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..:: His Heart Beats For His Peeps ::..

The Scene opens backstage after coming back from commercial break, The camera is in the parking garage. There is very little going on apart from a few UPW staff going about their duties. The fans watching in the arena are growing restless awaiting some action. Just seconds later one of the staff members push the button that opens the garage door as the sound of a car horn is heard on the other side. When the door is fully open the staff member steps aside and a long black limo slowly drives into the building. The limo finally comes to a stop as the garage doors comes back down, How ever no one gets a out of the car it just sits there with the camera trying unsuccessfully to get a glimpse of who is inside. The camera changes from the parking garage leaving the limo and goes to the arena where the fans are cheering a little with the arrival of the limo the possibilities of who could be in it. The camera then pans to the announce table to the left of the stage where “Good ol’ JR” Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler by his side are sat.

..::“Good ol’ JR” Jim Ross::..
Hello folks and welcome back to the show. If your just joining us then shame on you because you’ve missed a few matches between young and up coming superstars. No doubt trying to catch the eye of either of our co-owners The legendary “Heart Break Kid” Shawn Michaels or the always lovely Torrie Wilson.

..::Jerry “The King“ Lawler::..
I couldn’t think of a better was to start out your career than in the brand new UPW. Some of the kids we saw in the ring performing their hearts out for these fans are sure to be big in the future maybe even the next Triple H or even the next Shawn Michaels. I have a feeling that the UPW is on it‘s we to being the next WWE. Full of great superstars who the fans love and speaking of love JR I just LOVE working under someone as beautiful as our new Co-Owner Torrie Wilson.

..::“Good ol’ JR” Jim Ross::..
King your too much. I thought since we are in anew company you’d have turned over a new leaf but I guess the saying is true... You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

..::Jerry “The King“ Lawler::..
Your telling me you can look at someone like Ms. Wilson and you don’t lust for her?

..::“Good ol’ JR” Jim Ross::..
I’ve told you many times that I’m a happily married man. Besides I show a little respect for women especially those who sign my pay check. Besides I’m old enough to be her father and so are you. Now getting back to business Like you said King this place has what it takes to be the next WWE. Many people doubted the abilities of Shawn and Torrie being able to come together and making a success of the UPW. We may not have a alot of big name superstars yet but you can bet their on their way. When they do arrive we will be able to put on the shows that the fans deserve and expect.

..::Jerry “The King“ Lawler::..
Speaking of big names just moments ago we saw the arrival of a long stretch limo pull into the arena and by the looks and size of it I’d say it’s someone pretty damn important in it....

..::“Good ol’ JR” Jim Ross::..
King if I can just interrupt you there I’m now being told that we are seconds away from finding out exactly who is in the limo.

The limo appears on the large tron screen above the stage and as the fans watch with their eyes glued to it the camera once again switches back to the parking garage where the limo is still sitting only this time the driver is opening the passenger door. With where the camera is positioned a pair of legs appear with strapped heel shoes the camera guy gets into a better position still with the view of the feet then very slowly working it’s way up the legs that lead to a some what short black skirt then a tight pink shirt that makes who ever it is chest look much bigger than it already is. By now the guys in the crowd along with “The King” are getting heated up over the slow revealing of who this women is. Even further up small parts of brunette hair is shown coming over the shoulders and down the front then with a pan back of the camera the guys are going insane as they now know the women is the former WWE SmackDown general manager, Stephanie McMahon the drivers disappears to get her things from the limo as she stands and looks around the arena and smiling to herself hearing the crowd’s cheers.

..::“Billion Dollar Beauty Queen” Stephanie McMahon::..
Driver, I’ve just finished doing my nails so I can’t carry the belongings to the dressing room and take the risk of damaging them. So if you could please take our things to the room for me I’d really appreciate it and I’m sure we’ll able to give a big tip, So if you could please be careful with them and follow me to the our joint dressing room.

