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-Final Fantasy 7
-Final Fantasy 8
-Final Fantasy 10
-Metal Gear Solid 2


Hello and welcome to A place of Madness! Yeah that got you very excited didn't it? I'll explain what this site is all about. The main purpose is trying to create a shrine dedicated to various characters from FF games and other various rpg's. I'll also put on the most difficult (?) plots and twists in a easy to understand faq. Other then that I'll put up walkthroughs, pictures, wallpapers and so on.
Hope you enjoy! I can't garantee that spoilers will be marked, but it's most of the time very obvious so don't sue me.

I had some spare time to do Scenario 4. I also corrected the error of Cid's profile picture. Anything else? Not really, Scenario 5 is the last one and the shortest too so I'll probably add the faq the same time as scenario 5.

Greetings again, major update this time. It's early in the morning (1:09 AM) and I just wanted to post this. I uploaded all of the character profiles of ff7. Scenario 4 will be done very soon and I will begin work on the FF8 section. Links section is now up too!

Greetings oh weary one...
I'm so damn tired, the last few days it's been hot! Damn how I hate the sun. I prefer rain, no really. I uploaded the third scenario, I'm now working on the profile pictures of FF7 so have a little patience! The fourth scenario will be there before you know it! Oh and I can't create a faq if my story analysis isn't completed. Oh and I also uploaded the A-G letters in the FF7 encyclopedia.

I updated the plot analysis and characters of the FF7 page! Cut me some slack on the character pictures because I have to do all of that in Photoshop. I'll upload them as soon as their ready!

I put the site online, most of the links aren't working but I'm working on that! Check back in a while.

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