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Recent Articles
-4/1 The Xperience

      Sometimes we can easily forget the different experiences that are possible on a roller coaster. Each ride can be different in its own way. Who you ride with, how you put on your restraint , and the location of where you ride in the train can all dramatically effect the ride.    Read more

-2/23 Safety Restraints

         In this article I will try to explain the different safety restraints used by different companies, and on different roller coasters. Comfort and safety are key issues that go into the design of a restraint. Most lap bars and horse-collars, which will be discussed later in this article, are being made with foam padding, but are still durable to keep the rider in the car. Read More...


       Magic Mountain is growing bigger and bigger each year, expanding it's ground with more roller coasters and thrill rides then ever before. With the new edition of X, Deja Vu, and Goliath Jr., Magic Mountain broke all the rules in the amusement park industry. Along with these coasters comes the people. And the people need somewhere to go to get excited, to get pumped. Somewhere where they can go to before they go to Magic Mountain.

      They need a website where they can hype. Here at Six Flags Magic Mountain - Extreme we will offer you the best and most comprehensive gallery of pictures. We will strive to give you the most up-to-date news and rumors at Magic Mountain and only at Magic Mountain. And we will promise to provide to you the best guide to Magic Mountain on the net. This is our contract with you. Get ready to hype....

Latest Updates


Fox 11 News Is giving away a four pack of season passes to 50 different contestants. To sign up for the give away, check out the website.


Construction has been completed on the station. Trees are being planted near both the diving loop, and the zero gravity roll. It is rumored that the queue will be near these elements. Magic Mountain has released a commercial for Scream that features Medusa east, and confirming the April 12th opening to the public. Signs have been posted at the front of the Magic Mountain entrance confirming the opening also. The parking lot opens at 9AM on Saturday the 12th. The park opens at 10AM. Media days will be held the 10th and 11th.


Scream's Vertical construction has been complete for over a week. Construction on the station is moving along at a quick pace. Picture updates have been posted at both Twisted Rails, and America Coasters Network.


Scream's construction is about half-way done. The ride is complete up to the first inversion of the cobra-roll. The drop, vertical loop, diving loop, heart-line camelback, and half the cobra roll are all finished. That leaves the Mid-course brake-run, helix, and two corkscrews. It looks like whole construction will be done in about 2 more weeks. The ride is set to open for mid April.



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