Stephanie leads the way into the arena building as the scene fades ot to a UPW commercial break. When the commercial is over footage of earlier today as the UPW opened it doors for the first time before heading to Toronto, Canada for the first official show. The footage is of the fans pouring the doors for the house show in Sacramento, California. The energy of the crowd seems to be pretty good as they enter the arena. Some of the fans get pulled aside and asked a few questions on how the feel about the UPW by Josh Mathews.

..::“WWE Tough Enough Failure” Josh Mathews::..
Excuse me sir would you mind if I take a minute of your time?

..::“Excited Fan #1” Malcolm Price::..
I‘m I going to be on TV?

..::“WWE Tough Enough Failure” Josh Mathews::..
Yes Sir It will be showed later in the evening to the rest of the arena and most like shown again on Raw next week so you will be on TV.

..::“Excited Fan #1” Malcolm Price::..
Then by all means go ahead and take as much of my time as you need.

..::“WWE Tough Enough Failure” Josh Mathews::..
Thank you sir but all I’ll need is a minute, So sir what tempted you on coming here tonight for the house show?

..::“Excited Fan #1” Malcolm Price::..
I’ve been to many wrestling show over the years that I’ve been a fan of the sport including such promotions as ECW, WCW and the WWE and since the UPW is the new kid on the block I thought I’d come down and experience it first hand so I can see if it has what it takes to be as big as the others I mentioned.

..::“WWE Tough Enough Failure” Josh Mathews::..
I see, What are you expecting from tonight?

..::“Excited Fan #1” Malcolm Price::..
I’m expected to have a great time and to go home happy, hopefully it won’t disappoint.

..::“WWE Tough Enough Failure” Josh Mathews::..
Thank you for your time.

..::“WWE Tough Enough Failure” Josh Mathews::..
Miss, Miss can I speak to you before you head inside?

..::“Excited Fan #2” Sara Sim::..
(Running her hands throw her hair) Oh wow, Um...yeah sure.

..::“WWE Tough Enough Failure” Josh Mathews::..
You sure seem excited tonight are you ready for the show tonight?

..::“Excited Fan #2” Sara Sim::..
I’m really excited about tonight, It’s my first time ever at a wrestling show and now I’m being interviewed by you, I have huge crush on you. (Says the fan who is now a little red faced with her confession of her crush)

..::“WWE Tough Enough Failure” Josh Mathews::..
Thank you very much, I’m glad someone likes me around here, What are your thoughts on Shawn Michaels and Torrie Wilson joint partnership and developing the UPW.

..::“Excited Fan #2” Sara Sim::..
I think it’s great, Shawn Michaels has done so much for this business in the ring now it time for him to prove he’s just as good out of the ring and as for Torrie, She’s my idle She never has been that great of a wrestler so I think she’d be much better off in power. We can only wait and see what happens in UPW’s future.

The footage ends and the UPW camera is back in the arena back with the best announce team in the business Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.

..::“Good ol’ JR” Jim Ross::..
Well folks just before the last commercial we took we found out that it was none other than Stephanie McMahon the former general mangers of WWE‘s SmackDown. I just wonder what she has planned for tonight.

..::Jerry “The King“ Lawler::..
We weren‘t expecting her arrival tonight, I’m glad she is here in UPW but I can‘t stop thinking of who this other person could be. She kept saying their belongings and we could give a big tip and then spoke of a joint dressing room. She was alone when she arrived so who could it be?

..::“Good ol’ JR” Jim Ross::..
I haven’t got a clue King but I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. In the mean time we have another two young guys in the ring ready for a match.

The match between the two guys lasts for about nine minutes ending with a flying dropkick from the turnbuckle for the three. With the winner celebrating his win the camera heads to the backstage area again where Stephanie McMahon is sat watching the television. A huge smile spreads across her beautiful face as she gets up to her feet and walks closer to the TV the camera gets into position to see what she’s smiling about. It zooms in on the set showing the parking garage and the same limo that dropped her off earlier arrives in the building.

..::Jerry “The King“ Lawler::..
Hey JR that must the other person. Look at the smile on her face and it’s the same exact limo I can’t wait to find out who this could be, I bet it’s gonna be great.

..::Commercial Break::..

