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A Glimpse into the Life of Michael Rhodes



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Welcome to my Website!                         Welcome to my Website!                         Welcome to my Website!                         Welcome to my Website!

Here you will find all sorts of cool stuff from personal information about me to my favorite interests and links.

Click on any of the links to view that page. Enjoy!

Favorite Links


Here are some search engines to help you browse the web.

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Check the weather wherever you are. Just click on the link and type your zip code.

Weather Forecast

Photo Album

Communities & Forums

Look at my new online photo album filled with all sorts of pictures!

Here you can download AOL and LimeWire Software for free!  Talk to all your friends and family, share music, and stay connected.  Just click on the files and download.
bulletAOL free
bulletLimeWire Music



Thank you for stopping by.  You can contact me at

This site was last updated 03/03/03