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Home Of The SBFL
Home Of The SBFL
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Members Info
Steve/Two Headed Snakes
John/The Destruction
Maureen/Bratty Princess
Shawn/Fat Cats
Frank/Franchise Players
Dave/Hud's Hoopers
Vic/Yoshi Dominators
Dave/King James and His Court

Roster Info
Da Dogg Pownd
Fat Cats
Franchise Players
King James and His Court
Hud's Hoopers
Yoshi Dominators

2003 Awards
2004 Awards
2005 Awards
2006 Awards

Updated News


July Twenty Second Two Thousand Three

Ok every thing is back to par. OK even though you can still trade until July 31, starting Thursday 24th I need every to start posting their keepers. I say the 24th cause I know Nate and Steve are leaving for vacation. You do not have to post on the 24th just any time between that date and the 31st. Also please don't post any keeper before the 24th. One last IMPORTANT thing if you post your keepers your trading is done until the beginning of the season. So make sure you are happy with your team. So get those trades and keepers in and get ready for the draft.
PEACE-Dave Styles!!!!

Off Season Traded Player
Traded Draft Picks
Here this Goes

I can add more down here?
Here This Goes

I can add more down here

©2004 Silver and Black Football League®
Overall Standing
2002-3 Standings
2003-4 Standings
2004-5 Standings
2005-6 Standings

Allstar Standing
2003 Allstar Stats
2004 Allstar Stats
2005 Allstar Stats
2006 Allstar Stats

League Extras
Post Message
Draft Board
Keeper List
Draft Order

Blasts From The Past
SBFL Wall Of Fame

Mike/Myagical Ballers
Tmac/Rock N Ballers