After the short commercial break is over the camera is back in the parking garage where the limo has once again came to stop. This time the camera is in front of the passenger door, The door opens and as it did before with Stephanie it works it was up from the ground revealing a pair of black leather shoes then a pair of matching pants. The whole crowd begins to go crazy as the camera stops on the next object witch is a huge gold belt buckle with a bull’s head on it. The bull’s head gives it away and as the camera pulls back the fans go totally crazy as “The People’s Champ”, The Rock appears on the screen. He tilts his head back as the fans go silent ready for is world famous phrase.

..::“People’s Champ” The Rock::..
Finally The Rock Has Come Back....To Sacramento!

..::Jerry “The King“ Lawler::..’s The Rock, He can’t be the person Stephanie’s waiting for. They’ve never got along together. I’m confused JR what’s going on?

..::“Good ol’ JR” Jim Ross::..
Well King I’m afraid I don’t understand this at all, Like you said they’ve never been anything more than enemies since day one.

Rock walks off leaving the driver with his hand out awaiting the tep Stephanie promised him earlier. Suddenly Rock stops dead in his tracks as the crowd chant his name. Rock turns around and looks at the driver, the camera and then the driver again before clearing his throat and laying the verbal abuse on the driver.

..::“People’s Champ” The Rock::..
Why in the hell is your hand pointing towards The Rock. (The driver tries to speak but too afraid to) Speak up jabroni!

..::“Whisker-biscuit” The Driver::.. the thing is, Ms. McMahon promised me a tip earlier and well....

..::“People’s Champ” The Rock::..
Whoa, Whoa hold on there ol’ whisker-biscuit, Let The Rock get this straight...You want The Rock to tip you, (Again the driver tries to speak but Rock cuts him off) You ain’t got to say anything, The Rock knows what you want. The Rock knows what you need.

The Rock delves into his ring pant’s pocket and comes up empty handed. He repeats the action this time delving into his left, This time coming up with what seems to be a hundred dollar bill. He extends the dollar bill to the driver who reaches out to take it.

..::“People’s Champ” The Rock::..
Wait a minute The Rock has just thought of a much better tip than this hundred dollar bill try this tip...GET YOUR MONKEY ASS OUT OF THE ROCK’S FACE BEFORE HE SLAPS THE TASTE OUT OF YOUR MOUTH

..::“People’s Champ” The Rock::..
One more thing. Mr camera man The Rock’s just about to turn around so give the ladies of Sacramento what the want and get a close-up on The Rock’s booty. (Rock turns to walk off but not before slapping his right ass cheek which the female fans go crazy for) The Rock’s booty is hot...Yeah Baby!

With the camera still following The Rock down the halls of the arena. He walks into a room closing the door behind him leaving the camera outside the door. It then zooms into the sign on the door with both Stephanie and The Rock‘s name on it leaving the fans wondering what the relationship between these two could be.
Later on in the evening the fans are sat in their seats waiting for more action when all of a sudden the lights in the arena begin to flash and “I‘m All Grown Up” hits the PA System and Stephanie McMahon walks out from behind the curtain in a nice little pink number. She stands top of the stage with a smile on her face and hands on her hips as she receives a standing ovation from the fans. She struts her stuff down the isle. Many of the male fans reach out trying to get her attention to see if she’ll shake their hands.

She comes to the end of isle and makes her way up the three metal steps that lead to the ring apron. A few flashes of cameras go off as she slowly walks up the steps then across the apron. She then enters the ring with help from the UPW ring announcer holding the ropes for her, She takes the microphone from him and waits for her music and the fans to die down before talking.

..::“Billion Dollar Beauty Queen” Stephanie McMahon::..
WOW!, I never thought a member of the McMahon family would get such a great reaction especially me of all the family. So thank you very much for making little ol’ me feel so welcome here in Ultimate Pro Wrestling. Now many of you may be wondering why I would give up such a great job as general manager of smackdown to come here. I’ll tell you why, As great a job as it was I realised I was depraving all my loyal fans of seeing more of me on the screen. So I left the WWE but not alone. I brought one scratch that The Greatest man to ever step foot in a ring today. I know you all saw the man I’m talking about arriving in the building. You also may be wondering why myself and this man have formed an alliance together after all why have had some colourful moments in the past, But that’s exactly what it is the past.

