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Welcome to Sadar Fair

stepping through the gates of the Fair, various booths are about, the smell of bosk, and other meat fill the air,slaves serving, dancing, following Owners,The fairs incidentally are governed by Merchant Law and supported by booth rents and taxes levied on the items exchanged. The commercial facilities of these fairs, from money changing to general banking, are the finest I know of on Gor, save those in Ar's Street of Coins, and letters of credit are accepted and loans negotiated, though often at usurious rates, with what seems reckless indifference. Yet perhaps this is not so puzzling, for the Gorean cities will, within their own walls, enforce the Merchant Law when pertinent, even against their own citizens. If they did not, of course, the fairs would be closed to the citizens of that city.

Priest Kings of Gor

there is no violence in the fair against a Free, no raiding, no sparring, and no forced collaring is not allowed in this fair

ANY attempting such will be caged by Any amount of Guards that it takes, who patrol the fair. A/any breaking these rules will be ignored and the rp ruled invalid, no arguments, or discussion over this, if You don't like it, then leave....

Many are the objects for sale at the fair. I passed among wines and textiles and raw wool, silks, and brocades, copperware and glazed pottery, carpets and tapestries, lumber, furs, hides, salt, arms and arrows, saddles and harness, rings and bracelets and necklaces, belts and sandals, lamps and oils, medicines and meats and grains, animals such as the fierce tarns, Gor's winged mounts, and tharlarions, and slaves, both male and female."

Full Members of the home may collar to Their Personal collar, if begged .....

Probationary and Full Members of the home can collar to a {SFCG} collar if begged

ANYONE may be caged at the Fair for violation of Gorean Laws. This includes thievery, runaways, escapees from other Homes, and disrespect. The ONLY ones who may open a cage is the Head Administrator ..Frees who are caged will be released Free after restitution is paid to the Fair for any and all damages that may have occurred

Visiting collared and un-collared slaves will serve and do chores while in the Fair. IF they are restricted from serving free other than their Owner, then they will do chores. No idle slaves will be tolerated, and can be caged if disrespectful, and there will be a amount paid for their release if owned...

FREE WOMEN will dress properly regardless of their home as they will have been traveling to get to the Fair. Those found inappropriately dressed will be asked one time to fix their appearance. If not done immediately, will be caged, until They do as asked, or until the Head Administrator feels She can be released from the cage

Free women will not drink paga, ale, mead, kalana or any drink that is considered a strong alcoholic beverage. Doing so can and will result in being caged

Panthers would not normally be seen at the fair. Those that manage to travel as far as the fair should be in disguise, with no obvious weapons, and avatars must be appropriate to the disguise

No Ghost tags allowed, you will get one warning to change

no rt is to be brought into the Home

NO OOC comments allowed. Keep OOC to PM

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