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People Used:


Title's Held:

Win/Loss/Draw Record:


Jeff Hardy

Twist Of Fate
Swanton Bomb

None as of yet



Jeff = Xtreme

Jeff Hardy is seen entering SWF's newly built arena. He looks around and smiles. As his facial expresions seems impressed. He takes a step forward to find Lillian standing smiling at him. He smiles and nods asif he knows what she is going to ask. As Lillian puts her mouth to the mic Jeff looks at the newly built interviewing page set up for the arivel of the first wrestler.

Lillian: Wow, Jeff it is such an honer to be standing here with you in SWF. As you already know you are the first wrestler to arrive. What do you have got set in mind for your time here ?

Jeff: Well, Lillian. Jeff Hardy is going to become hardcore champion. Jeff Hardy is the most extreme man in this building at the minute. Jeff takes a gole and doesn't stop untill he acheaves it. Jeff Hardy is going for hardcore. Well not straight away because that would be selfish. So first of all for all of those who have not heard of Jeff Hardy, i am going to proove myself and challange any man in this building. When i win a couple of match's i am going to ask Stephany McMahon to let me fight for the hardcore.

Jeff Hardy smiles and walks away. Jeff walks down the corridoor looking at each door as he walks past. He finnally slows down and smiles at a door with a black lead plate with gold writing ingraved "Jeff Hardy" and underneath "Superstar". He walks in admiring the newly white painting on the wall. He smiles and drops his back. Unzips in and begins pinning posters up.

As Jeff pins up the last poster, Stephany walks in and admires the posters of J.Lo Lita and Trish. She smiles and Jeff looks at her.

Stephany: Um, Jeff.....WHY am i not up there ? (giggles) Listen i just came in to welcome you to SWF. Hope you enjoy it here and make it "extreme"!

As Steph walks out Jeff gets Ready to go down to the ring>

...Jeffs Music Hits The P.A sistem...

Jeff apears on the stage and flicks his hair back and spits water up into the air. He opens his mouth wide and taunts the fans. He walks out into the lights and looks to the left, he soluts then turns to the right solutes again. Jeff looks down at the ring and sprints towards it. He slides under the bottem rope and jumps up onto the top turn buckle.

He jumps down and takes the waiting mic of Lillian.

Jeff: Wow, it feels good to finally be in the SWF. I have been sitting at home waiting for this place to open...and now it finally is open im not here to act, im not here to play boy friends and girl friends with the diva's. I'm here to make an impresion, to show that people that Jeff Hardy can take it over the top, Jeff Hardy can take wrestling can take it were no one has took it before. Can put his life on the line just to win a match. Well this isn't just wrestling and this isn't just winning match's this is making history. Jeff Hardy is here to make everyone in this erena and sitting at home now him when he is gone, when he is old and gray. Hold up, that aint here yet so its time for the first victem of the extremeness, Rob Van Dam, you think you have the quality the techneeq to beet Jeff Hardy. So RVD, what do you say to fighting me in the ring one on one ?

Jeff looks up at the stage waiting for RVD to come out onto the stage.