
home business

Okay, we are on the same page so far, right?

Good, I am going to get right to the point.

I have found that consistently there are certain things most people are looking for.

They -

Want a business, but can't afford the monthly autoship of many companies. As the
economy spirals downward, the monthly costs of some businesses make them out
of reach.

Want a business, but don't want to have to recruit others in the beginning, to earn a paycheck

Want a product they can retail that has a competitive cost structure

I wanted to find a home business that would allow someone to earn on their own efforts of retailing. In fact, retailing efforts alone can create a serious income, and ongoing residual income through reorders.

It has a fundraising program is exciting. It's one that truly works because the retail price of the product, combined with the popularity of the product make it very profitable for the
organization and it also creates a very simple, low maintenance income for the home business owner!

I wanted a program that would fit nicely for someone that already has an existing business.

Finally, it has a Network Marketing structured pay plan in place, that allows the recruiter to build a solid residual business income.


Here's more of what I like about this business-

1. Three serious ways to earn income.

Retail – Through one on ones, tradeshows, craft fairs, home parties, stores, salons, boutiques, gift shops, gift baskets, out of the trunk with magnetic signs and web decals and much, much more!<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

Fundraising – The list is endless of groups and organizations that are looking for a unique hot product that sells like crazy with very generous profits for their cause. This is a very lucrative and passive income for the distributor. How may of these would you like to have going on … year round?

Example: You set up 30 fundraisers, I'll keep it simple, you earn $1 per candle and 1000 candles are sold at each of the 30 fundraisers. I'll let you do the math on how much money is made for 30 fundraisers and someone else did the actual selling (work)

Residual Income – Build a team of people that want to do any or all of the above!

2. Low cost of entry and ongoing cost (I mean under $50)

3. Multi million dollar industry.

4. A consumable product that virtually everyone has and uses

5. A solid program where I can teach people a few simple steps, and they can be in profit.

So, what is it?

I'm glad you asked!

It's an incredible Gourmet Soy Candle Business!

Soy Candles?

Never heard of them?

Me either, and neither have most people, but I assure you, most people are intrigued by the concept, and blown away by the fragrance and clean burning healthy candle alternative.

If you've EVER been looking for that new, hot, sizzle product that will create it's own success story in Network Marketing, look no further!

Now, here's an interesting note-

This is a business and a product that appeals to both men and women, young and old, full timers and part-timers. That's just about everyone, everywhere!

Think about how many people you know right now who enjoy scented candles in their homes. Most of them don't know that every time they "light up," they are burning a small oil well right inside their homes.

1. This site at will provide you with more information. This includes the compensation plan. If you decide to get started, right now, MY ID IS 2073

2. 24 hour company overview, 732-463-6326, Passcode 0001

3. Email me for more - BAR24CAR1@AOL.COM

If you decide that this is a business for you, I will work with you, step by step, one on one, to help you build your own successful business. Together, we will develop a strategy, both online and offline, that works for you.

Ask yourself these questions -

Do I want to take control of my time and my finances and create more of what I really want out of life?

Do I want to work with and surround myself with people that also want more out of their own lives, and a better lifestyle?

Am I ready to act on the knowledge that has been presented to me?

I want you to know one other thing right up front.

It is not my goal to convince you or talk you into anything. This business and system works and I am willing to teach it to you. But, it's not my style to try to convince you.

I am looking for business partners that understand the trends that are taking place and want to be a part of history.

I also want you to know that if you do decide that this is for you, and you join our team, I will be right there beside you, coaching, training and accelerating your way to success!

I employ some of the best strategies available to build a successful Network Marketing business and will teach you each of these.

Want to know a little more about the products?

Be sure to stop by
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To WIN a Gourmet Soy Candle!

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