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*Sk8r Punkr *

Stuff About Me!

My Favorite Web Sites

Skating Website!
Great Quotes
Awesome wall paper!

Hey this is abbi! yea who else would it b dumb @$$?!?!? cheese and rice ;) (amber) haha um.. wuts up? yea i didn't think much seeing as theres no one imparticular that im talkin' 2... *sigh*... I don't know wut 2 say.. im just a normal girl, i just had surgery on my knee, Um.. i skate board (not to great) kinda shitty if ya ask me but that's ok I like 2 hang out w/ my friends amber and melissa, edgar, mikey, mincus, brian, marky, josh, mike, tony, eric, zach mourin, jamie, jake hanson, jake radinovich, & justin, chris, jeff, and anyone else i forgot im totally sorry!!