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I'm elegible!  That's right my appeal was approved.  Minot, here I come!

Old News

My boys from ECU did it like they use too, last weekend at their conference meet. They
finished second and had three guys in the top ten, which is all-conference. Freddie was 
2nd, Steve 6th, and Koby 7th, congrats guys! The two big doggs also ran well last 
weekend. With Cody Weaver setting a PR at conference and Nolan doing the same, but at
the 5K distance. And Nolan did this with a hurricane in his face. 

The Chickies tore it up as well, with a fourth place finish at conference. Congratulations
to Ashley for finishing 8th and making all-conference. I know what your thinking, Man, 
ECU is kicking crack. I have two words for you, Chris McCormick, that says it all.

My Brother-in-law Mike Johnson ran the Chicago Marathon a couple of weeks ago and finished in a time of 3:14. Not a PR for him but still fast. Rumors are going around that he might be headed to White Rock to take on the marathon in Dallas again. Back to where his marathoning started. Good job, Mike and keep up the good work!

Johnny T. and the mighty Pirates had regionals last weekend. They fell a little short of making state, but the main man Vinny Hall made it. Vincent go tear them up! Also, several of the Pirates set PR's including Jonathon. The hard working Seniors will be missed. Great year seniors, Micheal, Arron, and Chris. Chris, you really came on this year, let it carry over to track. Great season, guys!

Tulsa Run last Saturday. Tom and I ran the 15K and Coach Hornbuckle ran the 5k. We all did very well. Coach Hornbuckle was 7th in his age group with a time of 25:29. I was 11th overall and 2nd in my age group. My time was 52:28. Tom finished 44th overall and 11th in his age group. His time was 57:27. Tom is now getting ready for the Oklahoma Marathon on Nov. 22. I know he's ready to set a PR. Good luck, Tom.