..::“Billion Dollar Beauty Queen” Stephanie McMahon::..
I won’t take up any more of your time since I know you al can’t wait any longer so without further ado I bring to you all not just a great superstar but also a great actor, A man all you guys wish you could be and all you women wish you could have...Ladies And Gentlemen The Great One, THE ROCK!

As Stephanie finishes those last words the light go out as the sound Rock‘s music playing throughout the arena, The camera zooms in on the tron above the stage as Rock’s entrance video plays and the fans get on their feet and turn there attention to
...With the birds eye view of L.A. ends a spot light hits the stage and from behind the curtain walks the man they’ve all been waiting to see. He stands top of the stage with the fans giving him the roaring ovation he so rightly deserves. With Stephanie waiting for him in the ring he walks down the isle. He reaches the end of the isle and looks to his right at a female fan who has her arm out in hope of touching him. Rock leans over shakes her hand and continues his way to the ring the camera stays with the woman who is now jumping up and down with excitement that she shook his hand. When the camera goes back to Rock he’s climbing the turnbuckle and lifts his arm in the air...

...Rock leaps down off the turnbuckle, enters the ring and passes Stephanie who’s clapping her hands as he makes his way over to the other turnbuckle. He poses for the fans again, leaps off the turnbuckle and walks over to his new business partner who hands him the microphone. His raises it to his mouth, tilts his head back, clears his throat and as he did when he arrived says his world famous phrase once again.

..::“People’s Champ” The Rock::..
Finally The Rock Has Come Back....To... Sacramento!

..::“People’s Champ” The Rock::..
And as you may have noticed The Rock has not come alone. By his side and watching his back...The Rock would have never thought he’d be saying this he has the lovely Stephanie McMahon. As Stephanie has already said you may all be wondering why we’ve come here together after all the fighting in the past back in WWE in fact lets take a look at some of Rock/Steph moments.

..::“People’s Champ” The Rock::..
Through the years of The Rock’s career The Great One and Stephanie have crossed paths on many occasions. Through out all the feuding The Rock saw the look in the princess’s eyes and much like all the women here tonight watching The Rock walk his booty down that isle the looks said you all want to taste The Rock’s strudel... (The women in the arena go crazy as The Rock does the little thing he does with his pants at the mention of his strudel and smirking at Stephanie who has when red in the face)

..::“People’s Champ” The Rock::..
It’s just too damn bad the pie here in Sacramento is the nastiest pie The Rock’s laid his upon. You actually made people’s champ gag is disgust. Take this fat mama right here there’s been a little invention called a thigh-master try using it some time instead of stuffing donuts and bear claws in your mouth thunder thighs. The only decent pie The Rock has saw is this fine mama-jama right there Pointing to the blonde he shook hands with earlier)

The Rock pauses and the fans who not just five minutes ago cheering for him are now chanting Rocky Sucks! Rock looks on in disbelieve that these losers are chanting that he sucks.

The Rock Sucks!, Listen up you Sacramento scum The Rock gets more pie in week than any of you sons of bitches get in life time. You don’t tell The Rock he sucks unless you want your ass handed to you. In fact The Rock’s begging any jabroni to take it to The Rock.

Just then a young guy on the outside of the ring who was scheduled to have a match in front of his home town slides in charges towards The Rock. Unfortunate for the young kid Rock saw him coming and hits a clothesline on him knocking him to the mat. Rock picks him up and begins to lay the smack down on him. Making quick work of him Rock throws him of the ropes his him with a spine buster. Then dropping the people’s elbow not once but twice, Then finally finishing him off with a rock bottom and throwing his limp body over the top rope. Picking up the microphone and says a few last words.

..::“People’s Champ” The Rock::..
The Rock doesn’t know who he’s facing at Raw in Toronto but to who ever it is can look forward to getting his ass whooped just like that punk laid out down there. So who ever it turns out to be The Rock says this...Just Bring It....Bitch!