Act of War - Tuesday, June 24, 2003, 12:55 AM

<5742-5742hp: 1162-1232m: 360-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Players near you: Reanis North-East Training Field Demon General Kael's Personal Room Tuan General Kael's Personal Room <5742-5742hp: 1162-1232m: 360-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> The winter night gives way as the sun peaks over the mountains. (Advice: At lvl 50 you can remort an become a more powerful race. help 'remort' ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1163-1232m: 372-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> You hop on a mighty green dragon's back. <5742-5742hp: 1163-1232m: 372-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> ##..# ++++*+++ ##..+## #+++ ### West Kael Road [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. <5742-5742hp: 1163-1232m: 372-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> + + ++ #..# #+ ++++*+++ #..+##+ #++++ ###+ West Kael Road [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. The Warden is sleeping here. (White Aura) An officer of the Black Watch stands watch over the gate. <5742-5742hp: 1163-1232m: 372-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> + + +++ ..# #+# ++++*+++ ..+##+# #+++++ ###+X Portal Grounds of Kael [Exits: east west] (12) A hunk of bread lies here. It doesn't look too stale. ( 2) A shiny blade is on the floor. ( 2) Some soft boots are on the floor. A shiny metallic shirt is on the floor. ( 2) A pile of brown cloth is on the floor. (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (White Aura) The Lord of the Black Watch stands here, overseeing his elite troops. <5742-5742hp: 1163-1232m: 372-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You bellow 'what's goin on ben?' <5742-5742hp: 1163-1232m: 372-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duke Ben bellows 'god damnit' <5742-5742hp: 1163-1232m: 372-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> ############## Who Is Playing? - AoW 3.7 ################# [Kni BAR] [Valiant] Reanis the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Ass CNT] Demon [War Nym] Tuan the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Ill CON] Ben the beast [Bar BAR] [Undead] Domokun [Wit CNT] <^Brotherhood^> Zaltais. [Ran CNT] (Dragon) Salin FoR LOVE [Ass CNT] Narco leptic is Acron EEK! Players found in your kingdom: 8 Total enemy players playing: 24 TOTAL players playing right now: 32 Max players on since last reboot: 47 Largest number of active players ever: 57 <5742-5742hp: 1163-1232m: 372-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Players near you: Reanis Portal Grounds of Kael Demon General Kael's Personal Room Tuan Headquarters Storage Room <5742-5742hp: 1163-1232m: 372-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You bellow 'eh?' <5742-5742hp: 1163-1232m: 372-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You feel less tired. <5742-5742hp: 1151-1232m: 423-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duchess Beraki enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 1151-1232m: 423-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You feel less tired. <5742-5742hp: 1139-1232m: 474-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You lost your concentration. <5742-5742hp: 1133-1232m: 474-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You bellow 'Beraki' <5742-5742hp: 1133-1232m: 474-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> ############## Who Is Playing? - AoW 3.7 ################# [Ran DCH] [Burden] Beraki - Nommy. [Kni BAR] [Valiant] Reanis the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Ass CNT] Demon [Ill CON] Ben the beast [Bar BAR] [Undead] Domokun [Wit CNT] <^Brotherhood^> Zaltais. [Ran CNT] (Dragon) Salin FoR LOVE [Ass CNT] Narco leptic is Acron EEK! Players found in your kingdom: 8 Total enemy players playing: 22 TOTAL players playing right now: 30 Max players on since last reboot: 47 Largest number of active players ever: 57 <5742-5742hp: 1133-1232m: 474-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Players near you: Beraki Headquarters Storage Room Reanis Portal Grounds of Kael Demon General Kael's Personal Room <5742-5742hp: 1133-1232m: 474-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> The sun peaks in the east bringing warmth to the frozen land. (Advice: Turn color on or off by typing 'color'. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1134-1232m: 486-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duchess Beraki bellows 'reanis.' <5742-5742hp: 1134-1232m: 486-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You bellow 'Garak wants your cloak :p' <5742-5742hp: 1134-1232m: 486-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You feel less tired. <5742-5742hp: 1122-1232m: 537-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You feel less tired. <5742-5742hp: 1110-1232m: 588-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You lost your concentration. <5742-5742hp: 1104-1232m: 588-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duchess Beraki bellows 'snicker' <5742-5742hp: 1104-1232m: 588-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You feel less tired. <5742-5742hp: 1092-1232m: 639-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Oreal enters the kingdom. Kenzitas enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 1092-1232m: 639-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> ############## Who Is Playing? - AoW 3.7 ################# [Bar BAR] [Burden] Oreal My Life For * !! [Tmp Fae] Kenzitas. [Kni BAR] [Valiant] Reanis the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Ass CNT] Demon [Ill CON] Ben the beast [Bar BAR] [Undead] Domokun [Wit CNT] <^Brotherhood^> Zaltais. [Ran CNT] (Dragon) Salin FoR LOVE [Ass CNT] Narco leptic is Acron EEK! Players found in your kingdom: 9 Total enemy players playing: 19 TOTAL players playing right now: 28 Max players on since last reboot: 47 Largest number of active players ever: 57 a mighty green dragon gets elven chainmail. <5742-5742hp: 1092-1232m: 639-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> (Advice: Gossip is used in Tier, bellow is used in Kael, snarl is used in Undermountain, and inform is used in Cairn. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> + + +++ ..# #+# ++++*+++ ..+##+# #+++++ ###+X Portal Grounds of Kael [Exits: east west] (12) A hunk of bread lies here. It doesn't look too stale. ( 2) A shiny blade is on the floor. ( 2) Some soft boots are on the floor. ( 2) A pile of brown cloth is on the floor. (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (White Aura) The Lord of the Black Watch stands here, overseeing his elite troops. <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> a mighty green dragon gets a brown cloak. <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baroness Vymbor enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> ############## Who Is Playing? - AoW 3.7 ################# [Ass BAR] [Burden] Vymbor. [Tmp Fae] Kenzitas. [Kni BAR] [Valiant] Reanis the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Ass CNT] Demon [Ill CON] Ben the beast [Bar BAR] [Undead] Domokun [Wit CNT] <^Brotherhood^> Zaltais. [Ran CNT] (Dragon) Salin FoR LOVE [Ass CNT] Narco leptic is Acron EEK! Players found in your kingdom: 9 Total enemy players playing: 21 TOTAL players playing right now: 30 Max players on since last reboot: 47 Largest number of active players ever: 57 <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You tell Duke Ben 'any goings on?' <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duke Ben replies 'just whappified all enemies' <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You reply Duke Ben 'bah' <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> (Advice: Chapter 4 will be opening soon, introducing many new classes and features. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1094-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You reply Duke Ben 'got room for a Knight with a really cool dragon? :(' <5742-5742hp: 1094-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> + + +++ ..# #+# ++++*+++ ..+##+# #+++++ ###+X Portal Grounds of Kael [Exits: east west] (12) A hunk of bread lies here. It doesn't look too stale. ( 2) A shiny blade is on the floor. ( 2) Some soft boots are on the floor. A pile of brown cloth is on the floor. (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (White Aura) The Lord of the Black Watch stands here, overseeing his elite troops. <5742-5742hp: 1094-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW )> ############## Who Is Playing? - AoW 3.7 ################# [Tmp Fae] Kenzitas. [Kni BAR] [Valiant] Reanis the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Ass CNT] Demon [Ill CON] Ben the beast [Bar BAR] [Undead] Domokun [Wit CNT] <^Brotherhood^> Zaltais. [Ran CNT] (Dragon) Salin FoR LOVE [Ass CNT] Narco leptic is Acron EEK! Players found in your kingdom: 8 Total enemy players playing: 22 TOTAL players playing right now: 30 Max players on since last reboot: 47 Largest number of active players ever: 57 <5742-5742hp: 1094-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duke Ben has summoned you! = @@ @ ===@@@@ ==.== @@ ==.== @ ===* @ @@@@@@@@ +++++ @@ @+ @ Desolate Plain [Exits: north south west] A pile of bones of some animal rots in the wind. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A hyena is here, laughing it's laugh. <5742-5742hp: 1094-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW) > Baron Domokun must like you a great deal to beam at you so broadly! <5742-5742hp: 1094-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> You now follow Duke Ben. <5742-5742hp: 1094-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> You join Duke Ben's group. <5742-5742hp: 1094-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> (Advice: You can use your raises before remort, but it's advised that you save your trains. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. You no longer see invisible objects. <5742-5742hp: 1095-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> You follow Duke Ben north. ==@@ ===@@ @ ===@@@@ ==.== @@ ==.=* @ ==== @ @@@@@@@@ +++++ @@ Desolate Plain [Exits: north south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A hyena is here, laughing it's laugh. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1095-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [DETECT INVISIBILITY OUT!]' Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. @@ ===@@@ ===@@ @ ===@@@@ ==.=* @@ ==.== @ ==== @ @@@@@@@@ Desolate Plain [Exits: south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1095-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5742-5742hp: 1095-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> You get a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 1095-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) I have eq from when I first baroned this char' <5742-5742hp: 1095-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> You are affected by the following spells: Spell: infravision : modifies none by 0 for 50 hours Spell: bless : modifies hit roll by 6 for 16 hours : modifies save vs spell by -6 for 16 hours Spell: fly : modifies none by 0 for 48 hours <5742-5742hp: 1095-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'sfainfrauai zzur'. <5742-5742hp: 1095-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> You lost your concentration. <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> You follow Duke Ben west. = @@ ====@@@ ===@@ @ ====@@@ ===.*= @ ==.== ==== @@@@@@@@ Desolate Plain [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A giant gray skinned wolf is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW )> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ~@@ ==@@@@@ ====@@@ ===@@ @ ===*@@@ ===.== @ ==.== ==== Desolate Plain [Exits: north east south] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben east. ~@@ =@@@@@ ===@@@ ===@@ @ ===*@@@ ==.== @@ ==.== @ ==== @ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ~@@ @@@@@ ==@@@ ==@@ @ @ ===@*@@@ =.== @@@ .== @@ ==== @@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1093-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You feel holy and pure. You follow Duke Ben east. @@ @@@@ =@@@ @@ @ @ =@@*@@@ .== @@@@ == @@@ === @@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'I still have hope' <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @ @@@ @@@ @@ @ @ @ =@@@*@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] salin' You follow Duke Ben east. @@@ @@@ + @ @ @ @@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@ @@@@ + @ @ @ @@@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@ @@@@@ + @ @ @ @@@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@. Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@ @ @@@@@@ + @ @ @ @@@ @ @@@@*@@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@.. Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ + @ @ @ @@@ @@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@.. Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A forest creature is here trying to hide from you. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] the log wouldn't go through' Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@ @@@ @@@@*@@@ @@@ @ @@@ @@.. Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @@ @@@ @@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@ @@@ @@@@*@@@ @ @@ @@ @ @@.. Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. An ettercap beast watches you closely. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @ @@@ @@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @@@ @ @@@@*@@@ @@@ @@ Dark Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You see nothing special about him. Duke Ben is in excellent condition. Duke Ben is using: <used as light> a ghastly white light <worn on finger> (Glowing) a ring of frost <worn on finger> (Glowing) a ring of frost <worn around neck> a black amulet <worn around neck> a black amulet <worn on torso> a set of icy platemail <worn on head> the Antlers of a Stag <worn on legs> (Glowing) (Shimmering)Legplates of Demonic Forging <worn on feet> (Glowing) a pair of glimmer boots <worn on hands> (Humming) gauntlets of ogre power <worn on arms> (Black) the Shattered Skull Tattoo of the [Undead] <worn as shield> (Glowing) a glowing ball of energy <worn about body> a magical cloak of barrier protection (Ruined) <worn about waist> (Black) (Humming) the Embrace of the Dark Lord <worn around wrist> (Glowing) a galvorn enchanted bracer (Ruined) <worn around wrist> (Glowing) a galvorn enchanted bracer (Ruined) <wielded> a Chaos Blade <held> (Glowing) Tome of the Archmagus (Ruined) <floating nearby> (Glowing) (Humming) * Hope * You follow Duke Ben east. @@@ @ @@@ @ @@ @ @ @+ @ @@@ @@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@ @@ Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@ @@ @ @ @@@ @ @+ @@@ @@@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@@ @@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A dangerous gibberling catches your eye. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) hope?' <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You are carrying: (Glowing) a potion of infinite darkness ( 2) (Glowing) (Black) The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer a frost covered basket (Glowing) (Black) the Whip of Turmoils (Glowing) "Icebane" Legendary sword of the Dragonhunter ( 6) a Magic Mushroom a slaen hide chestplate a slaen spine spear (Glowing) a Diamond-Edged Halberd ( 5) (Humming) a dragonsilver lance ( 3) A Restring Token (Glowing) a wightblade a piece of mandrake a Chaos Blade (Glowing) Wolfsbane the broadsword (Black) a Dark Elven longpike (Humming) (Red) the Runed Hammer of Bashing <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @@ @@@ @ @@@@ @ @+ @ @@ @@@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @ @@@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. The mist takes shape here into a strange beast. A giant spider is here, legs raised in hungry fervor! Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @ @@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @+ @@ @@ @@@ @ @@@@*@@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A forest creature is here trying to hide from you. A dangerous gibberling catches your eye. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@ @ @@@@@ @+ @@@ @ @@@ @@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@ @@@ @@@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@ @@@@@ @+ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'hmm sancs?' <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> You follow Duke Ben north. @@ @ @@@@@ @@@@@ @+ @@@@ @@@*@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @ @ @@@@@ @@ @@@@@ @ @+ @@@@@ @@@ *@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @ @@@@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @ @ @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @*@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@ @ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 ( NESW)> You are affected by the following spells: Spell: protection evil: modifies save vs spell by -20 for 24 hours Spell: infravision : modifies none by 0 for 50 hours Spell: bless : modifies hit roll by 6 for 16 hours : modifies save vs spell by -6 for 16 hours Spell: fly : modifies none by 0 for 48 hours <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @ @@ @@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @ @@*@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@ Deep in the Dark Forest [Exits: east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'on tick yes?' <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @ @@@ @@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@*@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@ Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Count Nemesis* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1088-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You feel someone protecting you. Duke Ben tells the group 'wait a sec' <5742-5742hp: 1083-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@*@ @@@@@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@ Dark Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1083-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @@@ @ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@* @@@@ @ @@@ @@ @@@ Dark Forest [Exits: north south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1083-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. @ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @ @@@ Mushroom Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1083-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'k' <5742-5742hp: 1083-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ Mushroom Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1083-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@*@@@ @@@ @@ @@@ Mushroom Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1083-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> (Advice: Use 'wizlist' to see who is on our immortal staff! ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@@@ @@@@@@@+ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@*@@@ @@ ^^ @ ^^ @@ Mushroom Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A putrid mushfolk stands here caring for his shrooms. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@@@ @@@@@@+@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@*@@@ ^^^ ^^^ Mushroom Forest [Exits: north east west] a large mushroom is here, soon to be as big as a tree. (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A doe is here, grazing in the forest. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] shield' You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@@ @ @@@@@+@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@*@@ ^^^^ ^^^^ .^^^ Mushroom Forest [Exits: east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@ @@ @@@@+@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@*@ ^^^^^ ^^^^ .^^^ Mushroom Forest [Exits: north east south west] a large mushroom is here, soon to be as big as a tree. (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben north. @ @@ @@@@@@@ @@@@+@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@*@@ @@@@@@ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Mushroom Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Count Golkie* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@+@@@ @@@@*@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ^^^^^ Mushroom Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben north. @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@*@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ Ancient Monolith [Exits: north east south west] (Humming) An Ancient Monolith is rooted into the ground here. (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A darkling skulks the shadows here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'shield' <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@@ ^ @@@@@ ^ @@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@ @@@+*@@@ @@@@@@ + @@@@@@ @@@@@ Mushroom Forest [Exits: east west] a large mushroom is here, soon to be as big as a tree. (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A putrid mushfolk stands here caring for his shrooms. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @@@ ^+ @@@@ ^^ @@@@ @ @@@@@@@@ @@+@*@@@ @@@@@ + @@@@@ @@@@ Cedar Tree Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@ ^+ @@@ ^^ @@ @ @ @@@@@@@@ @+@@*@@@ @@@@ + @@@@ @@@ Cedar Tree Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @ ^+ @@ ^^ @@ @ @@ @@@@@@@@ +@@@*@@@ @@@ + @ @@@ Cedar Tree Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gpuzre'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a force shield. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^+ ^^ @ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@*@@@ @@ + @@ @@ @ Cedar Tree Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Kryll* is here. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^+ + ^^ @ @ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@*@@@ + @@@ @@ Cedar Tree Forest [Exits: north east west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A darkling skulks the shadows here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^+ +@ ^^ @@ @ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@*@@@ + @@@@ @@@ @ Cedar Tree Forest [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. +@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@*@@+ @@@@@ @@@@ @@ Cedar Tree Forest [Exits: east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A doe is here, grazing in the forest. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] shield' Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. +@ @ @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@*@+@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ Forests of Perdition [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A putrid mushfolk stands here caring for his shrooms. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Salin utters the words, 'fido'. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. +@ @ @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@*+@ @@@@@@ @@@@@# @@@ Forests of Perdition [Exits: north east south west] (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wyvern is flying directly overhead. A putrid mushfolk stands here caring for his shrooms. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gpuzre'. You are surrounded by a force shield. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. +@ @ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ # @@@@*@ # @@@@@@ # @@@@@## @@@ Ancient Monolith [Exits: north east south west] (Humming) An Ancient Monolith is rooted into the ground here. (Your mount) A mighty green dragon stands here, waiting for a rider. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'off that thing' <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You are affected by the following spells: Spell: shield : modifies armor class by -20 for 60 hours Spell: armor : modifies armor class by -20 for 23 hours Spell: protection evil: modifies save vs spell by -20 for 23 hours Spell: infravision : modifies none by 0 for 49 hours Spell: bless : modifies hit roll by 6 for 15 hours : modifies save vs spell by -6 for 15 hours Spell: fly : modifies none by 0 for 47 hours Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gpuzre'. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You sigh. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You dismount from a mighty green dragon. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben north. @@@ +++@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@*@ # @@@@+@ # @@@@@@ # @@@@@## Forests of Perdition [Exits: east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@### ++@@@### @@@@### @@@@@ # @@@* ## @@@+@ ## @@@@@ ## @@@@@## Forests of Perdition [Exits: north west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-1729 (NW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) Trap Poofed!' <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-1729 (NW)> You follow Duke Ben north. +@ @## @@@@### @@@@@ # @@@@ ## @@@+* ## @@@@@ ## @@@@@## @@@ Forests of Perdition [Exits: north south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 647-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. @ ### ++@ @### @@@@### @@@@@ # @@@* ## @@@+@ ## @@@@@ ## @@@@@## Forests of Perdition [Exits: north south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A four pointed buck is here, grazing in the forest. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> You follow Duke Ben north. # # @@@### @@@### @@@### ++@@* # @@@@ ## @@@@@ ## @@@@ ## Forests of Perdition [Exits: north south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 645-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # ### @@@### @@@### @@*### ++@@@ # @@@@ ## @@@@@ ## Forests of Perdition [Exits: north east south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A putrid mushfolk stands here caring for his shrooms. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gpuzre'. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben stops using Tome of the Archmagus. Duke Ben holds a staff of destruction in his hand. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ## #### @@@#### @@@#### @@@*### +@@@ ## @@@@ ### @@@@ ### The Forests of Undermountain [Exits: north east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A centaur is here. Apparently they do exist. A mean looking wolf, that is drooling at the mouth, is here. A tiny forest squirrel is here. A spectral Drow maiden hovers here, wailing a song of damnation. A spectral Drow maiden hovers here, wailing a song of damnation. The spectral image of a slain soldier hovers here, forced to serve as a sentry for Undermountain. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. A tiny squirrel eyes you up and down. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a centaur! [551] A centaur is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a centaur's death cry. Duke Ben gets 3 silver coins from the corpse of a centaur. Duke Ben splits 33 silver coins. Your share is 5 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a centaur to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a rabid wolf! [483] A rabid wolf is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A rabid wolf spills his guts all over the floor. Duke Ben gets 2 silver coins from the corpse of a rabid wolf. Duke Ben splits 21 silver coins. Your share is 3 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a rabid wolf to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a tiny squirrel! [567] A tiny squirrel is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a tiny squirrel's death cry. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a tiny squirrel to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a horrid Banshee! [567] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a horrid Banshee! [587] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Dark Sentinel! [624] <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gpuzre'. Count Salin sacrifices the guts of a rabid wolf to AoW. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You can't find it. <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5742-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a horrid Banshee. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Duke Ben's slice maims a horrid Banshee. [48] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Duke Ben's slice devastates a horrid Banshee. [41] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a horrid Banshee! [217] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Baron Domokun's sting MANGLES a horrid Banshee! [163] A horrid Banshee is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce MASSACRES a horrid Banshee! [133] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a horrid Banshee. A horrid Banshee is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES a horrid Banshee! [148] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a horrid Banshee. A horrid Banshee is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. A horrid Banshee is blinded by smoke! Your pierce MANGLES a horrid Banshee! [158] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a horrid Banshee. A horrid Banshee is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES a horrid Banshee! [144] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Baron Domokun's sting *** DEMOLISHES *** a horrid Banshee! [190] A horrid Banshee is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. A horrid Banshee's whip MUTILATES Duke Ben. [52] <5750-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 23% (NEW)> [a horrid Banshee: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a horrid Banshee! [530] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a horrid Banshee! [620] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Dark Sentinel! [647] Duke Ben's a staff of destruction blazes bright and is gone. <5750-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 2% (NEW)> [a horrid Banshee: DYING] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5750-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 2% (NEW)> [a horrid Banshee: DYING] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes. <5750-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 2% (NEW)> [a horrid Banshee: DYING] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5750-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 2% (NEW)> [a horrid Banshee: DYING] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Perfect] You rescue Duke Ben! Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5750-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 2% (NEW)> [a horrid Banshee: DYING] [You: Perfect] Your pierce misses a horrid Banshee. Your pierce MANGLES a horrid Banshee! [154] A horrid Banshee is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A horrid Banshee's severed head plops on the ground. You get 86 silver coins from the corpse of a horrid Banshee. You split 86 silver coins. Your share is 16 silver. You get 120 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 120 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Duke Ben blocks a Dark Sentinel's attack with a shield. A Dark Sentinel's whip MUTILATES Duke Ben. [52] <5750-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Count Salin sacrifices the head of a horrid Banshee to AoW. <5750-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duke Ben holds Tome of the Archmagus in his hand. <5750-5742hp: 1084-1232m: 642-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' (Advice: We are very serious about picking proper names. Please choose an appropriate one, or a constable will change it later on. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> I see no head here. Duke Ben's slice maims a horrid Banshee. [49] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Duke Ben's slice maims a horrid Banshee. [49] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a horrid Banshee. [65] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a horrid Banshee! [179] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Baron Domokun's sting MASSACRES a horrid Banshee! [128] A horrid Banshee is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a horrid Banshee! [201] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a horrid Banshee! [264] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a horrid Banshee! [224] A Chaos Blade draws life from a horrid Banshee. A Chaos Blade freezes a horrid Banshee. Your pierce MANGLES a horrid Banshee! [158] A horrid Banshee is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A horrid Banshee spills her guts all over the floor. You get 80 silver coins from the corpse of a horrid Banshee. You split 80 silver coins. Your share is 15 silver. You get 120 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 120 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Duke Ben blocks a Dark Sentinel's attack with a shield. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You are not carrying a severed head to shrink... Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoinfra aruoiwunsoh'. Count Salin sacrifices the guts of a horrid Banshee to AoW. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You can't find it. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) we have a tank!' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You are affected by the following spells: Spell: shield : modifies armor class by -20 for 59 hours Spell: armor : modifies armor class by -20 for 22 hours Spell: protection evil: modifies save vs spell by -20 for 22 hours Spell: infravision : modifies none by 0 for 48 hours Spell: bless : modifies hit roll by 6 for 14 hours : modifies save vs spell by -6 for 14 hours Spell: fly : modifies none by 0 for 46 hours <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Dark Sentinel. [54] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Dark Sentinel. A Chaos Blade freezes a Dark Sentinel. Duke Ben's slice maims a Dark Sentinel. [48] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Dark Sentinel. A Chaos Blade freezes a Dark Sentinel. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Dark Sentinel! [276] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Dark Sentinel. A Chaos Blade freezes a Dark Sentinel. Baron Domokun's sting MANGLES a Dark Sentinel! [155] A Dark Sentinel is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Dark Sentinel! [232] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Dark Sentinel. A Chaos Blade freezes a Dark Sentinel. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Dark Sentinel! [276] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Dark Sentinel. A Chaos Blade freezes a Dark Sentinel. Your pierce MASSACRES a Dark Sentinel! [148] A Dark Sentinel is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Dark Sentinel's death cry. You get 118 silver coins from the corpse of a Dark Sentinel. You split 118 silver coins. Your share is 23 silver. You get 120 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 120 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) hurray!' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun beams broadly at nothing in particular. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You are affected by the following spells: Spell: shield : modifies armor class by -20 for 59 hours Spell: armor : modifies armor class by -20 for 22 hours Spell: protection evil: modifies save vs spell by -20 for 22 hours Spell: infravision : modifies none by 0 for 48 hours Spell: bless : modifies hit roll by 6 for 14 hours : modifies save vs spell by -6 for 14 hours Spell: fly : modifies none by 0 for 46 hours <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ## ##### @@@##### @@@##### @@@#*### @@ ### @@@ #### @@@ ### The Forests of Undermountain [Exits: north east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A shade is here, consuming all light and warmth around it. (Pink Aura) A wailing ghost is here, reaching out toward your warmth! <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 647-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ## # ###### @@###### @###### @@##*### @@ #### @@ ##### @@ ##### The Forests of Undermountain [Exits: east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A tiny forest squirrel is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ## ## ####### @####### ####### @###*### ##### #####@ #####@ The Forests of Undermountain [Exits: north east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 641-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ## ## ######## ######## ######## ####*### ###### #####@@ #####@@ The Forests of Undermountain [Exits: north east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A shade is here, consuming all light and warmth around it. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 638-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'ticks on haste?' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 638-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ## ## ####### ####### ######## ####*### ####### #####@@@ ####@@@ Forest of the Sith [Exits: east south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A shade is here, consuming all light and warmth around it. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'and he even rescues me, its spiffy' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. # ## ###### @ ###### @ ######@ ####*## ####### ####@@@@ ####@@@@ Forest of the Sith [Exits: north east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 632-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ## ##### @@ ##### @@ ######@@ ####*# #######+ ###@@@@ ##@@@@ Forest of the Sith [Exits: north east south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 629-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) wait...we had one before too *bogs*' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 629-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ## @ #### @@@ #### @@ #####@@ ####* ######++ ##@@@@ ##@@@@ Forest of the Sith [Exits: north south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. An undead warrior is here, fighting an endless battle. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 626-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ### @@ #### @@ #####@@ ##### ####*#++ ##@@@@ ##@@@@@@ #@@@@@@ Forest of Night [Exits: north east] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1729 (NE)> You follow Duke Ben east. ## @@ ### @@ ####@@ #### ####*+++ #@@@@ #@@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@ Forest of Night [Exits: east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 620-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # @@ ## @@ ##@@ ### ####*+++ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Narco tells the group '[Acron] mine's out' <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @@ @@ ##@@ ## ##+*+++ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived, riding on An Evil Wolf. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ##++*+++ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A powerful guardian is here protecting it's master. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You follow Duke Ben east. #+++*+++ + Trail through the Darkness [Exits: east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ++++*++ ++ + @ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ++++*+ ++@ ++ @@ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # ## ## @ ++++* @ ++@@ +++ @@@ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wandering orc travels here across the realm. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> You follow Duke Ben south. # ## @ +++++ @ *+@@ +++ @@@ @@@@ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # # ### @@ ++++ @@ +*@@@ ++++ @@@+ @@@@# Trail through the Darkness [Exits: east south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wandering orc travels here across the realm. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben south. ## @@ ++++ @@ ++@@@ *+++ @@@+ @@@@# @@@@@ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east south] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wandering orc travels here across the realm. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ##@ @@@ +++ @@@ ++@@@@ +*++ @@@++ @@@@#+ @@@@@ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ##@ @@@@ ++ @@@@ ++@@@@ ++*+ @@@++ @@@@#++ @@@@@ + Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wandering orc travels here across the realm. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ##@ @ @@@@@ @@@@@ ++@@@@ +++* @@@++ @@@@#++ @@@@ ++ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NSW)> You follow Duke Ben south. @ @@@ @@@@@ ++@@@@ ++++ @@@*+ @@@@#++ @@@@ ++ @@@@ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @ @@@ @@@@@. +@@@@ ++++ @@@+* @@@#++ @@@ +++ @@@ + Trail through the Darkness [Exits: south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wandering orc travels here across the realm. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> You follow Duke Ben south. @@@ +@@@@ ++++ @@@++ @@@#*+ @@@ +++ @@@ + @@@@@ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @@@ @@@@ +++ @++ @@#+* @@ +++ @@ ++ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> You follow Duke Ben south. @@ +++ @++ @@#++ @@ *++ @@ ++ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @ ++ @++ @#++ +*+ @ +++ + + Trail through the Darkness [Exits: east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ++ #++ ++* @@ +++@ + ++ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ++ #++ +++ @@ *++@ + ++ #+ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NE)> You follow Duke Ben east. @ @^^@ ++ @@@@ +++ @@@ +*+@@ + @ ++ #++ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wandering orc travels here across the realm. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. @ @^^@@ @@@@@ +++ @@@@ ++*@@ + @ ++ #++ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben south. ^@ @@@ +++ @@@@ +++@@ * @ # ++ # #++ ### + Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north south] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NS)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'sfainfrauai zzur'. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NS)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. @ +++ @@@@ +++@@ + @ # *+ # #++ ### + ##### + Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east south] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben east. @ ++ @@@@ +++@@ + @ # +* # #++ ### + #### + Trail through the Darkness [Exits: south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. + @@ +++@@ + @ # ++ # #*+ ### + #### + #### ++^ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You follow Duke Ben east. @@ +++@@ + @ ++ #+* ### + ### + ### ++^^ Trail through the Darkness [Exits: south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. + + ++ #++ ### * ### + ### ++^^ ### Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north south] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wandering orc travels here across the realm. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NS)> You follow Duke Ben south. + ++ #++ ### + ### * ### ++^^ ### ## Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north south] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wandering orc travels here across the realm. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1085-1232m: 619-650mv: EXP-1729 (NS)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ++ #++ ### + ### + ### *+^^ ### ## ## ####### Trail through the Darkness [Exits: north east south] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Advice: If you need any help, your constables are marked as CON and HCN on the who list. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'sfainfrauai zzur'. Count Salin gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben east. ++ #++ ## + ## + ## +*^^^ ### ## ###### Trail through the Darkness [Exits: east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Salin quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. + #++ + + ++*^^^ ### ## ##### Trail of Blood [Exits: east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Salin utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Narco peers intently east. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'. A magical spring flows from the ground. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'no haste here' <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun drinks water from a magical spring. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Salin drinks water from a magical spring. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Salin drinks water from a magical spring. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Duke Ben drinks water from a magical spring. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Duke Ben drinks water from a magical spring. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ++ + + ++^*^^^ ## ## #### Trail of Blood [Exits: east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 627-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ++^^*^^ Trail of Blood [Exits: east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 624-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You follow Duke Ben east. +^^^*^ Trail of Blood [Exits: east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 621-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) ditto' Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 621-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^* Trail of Blood [Exits: west up] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 618-650mv: EXP-1729 (WU)> You follow Duke Ben up. *^^^ Trail of Blood [Exits: east down] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 615-650mv: EXP-1729 (ED)> Count Salin scouts the area. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 615-650mv: EXP-1729 (ED)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^*^^^ Trail of Blood [Exits: east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 612-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Narco tells the group '[Acron] tritto' <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 612-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^*^^^ ^ Trail of Blood [Exits: east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5 742hp: 1086-1232m: 609-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^*^^^ ^ Trail of Blood [Exits: east west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 606-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Huh? You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^*^^^ ^ Trail of Blood [Exits: north east west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 603-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Count Salin scouts the area. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 603-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ *^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 600-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 597-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You are affected by the following spells: Spell: shield : modifies armor class by -20 for 58 hours Spell: armor : modifies armor class by -20 for 21 hours Spell: protection evil: modifies save vs spell by -20 for 21 hours Spell: infravision : modifies none by 0 for 47 hours Spell: bless : modifies hit roll by 6 for 13 hours : modifies save vs spell by -6 for 13 hours Spell: fly : modifies none by 0 for 45 hours Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: east south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 594-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun gasps as he realizes what Count Narco did. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 594-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 594-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin scouts the area. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 594-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 591-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 588-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 579-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ *^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: south] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Count Salin scouts the area. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Baron Ferami enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Duke Ben tells the group 'stunt rap' <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'yrl'. Count Zaltais's feet rise off the ground. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> ___/Finger: Ferami \_______________________________ Baron Race: High elf Class: Temporalist Kingdom: Kael Warpoints: 24 Played: 37h Clan: Description: Zathiel tells the group 'MY ONE PERCENT BASH' Zathiel falls flat on his face. Countess Beraki replies 'i dont know where my lil bro gets all this gold from' Countess Beraki replies '1087 gold per tick' Ferami is currently playing. ____________________________________________________________ <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Count Narco tells the group 'trapping stun ' <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> any other restrings out there that have escaped not being relic flagged yet? <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 573-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'net' <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 573-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) Trapping NET!!!' <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 573-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^^^^^ #^^ ^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ A Jagged Spire [Exits: east south door] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'net' <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Count Narco tells the group '[Acron] trap lag out' <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Count Narco tells the group 'trapping snare ' <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> ########################################################## # Vassals: 2686 Possible gain one vassal: 2 hours. # # Morale: Fair # # Tax Percent: 35 Avg Gold Earned: 3995 gp # #--------------------------------------------------------# # Farms: 235 Food Consumed: 2686 Food Produced: 4700 # # Mines: 470 Res Consumed: 268 Res Produced: 470 # # Parcels: 940 Max Land Area: 9400 # # Research: 0 Research Level: 0 # #--------------------------------------------------------# # Hourly Operating Costs: 2350 gp # # Hourly Change in Income: 1645 gp # # Your Current Treasury: 3099703 gp # ########################################################## NOTE: An hour represents one TICK in the game. <5742-5742hp: 1086-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) TRAP LAG OUT!!' (Advice: Soon h0bbiez0r will be adding in two new classes, for your enjoyment. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) Trapping NET!!!' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) TRAP LAG OUT!!' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'I said net' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'candusyrzqh'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a reflective barrier. Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) Trapping NET!!!' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Count Narco tells the group '[Acron] trap lag out' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> Count Narco tells the group '[Acron] meh' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (ES)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 579-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun bellows ' how can they escape that?!' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'net' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Count Salin is moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Narco utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) TRAP LAG OUT!!' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) Trapping NET!!!' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Count Narco is moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun bellows ' thought that was unpossible..' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Domokun is moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) TRAP LAG OUT!!' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. You feel yourself moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Salin utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Count Zaltais is moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Salin utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A dirty ratman stands here, a longbow clutched in its furry paws. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 573-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'net' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Count Salin utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) Trapping NET!!!' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A dirty ratman stands here, a longbow clutched in its furry paws. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 567-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 567-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 558-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^*^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 555-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 552-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben peers intently west. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) TRAP LAG OUT!!' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] Count Zaltais is here. Count Narco is here. Baron Domokun is here. Count Salin is here. (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 546-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. (Advice: Type 'penter' to enable a new feature that shows when kingdommates login. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 552-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'stun' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 552-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 552-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 552-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Narco tells the group 'trapping stun ' <5742-5742hp: 1087-1232m: 552-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Your eyes tingle. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 552-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 552-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Looking Down Into Darkness [Exits: north down] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Thron* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun sends *Baron Thron* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Thron*! [182] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Thron*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Thron*. Baron Domokun's sting MANGLES *Baron Thron*! [151] *Baron Thron* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. *Baron Thron* is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Thron*! [195] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Thron*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Thron*. Baron Domokun's sting MASSACRES *Baron Thron*! [136] *Baron Thron* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Baron Thron*! [226] *Baron Thron* is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear *Baron Thron*'s death cry. Baron Domokun splits 9 silver coins. Your share is 1 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of *Baron Thron* to AoW. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> I see no cor here. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) Trapping NET!!!' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) TRAP LAG OUT!!' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun bursts into tears. Count Narco tells the group '[Acron] trap lag out' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> You quaff a potion of infinite darkness. Your eyes tingle. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Count Narco is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Count Salin is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 550-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'raju bender handle gt oviah dregg' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 550-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'nacreeb' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 550-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^*^^^ #^^ ^^ ^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'net' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) Trapping NET!!!' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) TRAP LAG OUT!!' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) Trapping NET!!!' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) mm' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) TRAP LAG OUT!!' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) I hate my skills :p' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'praps sanc?' <5742-5742hp: 1082-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> They feel less tired. <5742-5742hp: 1070-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 1070-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> (Advice: Newbies can get the first levels in training areas in the town. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1070-1232m: 553-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Duke Ben peers intently east. <5742-5742hp: 1070-1232m: 553-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> You lost your concentration. Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) 100% trap I fail almost 50% of the time :)' Count Narco utters the words, 'yrl'. Count Narco's feet rise off the ground. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 553-650mv: EXP-1729 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Count Narco is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Count Salin is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 550-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'net' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'fido'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin gets a hunk of bread from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin gets a hunk of bread from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin eats a hunk of bread. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) Trapping NET!!!' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'fido'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun looks at a Skaven archer. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 547-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Count Narco is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Count Salin is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 541-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) TRAP LAG OUT!!' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 541-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Count Narco is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Count Salin is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) :P coruse without me failing sometimes' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'candusima'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'alt salin' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) I would have nothing to bitch about' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin tells the group '(Salin) witch?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'nods' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin nods. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Salin prays for transportation! Count Salin disappears. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'oh hell' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun gasps in astonishment. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'were raiding? :P' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'yep' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) yay' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 538-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> The warmth of the winter sun fades as it sets in the west. (Advice: Use 'map' to find your current location in the world. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Narco drinks water from a barrel of root beer. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) exp' Count Narco tells the group '[Acron] sweet' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) 2 tanks ' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku bellows 'beam me up' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'i have uhm 23 destructions' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Narco looks at Baron Domokun. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Kenzitas enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'gjwwai'. Baron Otaku arrives suddenly. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun stops using a Quartz Band. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun stops using a Quartz Band. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku nods. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais looks at Baron Otaku. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben beckons Baron Otaku to follow...hmmm what's going on? Baron Domokun wears An Adept's Ring on his left finger. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku joins Duke Ben's group. Baron Domokun wears An Adept's Ring on his right finger. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Otaku is moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 544-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Looking Down Into Darkness [Exits: north down] (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the down exit. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Count Narco tells the group '[Acron] throw me phantoms, dom' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) who's tanking?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben tells the group 'hrm' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben tells the group 'will be interesting' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) reanis or me?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben tells the group 'reanis' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) got circlets for me?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun nods. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gpuzre'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a force shield. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Count Solis enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 543-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> (Advice: You can store excess equipment and money in storage boxes. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'. Baron Otaku's skin turns to stone. Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'sfainfrauai zzur'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'barbs dont tank so well nemore' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'fido'. Duke Ben tells the group 'got staves otaku?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben gives a staff of destruction to Baron Otaku. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku gets a hunk of bread from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku gets a hunk of bread from a frost covered basket . Duke Ben gives a staff of destruction to Baron Otaku. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku eats a hunk of bread. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku eats a hunk of bread. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku gets a staff of destruction from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku holds a staff of destruction in his hand. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben gives a staff of destruction to Baron Otaku. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) 7 more' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun stretches luxuriously. Kinda makes you want to doesn't it? <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben tells the group 'k' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 549-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Count Narco is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 545-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Demon bellows 'solis!=P' Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Count Narco is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) give some to zalt?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You tell the group '[Reanis] erm' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku looks at Count Zaltais. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'hrm' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'acron' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'i have plenty' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'feelign nervous' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun stops using the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Domokun wields The Holy Mace in his off-hand. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) alrighty' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun stops using The Holy Mace. Baron Domokun wields the Flaming mace of Agonies in his off-hand. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'mind if I switch you out' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> (Advice: Use 'trophy' to show you what enemies you have killed. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Narco tells the group '[Acron] :(' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben bellows 'flux' Baron Domokun comforts Count Narco. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Solis bellows ' sup' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben bellows 'I said flux' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben bellows 'not a damn bard' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben bellows 'some people' Baron Domokun bellows ' gasp!' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Solis bellows ' and i said sup' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You are carrying: ( 2) (Blue Aura) (Glowing) (Black) The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer a frost covered basket (Glowing) (Black) the Whip of Turmoils (Blue Aura) (Glowing) "Icebane" Legendary sword of the Dragonhunter ( 6) a Magic Mushroom a slaen hide chestplate a slaen spine spear (Blue Aura) (Glowing) a Diamond-Edged Halberd ( 5) (Blue Aura) (Humming) a dragonsilver lance ( 3) A Restring Token (Glowing) a wightblade a piece of mandrake a Chaos Blade (Glowing) Wolfsbane the broadsword (Black) a Dark Elven longpike (Humming) (Red) the Runed Hammer of Bashing <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun boggles at the concept. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) who you got zalt?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) for sanctz' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben bellows 'twiddle' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Solis bellows ' grin what we doing?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'oh' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben bellows 'raid time' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'uhm' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Solis bellows ' raiding again?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Solis bellows ' rofl' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> (Advice: Type 'advice' to turn off advice channel. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'i'll do tanks' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> [NEWS]: Monolith is a new player welcome them to AoW. Monolith enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'and myself' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Narco prays for transportation! Count Narco disappears. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux bellows ' let me repair' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ok' Baron Domokun bellows ' that's not a spy alt' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'dom/reanis' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) ?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) oh' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ok I'll get flux and ben' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) that way if I screw it up I'm uber dead :)' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun must like Baron Otaku a great deal to beam at him so broadly! <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'heheh' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) who needs what?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) any softs?' (Advice: Welcome to 3.7, soon Chapter 4 will be opening so hold tight! ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. You no longer see invisible objects. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [DETECT INVISIBILITY OUT!]' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You are carrying: ( 2) (Blue Aura) (Glowing) (Black) The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer a frost covered basket (Glowing) (Black) the Whip of Turmoils (Blue Aura) (Glowing) "Icebane" Legendary sword of the Dragonhunter ( 6) a Magic Mushroom a slaen hide chestplate a slaen spine spear (Blue Aura) (Glowing) a Diamond-Edged Halberd ( 5) (Blue Aura) (Humming) a dragonsilver lance ( 3) A Restring Token (Glowing) a wightblade a piece of mandrake a Chaos Blade (Glowing) Wolfsbane the broadsword (Black) a Dark Elven longpike (Humming) (Red) the Runed Hammer of Bashing Duke Ben chants. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Narco bellows 'sigh' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You get a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You sigh. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You are affected by the following spells: Spell: detect alignment: modifies none by 0 for 45 hours Spell: haste : modifies dexterity by 4 for 6 hours Spell: shield : modifies armor class by -20 for 50 hours Spell: armor : modifies armor class by -20 for 13 hours Spell: protection evil: modifies save vs spell by -20 for 13 hours Spell: infravision : modifies none by 0 for 39 hours Spell: bless : modifies hit roll by 6 for 5 hours : modifies save vs spell by -6 for 5 hours Spell: fly : modifies none by 0 for 37 hours <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) like my embrace?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> ############## Who Is Playing? - AoW 3.7 ################# [Dea BAR] Flux meh [Wit BAR] (Dragon) Otaku The Anime Freak [Dra Dwa] Monolith the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Tmp BAR] Ferami the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Kni BAR] [Valiant] Reanis the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Ass CNT] Demon [Ill CON] Ben the beast [Bar BAR] [Undead] Domokun [Wit CNT] <^Brotherhood^> Zaltais. [Ass CNT] Narco leptic is Acron EEK! Players found in your kingdom: 10 Total enemy players playing: 21 TOTAL players playing right now: 31 Max players on since last reboot: 47 Largest number of active players ever: 57 <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'i can't tangle in there..' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben chants. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'so' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun looks at Baron Otaku. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun gasps in astonishment. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'I can web' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben chants. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) I'm going to make all cosplay eq' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'i'll be nulling and stuff' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun says 'mini skirts 8)' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You bellow 'Acron, just erm' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> (Advice: All communication is separated based on kingdom. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You bellow 'be somewhere near UM incase things go horribly wrong' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) rescue me if ppl get webbed, i'll aim for them' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 557-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 557-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gpuzre'. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben bellows 'midn picking off straggelrs acron?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben chants. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben bellows 'have you in s zone' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben bellows 'for when they run?' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben chants. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> (Advice: Enemy players appear to you as *Race*. ) You are thirsty. You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> ############## Who Is Playing? - AoW 3.7 ################# [Dea BAR] Flux meh [Wit BAR] (Dragon) Otaku The Anime Freak [Dra Dwa] Monolith the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Tmp BAR] Ferami the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Kni BAR] [Valiant] Reanis the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Ass CNT] Demon [Ill CON] Ben the beast [Bar BAR] [Undead] Domokun [Wit CNT] <^Brotherhood^> Zaltais. [Ass CNT] Narco leptic is Acron EEK! Players found in your kingdom: 10 Total enemy players playing: 22 TOTAL players playing right now: 32 Max players on since last reboot: 47 Largest number of active players ever: 57 <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'bless' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Narco bellows 'i suppose' <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben chants. <5742-5742hp: 1064-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> A magical spring flows from the ground. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'fido'. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'fido'. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You drink water from a magical spring. Your thirst is quenched. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You eat a Magic Mushroom. You are no longer hungry. Duke Ben utters the words, 'gjwwai'. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You eat a Magic Mushroom. You are full. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben's group: [51 Wit] Baron otaku 3944/3944 hp 2418/2423 mana 474/ 500 mv 1947 TNL [51 Kni] Baron reanis 5742/5742 hp 1044/1232 mana 560/ 650 mv 1729 TNL [54 Ill] Duke ben 4501/4501 hp 1849/2029 mana 575/ 575 mv 1286 TNL [50 Bar] Baron domokun 5693/5693 hp 531/ 619 mana 580/ 836 mv 539 TNL [52 Wit] Count zaltais 4219/4219 hp 2472/2477 mana 550/ 550 mv 2388 TNL <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You tell the group '[Reanis] we're missing' <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You tell the group '[Reanis] flux' <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> ############## Who Is Playing? - AoW 3.7 ################# [Dea BAR] Flux meh [Wit BAR] (Dragon) Otaku The Anime Freak [Dra Dwa] Monolith the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Tmp BAR] Ferami the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Kni BAR] [Valiant] Reanis the newbie. <Please set title soon type 'help title'> [Ass CNT] Demon [Ill CON] Ben the beast [Bar BAR] [Undead] Domokun [Wit CNT] <^Brotherhood^> Zaltais. [Ass CNT] Narco leptic is Acron EEK! Players found in your kingdom: 10 Total enemy players playing: 22 TOTAL players playing right now: 32 Max players on since last reboot: 47 Largest number of active players ever: 57 <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun nods. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'flux :P' <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You tell the group '[Reanis] :|' <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben's group: [51 Wit] Baron otaku 3944/3944 hp 2418/2423 mana 474/ 500 mv 1947 TNL [51 Kni] Baron reanis 5742/5742 hp 1044/1232 mana 560/ 650 mv 1729 TNL [54 Ill] Duke ben 4501/4501 hp 1813/2029 mana 575/ 575 mv 1286 TNL [50 Bar] Baron domokun 5693/5693 hp 531/ 619 mana 580/ 836 mv 539 TNL [52 Wit] Count zaltais 4219/4219 hp 2472/2477 mana 550/ 550 mv 2388 TNL <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) fux :/' <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 557-650mv: EXP-1729 (NE)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 557-650mv: EXP-1729 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Otaku leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1044-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. Baron Otaku leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. (Advice: AoW is a pk mud. Newbies might be thought of as spies untill they prove themselves. ) <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 567-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben peers intently north. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 567-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ *^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: south] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is sleeping here. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'candusyrzqh'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a reflective barrier. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Baron Otaku looks at *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Duke Ben looks at *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> You say 'hi skaven' <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Baron Domokun looks at *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> hir,gale,gena *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* has a few scratches. *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is using: <used as light> (Black) Klink's Internal Flame <worn on torso> a scale mail jerkin <worn on legs> human skin pants (Damaged) <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Baron Domokun says 'oo lemme hit :D' <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) it has klinks flame' <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Count Zaltais says 'aww itsa skaven' <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Count Zaltais looks at *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 561-650mv: EXP-1729 (S)> The gods say,'Recalling is a MIGHTY way to return home.' + + +++ ..# #+# ++++*+++ ..+##+# #+++++ ###+X Portal Grounds of Kael [Exits: east west] (12) A hunk of bread lies here. It doesn't look too stale. ( 2) A shiny blade is on the floor. Some soft boots are on the floor. A pile of brown cloth is on the floor. <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 140-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] go ahead and kill :p' <5742-5742hp: 1046-1232m: 140-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You feel less tired. <5742-5742hp: 1034-1232m: 191-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Ferami appears in the room. <5742-5742hp: 1034-1232m: 191-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'restring' <5742-5742hp: 1034-1232m: 191-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] oh wait' <5742-5742hp: 1034-1232m: 191-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Ferami utters the words, 'safhar'. A shimmering gate rises up from the ground. <5742-5742hp: 1034-1232m: 191-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Ferami utters the words, 'bjbbrz'. <5742-5742hp: 1034-1232m: 191-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] summon' <5742-5742hp: 1034-1232m: 191-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Count Demon appears in the room. <5742-5742hp: 1034-1232m: 191-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* at High Up In Undermountain Pass. <5742-5742hp: 1034-1232m: 191-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> You feel less tired. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5742-5742hp: 1022-1232m: 242-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5742-5742hp: 1022-1232m: 242-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Ferami utters the words, 'bjbbrz'. Baron Ferami has created a temporal bubble! <5742-5742hp: 1022-1232m: 242-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) owned' <5742-5742hp: 1022-1232m: 242-650mv: EXP-1729 (NEW)> Duke Ben has summoned you! ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] ( 5) a puddle of blood. A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. <5742-5742hp: 1022-1232m: 242-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You feel less tired. (Advice: Check out AoW website at ) <5742-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 318-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: south west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A dirty ratman stands here, a longbow clutched in its furry paws. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) what's stats on that?' Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> A Skaven archer yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Lost On the Mountain.' <5742-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Domokun gasps in astonishment. <5742-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skaven archer! [224] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skaven archer. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skaven archer. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skaven archer! [186] A Skaven archer is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skaven archer! [233] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skaven archer. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skaven archer. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [144] A Skaven archer is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skaven archer! [211] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skaven archer. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skaven archer! [180] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skaven archer. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skaven archer. Your pierce MANGLES a Skaven archer! [153] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES a Skaven archer! [169] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES a Skaven archer! [163] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [137] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce misses a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [67] <5757-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 25% (SW)> [a Skaven archer: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You can't concentrate enough. <5757-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 25% (SW)> [a Skaven archer: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends a Skaven archer sprawling with a powerful bash. <5757-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 25% (SW)> [a Skaven archer: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'is fake one' <5757-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 25% (SW)> [a Skaven archer: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5757-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 25% (SW)> [a Skaven archer: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Your pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [148] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [147] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [137] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skaven archer! [237] A Skaven archer is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Skaven archer hits the ground ... DEAD. Baron Domokun gets 45 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Skaven archer. Baron Domokun splits 45 silver coins. Your share is 9 silver. Baron Domokun splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 21 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Skaven archer to AoW. <5770-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5770-5742hp: 1012-1232m: 315-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> You feel less tired. Count Zaltais tells the group 'id restring' <5770-5742hp: 1000-1232m: 366-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5770-5742hp: 1000-1232m: 366-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) damn' <5770-5742hp: 1000-1232m: 366-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'id restring' <5770-5742hp: 1000-1232m: 366-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] ( 5) a puddle of blood. A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5770-5742hp: 1000-1232m: 363-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You feel less tired. <5770-5742hp: 988-1232m: 414-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben peers intently north. <5770-5742hp: 988-1232m: 414-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben chants. <5770-5742hp: 988-1232m: 414-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'uoculoihuyl'. <5770-5742hp: 988-1232m: 414-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You feel less tired. <5770-5742hp: 976-1232m: 465-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben bellows 'your eady flux?' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'uoculoihuyl'. <5770-5742hp: 976-1232m: 465-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5770-5742hp: 976-1232m: 465-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You feel less tired. Duke Ben bellows 'narco?' <5770-5742hp: 964-1232m: 516-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5770-5742hp: 964-1232m: 516-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You lost your concentration. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 516-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'its a dark ball =D' <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 516-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 516-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Narco bellows 'hm?' <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 516-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Flux bellows ' hang on' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) boggle' <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 516-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) wth' <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 516-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 516-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: south west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 513-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 510-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 507-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 504-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 501-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) loser ass umers' Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^*^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 498-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 495-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 492-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 492-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 489-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5770-5742hp: 958-1232m: 489-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> (Advice: Train your prime attribute first. ) <5742-5742hp: 960-1232m: 514-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Looking Down Into Darkness [Exits: north down] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the down exit. <5742-5742hp: 960-1232m: 513-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 960-1232m: 513-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5742-5742hp: 960-1232m: 513-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> You feel less tired. Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 948-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Flux bellows ' any idea how long it takes to repair like 20 weps?' Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 948-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben yells ' strangers in the night' <5742-5742hp: 948-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 948-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) bless me reanis' <5742-5742hp: 948-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) shield me zalt?' <5742-5742hp: 948-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You lost your concentration. Duke Ben bellows '8 of em active' <5742-5742hp: 946-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gpuzre'. Baron Domokun is surrounded by a force shield. <5742-5742hp: 946-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben bellows 'shudder' <5742-5742hp: 946-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun gallantly tips his hat. <5742-5742hp: 946-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You lost your concentration. <5742-5742hp: 944-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You grant Baron Domokun the favor of your god. <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) this is going to be painful :P' <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> *Baroness Wellsy* yells ' D00D' <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben yells ' baby' <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun yells ' WHERE'S MY CAR!' <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben yells ' whats your name' Count Zaltais tells the group 'lol' <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben chants. <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> *Baroness Wellsy* yells ' how many nigs?' <5742-5742hp: 939-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> (Advice: Use 'bug' or 'typo' to report either. ) You feel less righteous. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [BLESS OUT!]' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Flux bellows ' ok poof me' Duke Ben yells ' enough' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun yells ' oh honey i know you didn't!' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'gjwwai'. Baron Flux arrives suddenly. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun starts moaning. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group '3 destruction users and 3 dispellers...' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'gjwwai'. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux joins Duke Ben's group. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) and 1 stupid barb' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'guards will die :P' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'sfainfrauai zzur'. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'ticks on nqs?' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux tells the group 'shield and bless' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) gatta love stupid barbs thoguh man' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) 1' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gpuzre'. Baron Flux is surrounded by a force shield. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) out' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 582-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 579-650mv: EXP-1729 (NE)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 576-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Narco bellows 'summon me, i'll hang about' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 573-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 573-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 570-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 567-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You tell the group '[Reanis] domo, berserk before I start wording' Duke Ben peers intently north. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun nods at Baron Otaku. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'gjwwai'. Count Narco arrives suddenly. <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux tells the group 'bah still only -180 ac' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) k' <5742-5742hp: 941-1232m: 564-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Advice: Constantly begging or whining for levels or equipment might get you killed by players from your own kingdom. ) You feel yourself slow down. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 586-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 583-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [HASTE OUT!]' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) Haste Is Out!!!} } efault}} } efault}} } efault}' <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 583-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 580-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 577-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^*^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 574-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) i know 8)' <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 574-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 571-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) sancts?' <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'blesszor me :P' Duke Ben tells the group 'wt' <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Domokun is moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) frenzied barbs are ew :/' <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'fido'. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes. <5742-5742hp: 943-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Flux already has divine favor. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gpuzre'. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. You feel yourself moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Flux is moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Count Zaltais is moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Flux tells the group '-195 ac' <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 568-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 565-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 565-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> ########################################################## # Main Combat Strategy: Assault # #----Offense---------------------------------------------# # Wielded Proficiency: Low[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]High # # Hit Bonus: Low[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]High # # Damage Bonus: Low[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]High # #----Defense---------------------------------------------# # Effective Parry: Low[@@@@@@ ]High # # Effective Dodge: Low[ ]High # # # # AC: Pierce:-235 Bash:-306 Slash:-250 Magic:-264 # # # # Piercing: divinely armored Low[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]High # # Bashing : divinely armored Low[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]High # # Slashing: divinely armored Low[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]High # # Magic : divinely armored Low[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]High # #--------------------------------------------------------# # You are standing. # ########################################################## Type 'attribute' for more character information. <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 565-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun bellows ' who coded the restring code?' <5742-5742hp: 938-1232m: 565-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sanc next tick' Baron Domokun scans around. (Advice: Use 'consider' before you kill a creature. ) <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 590-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 590-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'i need better armor damn it' <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 590-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a white aura. Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 587-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Domokun bellows ' its so uber' <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 587-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 584-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 581-650mv: EXP-1729 (NE)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sancs' <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 581-650mv: EXP-1729 (NE)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) Count Narco is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 578-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Flux bellows ' i did' Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a white aura. Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 575-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 572-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 569-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 566-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Flux is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 566-650mv: EXP-1729 (SW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 563-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 557-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) Count Narco is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'i did dipshit :P' <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Count Zaltais is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) omg' <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 554-650mv: EXP-1729 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^*^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 551-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Domokun is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 548-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 545-650mv: EXP-1729 (NE)> You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 542-650mv: EXP-1729 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 539-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 536-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 536-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. You are surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 536-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Looking Down Into Darkness [Exits: north down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the down exit. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) the code isn't uber anymore!' <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Duke Ben nods at wall of force. Wall of force nods at Duke Ben. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Flux tells the group '?' Duke Ben utters the words, 'uizuguburuhl'. Duke Ben fades out of existence. Baron Domokun's kick MUTILATES wall of force. [71] <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun says 'wee' <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Flux's chop DISMEMBERS wall of force! [104] <5742-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Flux's chop DISMEMBERS wall of force! [114] Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES wall of force. [70] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's chop DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [92] Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [84] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's chop DISMEMBERS wall of force! [109] Baron Flux's chop DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [87] Baron Flux's chop DISMEMBERS wall of force! [109] Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [165] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [148] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [148] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [144] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [144] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [158] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [138] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. You get 36 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. <5762-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5762-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Someone tells the group 'sit reanis' <5762-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5762-5742hp: 940-1232m: 535-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> (Advice: Use 'finger' to find out information about a player. ) <5742-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Flux stops using an astral axe. Baron Flux wields a slaen spine spear. <5742-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> You sit down. <5742-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> You quaff a potion of infinite darkness. Your eyes tingle. <5742-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> Count Zaltais leaves down. Baron Otaku leaves down. Baron Domokun leaves down. Baron Flux leaves down. <5742-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> An Ettin gate-guard yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' An Ettin gate-guard yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' <5742-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> You stand up. <5742-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ND)> *== # = The Entrance to Darkness [Exits: east south up] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. A wall of force blocks the east exit. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here, fighting an Ettin gate-guard. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Invis) (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. (White Aura) an Ettin gate-guard is here, fighting Baron Flux. (White Aura) a Skeleton Warrior is here, fighting Baron Flux. (White Aura) a Skeleton Warrior is here, fighting Baron Flux. (White Aura) a Skeleton Warrior is here, fighting Baron Flux. (White Aura) an Ettin gate-guard is here, fighting Baron Flux. <5742-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 (ESU)> Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [41] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting maims an Ettin gate-guard. [47] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [66] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [87] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [66] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [91] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [87] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [86] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [107] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [71] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. An Ettin gate-guard is blinded by smoke! Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [69] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [92] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [72] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [114] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [91] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [83] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] <5771-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 78% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5771-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 78% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You rescue Baron Flux! <5771-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 78% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [69] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [84] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [81] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [67] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [91] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [102] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard turns blue and shivers. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [41] You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] <5733-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 72% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends an Ettin gate-guard sprawling with a powerful bash. <5733-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 71% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5733-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 71% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5733-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 71% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'wow' <5733-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 71% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'lot of UMers' Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [39] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [42] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [43] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [76] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [81] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [72] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [76] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [76] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [107] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [85] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [123] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [41] An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [41] An Ettin gate-guard's whip misses Baron Flux. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] <5668-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 61% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [You: Scratches] You rescue Baron Flux! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <5668-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 61% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Duke Ben scans around. <5668-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 61% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group ':)' Baron Domokun sends an Ettin gate-guard sprawling with a powerful bash. <5668-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 61% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [76] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [60] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [79] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [79] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [105] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [102] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [93] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [107] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [123] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [41] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <5642-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 49% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <5642-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 49% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben scans around. <5642-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 49% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5642-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 49% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5642-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 49% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben peers intently east. <5642-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 49% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) damn knights' Baron Flux's pierce decimates an Ettin gate-guard. [38] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [40] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [41] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [66] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [74] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [73] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [91] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [100] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [82] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [107] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [41] You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] An Ettin gate-guard's whip misses Baron Flux. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] <5570-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 40% (ESU)> [an Ettin g ate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] ben, are we gonna die?' <5570-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 40% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends an Ettin gate-guard sprawling with a powerful bash. <5570-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 40% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. An Ettin gate-guard looks warmer. An Ettin gate-guard is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around an Ettin gate-guard's body vanishes. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [41] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting decimates an Ettin gate-guard. [34] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [143] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [132] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [122] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [224] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [156] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [205] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [150] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] <5496-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 24% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5496-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 24% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5496-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 24% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [44] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. An Ettin gate-guard is blinded by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting maims an Ettin gate-guard. [49] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [143] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [132] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [163] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [175] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [215] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [123] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [204] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< an Ettin gate-guard! [256] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [211] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [41] You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] <5467-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 2% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) yes were all gonna die' <5467-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 2% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [You: Scratches] You rescue Baron Flux! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5467-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 2% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends an Ettin gate-guard sprawling with a powerful bash. <5467-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 2% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5467-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 2% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [You: Scratches] Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [148] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [133] An Ettin gate-guard is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. An Ettin gate-guard's leg is sliced from his dead body. You get 44 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard. You split 44 silver coins. Your share is 9 silver. You get 135 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 135 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [41] You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [41] <5347-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku sacrifices the leg of an Ettin gate-guard to AoW. <5347-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You can't find it. Count Zaltais gets the corpse of wall of force. <5347-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You rescue Baron Flux! Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5347-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. An Ettin gate-guard is no longer moving so quickly. <5347-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [137] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [168] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [153] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [133] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [165] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [255] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [171] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [201] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [192] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [215] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [183] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [286] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [237] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [150] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [215] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [192] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [234] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] <5317-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5317-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends a Skeleton Warrior sprawling with a powerful bash. <5317-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around an Ettin gate-guard's body vanishes. <5317-5742hp: 942-1232m: 560-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] You hear wall of force's death cry. You hear something's death cry. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [85] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [84] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [154] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [153] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [132] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [159] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [233] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [144] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [233] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [150] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [246] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden has arrived. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [41] You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] (Advice: At lvl 50 you can remort an become a more powerful race. help 'remort' ) <5260-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Haste out!' <5260-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' <5260-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Kenzojen* has arrived. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) holy hell' <5260-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* has arrived. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5260-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'abrazak'. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [113] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [71] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [71] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [124] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [122] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [116] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [126] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [205] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [171] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [202] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [177] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [246] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [192] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] <5186-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 7% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! <5186-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 7% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'youa re damn right' Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. *Baron Drowg*'s slice hits you. [11] "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter sears your flesh. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [144] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [93] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [85] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [158] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [163] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [225] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skeleton Warrior's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 79 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun splits 79 silver coins. Your share is 13 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip devastates you. [41] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip devastates you. [41] An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [41] You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses you. <5062-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Perfect] [You: Bruises] *Baron Kenzojen* leaves south. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5062-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. Count Zaltais gets the corpse of wall of force. <5062-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5062-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Perfect] [You: Bruises] You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [93] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [99] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [67] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [113] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [225] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [180] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [211] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [180] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [81] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [84] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [90] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [237] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [171] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [224] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [159] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [211] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip devastates you. [41] You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4991-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4991-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <4991-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg*'s strike misses you. Baron Flux sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Count Zaltais's torments MANGLES *Baron Drowg*! [175] <4991-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Scratches] [ You: Bruises] You hear wall of force's death cry. You hear something's death cry. <4991-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [68] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [73] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [201] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [224] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash misses a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Drowg*. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Baron Drowg*. [32] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip devastates you. [41] A Drider has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] <4872-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 93% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Scratches] [You: Bruises] A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Drider's whip mauls you. [30] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Drider's whip misses you. A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4760-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 93% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4760-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 93% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! <4760-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 93% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Drowg* turns deathly white. <4760-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 93% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. *Baron Drowg*'s slice decimates you. [34] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [81] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [68] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [86] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [77] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [68] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [74] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [71] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [201] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [171] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [234] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [204] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [202] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Drowg*. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [30] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [30] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider's whip mauls you. [30] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Baron Flux. [39] <4553-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 88% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. *Baron Isis* has arrived. A guardian has arrived. *Baron Azore* has arrived. *Baron Handle* has arrived. *Baron Klaven* has arrived. <4553-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 88% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <4553-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 88% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Drowg* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <4553-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 88% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Drider's whip mauls you. [30] <4523-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 88% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'. *Baroness Wellsy* raises her hand, and a blinding ray of light shoots forth! *Baroness Wellsy*'s ray of truth MUTILATES you. [57] <4466-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 88% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [15] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. A Magic Mushroom blackens and crisps! *Baron Klaven*'s beating MUTILATES you. [51] You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS you! [122] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [86] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [84] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [72] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [192] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Skeleton Warrior's heart is torn from its chest. Baron Domokun gets 71 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun splits 71 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [29] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. *Baron Klaven*'s blast decimates you. [37] Klavens Empty Bottle of Jose Cuervo sears your flesh. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [30] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [30] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [30] A Drider's whip mauls you. [30] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [41] <4088-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 85% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! <4088-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 85% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. You feel less armored. <4088-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 85% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <4088-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 85% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Isis* gets the corpse of wall of force. Baron Flux sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Baron Domokun's kick mauls a Drider. [30] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4088-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 85% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Isis* sacrifices the heart of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. <4088-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 85% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4088-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 85% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Klaven* attempts to step back! <4088-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 85% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Count Zaltais utters a word of dark power! Wall of force screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. Wall of force looks very ill. Wall of force looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [199] *Baron Klaven* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [67] *Baron Handle* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [116] *Baron Azore* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Azore* turns slightly green, but it passes. *Baron Azore* looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS *Baron Azore*! [119] A guardian screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A guardian looks very ill. A guardian looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a guardian! [107] *Baron Isis* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's maims *Baron Isis*. [45] *Baroness Wellsy* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [61] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves south. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [100] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [90] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. A Skeleton Warrior looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [103] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [107] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. A Skeleton Warrior looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [106] A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [123] A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [104] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [102] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [108] *Baron Drowg* turns slightly green, but it passes. *Baron Drowg* looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's MANGLES *Baron Drowg*! [174] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden looks very ill. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [103] *Baron Isis* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. *Baron Isis* looks very ill. *Baron Isis* looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Isis*! [217] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior turns slightly green, but it passes. A Skeleton Warrior looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [244] An Ettin gate-guard screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. An Ettin gate-guard looks very ill. An Ettin gate-guard looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's === OBLITERATES === an Ettin gate-guard! [227] <4088-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 83% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Isis*'s scratch wounds Count Zaltais. [20] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS you. [93] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting misses *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [99] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [69] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [66] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [72] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS a Drider! [113] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Drider. [58] A Drider is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS a Drider! [114] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [76] A Drider is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [98] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [86] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Count Zaltais's slice misses *Baron Drowg*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Drowg*. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. *Baron Klaven*'s beating maims you. [48] You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates you. [34] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses you. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates you. [34] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] <3813-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 81% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Wounds] Baron Domokun sends a Drider sprawling with a powerful bash. <3813-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 81% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Wounds] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <3813-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 81% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Wounds] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <3813-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 81% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Wounds] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Drowg*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <3813-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 81% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Wounds] *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! Duke Ben tells the group 'dowg webbed' <3813-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 81% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Wounds] *Baron Isis* utters the words, 'oag bcandusahp'. *Baron Isis* breathes out a cloud of poisonous gas! Wall of force looks very ill. *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [202] *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas maims you. [47] *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas maims Baron Flux. [45] *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [55] *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas mauls Baron Otaku. [30] *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas decimates Count Zaltais. [33] Duke Ben is unaffected by *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas! <3766-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 81% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [You: Wounds] Baron Flux sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Count Zaltais utters a word of dark power! *Baroness Wellsy* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [47] Wall of force screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. Wall of force looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [185] *Baron Klaven* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS *Baron Klaven*! [125] *Baron Handle* looks very ill. *Baron Handle* looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [121] *Baron Azore* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's MASSACRES *Baron Azore*! [133] A guardian screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A guardian looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** a guardian! [220] *Baron Isis* turns slightly green, but it passes. *Baron Isis* looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's maims *Baron Isis*. [48] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [106] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [100] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [103] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [95] A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [109] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [111] A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [122] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [96] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [113] *Baron Drowg* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's MANGLES *Baron Drowg*! [164] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [105] *Baron Isis* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. *Baron Isis* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Isis*! [218] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [217] An Ettin gate-guard screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. An Ettin gate-guard looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [212] <3766-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 79% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] *Baron Handle*'s circle misses you. You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [55] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [57] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [95] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Isis*. [14] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [71] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [84] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [73] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [82] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Duke Ben fades into existence. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS a Drider! [118] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Drider. [58] A Drider is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [86] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. A Drider turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Drider. [72] A Drider is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS a Drider! [102] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. A Drider turns blue and shivers. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Drowg*. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [26] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. *Baron Drowg* turns blue and shivers. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip wounds you. [23] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates you. [33] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates you. [33] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates you. [33] You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [33] An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates you. [33] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] <3453-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'. *Baroness Wellsy* raises her hand, and a blinding ray of light shoots forth! *Baroness Wellsy*'s ray of truth maims you. [48] <3405-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [115] <3290-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <3290-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Azore* teaches you new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Azore*'s strike maims you. [47] <3243-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [You: Nasty Wounds] Duke Ben stops using Tome of the Archmagus. Duke Ben holds a staff of destruction in his hand. <3243-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Isis* utters the words, 'oag bcandusahp'. *Baron Isis* breathes out a cloud of poisonous gas! Wall of force looks very ill. *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [198] *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas maims you. [45] *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas devastates Baron Flux. [44] *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [54] *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas mauls Baron Otaku. [30] *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas decimates Count Zaltais. [32] Duke Ben is unaffected by *Baron Isis*'s blast of gas! Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to wall of force! [541] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a guardian! [627] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [265] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [348] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [289] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [315] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [264] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo MASSACRES a Drider! [146] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [274] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [288] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Drider! [351] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [300] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to *Baron Isis*! [668] *Baron Isis* is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear *Baron Isis*'s death cry. Duke Ben splits 9 silver coins. Your share is 1 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of *Baron Isis* to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [588] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [671] <3198-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 71% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [You: Nasty Wounds] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Count Zaltais utters a word of dark power! *Baroness Wellsy* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [57] Wall of force screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. Wall of force looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [225] *Baron Klaven* turns slightly green, but it passes. *Baron Klaven* looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [62] *Baron Handle* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Handle* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [119] *Baron Azore* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [60] A guardian screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A guardian looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEMOLISHES *** a guardian! [198] *Baron Isis* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's maims *Baron Isis*. [50] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [107] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [113] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [87] A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [106] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [105] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [103] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [102] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [111] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [104] *Baron Drowg* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's MANGLES *Baron Drowg*! [151] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden looks very ill. Count Zaltais's MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [54] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [217] An Ettin gate-guard screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. An Ettin gate-guard looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [207] You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS you. [86] Baron Flux's pierce misses *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [60] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [92] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting maims *Baron Drowg*. [47] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [77] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's pierce misses *Baron Drowg*. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Isis*. [17] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [71] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [90] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [82] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [79] A Drider is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [91] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [76] A Drider is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [30] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Baron Drowg*. [32] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Klaven*'s blast misses you. A Drider's whip wounds you. [23] A Drider's whip wounds you. [23] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [33] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [33] You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip wounds you. [23] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates you. [33] <2958-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 66% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <2958-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 66% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'. *Baroness Wellsy* raises her hand, and a blinding ray of light shoots forth! *Baroness Wellsy*'s ray of truth maims you. [50] Baron Domokun's kick mauls a Drider. [26] <2908-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 66% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Flux sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [110] <2798-5742hp: 943-1232m: 585-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 66% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [You: Bleeding] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel less tired. <3156-5742hp: 943-1232m: 636-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 66% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <3156-5742hp: 943-1232m: 636-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 66% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Isis* utters the words, 'yucandus bcandusahp'. *Baron Isis* breathes forth a cone of fire. Wall of force is blinded by smoke! *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame MANGLES wall of force! [157] *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame is powerless against you. Baron Flux is blinded by smoke! *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame wounds Baron Flux. [24] Baron Domokun is unaffected by *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame! Baron Otaku is blinded by smoke! *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [70] A piece of mandrake melts and drips! *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame DISEMBOWELS Count Zaltais. [76] *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame mauls Duke Ben. [25] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to wall of force! [657] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. Duke Ben splits 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of wall of force to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a guardian! [495] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [262] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [310] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [287] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [343] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [254] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [269] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [274] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [292] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [320] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [279] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [551] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [642] <3156-5742hp: 943-1232m: 636-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 62% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [58] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting misses *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [100] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Isis*. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [61] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [77] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [74] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [72] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS a Drider! [118] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Drider. [61] A Drider is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [96] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's severed head plops on the ground. Baron Domokun gets a gold coin from the corpse of a Drider. Baron Domokun splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Count Zaltais's slice misses *Baron Drowg*. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Klaven*'s blast decimates you. [32] Klavens Empty Bottle of Jose Cuervo sears your flesh. A Troll Berserker has arrived. A Troll Berserker has arrived. A Drider's whip wounds you. [23] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [33] You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. A Drider has arrived. A Drider's whip wounds you. [23] A Drider's whip wounds you. [23] A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <3039-5742hp: 943-1232m: 636-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Handle*'s circle MUTILATES you. [75] <2964-5742hp: 943-1232m: 636-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <2964-5742hp: 943-1232m: 636-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baroness Wellsy* gets the head of a Drider. Baron Domokun says 'BANG BANG' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <2964-5742hp: 943-1232m: 636-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'. *Baroness Wellsy* raises her hand, and a blinding ray of light shoots forth! *Baroness Wellsy*'s ray of truth maims you. [50] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! *Baron Klaven*'s circle misses you. A Troll Berserker yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Troll Berserker yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] <3218-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <3218-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] You can't find it. <3218-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] You tell the group '[Reanis] [ARMOR OUT!]' <3218-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. Baron Flux tells the group 'bash Increased.' *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. You tell the group '[Reanis] heals' <3218-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. Baron Flux tries to disarm *Baron Drowg*, but fails. You tell the group '[Reanis] heals' <3218-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* takes Baron Otaku's weapon and clobbers them with it! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* disarms Baron Otaku! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [64] I see no cor here. <3218-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Baron Domokun's kick MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [52] <3218-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 57% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] You tell the group '[Reanis] heals' Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [254] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [289] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [296] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [584] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [614] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a guardian! [658] A guardian is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a guardian's death cry. Duke Ben splits 90 silver coins. Your share is 15 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a guardian to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [301] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [298] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [298] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [274] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [300] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [269] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [320] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Drider! [246] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [303] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [656] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [671] *Baron Drowg*'s slice decimates you. [34] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Isis*'s scratch injures Count Zaltais. [13] You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [65] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. *Baron Drowg* is blinded by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [60] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [66] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drowg*! [183] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [124] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drowg*! [199] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [27] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Drowg*. [26] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Klaven*'s blast decimates you. [31] Klavens Empty Bottle of Jose Cuervo sears your flesh. A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls you. [29] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip wounds you. [23] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [33] You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates you. [33] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider has arrived. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [33] <2951-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Isis* utters the words, 'yucandus bcandusahp'. *Baron Isis* breathes forth a cone of fire. *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame is powerless against you. *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame wounds Baron Flux. [23] Baron Domokun is unaffected by *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame! *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame decimates Baron Otaku. [34] *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame MUTILATES Count Zaltais. [75] *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame wounds Duke Ben. [24] You tell the group '[Reanis] heals' <2951-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] You tell the group '[Reanis] heals' *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS you. [100] <2851-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bleeding] You tell the group '[Reanis] heals' <2851-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bleeding] You tell the group '[Reanis] heals' <2851-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bleeding] You tell the group '[Reanis] heals' *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISEMBOWELS you. [97] <2754-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bleeding] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'parl xafe'. *Baroness Wellsy* utters a word of divine power! A Drider gets a wild look in her eyes! A Drider gets a wild look in his eyes! A Drider gets a wild look in her eyes! A Drider gets a wild look in her eyes! A Troll Berserker gets a wild look in her eyes! A Troll Berserker gets a wild look in his eyes! *Baroness Wellsy* gets a wild look in her eyes! *Baron Klaven* gets a wild look in his eyes! *Baron Handle* gets a wild look in his eyes! *Baron Isis* gets a wild look in his eyes! A Drider gets a wild look in his eyes! A Skeleton Warrior gets a wild look in its eyes! A Drider gets a wild look in his eyes! A Skeleton Warrior gets a wild look in its eyes! A Drider gets a wild look in his eyes! A Drider gets a wild look in her eyes! A Drider gets a wild look in his eyes! A Drider gets a wild look in his eyes! *Baron Drowg* gets a wild look in his eyes! Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden gets a wild look in his eyes! You are struck down! *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine wrath devastates you. [44] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine wrath devastates Baron Flux. [41] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine wrath MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [56] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine wrath devastates Baron Otaku. [41] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine wrath maims Count Zaltais. [46] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine wrath decimates Duke Ben. [35] A Skeleton Warrior gets a wild look in its eyes! An Ettin gate-guard gets a wild look in his eyes! I see no head here. <2710-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bleeding] No way! You are still fighting! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <2710-5742hp: 943-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bleeding] You feel better! Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' (Advice: Turn color on or off by typing 'color'. ) *Baron Azore* writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Handle* writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. An Ettin gate-guard writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider shivers and looks very ill. A Drider shivers and looks very ill. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. <2975-5742hp: 924-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. <2975-5742hp: 924-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <2975-5742hp: 924-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Otaku gets a Chaos Blade. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. You feel better! <3258-5742hp: 924-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1729 Enemy: 50% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Otaku wields a Chaos Blade. *Baron Drowg*'s slice decimates you. [35] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. *Baron Drowg*'s slice wounds you. [24] You feel "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter drawing your life away. "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter sears your flesh. *Baron Drowg*'s slice decimates you. [37] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. *Baron Drowg*'s slice decimates you. [37] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS you! [111] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [86] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [72] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [90] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [51] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [70] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [113] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Isis*. [18] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [77] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [61] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [66] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [73] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice MANGLES *Baron Drowg*! [155] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [104] *Baron Drowg* is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baron Drowg* is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Baron Drowg*! [227] *Baron Drowg* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Drowg* to your trophy. You receive 37 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Drowg* at The Entrance to Darkness. *Baron Drowg* splatters blood on your armor. *Baron Klaven*'s beating MUTILATES you. [55] *Baron Klaven*'s beating MUTILATES you. [58] A Troll Berserker's thwack misses you. A Drider has arrived. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider has arrived. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip decimates you. [31] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [39] You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <2809-5742hp: 924-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 46% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [You: Bleeding] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [288] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [334] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [293] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [274] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [272] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo DISMEMBERS a Drider! [109] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [575] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [535] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [307] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [284] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [297] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [306] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [297] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo MANGLES a Drider! [157] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [328] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [289] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [270] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [682] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [594] <3171-5742hp: 924-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 43% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS you. [81] <3090-5742hp: 924-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 43% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Isis* utters the words, 'yucandus bcandusahp'. *Baron Isis* breathes forth a cone of fire. *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame is powerless against you. *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame wounds Baron Flux. [22] Baron Domokun is unaffected by *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame! *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame decimates Baron Otaku. [32] *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame MUTILATES Count Zaltais. [71] *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame wounds Duke Ben. [24] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* takes Baron Otaku's weapon and clobbers them with it! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* disarms Baron Otaku! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [64] <3090-5742hp: 924-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 43% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [116] <2974-5742hp: 924-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 43% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [You: Nasty Wounds] You feel better! <3245-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 43% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Flux utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Baron Flux utters a word of dark power! A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [98] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's MUTILATES a Drider. [52] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [96] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*! [111] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [109] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [102] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [96] A Troll Berserker screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Troll Berserker looks very ill. A Troll Berserker looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's *** DEMOLISHES *** a Troll Berserker! [181] A Troll Berserker screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Troll Berserker looks very ill. A Troll Berserker looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's *** DEVASTATES *** a Troll Berserker! [216] *Baroness Wellsy* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [50] *Baron Klaven* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [53] *Baron Handle* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Handle* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's maims *Baron Handle*. [48] *Baron Azore* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [63] *Baron Isis* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's devastates *Baron Isis*. [43] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [96] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [97] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [108] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [105] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [105] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [115] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [98] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [106] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [95] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Baron Flux's MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [172] An Ettin gate-guard screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. An Ettin gate-guard looks very ill. Baron Flux's *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [210] <3245-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 42% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [You: Nasty Wounds] Count Zaltais gets a Chaos Blade. *Baron Azore*'s punch MUTILATES you. [63] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS you! [111] Baron Flux's pierce maims *Baron Isis*. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's sting decimates *Baron Isis*. [32] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Some newbie blackens and crisps! Baron Flux's sting devastates *Baron Isis*. [43] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. A Magic Mushroom blackens and crisps! Some newbie blackens and crisps! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [61] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's pierce maims *Baron Isis*. [50] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Otaku's punch misses *Baron Isis*. *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [114] Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [74] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [82] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [66] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Duke Ben's slice misses *Baron Isis*. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Isis*. [87] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Isis*. [82] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [70] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [17] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. A barrel of root beer freezes and shatters! *Baron Klaven*'s beating misses you. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Klaven*'s beating MUTILATES you. [55] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. Duke Ben blocks a Drider's attack with a shield. A Drider's whip misses Duke Ben. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates you. [38] You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <2870-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 38% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Bleeding] Baron Otaku gets the corpse of Baron Drowg. <2870-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 38% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Bleeding] Baron Otaku wields "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +56 exp' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <2870-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 38% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Bleeding] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS you. [97] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) on drowg' <3144-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 38% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Nasty Wounds] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells at Baron Otaku 'You have bad manna's!' *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike devastates Baron Otaku. [42] <3144-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 38% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Nasty Wounds] Count Zaltais tells the group '22 XP' <3144-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 38% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [111] <3033-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 38% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Isis* utters the words, 'yucandus bcandusahp'. *Baron Isis* breathes forth a cone of fire. *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame is powerless against you. *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame wounds Baron Flux. [24] Baron Domokun is unaffected by *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame! *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame decimates Baron Otaku. [35] *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame DISEMBOWELS Count Zaltais. [76] A piece of mandrake melts and drips! *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame MUTILATES Duke Ben. [51] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'qarr diesilla'. A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates you. [40] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <2993-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 38% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Nasty Wounds] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [337] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [285] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [314] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [320] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [256] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [284] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [272] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [579] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [607] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [277] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [304] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [315] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [271] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Drider! [228] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [255] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [287] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [305] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [292] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [550] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [518] <2993-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 34% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Nasty Wounds] I see no cor here. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Isis* sprawling with a powerful bash. <2993-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 34% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Flux utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Baron Flux utters a word of dark power! A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. A Skeleton Warrior looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [104] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [90] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [99] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [107] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* turns slightly green, but it passes. *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's *** DEVASTATES *** *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*! [225] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [108] A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [110] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [95] A Troll Berserker screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Troll Berserker looks very ill. Baron Flux's *** DEVASTATES *** a Troll Berserker! [216] A Troll Berserker screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Troll Berserker turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's *** DEMOLISHES *** a Troll Berserker! [199] *Baroness Wellsy* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [49] *Baron Klaven* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [53] *Baron Handle* looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [103] *Baron Azore* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Azore* looks very ill. Baron Flux's MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [55] *Baron Isis* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's maims *Baron Isis*. [46] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [114] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [97] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [93] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [102] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [91] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's maims a Drider. [47] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [115] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [84] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [105] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Baron Flux's *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [198] An Ettin gate-guard screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. An Ettin gate-guard looks very ill. Baron Flux's *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [202] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <2993-5742hp: 904-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 32% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [You: Nasty Wounds] You feel better! *Baron Azore*'s punch MASSACRES you! [130] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS you! [111] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS you. [90] Baron Flux's sting decimates *Baron Isis*. [36] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's sting devastates *Baron Isis*. [40] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Isis*. [15] *Baron Isis* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [71] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [82] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce misses Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [74] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [81] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [68] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [70] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Isis*! [105] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. *Baron Isis* turns blue and shivers. Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [18] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [15] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. *Baron Klaven*'s beating MUTILATES you. [52] *Baron Klaven*'s beating MUTILATES you. [55] A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls you. [29] A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls you. [29] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider has arrived. A Troll Berserker has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip misses you. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates you. [38] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] <2452-5742hp: 884-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 27% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [You: Bleeding] A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Troll Berserker yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' <2452-5742hp: 884-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 27% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [You: Bleeding] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS you. [86] <2366-5742hp: 884-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 27% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [You: Bleeding] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at Count Zaltais and draw from their soul!! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* teaches Baron Otaku new respect for chopsticks! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike devastates Baron Otaku. [42] <2366-5742hp: 884-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 27% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [You : Bleeding] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [105] <2261-5742hp: 884-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 27% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [You: Blood Covered] *Baron Isis* utters the words, 'yucandus bcandusahp'. *Baron Isis* breathes forth a cone of fire. *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame is powerless against you. *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame wounds Baron Flux. [24] Baron Domokun is unaffected by *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame! *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame decimates Baron Otaku. [35] *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame DISEMBOWELS Count Zaltais. [78] *Baron Isis*'s blast of flame MUTILATES Duke Ben. [52] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'qarr diesilla'. <2261-5742hp: 884-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 27% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [499] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [298] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [313] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [292] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [301] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [272] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [255] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [262] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [309] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [553] A Troll Berserker is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Troll Berserker's death cry. Duke Ben gets 15 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Troll Berserker. Duke Ben splits 15 silver coins. Your share is 2 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Troll Berserker to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [627] A Troll Berserker is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Troll Berserker's death cry. Duke Ben gets 50 silver coins from the corpse of a Troll Berserker. Duke Ben splits 50 silver coins. Your share is 8 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Troll Berserker to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [285] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [272] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [275] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [309] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [322] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [267] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Drider! [243] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [274] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [318] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [547] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [575] <2261-5742hp: 884-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 23% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Flux tells the group 'blind' *Baron Azore*'s punch MUTILATES you. [65] You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [61] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's pierce maims *Baron Isis*. [45] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's sting decimates *Baron Isis*. [34] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates *Baron Isis*. [43] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [61] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Otaku's slice hits *Baron Isis*. [12] *Baron Isis* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [74] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [72] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [66] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Isis*. [81] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [68] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baron Isis* is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Isis*! [110] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [17] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* turns blue and shivers. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] Duke Ben blocks a Drider's attack with a shield. You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses you. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <2015-5742hp: 884-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Flux tells the group 'blind' You feel better! <2261-5742hp: 864-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Flux tells the group 'blind' <2261-5742hp: 864-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Isis* sprawling with a powerful bash. <2261-5742hp: 864-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Flux tells the group 'spear Increased.' <2261-5742hp: 864-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* teaches Baron Otaku new respect for chopsticks! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike devastates Baron Otaku. [42] <2261-5742hp: 864-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] *Baron Azore* yells at you 'You have bad manna's!' *Baron Azore*'s strike maims you. [47] <2214-5742hp: 864-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baroness Wellsy* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. Coils burst at Count Zaltais and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'qarr diesilla'. <2214-5742hp: 864-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [529] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [285] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [330] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [283] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [288] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [268] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [258] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [297] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [307] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo *** DEVASTATES *** a Drider! [219] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you. Duke Ben gets 10 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 10 silver coins. Your share is 1 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [292] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [320] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 17 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 17 silver coins. Your share is 2 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [312] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [291] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [303] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [278] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 123 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 123 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [293] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider spills his guts all over the floor. Duke Ben gets 68 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 68 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [327] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [550] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [643] Duke Ben's a staff of destruction blazes bright and is gone. *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [104] <2110-5742hp: 864-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 15% (E SU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] *Baron Isis* hates bash You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce decimates *Baron Isis*. [38] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's pierce devastates *Baron Isis*. [43 ] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's sting decimates *Baron Isis*. [38] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's pierce maims *Baron Isis*. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Isis*. [14] *Baron Isis* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Some newbie blackens and crisps! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [91] Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [81] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [74] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [68] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Duke Ben's slice wounds *Baron Isis*. [19] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [61] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Isis*. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Isis*. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [18] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [18] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls you. [29] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <1807-5742hp: 864-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 11% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] You feel better! *Baron Handle*'s circle MUTILATES you. [66] <1968-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 11% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] *Baron Isis* hates bash <1968-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 11% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* does sixteen flips and kicks Baron Otaku in the nuts! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [64] <1968-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 11% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <1968-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 11% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] *Baron Azore* teaches you new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Azore*'s strike maims you. [47] <1921-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 11% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <1921-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 11% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [You: Blood Covered] Duke Ben holds a staff of destruction in his hand. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Isis* sprawling with a powerful bash. *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISEMBOWELS you. [99] *Baron Isis*'s scratch injures Count Zaltais. [18] You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's sting maims *Baron Isis*. [46] *Baron Isis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's pierce maims *Baron Isis*. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Isis*. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Isis*. [15] *Baron Isis* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [66] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [84] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Duke Ben's slice injures *Baron Isis*. [14] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Duke Ben's slice wounds *Baron Isis*. [19] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Isis*. [91] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Isis*. [96] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [68] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Isis* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Isis*. [96] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Isis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Isis*. *Baron Isis* turns blue and shivers. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [19] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* turns blue and shivers. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Klaven*'s blast devastates you. [39] Klavens Empty Bottle of Jose Cuervo sears your flesh. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] <1557-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 6% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Leaking Guts] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [565] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [334] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [307] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [297] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [282] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [314] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [288] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [278] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [301] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [261] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [281] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [289] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 136 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 136 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [252] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 57 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 57 silver coins. Your share is 9 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [311] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [313] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [560] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <1557-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Leaking Guts] *Baron Isis* hates bash Baron Otaku utters the words, 'judicandus noselacri'. <1557-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Leaking Guts] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. You tell the group '[Reanis] HEALS DAMNIT' *Baron Handle*'s circle MUTILATES you. [69] <1488-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Leaking Guts] You tell the group '[Reanis] HEALS DAMNIT' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <1488-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Leaking Guts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baron Isis* no longer looks so holy. You tell the group '[Reanis] HEALS DAMNIT' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. You feel better! <1762-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Blood Covered] You tell the group '[Reanis] HEALS DAMNIT' <1762-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Blood Covered] You tell the group '[Reanis] HEALS DAMNIT' <1762-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Blood Covered] You tell the group '[Reanis] HEALS DAMNIT' <1762-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Blood Covered] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* screams at Baron Otaku 'You kill my brodda! Now you pay!' *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike wounds Baron Otaku. [21] You tell the group '[Reanis] HEALS DAMNIT' <1762-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Blood Covered] *Baron Isis* leaves south. *Baron Isis* has fled! At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <1762-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Blood Covered] *Baron Azore* teaches you new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Azore*'s strike maims you. [47] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <1715-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 1% (ESU)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [You: Leaking Guts] You tell the group '[Reanis] HEALS DAMNIT' *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [80] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [94] Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you. You get 71 silver coins from the corpse of Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. You split 71 silver coins. Your share is 16 silver. You get 141 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 141 silver coins. Your share is 26 silver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [82] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [85] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [93] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [84] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. *Baron Handle*'s pierce maims Count Zaltais. [48] A glass shard freezes Count Zaltais. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <1497-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 70% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Some Cuts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Leaking Guts] You tell the group '[Reanis] HEALS DAMNIT' *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [111] You sure are BLEEDING!!! Blood flies everywhere!!! <1386-5742hp: 844-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 70% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Some Cuts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Leaking Guts] You feel better! <1612-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 70% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Some Cuts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Leaking Guts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'judicandus noselacri'. <1612-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 70% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Some Cuts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Leaking Guts] *Baron Handle* steps back! <1612-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 70% (ESU)> [no one: Some Cuts] [You: Leaking Guts] *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates you. [38] The cold touch of a glass shard surrounds you with ice. <1573-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 70% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Some Cuts] [You: Leaking Guts] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <1573-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 70% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Some Cuts] [You: Leaking Guts] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <1573-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 70% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Some Cuts] [You: Leaking Guts] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* teaches Duke Ben new respect for chopsticks! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike decimates Duke Ben. [31] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <1573-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 70% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Some Cuts] [You: Leaking Guts] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <1573-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 70% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Some Cuts] [You: Leaking Guts] *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. *Baron Azore* kicks you 36 times in the face! *Baron Azore*'s strike MUTILATES you. [70] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' You block *Baron Azore*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS you. [85] You sure are BLEEDING!!! Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power wounds Count Zaltais. [20] Count Zaltais is burned by The Holy Mace. Baron Otaku's slice decimates *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*. [31] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [113] Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [87] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [78] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [82] Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [18] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [19] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [15] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. *Baron Klaven*'s beating MUTILATES you. [55] You sure are BLEEDING!!! Blood flies everywhere!!! You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You sure are BLEEDING!!! Blood flies everywhere!!! A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You sure are BLEEDING!!! Blood flies everywhere!!! You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] You sure are BLEEDING!!! Blood flies everywhere!!! A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] You sure are BLEEDING!!! Blood flies everywhere!!! An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates you. [38] You sure are BLEEDING!!! Blood flies everywhere!!! A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You sure are BLEEDING!!! Blood flies everywhere!!! You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <1169-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 63% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Wounds] [You: Leaking Guts] Duke Ben utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. You feel better! <1402-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 63% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Wounds] [You: Leaking Guts] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' *Baron Klaven*'s circle misses you. <1402-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 63% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Wounds] [You: Leaking Guts] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <1402-5742hp: 824-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 63% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Wounds] [You: Leaking Guts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! You feel better! <2019-5742hp: 804-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 63% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Wounds] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <2019-5742hp: 804-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 63% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Wounds] [You: Blood Covered] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. <2019-5742hp: 804-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 63% (ESU)> [no one: Wounds] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <2019-5742hp: 804-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 63% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Wounds] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Domokun rescues you! <2019-5742hp: 804-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 (ESU)> *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* teaches Duke Ben new respect for chopsticks! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike decimates Duke Ben. [31] <2019-5742hp: 804-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 (ESU)> *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS you. [90] Duke Ben's slice mauls a Drider. [26] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. A Drider turns blue and shivers. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [125] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [84] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [84] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [19] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. *Baron Klaven*'s beating MUTILATES you. [55] *Baron Klaven*'s blast devastates you. [44] Klavens Empty Bottle of Jose Cuervo sears your flesh. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] <1666-5742hp: 804-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [*Baron Azore*: Perfect] [You: Leaking Guts] *Baron Azore* takes your weapon and clobbers you with it! *Baron Azore* DISARMS you and sends your weapon flying! *Baron Azore*'s strike MUTILATES you. [70] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'. *Baroness Wellsy* raises her hand, and a blinding ray of light shoots forth! *Baroness Wellsy*'s ray of truth MUTILATES you. [54] <1542-5667hp: 804-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [*Baron Azore*: Perfect] [You: Leaking Guts] Duke Ben utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. You feel better! <1768-5667hp: 804-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [*Baron Azore*: Perfect] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Flux utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. You feel better! You feel better! *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISEMBOWELS you. [99] <2125-5667hp: 784-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [*Baron Azore*: Perfect] [You: Blood Covered] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <2482-5667hp: 784-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [*Baron Azore*: Perfect] [You: Bleeding] *Baron Handle*'s circle MUTILATES you. [74] <2408-5667hp: 784-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [*Baron Azore*: Perfect] [You: Bleeding] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <2408-5667hp: 784-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [*Baron Azore*: Perfect] [You: Bleeding] Baron Domokun rescues you! <2408-5667hp: 784-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 (ESU)> *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* teaches Duke Ben new respect for chopsticks! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike decimates Duke Ben. [31] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' Your punch MASSACRES *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*! [150] Your punch DISMEMBERS *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*! [107] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [103] Your punch MASSACRES *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*! [144] Your punch DISEMBOWELS *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*. [95] Your punch DISMEMBERS *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*! [102] Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [101] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [61] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [79] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Klaven*'s blast devastates you. [40] Klavens Empty Bottle of Jose Cuervo sears your flesh. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. A Troll Berserker has arrived. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls you. [29] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <2003-5667hp: 784-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 36% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Blood Covered] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <2396-5667hp: 784-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 36% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bleeding] *Baroness Wellsy* gets Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. *Baroness Wellsy* gets the brains of Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. *Baroness Wellsy* gets the guts of a Drider. *Baroness Wellsy* gets the brains of a Drider. <2396-5667hp: 784-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 36% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bleeding] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'. *Baroness Wellsy* raises her hand, and a blinding ray of light shoots forth! *Baroness Wellsy*'s ray of truth MUTILATES you. [52] Duke Ben utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. You feel better! <2553-5667hp: 784-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 36% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven fr om Undermountain*: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bleeding] Baron Flux utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. You feel better! You feel better! You block *Baron Ender*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [105] <2918-5667hp: 764-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 36% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <3271-5667hp: 764-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 36% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Nasty Wounds] A Troll Berserker yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls you. [29] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. <3242-5667hp: 764-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 36% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Nasty Wounds] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS you. [93] <3149-5667hp: 764-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 36% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Domokun rescues you! *Baron Azore*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [59] Your punch MASSACRES *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*! [132] Your punch DISEMBOWELS *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*. [88] Your punch DISMEMBERS *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*! [108] Your punch MASSACRES *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*! [144] Your punch DISEMBOWELS *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*. [85] *Baron Ender*'s pierce MUTILATES you. [66] *Baron Ender*'s smash MUTILATES you. [52] *Baron Ender*'s pierce maims you. [50] Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [95] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's smash misses *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [76] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [114] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [113] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [18] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [19] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. A Drider's whip injures Duke Ben. [16] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip misses you. A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses you. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] <2704-5667hp: 764-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from U ndermountain*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bleeding] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* screams at Duke Ben 'You kill my brodda! Now you pay!' *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s strike injures Duke Ben. [16] <2704-5667hp: 764-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bleeding] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'. *Baroness Wellsy* raises her hand, and a blinding ray of light shoots forth! *Baroness Wellsy*'s ray of truth MUTILATES you. [55] Duke Ben tells the group 'ewwar weapon reanis' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <2649-5667hp: 764-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bleeding] *Baron Azore* clobbers Baron Domokun with their forehead! *Baron Azore*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [83] Duke Ben utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. You feel better! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <3215-5667hp: 764-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Flux utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. You feel better! You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [104] <3339-5667hp: 764-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Nasty Wounds] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. You wield The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. You are skilled with The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. *Baron Ender*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [107] <3582-5667hp: 764-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Wounds] You feel better! <3788-5667hp: 744-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Wounds] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS you. [93] <3695-5667hp: 744-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1692 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [*A filthy skaven from Undermountain*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Wounds] *Baron Azore*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [142] Baron Otaku's slice decimates *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*. [36] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is DEAD!! Adding *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* to your trophy. You receive 1 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Otaku has just killed *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* at The Entrance to Darkness. You hear *A filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s death cry. You block *Baron Ender*'s attack with your shield. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [72] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baron Handle* is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [114] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [72] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [15] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [16] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice misses *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle*'s pierce MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [56] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. *Baron Handle*'s pierce devastates Baron Domokun. [43] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. Baron Domokun turns blue and shivers. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Klaven*'s beating MUTILATES you. [52] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip misses you. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [34] An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <3437-5667hp: 744-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 100% (ESU)> [*Baron Ender*: Perfect] [You: Wounds] Baron Domokun rescues you! <3437-5667hp: 744-1207m: 650-635mv: EXP-1691 (ESU)> (Advice: Gossip is used in Tier, bellow is used in Kael, snarl is used in Undermountain, and inform is used in Cairn. ) *Baron Azore* writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Handle* writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Troll Berserker shivers and looks very ill. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. An Ettin gate-guard writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. <3447-5667hp: 746-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 (ESU)> *Baron Bilalo* joins *Baroness Wellsy*'s group. <3447-5667hp: 746-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 (ESU)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. You feel better! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <3996-5667hp: 746-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 (ESU)> Baron Flux sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. *Baron Klaven*'s kicked dirt misses Count Zaltais. <3996-5667hp: 746-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 (ESU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. *Baron Ender*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [120] <4395-5667hp: 746-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 (ESU)> You feel better! <4678-5667hp: 726-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 (ESU)> *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS you. [79] <4599-5667hp: 726-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 23% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [85] Your freezing bite DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [78] *Baron Handle* is burned by The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer freezes *Baron Handle*. Your freezing bite MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [64] *Baron Handle* is burned by The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer freezes *Baron Handle*. Your freezing bite MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [64] *Baron Handle* is burned by The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer freezes *Baron Handle*. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [95] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [83] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [95] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [99] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [19] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice injures *Baron Handle*. [16] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls you. [26] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Troll Berserker's thwack misses you. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates you. [38] You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4410-5667hp: 726-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 8% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Azore* gets the corpse of a skaven. <4410-5667hp: 726-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 8% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +3 exp' <4410-5667hp: 726-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 8% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun disarms *Baron Handle*! <4410-5667hp: 726-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 8% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais gets a glass shard. <4410-5667hp: 726-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 8% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [659] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [667] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [303] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [307] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [292] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [297] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [268] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [265] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [306] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [276] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [312] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [281] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [598] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [561] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <4821-5667hp: 726-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 8% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Ender*'s circle MANGLES Baron Domokun! [170] <4821-5667hp: 726-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 8% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. You feel better! <5078-5667hp: 706-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 8% (ESU)> [*Baron Handle*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [56] Baron Domokun is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Domokun. *Baron Azore*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [127] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [61] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Your freezing bite MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [69] *Baron Handle* leaves up. *Baron Handle* has fled! Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Your freezing bite MUTILATES a Drider. [55] A Drider is burned by The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer freezes a Drider. Your freezing bite MUTILATES a Drider. [71] A Drider is burned by The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer freezes a Drider. Your freezing bite MUTILATES a Drider. [63] A Drider is burned by The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ender*! [250] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Ender*! [174] *Baron Ender* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ender*! [227] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. Baron Domokun's smash misses *Baron Ender*. You block *Baron Klaven*'s attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4991-5667hp: 706-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 2% (ESU)> [a Drider: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baroness Wellsy*! <4991-5667hp: 706-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 2% (ESU)> [a Drider: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'. *Baroness Wellsy* raises her hand, and a blinding ray of light shoots forth! *Baroness Wellsy*'s ray of truth MUTILATES you. [52] <4939-5667hp: 706-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 2% (ESU)> [a Drider: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'heal him' *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS you! [111] <4828-5667hp: 706-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 2% (ESU)> [a Drider: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [587] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [578] A Troll Berserker is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Troll Berserker's death cry. Duke Ben gets 84 silver coins from the corpse of a Troll Berserker. Duke Ben splits 84 silver coins. Your share is 14 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Troll Berserker to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [348] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [296] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [319] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [289] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's heart is torn from his chest. Duke Ben gets 44 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 44 silver coins. Your share is 7 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [306] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo MASSACRES a Drider! [136] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [337] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's arm is sliced from her dead body. Duke Ben gets 98 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 98 silver coins. Your share is 16 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [318] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [289] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [260] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [472] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [547] An Ettin gate-guard is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear an Ettin gate-guard's death cry. Duke Ben gets 51 silver coins from the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard. Duke Ben splits 51 silver coins. Your share is 8 silver. Duke Ben splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard to AoW. <4828-5667hp: 706-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 (ESU)> *Baron Ender*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [120] <4828-5667hp: 706-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 (ESU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Azore* turns deathly white. You feel better! *Baron Handle* has arrived. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' Your freezing bite MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [60] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ender*! [177] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ender*! [184] *Baron Ender* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Ender*! [261] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ender*! [184] *Baron Ender* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ender*! [236] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. *Baron Bilalo* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. *Baron Klaven*'s beating maims you. [50] *Baron Klaven*'s blast maims you. [48] Klavens Empty Bottle of Jose Cuervo sears your flesh. A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls you. [26] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip injures Duke Ben. [16] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip mauls you. [29] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4831-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 85% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Handle* turns deathly white. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Count Zaltais utters a word of dark power! *Baron Handle* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Handle* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [103] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Handle* leaves up. *Baron Handle* has fled! A Troll Berserker screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Troll Berserker looks very ill. A Troll Berserker looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** a Troll Berserker! [215] *Baron Bilalo* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [202] *Baron Ender* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Ender* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ender*! [189] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. A Drider looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [119] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [104] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [106] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [109] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [98] A Drider screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin. A Drider looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Drider! [104] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's leg is sliced from her dead body. Count Zaltais gets 37 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Count Zaltais splits 37 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Count Zaltais splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Count Zaltais sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. *Baroness Wellsy* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [46] *Baron Klaven* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [63] *Baron Azore* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's MASSACRES *Baron Azore*! [135] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [115] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [104] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [235] <4831-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 83% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baroness Wellsy*! <4831-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* gets the leg of a Drider. *Baron Azore* gets the arm of a Drider. *Baron Azore* gets the heart of a Drider. <4831-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Ender* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4831-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'. *Baroness Wellsy* raises her hand, and a blinding ray of light shoots forth! *Baroness Wellsy*'s ray of truth MUTILATES you. [53] <4778-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [637] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [305] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [277] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [297] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider hits the ground ... DEAD. Duke Ben gets 25 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 25 silver coins. Your share is 4 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [326] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's heart is torn from her chest. Duke Ben gets 129 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 129 silver coins. Your share is 21 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [286] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's arm is sliced from his dead body. Duke Ben gets 108 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 108 silver coins. Your share is 18 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [319] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [306] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [573] <4778-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 95% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Ender*'s circle misses Baron Domokun. *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [54] Baron Domokun is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Domokun. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Your freezing bite misses *Baron Bilalo*. Your freezing bite MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [138] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer freezes *Baron Bilalo*. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [19] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Ender*! [206] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Ender*! [152] *Baron Ender* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baron Ender* is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Ender*! [261] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Ender*! [167] *Baron Ender* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baron Bilalo* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. *Baron Bilalo* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip wounds you. [24] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [38] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [33] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [33] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4650-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 91% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You stop using The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer. You wield a Diamond-Edged Halberd. A Diamond-Edged Halberd feels like a part of you! <4650-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 91% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Count Zaltais gets the arm of a Drider. Count Zaltais gets the heart of a Drider. <4650-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 91% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) <3431-3819hp 1699-2423mana 500-500mv 1906tnl ESU > *Baron Azore* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' You can't find it. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Bilalo*! Count Zaltais's torments *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [224] <4650-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 86% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Handle* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Azore*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4650-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 86% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Handle*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4650-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 86% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. You can't find it. <5014-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 86% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <5014-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 86% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You can't find it. <5014-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 86% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You can't find it. <5014-5667hp: 686-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 86% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You utter a word of divine power. A Troll Berserker looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** a Troll Berserker! [211] *Baron Bilalo* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [196] *Baron Ender* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS *Baron Ender*! [119] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [97] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [109] Your divine wrath MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [53] Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS *Baron Klaven*! [108] Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS *Baron Azore*! [115] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [96] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [102] You feel full more powerful. You are filled with holy wrath! You are already blessed. Baron Flux gets a wild look in his eyes! Baron Flux already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. Baron Otaku gets a wild look in his eyes! Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Count Zaltais gets a wild look in his eyes! Count Zaltais already has divine favor. Duke Ben gets a wild look in his eyes! Duke Ben already has divine favor. A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [216] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skeleton Warrior's death cry. You get 105 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. You split 105 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. You get 135 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 135 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. You feel drained. <5014-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 82% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baroness Wellsy*! <5014-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 82% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [587] A Troll Berserker is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Troll Berserker's death cry. Duke Ben gets 39 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Troll Berserker. Duke Ben splits 39 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Troll Berserker to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [300] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [281] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [278] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [266] *Baron Azore*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [129] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Your cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [176] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ender*! [236] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Ender*! [152] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Ender* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Ender*! [216] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ender*! [197] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Ender* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Bilalo* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. *Baron Bilalo* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. Count Zaltais's slice maims *Baron Bilalo*. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4977-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 76% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Ender*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [106] <4977-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 76% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'. *Baroness Wellsy* raises her hand, and a blinding ray of light shoots forth! *Baroness Wellsy*'s ray of truth maims you. [50] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <4927-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 76% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' *Baron Klaven*'s circle misses Baron Domokun. <4927-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 76% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baroness Wellsy* no longer looks so wild. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4927-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 76% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5302-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 76% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5302-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 76% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] [FRENZY ON!]' <5302-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1691 Enemy: 76% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baroness Wellsy*! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [71] Baron Domokun is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Domokun. *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [56] Baron Domokun is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Domokun. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Bilalo*! [101] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your cleave MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [147] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. *Baron Bilalo* is blinded by smoke! Your cleave MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [141] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. *Baron Ender*'s pierce misses Baron Domokun. *Baron Ender*'s smash MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [52] Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [28] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [28] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ender*! [250] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Ender*! [144] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Ender* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ender*! [190] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Ender*! [137] *Baron Ender* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Ender* to your trophy. You receive 41 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Ender* at The Entrance to Darkness. You hear *Baron Ender*'s death cry. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [57] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [53] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. You block a Drider's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] <5090-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 64% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5090-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 64% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais gets the corpse of Baron Ender. <5090-5667hp: 616-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 64% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You utter a word of divine power. *Baron Bilalo* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [192] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [97] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [106] Your divine wrath MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [56] Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS *Baron Klaven*! [106] *Baron Azore* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath MASSACRES *Baron Azore*! [130] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [101] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [95] You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You are already blessed. Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. Duke Ben already has divine favor. You feel drained. Count Zaltais gets the SoulFire from the corpse of Baron Ender. Count Zaltais gets 14368 silver coins and 600 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Ender. Count Zaltais splits 14368 silver and 600 gold coins, giving you 2394 silver and 100 gold. <5090-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 60% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Azore*'s MUTILATES him. [58] *Baron Azore* shrieks! Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5090-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 60% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [117] <5090-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 60% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5090-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 60% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5090-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 60% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [269] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider spills her guts all over the floor. Duke Ben gets 44 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 44 silver coins. Your share is 7 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [299] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [305] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [280] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5392-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 60% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' [NEWS]: Victory, Narco has just killed *Baron Handle* at Looking Down Into Darkness. You hear someone's death cry. <5392-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 60% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Your cleave MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [141] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Your cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [185] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Klaven*! [103] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Klaven*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Klaven*. Count Zaltais's slice maims *Baron Bilalo*. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. Count Zaltais's slice maims *Baron Bilalo*. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [55] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <5355-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo*'s kick maims Baron Domokun. [47] <5355-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5355-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5355-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] I see no cor here. <5355-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Azore*'s MUTILATES him. [55] *Baron Azore* shrieks! Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5355-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'pzar'. At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Klaven* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5355-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Klaven*'s circle misses Baron Domokun. <5355-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5355-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. Duke Ben gets the guts of a Drider. <5355-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 52% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [16] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [98] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [165] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Your cleave MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [136] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Your cleave MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [164] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <5302-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 39% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5302-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 39% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '23 XP' <5302-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 39% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Azore*'s MUTILATES him. [66] *Baron Azore* shrieks! Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [275] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [276] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [310] Duke Ben's a staff of destruction blazes bright and is gone. <5302-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 39% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5302-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 39% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Klaven* steps back! <5302-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 39% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +63 exp' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [158] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [148] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [28] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. *Baron Bilalo* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. Count Zaltais's slice maims *Baron Bilalo*. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] <5196-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 30% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5196-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 30% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Bilalo* turns deathly white. <5196-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 30% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun bellows ' i'm so uber' <5196-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 30% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Bilalo* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Bilalo*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5196-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 30% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben holds a staff of destruction in his hand. Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Klaven*, but fails. <5196-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 30% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Bilalo*'s DISEMBOWELS him. [94] *Baron Bilalo* shrieks! *Baron Isis* has arrived. <5196-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* misses Baron Domokun. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [14] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [14] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [154] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your cleave MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [175] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Your cleave MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [158] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [ 30] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Klaven*! [113] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Klaven*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Klaven*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [55] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <5131-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 15% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Isis* utters the words, 'diesilla bcandusahp'. *Baron Isis* breathes a bolt of lightning at you! *Baron Isis*'s blast of lightning DISEMBOWELS you. [94] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' <5037-5667hp: 546-1207m: 635 -635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 15% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Bruises] You utter a word of divine power. Your divine wrath maims *Baron Isis*. [49] Your attack is reflected back at you! [36] *Baron Bilalo* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [208] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [105] Your divine wrath devastates *Baroness Wellsy*. [43] Your divine wrath MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [53] *Baron Azore* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS *Baron Azore*! [121] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [100] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You are already blessed. Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. Duke Ben already has divine favor. You feel drained. <5013-5667hp: 476-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 10% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Azore*'s MUTILATES him. [64] *Baron Azore* shrieks! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Count Zaltais utters a word of dark power! *Baron Isis* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS *Baron Isis*. [92] *Baron Bilalo* looks very ill. *Baron Bilalo* looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [220] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] *Baroness Wellsy* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [48] *Baron Klaven* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [58] *Baron Azore* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Azore* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's MASSACRES *Baron Azore*! [126] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [97] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [109] <5013-5667hp: 476-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 5% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' <5013-5667hp: 476-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 5% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5013-5667hp: 476-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 5% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Klaven* leaves south. *Baron Klaven* has fled! <5013-5667hp: 476-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 5% (ESU)> [*Baron Bilalo*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* leaves up. *Baron Bilalo* has fled! *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [14] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. A Magic Mushroom blackens and crisps! Your cleave MUTILATES *Baron Isis*. [57] Your attack is reflected back at you! [42] *Baron Isis* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior turns blue and shivers. Duke Ben's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [32] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Azore*. [89] *Baron Azore* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] <4902-5667hp: 476-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 62% (ESU)> [*Baron Isis*: Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baron Isis* leaves south. *Baron Isis* has fled! <4902-5667hp: 476-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Azore*'s MUTILATES him. [59] *Baron Azore* shrieks! <4902-5667hp: 476-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. <4902-5667hp: 476-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> Your cleave misses *Baroness Wellsy*. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [30] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Azore*. [76] *Baron Azore* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Azore*! [106] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [36] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] (Advice: Chapter 4 will be opening soon, introducing many new classes and features. ) *Baron Bilalo* shivers and suffers. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Azore* writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. <4804-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 83% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Azore* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4804-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 83% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Klaven* has arrived. <4804-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 83% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' <4804-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 83% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'sfugw'. *Baroness Wellsy*'s prism does UNSPEAKABLE things to *Baron Bilalo*! [699] *Baron Bilalo* is DEAD!! *Baron Bilalo* hits the ground ... DEAD. You slam into *Baron Azore*, and send him flying! *Baron Klaven* leaves east. <4804-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 83% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Count Zaltais gets the corpse of Bilalo. <4804-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 83% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais gets 293 silver coins and 4 gold coins from the corpse of Bilalo. Count Zaltais splits 293 silver coins. Your share is 48 silver. <4804-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 83% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Your cleave DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [84] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [25] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Azore*! [112] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Azore*. [84] *Baron Azore* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice misses *Baron Azore*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Azore*. [84] *Baron Azore* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Azore*! [115] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4703-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 79% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Count Zaltais's torments MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [64] <4703-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 77% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4703-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 77% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] I see no cor here. <4703-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 77% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* leaves up. *Baron Azore* has fled! Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <4703-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 77% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You rescue Duke Ben! Duke Ben tells the group 'rerscue' <4703-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 77% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [14] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. A Magic Mushroom blackens and crisps! You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [36] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] You block a Skeleton Warrio r's attack with your shield. <4621-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 77% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically. <4621-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 77% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically. <4621-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 77% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baroness Wellsy* turns deathly white. <4621-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 77% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Your cleave DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [81] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] <4557-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 74% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* has arrived. <4557-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 74% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* leaves south. <4557-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 74% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4557-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 74% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Count Zaltais's torments MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [68] <4557-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 72% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4557-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 72% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4557-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 72% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) <3819-3819hp 1415-2423mana 500-500mv 1853tnl ESU > *Baroness Wellsy* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <4557-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 72% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <4936-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 72% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power hits you. [10] You feel The Holy Mace drawing your life away. The Holy Mace sears your flesh. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Flux's sting maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [50] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's sting maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [48] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. *Baroness Wellsy* is blinded by smoke! Your cleave MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [75] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. The brains of a Drider blackens and crisps! Your cleave DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [90] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baroness Wellsy*! [125] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [69] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baroness Wellsy*. [29] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses you. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] <4856-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 51% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* has arrived. <4856-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 51% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* leaves east. You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baroness Wellsy*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4856-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 51% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <4856-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 51% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around *Baroness Wellsy*'s body vanishes. <4856-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 51% (ESU)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Your cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baroness Wellsy*! [191] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Count Zaltais's slice maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* leaves up. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [37] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4819-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 32% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4819-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 32% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. Your cleave DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [86] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Your cleave misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your cleave DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [78] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Your cleave DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [86] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] <4787-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben scans around. <4787-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku scans around. <4787-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4787-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4787-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. A Skeleton Warrior looks stronger. <4787-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <4787-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 28% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun scans around. Your cleave MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [57] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Your cleave DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [78] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Your cleave MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [68] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Your cleave DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [81] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. Your cleave DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [84] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a Diamond-Edged Halberd. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [36] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [33] <4718-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 23% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4718-5667hp: 477-1207m: 635-635mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 23% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] You stop using a Diamond-Edged Halberd. You wield a slaen spine spear. A slaen spine spear feels like a part of you! <4718-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 23% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Duke Ben tells the group 'well that was nice' <4718-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 23% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior looks warmer. A Skeleton Warrior no longer looks so wild. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. A Skeleton Warrior looks stronger. <4718-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 23% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <4718-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 23% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben scans around. Baron Otaku's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [36] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [182] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [164] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [223] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [149] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [214] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [236] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [267] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [158] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [191] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [149] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [210] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4664-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <4664-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. <4664-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [91] <4664-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior no longer looks so wild. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. A Skeleton Warrior looks stronger. <4664-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 19% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [42] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [201] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [201] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [149] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [210] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4646-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 9% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <4646-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 9% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group ':)' <4646-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 9% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben scans around. <4646-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 9% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [51] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [145] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [183] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [267] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [179] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [214] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skeleton Warrior's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 6 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun splits 6 silver coins. Your share is 1 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates you. [32] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <4626-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves east. <4626-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun bellows ' acron peeps running south gate' <4626-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4626-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Count Zaltais blocks a Skeleton Warrior's attack with a shield. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <4626-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! You tell the group '[Reanis] need to get wellsy' <4626-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 0% (ESU)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [48] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [236] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [185] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [255] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [177] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skeleton Warrior's death cry. You get 18 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. You split 18 silver coins. Your share is 3 silver. You get 135 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 135 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [232] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [150] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [210] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [177] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skeleton Warrior's death cry. You get 82 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. You split 82 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. You get 135 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 135 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. <4629-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4629-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4629-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <4629-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4629-5742hp: 477-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. (Advice: You can use your raises before remort, but it's advised that you save your trains. ) You feel less protected. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. You follow Duke Ben east. =*= # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: east west up] a puddle of blood. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baroness Wellsy* is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (EWU)> Baron Ruadh enters the kingdom. Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes. Baron Domokun looks warmer. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (EWU)> You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! *Baroness Wellsy* leaves west. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (EWU)> Count Zaltais leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ==* # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: south west] Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of the Countess Gellin, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a border guard, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of Brauhaus, lies here. ( 4) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a vampire, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of a Massive Wyvern, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of a human slave, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of an evil lotus faerie, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a Sand Wyrm, lies here. ( 6) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a mountain yeti, lies here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gpuzre'. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Baron Flux sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> *Baroness Wellsy* leaves west. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> They aren't here. You follow Duke Ben west. =*= # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: east west up] ( 4) a puddle of blood. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (EWU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (EWU)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (EWU)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. *== # = The Entrance to Darkness [Exits: east south up] (55) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> They aren't here. You follow Duke Ben south. === * = A Small Mount Shop [Exits: north up] ( 2) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baroness Wellsy* is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has ar rived. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baroness Wellsy*! [112] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves up. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-65 0mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group ':)' <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'do not spam' <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NU)> Baron Ruadh bellows 'PK?' They aren't here. Count Zaltais leaves up. Baron Otaku leaves up. Baron Domokun leaves up. Baron Flux leaves up. You follow Duke Ben up. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ *^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) (White Aura) *Baron Isis* is sleeping here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1650 (S)> They aren't here. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) Count Narco is here. (Red Aura) *Baroness Wellsy* is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 (NESW )> Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 (NESW)> Baron Flux sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [156] <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 90% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 90% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power wounds Baron Domokun. [19] Baron Domokun is burned by The Holy Mace. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baroness Wellsy*! [119] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Duke Ben's slice misses *Baroness Wellsy*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [72] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 83% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [135] <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 78% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast <<< ERADICATES >>> *Baroness Wellsy*! [308] <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 67% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* struggles and breaks free! <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 67% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baroness Wellsy*! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [65] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baroness Wellsy*! [265] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [52] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 48% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 47% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [132] Count Narco raises an eyebrow. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 43% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'dt em' <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 43% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [167] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [171] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 26% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 26% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises ] Baron Flux sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 25% (NESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baroness Wellsy*! [264] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baroness Wellsy* leaves east. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-1650 (NESW)> Count Zaltais leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: south west] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura ) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baroness Wellsy* is here. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [156] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) he is' <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baroness Wellsy* turns deathly white. <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baroness Wellsy* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <4635-5742hp: 479-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [64] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [162] *Baroness Wellsy* is DEAD!! [NEWS]: LGG! [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baroness Wellsy* at Lost On the Mountain. *Baroness Wellsy*'s severed head plops on the ground. <4640-5742hp: 479-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) doh!' <4640-5742hp: 479-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'wtf' <4640-5742hp: 479-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> You follow Duke Ben south. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <4640-5742hp: 479-1232m: 640-650mv: EXP-1650 (NESW)> Count Zaltais leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Advice: Use 'wizlist' to see who is on our immortal staff! ) You no longer see invisible objects. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NESW)> Baron Domokun yells ' god just fucking die' <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NESW)> Baron Ferami bellows 'lmaoz' They aren't here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NESW)> They aren't here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NESW)> They aren't here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NESW)> They aren't here. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^^^ ^^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 647-650mv: EXP-1650 (NES)> Count Zaltais bellows 'ponder' <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 647-650mv: EXP-1650 (NES)> They aren't here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 647-650mv: EXP-1650 (NES)> They aren't here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 647-650mv: EXP-1650 (NES)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'hush' <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 647-650mv: EXP-1650 (NES)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Flux leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^^^ ^^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south west] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-1650 (NESW)> They aren't here. You follow Duke Ben north. ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ #^*^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ High Up In Undermountain Pass [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 641-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> They aren't here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 641-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baron Isis* is here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 638-650mv: EXP-1650 (NES)> They aren't here. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> They aren't here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baroness Wellsy*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' Count Zaltais leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 632-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> I see no cor here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 632-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Duke Ben scans around. Baron Domokun scans around. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 632-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> I see no head here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 632-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> You are not carrying a severed head to shrink... <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 632-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> They aren't here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 632-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [DETECT INVISIBILITY OUT!]' Duke Ben leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Looking Down Into Darkness [Exits: north down] ( 3) a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Handle is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Baron Domokun scans around. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Count Zaltais scans around. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Duke Ben bellows 'get isi acron' <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Duke Ben scans around. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Baron Domokun peers intently down. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Count Narco bellows 'yeah' <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> The corpse of Baron Handle holds: 96 silver coins and 22 gold coins <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 631-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 630-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] A Skaven archer is sleeping here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 627-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> Scanning: a Skaven archer is right here. south: *Baron Isis* is nearby. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 627-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 624-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESW)> ^^^^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Looking Down Into Darkness [Exits: north down] ( 3) a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Handle is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Baron Otaku scans around. You tell the group '[Reanis] WTF' Baron Domokun scans around. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Baron Flux scans around. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) 8(' <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Duke Ben tells the group 'hush' <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> You tell the group '[Reanis] I want my damn restring' <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Duke Ben chants. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Count Zaltais scans around. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) wellsy's got it still' <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Duke Ben tells the group 'eh?' <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'. <4648-5742hp: 481-1232m: 623-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) he picked up reanis' weapon' <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> You tell the group '[Reanis] He got my Retribution restring' <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> Duke Ben tells the group 'that is a shame' <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> You follow Duke Ben down. *== # = The Entrance to Darkness [Exits: east south up] (26) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ESU)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. =*= # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: east west up] ( 4) a puddle of blood. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (EWU)> Count Zaltais chants. <5024-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (EWU)> You follow Duke Ben east. ==* # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: south west] ( 3) a puddle of blood. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of the Countess Gellin, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a border guard, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of Brauhaus, lies here. ( 4) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a vampire, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of a Massive Wyvern, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of a human slave, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of an evil lotus faerie, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a Sand Wyrm, lies here. ( 6) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a mountain yeti, lies here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. (Advice: We are very serious about picking proper names. P lease choose an appropriate one, or a constable will change it later on. ) <5030-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5030-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Baron Domokun scans around. <5030-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Baron Domokun's kick MUTILATES wall of force. [63] <5030-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Duke Ben nods at wall of force. Wall of force nods at Duke Ben. <5030-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [201] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [204] Wall of force is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Wall of force is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === wall of force! [233] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [201] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [145] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 4% (SW)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 4% (SW)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 4% (SW)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [151] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. You get 36 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'nothing to be done' <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SW)> Baron Otaku gets Drowg's POWERFUL Aura of LIGHT from the corpse of Baron Drowg. Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. === # * Dark Landing [Exits: north down] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> ___/Finger: Wellsy \_______________________________ Baroness Race: Sith Class: Cleric Kingdom: Undermountain Warpoints: 21 Played: 32h Clan: [BlackHand] Description: Count Klink tells you 'THANKS FER PK DAWG YOU DA BESTEST CLERIC EVA' ____________________________________________________________ Duke Ben scans around. <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> *NEWBIE ugly hill giant from Undermountain* has arrived. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> *NEWBIE ugly hill giant from Undermountain* leaves north. <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (ND)> You follow Duke Ben down. * == = =# === # Dark Landing [Exits: south up] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A misshappen creature lurks in the shadows here, covered by a large cloak the color of wet ash. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SU)> Baron Domokun grins evilly. <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SU)> A Reaver yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at Dark Landing.' <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SU)> Duke Ben chants. <5042-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SU)> Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [58] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [53] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's slice misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES a Reaver! [132] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [89] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5059-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 78% (SU)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'uoculoihuyl'. <5059-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 78% (SU)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5059-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 78% (SU)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends a Reaver sprawling with a powerful bash. <5059-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 78% (SU)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [48] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [45] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce misses a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [91] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. A Reaver turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [81] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [116] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [85] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [116] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [26] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. A Reaver's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Reaver's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] <5071-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 62% (SU)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Reaver looks warmer. A Reaver is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Reaver's body vanishes. <5071-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 62% (SU)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *NEWBIE ugly hill giant from Undermountain* has arrived. <5071-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 62% (SU)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *NEWBIE ugly hill giant from Undermountain* leaves south. Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5071-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 62% (SU)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Flux calls forth the demons of Hell upon a Reaver! Baron Flux's torments === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [230] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5071-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 59% (SU)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [90] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [87] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [140] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Reaver. [55] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [192] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. A Reaver turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Reaver! [159] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [233] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash misses a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Reaver. [48] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5084-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 31% (SU)> [a Reaver: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends a Reaver sprawling with a powerful bash. <5084-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 31% (SU)> [a Reaver: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Reaver looks warmer. <5084-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 31% (SU)> [a Reaver: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [90] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [97] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** a Reaver! [215] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Reaver! [144] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEVASTATES *** a Reaver! [207] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [246] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [183] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [246] A Reaver is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Reaver's arm is sliced from its dead body. Baron Domokun gets 99 silver coins from the corpse of a Reaver. Baron Domokun splits 99 silver coins. Your share is 16 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Reaver to AoW. <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SU)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (SU)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = == * =# === # Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NS)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NS)> You follow Duke Ben south. = == = =# *== # Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Ghash* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NE)> Baron Domokun stops using a Chaos Blade. Baron Domokun wields a slaen spine spear. <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NE)> Baron Otaku chants. <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NE)> *Baron Ghash* wields a glass shard. <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NE)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Ghash* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 (NE)> You slam into *Baron Ghash*, and send him flying! <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 95% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Scratches] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux sends *Baron Ghash* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 95% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Scratches] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Ghash*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Ghash*! [111] <5095-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 92% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Scratches] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] *Baron Ghash*'s pierce injures Duke Ben. [16] A glass shard freezes Duke Ben. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Ghash*! [145] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ghash*! [178] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Ghash*! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Ghash*. [64] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ghash*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ghash*. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Ghash*! [159] *Baron Ghash* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5104-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 73% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'webbed' <5104-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 73% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Ghash* turns deathly white. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Ghash* sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Ghash*! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ghash*! [245] <5104-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 66% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baron Ghash*, and send him flying! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Ghash*! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Ghash*! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Ghash*! [139] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Ghash*. [57] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ghash*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ghash*. <5108-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 53% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux sends *Baron Ghash* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5108-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 53% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast <<< ERADICATES >>> *Baron Ghash*! [342] <5108-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 44% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Ghash* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Ghash*! [133] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Ghash*! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Ghash*! [112] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Ghash*! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Ghash*. [58] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ghash*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ghash*. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ghash*! [239] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Ghash* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Ghash*. [51] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ghash*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5112-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 20% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) dted' <5112-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 20% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast <<< ERADICATES >>> *Baron Ghash*! [343] Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun says 'later bro' <5112-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 11% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baron Ghash*, and send him flying! <5112-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 11% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Ghash*, but fails. <5112-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 11% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] (Advice: If you need any help, your constables are marked as CON and HCN on the who list. ) The white aura around your body fades. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 11% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ###SANC### ##Out!##' <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 11% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group 'Sanct out' <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 11% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Ghash*! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ghash*! [248] Blood flies everywhere!!! Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Ghash*. [58] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ghash*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 3% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] *Baron Ghash* waves happily. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 3% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a white aura. Duke Ben tells the group ':)' <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 3% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux tells the group 'SANC IS OUT MOTHER FUCKERS' Duke Ben tells the group 'sancs' Baron Domokun's kick MUTILATES *Baron Ghash*. [70] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1650 Enemy: 1% (NE)> [*Baron Ghash*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Flux calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Ghash*! Baron Flux's torments *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ghash*! [191] *Baron Ghash* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Ghash* to your trophy. You receive 36 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Flux has just killed *Baron Ghash* at Dark Tunnel. You hear *Baron Ghash*'s death cry. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> They aren't here. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Ghash*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> They aren't here. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> They aren't here. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> They aren't here. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [SANCTUARY OUT!]' Count Zaltais tells the group '23 XP' <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> I see nothing in the cor. Duke Ben peers intently east. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Count Zaltais is surrounded by a white aura. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a white aura. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> Duke Ben bellows 'got isis yet? :)' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Domokun is surrounded by a white aura. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Flux is surrounded by a white aura. Duke Ben peers intently east. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = == = ==O = =## =*= # Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A misshappen creature lurks in the shadows here, covered by a large cloak the color of wet ash. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. You are surrounded by a white aura. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. A Reaver yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' You block a Reaver's attack with your shield. You block a Reaver's attack with your shield. <5119-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 100% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [74] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [127] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [85] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [123] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Flux's pierce maims a Reaver. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [43] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [82] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [102] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. A Reaver's whip MUTILATES you. [52] A Reaver's whip MUTILATES you. [52] You block a Reaver's attack with your shield. You block a Reaver's attack with your shield. <5024-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends a Reaver sprawling with a powerful bash. <5024-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5024-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5024-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Reaver is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Reaver's body vanishes. <5024-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [90] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [93] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [177] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Reaver. [57] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a Reaver! [210] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Reaver! [150] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a Reaver! [214] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Reaver! [170] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Reaver! [255] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Reaver! [264] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Reaver. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Reaver. [49] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. A Reaver's whip MUTILATES you. [52] You block a Reaver's attack with your shield. <4986-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 43% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) mind if I wear this ghastly?' <4986-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 43% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <4986-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 43% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [80] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [80] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [100] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce misses a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [168] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Reaver. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [245] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Reaver! [162] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a Reaver! [224] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Reaver! [277] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice devastates a Reaver. [42] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice devastates a Reaver. [44] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Reaver. [47] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. You block a Reaver's attack with your shield. A Reaver's whip misses you. You block a Reaver's attack with your shield. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun hops around like a little kid. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [105] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [100] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [114] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [121] A Reaver is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Reaver spills its guts all over the floor. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Duke Ben utters the words, 'candusyrzqh'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a reflective barrier. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Reaver to AoW. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun gets the guts of a Reaver. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Otaku chants. Count Zaltais scans around. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun eats the guts of a Reaver. Baron Domokun chokes and gags. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. = === = ==O = =##= ==* = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NW)> Duke Ben peers intently north. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'cp him' <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = === = ==O = *##= === = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NS)> Duke Ben scans around. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NS)> You follow Duke Ben north. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. C ount Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESD)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESD)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5000-5742hp: 484-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESD)> Baron Domokun looks much better. <5000-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESD)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5000-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. (Advice: Soon h0bbiez0r will be adding in two new classes, for your enjoyment. ) <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. Count Zaltais scans around. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Bilalo* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> *Baron Bilalo* leaves north. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'so yea did um all run and hide like pussies' <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *A filthy s kaven from Undermountain* is here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* prays for transportation! *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* disappears. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben frowns. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. They aren't here. Duke Ben peers intently north. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) off hunt' <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Baron Flux gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . They aren't here. Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Baron Flux quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Dregg Murky Bog' They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Nacreeb The Tombs of Undermountain' <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Handle* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NESW)> Duke Ben leaves south. Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'handle' <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NE)> You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. (Black) A black ball absorbs the surrounding light. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A misshappen creature lurks in the shadows here, covered by a large cloak the color of wet ash. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. Count Narco bellows 'i can't solo a mage, are you nuts?' <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. A Reaver yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' <5008-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. You stop following Duke Ben. Baron Domokun's kick devastates you. [44] <4964-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 100% (ESW)> [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4964-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 100% (ESW)> [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Reaver. [34] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [50] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from Baron Domokun. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from Baron Domokun. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES you! [158] You feel a slaen spine spear drawing your life away. A slaen spine spear sears your flesh. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES you! [141] You feel a slaen spine spear drawing your life away. A slaen spine spear sears your flesh. A Reaver's whip misses Baron Flux. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 97% (ESW)> [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 97% (ESW)> [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. Baron Domokun surrenders to you! <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Reaver is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Reaver's body vanishes. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Reaver's whip decimates Baron Otaku. [37] Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Reaver! [267] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [183] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [233] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Reaver! [143] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [191] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Reaver! [255] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Reaver. [41] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [246] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Reaver! [164] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Reaver! [156] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [233] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Reaver. [47] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. A Reaver turns blue and shivers. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Reaver. [45] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Duke Ben bellows 'yes you can' <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun sends a Reaver sprawling with a powerful bash. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! Baron Flux's pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [96 ] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [87] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice maims a Reaver. [49] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [183] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Reaver! [150] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [232] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Reaver! [170] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Reaver. [48] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Reaver. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Duke Ben beckons for you to follow. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> They aren't here. <4665-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. (Black) A black ball absorbs the surrounding light. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here, fighting a Reaver. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here, fighting a Reaver. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here, fighting a Reaver. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here, fighting a Reaver. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Reaver is here, fighting Baron Flux. Baron Domokun tells you 'sorry :/' Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [97] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [111] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [246] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Reaver! [158] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [245] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [183] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce <<< ERADICATES >>> a Reaver! [318] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Reaver. [45] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice misses a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Reaver. [47] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. (Advice: Type 'penter' to enable a new feature that shows when kingdommates login. ) <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Reaver's whip misses Baron Flux. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Autoassist removed. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. Duke Ben's eyes glow red. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [97] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [125] A Reaver is DEAD!! You hear a Reaver's death cry. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> You will now assist when needed. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Reanis's group: [51 Kni] Baron reanis 4675/5742 hp 483/1232 mana 650/ 650 mv 1614 TNL <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Count Zaltais gets 82 silver coins from the corpse of a Reaver. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of a Reaver to AoW. You now follow Duke Ben. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Duke Ben beckons for everyone to follow. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> You join Duke Ben's group. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] a puddle of blood. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Nacreeb* is sleeping on The Undermountain Tombs. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NES)> Baron Domokun's kick MUTILATES *Baron Nacreeb*. [56] <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'eh?' <4675-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 (NES)> Baron Domokun's pierce does UNSPEAKABLE things to *Baron Nacreeb*! [452] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. *Baron Nacreeb* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Elf brains blackens and crisps! Elf brains blackens and crisps! Elf brains blackens and crisps! Elf brains blackens and crisps! Baron Domokun's smash === OBLITERATES === *Baron Nacreeb*! [237] *Baron Nacreeb* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. A scroll of flamestrike crackles and burns! Elf brains blackens and crisps! Elf brains blackens and crisps! Baron Domokun's pierce does UNSPEAKABLE things to *Baron Nacreeb*! [444] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. *Baron Nacreeb* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Nacreeb*! [293] *Baron Nacreeb* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Elf brains blackens and crisps! Elf brains blackens and crisps! Your pierce misses *Baron Nacreeb*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Nacreeb*! [182] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. Your pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Nacreeb*! [231] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. Baron Flux's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Nacreeb*! [192] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. Baron Flux's sting MASSACRES *Baron Nacreeb*! [147] *Baron Nacreeb* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Nacreeb*! [181] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Nacreeb*! [115] *Baron Nacreeb* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. *Baron Nacreeb* is blinded by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Nacreeb*! [234] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. Baron Flux's pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Nacreeb*! [234] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. <4682-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [no one: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Handle Dark Tunnel' They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4682-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [*Baron Nacreeb*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Dregg Murky Bog' <4682-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [*Baron Nacreeb*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Nacreeb The Tombs of Undermountain' Baron Domokun sends *Baron Nacreeb* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4682-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [*Baron Nacreeb*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4682-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [*Baron Nacreeb*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baron Nacreeb*, and send him flying! <4682-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [*Baron Nacreeb*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Nacreeb*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baron Nacreeb*! [126] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4682-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 24% (NES)> [*Baron Nacreeb*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Nacreeb* turns deathly white. <4682-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1614 Enemy: 24% (NES)> [*Baron Nacreeb*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Nacreeb*! [154] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Nacreeb*! [101] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Nacreeb* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Nacreeb*! [160] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Nacreeb*! [107] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Nacreeb* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Nacreeb*! [116] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Nacreeb*! [181] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Nacreeb*! [165] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Nacreeb*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Nacreeb*! [143] *Baron Nacreeb* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Nacreeb* to your trophy. You receive 48 experience points. FINAL BLOW bonus awarded to you! [NEWS]: Victory, Reanis has just killed *Baron Nacreeb* at The Tombs of Undermountain. *Baron Nacreeb*'s severed head plops on the ground. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Nacreeb* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. Baron Domokun falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> They aren't here. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais gets 1635 silver coins and 195 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Nacreeb. Count Zaltais splits 1635 silver and 195 gold coins, giving you 272 silver and 32 gold. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Nacreeb*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' Count Zaltais tells the group '24 XP' <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> They aren't here. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> I see nothing in the cor. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Duke Ben tells the group 'sup?' <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> You get the head of the Baron Nacreeb. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> You shrink the head of the Baron Nacreeb, using the forbidden, dark arts. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> Baron Otaku scans around. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1566 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben east. = # ==== ==O =# ##== =* #= X Murky Bog [Exits: west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Dregg* is here, fighting an ugly goblin surveyor. An ugly goblin surveyor is here, fighting *Baron Dregg*. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 (W)> Baron Flux tells the group 'stop at bank ben' Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. An ugly goblin surveyor is unaffected by *Baron Dregg*'s freezing bite! An ugly goblin surveyor is unaffected by *Baron Dregg*'s freezing bite! An ugly goblin surveyor is unaffected by *Baron Dregg*'s freezing bite! An ugly goblin surveyor is unaffected by *Baron Dregg*'s freezing bite! *Baron Dregg* blocks an ugly goblin surveyor's attack with a shield. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 (W)> Baron Flux tells the group 'stop at bank ben' <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 (W)> Baron Flux tells the group 'stop at bank ben' <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 (W)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Dregg* turns deathly white. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 (W)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Dregg*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' Baron Domokun scans around. <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 (W)> An ugly goblin surveyor is unaffected by *Baron Dregg*'s freezing bite! An ugly goblin surveyor is unaffected by *Baron Dregg*'s freezing bite! An ugly goblin surveyor is unaffected by *Baron Dregg*'s freezing bite! <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 (W)> Duke Ben tells the group 'nope' <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 (W)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Dregg* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' Duke Ben tells the group ';)' <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 (W)> Baron Domokun says 'poor dregg' <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 (W)> Baron Flux sends *Baron Dregg* sprawling with a powerful bash. You slam into *Baron Dregg*, and send him flying! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. Count Zaltais's heal *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Dregg*! [192] *Baron Dregg* shrieks! <4688-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 Enemy: 60% (W)> [someone: Wounds] [an ugly goblin surveyor: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's sting misses *Baron Dregg*. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Dregg*! [104] *Baron Dregg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Dregg*! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Dregg*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Dregg*! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Dregg*. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Dregg*! [239] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Dregg*. *Baron Dregg* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Dregg*! [168] *Baron Dregg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Dregg*! [253] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Dregg*. *Baron Dregg* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Dregg*! [175] *Baron Dregg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Dregg*! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Dregg*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Dregg*! [139] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Dregg*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Dregg*! [154] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Dregg*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Dregg*! [144] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Dregg*. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Dregg*! [243] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Dregg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Dregg* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Dregg*! [184] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Dregg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce misses *Baron Dregg*. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Dregg*! [166] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Dregg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Dregg* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. *Baron Dregg* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. Count Zaltais's slice maims *Baron Dregg*. [49] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! An ugly goblin surveyor is unaffected by *Baron Dregg*'s freezing bite! *Baron Dregg* blocks an ugly goblin surveyor's attack with a shield. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 Enemy: 2% (W)> [someone: DYING] [an ugly goblin surveyor: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben blinks innocently at *Baron Dregg*. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 Enemy: 2% (W)> [someone: DYING] [an ugly goblin surveyor: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun waves happily. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 Enemy: 2% (W)> [someone: DYING] [an ugly goblin surveyor: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'. Duke Ben looks at *Baron Dregg*. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1566 Enemy: 2% (W)> [someone: DYING] [an ugly goblin surveyor: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Dregg*! [133] *Baron Dregg* is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Dregg*. *Baron Dregg* is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Dregg*! [125] *Baron Dregg* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Dregg* to your trophy. You receive 39 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Flux has just killed *Baron Dregg* at Murky Bog. *Baron Dregg*'s leg is sliced from his dead body. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Baron Flux tells the group 'bash Increased.' <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> I see nothing in the cor. Count Zaltais tells the group '26 XP' <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Baron Domokun scans around. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Duke Ben scans around. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Duke Ben nods at wall of force. Count Zaltais humms quietly. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) group' <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) group' <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Baron Flux tells the group 'need to go to bank ben' Baron Domokun scans around. <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Baron Flux tells the group 'need to go to bank ben' <4700-5742hp: 483-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Baron Flux tells the group 'need to go to bank ben' Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) yummy' The warmth of the winter sun fades as it sets in the west. (Advice: Newbies can get the first levels in training areas in the town. ) <4708-5742hp: 485-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [81] <4708-5742hp: 485-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [185] Wall of force is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Wall of force is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< wall of force! [267] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES wall of force! [170] Wall of force is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [83] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses wall of force. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [83] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 1% (W)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku scans around. Count Zaltais scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 1% (W)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [137] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. Baron Flux splits 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of wall of force to AoW. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Baron Domokun scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 (W)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. The corpse of a skaven is lying here. (17) a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Nacreeb is lying here. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NES)> Baron Domokun scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NES)> You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. (Black) A black ball absorbs the surrounding light. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. Count Zaltais scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> *Baron Drowg* has arrived. *Baron Azore* has arrived. *Baron Ender* has arrived. Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NE)> You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NESW)> Count Zaltais scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'bank is where again?' Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'stop moving fucktard' <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) south' <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NESW)> # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NE)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NE)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NE)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NE)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NE)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) east' <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NE)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Count Simon Hole Leading Into the Underdark' Baron Domokun scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NE)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Bilalo Hole Leading Into the Underdark' Count Zaltais scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NE)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Handle Hole Leading Into the Underdark' <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (NE)> Baron Flux tells the group 'east a room' Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Klaven Hole Leading Into the Underdark' You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] ( 2) a puddle of blood. (Black) A black ball absorbs the surrounding light. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'k' <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) south' <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Count Zaltais scans around. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <4721-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> A Reaver yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' A Reaver's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [55] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [43] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [62] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce misses a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [97] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. <4747-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 76% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <4747-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 76% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais peers intently south. <4747-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 76% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun grins evilly. <4747-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 76% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends a Reaver sprawling with a powerful bash. <4747-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 76% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden has arrived. A Reaver's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Reaver. [36] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [43] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [81] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [71] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [69] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [113] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. <4760-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 59% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'repop' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <4760-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 59% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <4760-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 59% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'fun' <4760-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 59% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] <4760-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 59% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] [NEWS]: Victory, Narco has just killed *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* at High Up In Undermountain Pass. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Reaver's whip misses Baron Flux. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [40] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [50] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Reaver. [25] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [86] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [127] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [79] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [62] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [25] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <4771-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 46% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Handle* has arrived. *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. *Baron Klaven* has arrived. <4771-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 46% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) indeed' <4771-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 46% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Klaven* leaves south. *Baroness Wellsy* leaves south. *Baron Bilalo* leaves south. *Baron Handle* leaves south. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <4771-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 46% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends a Reaver sprawling with a powerful bash. <4771-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 46% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [46] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Reaver. [27] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [106] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [26] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <4780-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 28% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Gu ts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Handle* has arrived. *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. *Baron Klaven* has arrived. You slam into *Baron Handle*, and send him flying! <4780-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 28% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <4780-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 28% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <4780-5742hp: 485-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 28% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] (Advice: Use 'map' to find your current location in the world. ) You feel yourself slow down. <4785-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 28% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Baron Flux tells the group 'HASTE IS OUT' Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Bilalo* turns deathly white. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. *Baron Klaven*'s blast decimates Duke Ben. [36] Duke Ben is burned by Klavens Empty Bottle of Jose Cuervo. <4785-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 28% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Troll Berserker has arrived. *Baron Archangel* fades into existence. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [48] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [19] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [81] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [82] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates you. [35] The cold touch of a glass shard surrounds you with ice. *Baron Klaven*'s beating maims Duke Ben. [48] <4762-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] [NEWS]: Victory, Narco has just killed *NEWBIE ugly hill giant from Undermountain* at High Up In Undermountain Pass. <4762-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* has arrived. *Baron Azore* has arrived. You slam into *Baron Handle*, and send him flying! <4762-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* leaves east. *Baron Azore* leaves east. A Troll Berserker yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' <4762-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Duke Ben. [87] <4762-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Bilalo* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <4762-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Reaver's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Reaver's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Baron Bilalo* decimates Baron Otaku. [35] Revenge draws life from Baron Otaku. Baron Otaku is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [46] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [22] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [107] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. *Baron Handle*'s pierce MUTILATES you. [53] The cold touch of a glass shard surrounds you with ice. *Baron Klaven*'s beating maims Duke Ben. [49] <4718-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 5% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4718-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 5% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <4718-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 5% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) haste' <4718-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 5% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [HASTE OUT!]' Baron Domokun sends a Reaver sprawling with a powerful bash. *Baron Klaven*'s circle misses Duke Ben. <4718-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 5% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baron Handle*, and send him flying! Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Reaver's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Reaver's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Baron Archangel*'s pierce maims Baron Otaku. [46] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. *Baron Archangel*'s pierce mauls Baron Otaku. [29] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [23] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [102] A Reaver is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Reaver spills its guts all over the floor. Baron Domokun gets 58 silver coins from the corpse of a Reaver. Baron Domokun splits 58 silver coins. Your share is 9 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Reaver to AoW. Duke Ben blocks *Baron Klaven*'s attack with a shield. <4725-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 99% (ESW)> [*Baron Handle*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* sacrifices the guts of a Reaver to AoW. <4725-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 99% (ESW)> [*Baron Handle*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Archangel*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [77] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ##Skill up!##' <4725-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 99% (ESW)> [*Baron Handle*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4725-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 99% (ESW)> [*Baron Handle*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'sjfuyl'. *Baron Bilalo* no longer looks so white. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4725-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 99% (ESW)> [*Baron Handle*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Klaven* steps back! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [47] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [113] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [96] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Duke Ben's slice decimates *Baron Klaven*. [31] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Klaven*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Klaven*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [89] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 95% (ESW)> [*Baron Handle*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Klaven* leaves east. *Baron Klaven* has fled! <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 95% (ESW)> [*Baron Handle*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Handle* leaves east. *Baron Handle* has fled! <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Bilalo*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> *Baron Archangel*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [88] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. They aren't here. <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Someone bellows 'Mind if I head over guys?' *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'sjfuyl'. They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) haste me' <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650 -650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. You can't find it. Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 78% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures Baron Otaku. [13] Baron Otaku is burned by The Holy Mace. A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [48] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's slice maims *Baron Archangel*. [46] *Baron Archangel* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [113] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [127] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [113] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 78% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden sprawling with a powerful bash. <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 78% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [79] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baron Archangel* falls to the ground! <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 78% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is no longer moving so quickly. <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 78% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Archangel*'s circle MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [61] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 78% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baroness Wellsy*! Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power hits Duke Ben. [12] Duke Ben is burned by The Holy Mace. <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 78% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Archangel* turns deathly white. <4735-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 78% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Domokun. [11] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [49] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [152] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [173] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* leaves south. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [71] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. <4751-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4751-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [71] They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Count Simon* no longer looks so protected. <4751-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruise s] They aren't here. <4751-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4751-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. They aren't here. <4751-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Archangel*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4751-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Archangel*'s circle MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [66] A glass shard draws life from Baron Otaku. A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. They aren't here. <4751-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4751-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) <3460-3819hp 1621-2423mana 500-500mv 1704tnl ESW Enemy: 100%> [*Baron Bilalo*: Perfect] [You: Scratches] *Baron Archangel* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' They aren't here. <4751-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. They aren't here. *Baron Bilalo* maims Baron Otaku. [46] Baron Otaku is burned by Revenge. A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! Revenge freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [45] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [66] A slaen spin e spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [81] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [58] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [102] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 64% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 64% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 64% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 64% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 64% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) haste me' <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 64% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's body vanishes. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) haste me' <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 64% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [76] *Baron Archangel*'s circle MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [73] A glass shard draws life from Baron Otaku. A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. They aren't here. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 64% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 64% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Count Simon*! <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 64% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'arch webbed' Baron Domokun sends *Baron Bilalo* sprawling with a powerful bash. *Baron Archangel*'s pierce devastates Baron Otaku. [40] A glass shard draws life from Baron Otaku. A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. *Baron Bilalo* decimates Baron Otaku. [37] Baron Otaku is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [107] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [137] A slaen spine spe ar draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Bilalo*. [21] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. *Baron Bilalo* is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Bilalo*! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <4764-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 51% ( ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. They aren't here. <4764-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4764-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4764-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4764-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4764-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Domokun! [168] They aren't here. <4764-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Archangel*'s circle MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [71] A glass shard draws life from Baron Otaku. A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. They aren't here. <4764-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* mauls Baron Otaku. [28] Baron Otaku is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [105] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce misses Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Bilalo*! [123] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [74] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <4766-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <4766-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <4766-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4766-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4766-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku is blinded by the dirt in his eyes! <4766-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Bilalo* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4766-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Archangel*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [77] A glass shard draws life from Baron Otaku. A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] Wall of force hits the ground ... DEAD. You hear something's death cry. *Baron Bilalo* wounds Baron Otaku. [23] Baron Otaku is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Otaku. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [17] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [101] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Bilalo*. [22] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [95] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 31% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Klaven* has arrived. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 31% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [70] *Baron Ghash* has arrived. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 31% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Ghash* leaves south. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 31% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'judicandus noselacri'. You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 31% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 31% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4755-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 31% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] A Troll Berserker has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. *Baron Bilalo* decimates Baron Otaku. [37] Baron Otaku is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Otaku. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [18] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [104] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Bilalo*. [22] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [171] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [74] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [75] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <4748-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 21% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Archangel*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [88] A glass shard draws life from Baron Otaku. A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. <4748-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 21% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Bilalo* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4748-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 21% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Domokun! [154] <4748-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 21% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Handle* has arrived. <4748-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 21% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* tries to disarm Baron Otaku, but fails. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'judicandus noselacri'. *Baron Handle*'s pierce devastates Baron Domokun. [40] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [90] <4748-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 21% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] A Troll Berserker yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls Baron Flux. [27] A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] <4748-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 21% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <4748-5742hp: 486-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 21% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* devastates Baron Otaku. [40] Baron Otaku is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Otaku. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [17] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [93] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Bilalo*. [23] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [177] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [145] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [71] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. (Advice: You can store excess equipment and money in storage boxes. ) <4751-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben is blinded by the dirt in his eyes! <4751-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around *Baron Bilalo*'s body vanishes. <4751-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Domokun! [158] <4751-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) haste me ben' *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [119] <5105-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) haste me ben' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <5463-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes. Baron Domokun is no longer cursed. <5463-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [97] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. Duke Ben tells the group 'arch is webbed' Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [87] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Otaku's slice maims *Baron Bilalo*. [49] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Archangel*. [64] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Archangel*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Archangel*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Archangel*. [59] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Archangel*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Archangel*. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [136] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baron Handle*'s pierce MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [53] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. *Baron Klaven*'s beating MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [66] <5470-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 0% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5470-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 0% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [75] Baron Otaku is blinded by the dirt in his eyes! <5470-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 0% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Archangel* and draw from their soul!! <5470-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 0% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Klaven*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [125] <5470-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 0% (ESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baron Klaven* is less insightful. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [110] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's arm is sliced from his dead body. Baron Flux gets 127 silver coins from the corpse of Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux splits 127 silver coins. Your share is 21 silver. Baron Flux splits 141 silver coins. Your share is 23 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden to AoW. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Bilalo*! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. <5473-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [someone: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'judicandus noselacri'. *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [76] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. <5473-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [someone: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Bilalo* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5473-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [someone: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Archangel*'s circle misses Baron Otaku. <5473-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [someone: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5473-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [someone: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Klaven*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baron Klaven*! [137] <5473-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [someone: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Domokun! [166] <5473-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [someone: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves east. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! They aren't here. <5473-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [someone: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. *Baron Klaven*'s circle MASSACRES Baron Otaku! [141] <5473-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [someone: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5473-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [someone: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'ghix'. *Count Simon*'s blast injures Baron Otaku. [13] Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [97] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baron Bilalo*. [39] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [169] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Archangel*. [55] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Archangel*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Archangel*. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [214] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Klaven*. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Klaven*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Klaven*. *Baron Handle*'s pierce MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [54] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baron Klaven* no longer looks so holy. They aren't here. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [97] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Archangel*'s circle MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [74] A glass shard draws life from Baron Otaku. A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You : Scratches] They aren't here. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baron Klaven* no longer looks so protected. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [81] They aren't here. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Bilalo* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. *Baron Klaven*'s kicked dirt misses Count Zaltais. <5480-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Bilalo*! [110] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [127] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [148] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [163] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Archangel*. [55] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Archangel*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Archangel*. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Bilalo*! [270] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5481-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [someone: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Archangel* and draw from their soul!! <5481-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [someone: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. They aren't here. <5481-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [someone: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5481-5742hp: 489-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [someone: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES you. [54] Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! <5427-5742hp: 516-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [someone: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Archangel*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [110] A glass shard draws life from Baron Otaku. A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. A barrel of root beer freezes and shatters! *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [117] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. <5427-5742hp: 516-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [someone: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baron Klaven* falls to the ground! <5427-5742hp: 516-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [someone: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [70] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! <5427-5742hp: 516-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [someone: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* leaves south. *Baron Bilalo* has fled! <5427-5742hp: 516-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 (ESW)> *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Otaku. [10] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Troll Berserker. [96] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Troll Berserker! [237] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [139] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MANGLES a Troll Berserker! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Your pierce MANGLES a Troll Berserker! [171] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Troll Berserker! [182] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Archangel*. [71] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Archangel*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Archangel*. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Troll Berserker! [258] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Troll Berserker! [164] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Troll Berserker! [227] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5441-5742hp: 516-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 27% (ESW)> [a Troll Berserker: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux rescues Baron Otaku! <5441-5742hp: 516-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 27% (ESW)> [a Troll Berserker: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. <5441-5742hp: 516-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 27% (ESW)> [a Troll Berserker: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Archangel*'s circle MASSACRES Baron Otaku! [126] A glass shard draws life from Baron Otaku. A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Otaku turns blue and shivers. *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [91] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. <5441-5742hp: 516-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 27% (ESW)> [a Troll Berserker: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You block a Troll Berserker's attack with your shield. Coils burst at a Troll Berserker and draw from their soul!! <5441-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 27% (ESW)> [a Troll Berserker: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [81] <5441-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 27% (ESW)> [a Troll Berserker: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls Baron Flux. [27] You hear wall of force's death cry. You hear something's death cry. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Troll Berserker. [86] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES *Baron Archangel*. [52] *Baron Archangel* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Elf brains blackens and crisps! Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [114] A Troll Berserker is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Troll Berserker spills her guts all over the floor. You get 82 silver coins from the corpse of a Troll Berserker. You split 82 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. You get 105 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 105 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Archangel*. [56] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Archangel*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Archangel*. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Archangel*! [220] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. *Baron Archangel* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Archangel*! [163] *Baron Archangel* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Archangel*! [174] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Archangel*! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Archangel*! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Archangel*! [245] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. *Baron Archangel* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5457-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Archangel* and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. *Baron Archangel* no longer looks so white. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) HASTE ME' <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) HASTE ME' <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baron Klaven* no longer looks so wild. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baron Archangel*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [125] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [96] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. Baron Flux is blinded by the dirt in his eyes! <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Archangel* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [someone: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [79] A Skaven archer has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Flux. [10] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Archangel*! [117] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Archangel*! [105] *Baron Archangel* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baron Archangel*. [41] *Baron Archangel* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Archangel*! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Archangel*! [174] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Archangel*. [60] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Archangel*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Archangel*. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Archangel*! [245] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Archangel* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Klaven*. [29] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Klaven*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Klaven*. <5750-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 19% (ESW)> [someone: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <5750-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 19% (ESW)> [someone: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'judicandus noselacri'. Baron Otaku is no longer blinded. You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5750-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 19% (ESW)> [*Baron Archangel*: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'noselacri'. <5750-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 19% (ESW)> [*Baron Archangel*: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] A Skaven archer yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' <5750-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 19% (ESW)> [*Baron Archangel*: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon a Skaven archer! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === a Skaven archer! [230] <5750-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 19% (ESW)> [*Baron Archangel*: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [84] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. A barrel of root beer freezes and shatters! Duke Ben tells the group 'one sec' <5750-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 19% (ESW)> [*Baron Archangel*: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Colik* teaches you new respect for chopsticks! *Baroness Colik*'s strike MUTILATES you. [58] <5692-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1527 Enemy: 19% (ESW)> [*Baron Archangel*: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Archangel* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls Baron Flux. [27] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Baroness Colik*'s punch MASSACRES you! [133] *Baroness Colik*'s punch MANGLES you! [151] *Baron Archangel*'s pierce devastates Baron Otaku. [39] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [16] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [18] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Archangel*! [152] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Archangel*! [115] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Archangel* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Archangel*! [141] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baron Archangel*. [42] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Archangel* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Archangel*! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Archangel*. [55] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Archangel*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Archangel*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Archangel*! [216] *Baron Archangel* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Archangel* 3 times. You receive 53 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Archangel* at The Graveyard. You hear *Baron Archangel*'s death cry. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Klaven*. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Klaven*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Klaven*! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Klaven*. *Baron Klaven* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Elf brains blackens and crisps! Elf brains blackens and crisps! Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Klaven*. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Klaven*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Klaven*. [82] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Klaven*. <5380-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Baron Klaven*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [66] <5380-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Baron Klaven*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux tells the group 'cb me' <5380-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Baron Klaven*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux tells the group 'cb me' Baron Domokun sends *Baron Klaven* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5380-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Baron Klaven*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux tells the group 'cb me' <5380-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Baron Klaven*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5380-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Baron Klaven*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' <5380-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Baron Klaven*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Colik* kicks you 36 times in the face! *Baroness Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS you. [87] Count Zaltais tells the group '27 XP' A Skaven archer's whip mauls Baron Flux. [27] A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls Baron Flux. [27] A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls Baron Flux. [27] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses Baron Flux. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Flux. [10] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Klaven*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Klaven*. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Klaven*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Klaven*. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Klaven*. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES *Baron Klaven*! [159] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Klaven*. *Baron Klaven* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Elf brains blackens and crisps! Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Baron Klaven*. [30] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Klaven*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Klaven*. Baron Otaku blocks *Baron Klaven*'s attack with a shield. <5296-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 77% (ESW)> [*Baron Klaven*: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* has arrived. *Baron Azore* has arrived. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon a Skaven archer! Count Zaltais's torments *** DEVASTATES *** a Skaven archer! [217] <5296-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 77% (ESW)> [*Baron Klaven*: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [70] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5296-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 77% (ESW)> [*Baron Klaven*: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Klaven* leaves east. *Baron Klaven* has fled! <5296-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 (ESW)> You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! You have become better at bash! A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses Baron Flux. *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS Duke Ben! [103] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skaven archer! [105] A Skaven archer is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skaven archer! [195] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skaven archer! [160] A Skaven archer is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a Skaven archer! [204] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [174] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a Skaven archer! [217] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skaven archer! [151] A Skaven archer is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5301-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You : Scratches] *Baroness Colik* kicks you 36 times in the face! *Baroness Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS you. [87] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus noselacri'. <5214-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [72] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5214-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends a Skaven archer sprawling with a powerful bash. <5214-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* asks 'fucking stop targeting me K?' <5214-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [117] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. <5214-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Baroness Colik*'s punch DISMEMBERS you! [122] *Baron Drowg*'s slice hits Duke Ben. [9] Duke Ben is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Duke Ben blocks *Baron Azore*'s attack with a shield. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Skaven archer. [73] A Skaven archer is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skaven archer. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [64] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a Skaven archer! [205] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skaven archer! [151] A Skaven archer is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skaven archer's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 27 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Skaven archer. Baron Domokun splits 27 silver coins. Your share is 4 silver. Baron Domokun splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Skaven archer to AoW. <5092-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'waiting out fireblind' <5092-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus noselacri'. <5092-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Duke Ben no longer looks so holy. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baroness Colik* turns deathly white. <5092-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Domokun! [162] I see nothing in the cor. <5092-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5092-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Spell failed. <5092-5742hp: 605-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 72% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] (Advice: Use 'trophy' to show you what enemies you have killed. ) <5100-5742hp: 608-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 73% (ESW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves east. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! Baron Domokun sends *Baron Handle* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5100-5742hp: 608-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 (ESW)> A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Flux. [9] *Baroness Colik*'s punch MASSACRES you! [143] Duke Ben blocks *Baron Drowg*'s attack with a shield. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Troll Berserker. [86] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [79] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [64] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [148] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash misses *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [124] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. *Baron Handle* is blinded by smoke! *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates Baron Domokun. [35] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. <4961-5742hp: 608-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 98% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* screams at Duke Ben 'You kill my brodda! Now you pay!' *Baron Azore*'s strike wounds Duke Ben. [19] <4961-5742hp: 608-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 98% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Colik* teaches you new respect for chopsticks! *Baroness Colik*'s strike MUTILATES you. [58] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Duke Ben no longer looks so wild. Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baroness Colik* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <4903-5742hp: 608-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 98% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [67] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Domokun is moving more quickly. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4903-5742hp: 608-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 98% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5276-5742hp: 608-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 98% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux doesn't appear to be blinded. <5276-5742hp: 603-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 98% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Baroness Colik*'s punch DISMEMBERS you! [114] *Baron Drowg*'s slice wounds Duke Ben. [21] Spell Edge draws life from Duke Ben. *Baron Drowg*'s slice grazes Duke Ben. [6] Duke Ben is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Duke Ben blocks *Baron Drowg*'s attack with a shield. *Baron Drowg*'s slice mauls Duke Ben. [26] Spell Edge draws life from Duke Ben. *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Duke Ben. [82] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Troll Berserker. [93] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [86] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [94] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. *Baron Handle*'s pierce misses Baron Domokun. <5169-5742hp: 603-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 94% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Handle*, but fails. <5169-5742hp: 603-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 94% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Colik* teaches you new respect for chopsticks! *Baroness Colik*'s strike MUTILATES you. [58] <5111-5742hp: 603-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 94% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [143] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. You feel yourself moving more quickly. <5111-5742hp: 603-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 94% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux sends *Baron Azore* sprawling with a powerful bash. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! <5111-5742hp: 603-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 94% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] Better at: [bash]' <5111-5742hp: 603-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 94% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baroness Colik*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' *Baron Handle* leaves east. *Baron Handle* has fled! <5111-5742hp: 603-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 94% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux doesn't appear to be blinded. <5111-5742hp: 598-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 94% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* leaves east. *Baron Drowg* has fled! A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses Baron Flux. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [111] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Troll Berserker! [195] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Troll Berserker! [151] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a Troll Berserker! [217] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash misses a Troll Berserker. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Troll Berserker! [249] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [52] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Troll Berserker! [237] A Troll Berserker is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Troll Berserker spills his guts all over the floor. Baron Domokun gets 60 silver coins from the corpse of a Troll Berserker. Baron Domokun splits 60 silver coins. Your share is 10 silver. Baron Domokun splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Troll Berserker to AoW. <5120-5742hp: 598-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 88% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <5120-5742hp: 598-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 88% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* has arrived. <5120-5742hp: 598-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 88% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [74] *Baroness Colik* screams at you 'You kill my brodda! Now you pay!' *Baroness Colik*'s strike mauls you. [29] <5091-5742hp: 598-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 88% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Flux is moving more quickly. <5091-5742hp: 598-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 88% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. <5091-5742hp: 598-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 88% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baroness Colik*'s punch DISMEMBERS you! [111] *Baroness Colik*'s punch misses you. Coils burst at *Baroness Colik* and draw from their soul!! A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Baron Bilalo* devastates Baron Flux. [42] Baron Flux is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Flux. *Baron Bilalo* misses Baron Flux. *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES Baron Flux. [54] Baron Flux is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Flux. *Baron Azore*'s punch decimates Duke Ben. [37] Duke Ben blocks *Baron Drowg*'s attack with a shield. Duke Ben blocks *Baron Drowg*'s attack with a shield. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [43] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [52] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [79] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baroness Colik*! [102] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [54] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [76] *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <4985-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <4985-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4985-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Count Simon*, but fails. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <4985-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Domokun! [169] <4985-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [no one: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Count Zaltais is moving more quickly. <4985-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [no one: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <4985-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [no one: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Baron Bilalo* devastates Baron Flux. [44] Baron Flux is burned by Revenge. Baron Flux is blinded by smoke! Revenge freezes Baron Flux. *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES Baron Flux. [54] Baron Flux is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Flux. Duke Ben blocks *Baron Drowg*'s attack with a shield. Duke Ben blocks *Baron Drowg*'s attack with a shield. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [94] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [86] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice misses *Count Simon*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [53] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [68] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. *Count Simon* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. <4994-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <4994-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4994-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. <4994-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [no one: Bruises] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4994-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [no one: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [73] <4994-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [no one: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Otaku is moving more quickly. <4994-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 80% (ESW)> [no one: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Bilalo*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [131] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Count Simon*'s blast grazes Baron Flux. [6] Duke Ben blocks *Baron Drowg*'s attack with a shield. *Baron Azore*'s punch maims Duke Ben. [47] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [80] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [111] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [19] *Count Simon* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. *Count Simon* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. <5002-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 74% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. You slowly float to the ground. *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. They aren't here. <5002-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 74% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5002-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 74% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [FLY OUT!]' <5002-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 74% (ESW)> [*Baroness Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You can't concentrate enough. <5002-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 74% (ESW)> [no one: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <5002-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 74% (ESW)> [no one: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux tells the group 'fire blind again' <5002-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 74% (ESW)> [no one: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux tells the group 'fire blind again' Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <5002-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 74% (ESW)> [no one: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [52] Coils burst at Baron Flux and draw from their soul!! <5002-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 74% (ESW)> [no one: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Count Simon*! *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses Baron Flux. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Baron Bilalo* maims Baron Flux. [48] Baron Flux is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Flux. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [78] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [57] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Azore*! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Azore*. Your pierce misses *Baron Azore*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. <5005-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 94% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Scratches] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Bilalo*! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Bilalo*! [261] <5005-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 94% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Scratches] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baron Azore* yells at Duke Ben 'You have bad manna's!' *Baron Azore*'s strike devastates Duke Ben. [42] <5005-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 93% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Scratches] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' <5005-5742hp: 642-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 93% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Scratches] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You utter a word of divine power. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [100] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves south. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! *Baron Bilalo* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === *Baron Bilalo*! [232] *Baron Drowg* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === *Baron Drowg*! [233] Wall of force looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [190] Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === *Baron Azore*! [228] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [83] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [110] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [102] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [194] Your divine wrath maims *Count Simon*. [49] Your attack is reflected back at you! [36] Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You are already blessed. Duke Ben gets a wild look in his eyes! Duke Ben already has divine favor. You feel drained. <4981-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 88% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Bruises] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4981-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 88% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Bruises] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* maims Baron Flux. [47] Baron Flux is burned by Revenge. Revenge freezes Baron Flux. *Baron Drowg*'s slice wounds Duke Ben. [23] Spell Edge draws life from Duke Ben. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [94] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [132] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [158] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Azore*! [245] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Azore*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Azore*! [182] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Azore*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Azore*! [187] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Azore*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [71] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [81] *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <4986-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 71% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* leaves south. *Baron Bilalo* has fled! <4986-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 71% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' <4986-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 76% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. <4986-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 76% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Spell failed. Baron Flux is no longer blinded. <4986-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 76% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. <4986-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 76% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Bilalo* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Bilalo*! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Bilalo*! [240] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [93] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [90] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Azore*! [186] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Azore*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Azore*! [194] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Azore*. Your pierce misses *Baron Azore*. Your pierce misses *Baron Azore*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [74] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <4990-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. <4990-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 65% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Azore* turns deathly white. Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast <<< ERADICATES >>> *Baron Bilalo*! [330] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4990-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 70% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'sjfuyl'. <4990-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 70% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at Baron Otaku and draw from their soul!! You fail the rescue. <4990-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 70% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bilalo* leaves south. *Baron Bilalo* has fled! <4990-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 70% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Wall of force's bite misses you. *Baron Drowg*'s slice wounds Duke Ben. [22] Spell Edge draws life from Duke Ben. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [80] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [101] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Azore*! [186] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Azore*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Azore*! [186] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Azore*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [68] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. *Count Simon* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. <4997-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 59% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux rescues Baron Otaku! <4997-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 59% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves south. <4997-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 59% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Azore*'s DISMEMBERS him! [120] *Baron Azore* shrieks! Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Azore* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <4997-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 56% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* leaves south. *Baron Drowg* has fled! <4997-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 56% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Azore*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4997-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 56% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <4997-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 56% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Otaku's heal *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Azore*! [203] *Baron Azore* shrieks! They aren't here. <4997-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at Baron Flux and draw from their soul!! <4997-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4997-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. You block wall of force's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Flux. [9] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [87] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [94] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baron Azore*. [44] *Baron Azore* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Azore*! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Azore*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Azore*. [73] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Azore*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Azore*. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Count Simon*! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [ 22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. <4998-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <4998-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux rescues Baron Otaku! <4998-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Count Zaltais utters a word of dark power! *Baroness Wellsy* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [98] Wall of force screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. Wall of force looks very ill. Wall of force looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [176] *Baron Azore* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's MASSACRES *Baron Azore*! [142] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. A Skeleton Warrior looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [107] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. A Skeleton Warrior looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [101] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. A Skeleton Warrior looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [106] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. A Skeleton Warrior looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [104] *Count Simon* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's maims *Count Simon*. [49] <4998-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 41% (ESW)> [*Baron Azore*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* leaves south. *Baron Azore* has fled! <4998-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 (ESW)> You block wall of force's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Flux. [10] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power hits you. [12] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [158] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [83] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [90] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [115] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [102] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <4998-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [wall of force: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* has arrived. <4998-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [wall of force: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <4998-5742hp: 567-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [wall of force: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' (Advice: Type 'advice' to turn off advice channel. ) Wall of force writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. *Baroness Wellsy* shivers and suffers. You have become better at fast healing! The corpse of wall of force is devoured by maggots. <5004-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [wall of force: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5004-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [wall of force: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5004-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [wall of force: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* leaves south. <5004-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [wall of force: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at Baron Flux and draw from their soul!! <5004-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [wall of force: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'sfugw'. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [90] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [111] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [140] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. You get 36 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [81] Your attack is reflected back at you! [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [64] Your attack is reflected back at you! [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [20] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <4951-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 91% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Scratches] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben tells the group 'nm' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4951-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 91% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Scratches] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baroness Wellsy*! [111] <4951-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 91% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Scratches] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4951-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 91% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Scratches] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! You tell the group '[Reanis] Better at: [fast healing]' Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Count Simon*, but fails. <4951-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 91% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Scratches] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [83] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [99] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [107] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [76] Your attack is reflected back at you! [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [102] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at Baron Flux and draw from their soul!! That person is not fighting right now. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves east. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! That person is not fighting right now. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Count Simon* is less insightful. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] That person is not fighting right now. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 86% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [111] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [79] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [121] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Skeleton Warrior's severed head plops on the ground. Baron Flux gets 38 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux splits 38 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Baron Flux splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. Your pierce misses *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You get the head of a Skeleton Warrior. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] No way! You are still fighting! Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Drowg* has arrived. *Baron Azore* has arrived. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* leaves south. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <4915-5742hp: 568-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You utter a word of divine power. *Baron Drowg* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drowg*! [188] Wall of force looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [212] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [106] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [100] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [97] Your divine wrath maims *Count Simon*. [49] Your attack is reflected back at you! [36] Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You are already blessed. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. You grant Duke Ben the favor of your god. You feel drained. <4891-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 83% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4891-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 83% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce maims *Count Simon*. [50] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's sting maims *Count Simon*. [46] *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims *Count Simon*. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's sting devastates *Count Simon*. [40] *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [76] Your attack is reflected back at you! [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <4854-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Your rage ebbs. <4854-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. <4854-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4854-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [FRENZY OUT!]' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4854-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Count Simon* is less insightful. You block wall of force's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] *Baron Drowg*'s slice mauls you. [30] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. *Baron Drowg*'s slice mauls you. [29] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [60] *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [60] *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [96] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [20] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <4792-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 63% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4792-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 63% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. You no longer see in the dark. <4792-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 63% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Drowg* turns deathly white. <4792-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 63% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [INFRAVISION OUT!]' *Baron Handle* has arrived. <4792-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 63% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Drowg*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4792-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 63% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. <4792-5742hp: 498-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 63% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You utter a word of divine power. Your divine wrath MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [54] *Baron Drowg* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drowg*! [201] Wall of force looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [187] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [102] Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [95] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] Your divine wrath MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [53] Your attack is reflected back at you! [39] Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. You feel full more powerful. You are filled with holy wrath! You are already blessed. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. Duke Ben already has divine favor. You feel drained. <4766-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 62% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] *Baron Drowg*'s slice mauls you. [27] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Count Simon*! [140] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [52] *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. *Baron Handle*'s pierce misses you. *Baron Handle*'s pierce MUTILATES you. [51] The cold touch of a glass shard surrounds you with ice. <4686-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 54% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4686-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 54% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4686-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 54% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Drowg* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <4686-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 54% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4686-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 54% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baron Handle*'s kicked dirt misses you. <4686-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 54% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [52] *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Coils burst at Baron Flux and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4686-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 52% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [FRENZY ON!]' <4686-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 52% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Bruises] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] *Count Simon*'s blast grazes Baron Flux. [8] You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Drowg*'s slice mauls you. [30] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce devastates *Count Simon*. [43] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [83] Your attack is reflected back at you! [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [76] Your attack is reflected back at you! [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <4583-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 46% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <4583-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 46% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Baron Flux utters a word of dark power! *Baron Handle* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Handle* looks very ill. *Baron Handle* looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [110] *Baron Drowg* turns slightly green, but it passes. *Baron Drowg* looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drowg*! [200] Wall of force screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. Wall of force looks very ill. Wall of force looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [197] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [94] *Count Simon* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's maims *Count Simon*. [45] <4583-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 45% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4583-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 45% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4583-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 45% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Count Zaltais utters a word of dark power! *Baron Handle* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Handle* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [112] *Baron Drowg* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drowg*! [198] Wall of force screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. Wall of force looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [214] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [107] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [100] A Skeleton Warrior screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior looks very ill. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [106] *Count Simon* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's maims *Count Simon*. [49] <4583-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 43% (ESW )> [*Count Simon*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] You slam into *Count Simon*, and send him flying! Your attack is reflected back at you! [2] You block wall of force's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] *Baron Drowg*'s slice wounds you. [24] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [73] Your attack is reflected back at you! [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce misses *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [68] *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Count Simon*. [25] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. *Baron Handle*'s pierce maims you. [50] The cold touch of a glass shard surrounds you with ice. <4474-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 36% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. <4474-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 36% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben tells the group 'growl' <4474-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 36% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Handle* turns deathly white. *Baron Handle* leaves east. *Baron Handle* has fled! Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <4474-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 36% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Count Simon*! Count Zaltais's torments MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [53] <4474-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 35% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Duke Ben no longer looks so holy. You block wall of force's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] Baron Flux's sting devastates *Count Simon*. [41] *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [73] Your attack is reflected back at you! [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [73] Your attack is reflected back at you! [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [121] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash maims *Count Simon*. [46] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [87] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [71] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [24] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4406-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4406-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4406-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Handle*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4406-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] You rescue Duke Ben! <4406-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Colik* teaches you new respect for chopsticks! *Baroness Colik*'s strike MUTILATES you. [59] <4347-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) <3179-3819hp 1172-2423mana 500-500mv 1652tnl ESW > *Baron Handle* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <4347-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 16% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Count Simon*! Count Zaltais's torments MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [60] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4347-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1474 Enemy: 14% (ESW)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] You block wall of force's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] *Count Simon*'s blast hits you. [12] *Baroness Colik*'s punch MANGLES you! [173] You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Drowg*'s slice wounds you. [22] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [64] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [60] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [73] Your attack is reflected back at you! [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [68] Your attack is reflected back at you! [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [96] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [71] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [120] *Count Simon* is DEAD!! Adding *Count Simon* to your trophy. You receive 90 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Count Simon* at The Graveyard. *Count Simon* splatters blood on your armor. A Blue colored diamond gem falls to the floor. <4075-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Duke Ben no longer looks so wild. Duke Ben tells the group 'web not landing' <4075-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. <4075-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> But you aren't fighting anyone! <4075-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> You get 305 silver coins from the corpse of Count Simon. You split 305 silver coins. Your share is 55 silver. <4075-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> *Baron Bilalo* leaves east. Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Duke Ben gets the corpse of Count Simon. Duke Ben gets a Blue colored diamond gem. Duke Ben gets the guts of a Troll Berserker. Duke Ben gets the corpse of Baron Archangel. Duke Ben gets the guts of a Troll Berserker. Duke Ben gets the corpse of wall of force. Duke Ben gets the arm of Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Duke Ben gets a ball of darkness. <4075-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] *Baron Drowg*'s slice wounds you. [24] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. You block *Baron Drowg*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Drowg*'s slice injures you. [17] You feel Spell Edge drawing your life away. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [58] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting maims a Skeleton Warrior. [47] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [75] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [107] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [75] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [177] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce misses wall of force. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [106] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [65] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [72] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <4038-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 29% (ESW)> [wall of force: Leaking Guts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* leaves east. *Baron Drowg* has fled! Count Zaltais tells the group '38 XP' <4038-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 29% (ESW)> [wall of force: Leaking Guts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Bender* has arrived. <4038-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 29% (ESW)> [wall of force: Leaking Guts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <4038-5742hp: 428-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 29% (ESW)> [wall of force: Leaking Guts] [You: Some Cuts] You slam into wall of force, and send it flying! You block wall of force's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [101] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [101] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [104] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [168] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [136] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. You get 36 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [276] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [166] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [258] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [164] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [195] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. (Advice: Welcome to 3.7, soon Chapter 4 will be opening so hold tight! ) A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. A Skeleton Warrior writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. <4068-5742hp: 429-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 41% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Nasty Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Bender* leaves south. <4068-5742hp: 429-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 41% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Nasty Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4068-5742hp: 429-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 41% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Nasty Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Bender* has arrived. <4068-5742hp: 429-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 41% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Nasty Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Bender* leaves east. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. A Skeleton Warrior looks stronger. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] Baron Flux's pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [96] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [152] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [87] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [140] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [183] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [205] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [173] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [227] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [160] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [258] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. <4081-5742hp: 429-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Nasty Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux tells the group 'some heals please' <4081-5742hp: 429-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Nasty Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! You feel better! Baron Domokun sends Duke Ben sprawling with a powerful bash. <4666-5742hp: 409-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* has arrived. <4666-5742hp: 409-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 6% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Bruises] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [104] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [111] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [99] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Skeleton Warrior hits the ground ... DEAD. Baron Flux gets 92 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux splits 92 silver coins. Your share is 15 silver. Baron Flux splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. Duke Ben's slice mauls Baron Domokun. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from Baron Domokun. A Chaos Blade freezes Baron Domokun. *** WARNING:If you kill Domokun, you will be a TRAITOR!! *** Your pierce misses Baron Domokun. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from Baron Domokun. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES Duke Ben. [58] Duke Ben is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. The guts of a Troll Berserker blackens and crisps! Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES Duke Ben. [64] Duke Ben is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. The arm of Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden blackens and crisps! <4667-5742hp: 409-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 57% (ESW)> [Baron Domokun: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* leaves east. <4667-5742hp: 409-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 57% (ESW)> [Baron Domokun: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4667-5742hp: 409-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 57% (ESW)> [Baron Domokun: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. <4667-5742hp: 409-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 57% (ESW)> [Baron Domokun: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] They feel better. <4667-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 57% (ESW)> [Baron Domokun: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <5066-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 57% (ESW)> [Baron Domokun: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun tries to surrender to Duke Ben! <5066-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [90] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [83] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [140] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. <5091-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 66% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben beckons Baron Domokun to follow...hmmm what's going on? <5091-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 66% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. <5091-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 66% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] A Skeleton Warrior seems to ignore your cowardly act! You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. <5091-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 66% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bender* has arrived. You cannot follow the enemy! Baron Domokun yells ' bender i hate your name' <5091-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 66% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun yells ' bender i hate your name' <5091-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 66% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [86] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [158] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [93] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. <5105-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 48% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Huh? <5105-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 48% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Otaku blocks a Skeleton Warrior's attack with a shield. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5105-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 48% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You cannot follow the enemy! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [94] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [21] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Otaku's slice injures a Skeleton Warrior. [17] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. <5111-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 36% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben beckons Baron Domokun to follow...hmmm what's going on? <5111-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 36% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben's group: [50 Dea] Baron flux 4411/4846 hp 334/1218 mana 650/ 650 mv 336 TNL [51 Wit] Baron otaku 3819/3819 hp 1037/2423 mana 500/ 500 mv 1574 TNL [51 Kni] Baron reanis 5111/5742 hp 389/1232 mana 650/ 650 mv 1384 TNL [54 Ill] Duke ben 4451/4451 hp 124/1979 mana 525/ 525 mv 1196 TNL [52 Wit] Count zaltais 4219/4219 hp 1208/2477 mana 550/ 550 mv 2205 TNL <5111-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 36% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bender* quickly spins behind Baron Domokun with weapon raised.... Baron Domokun is knocked out cold! Baron Domokun joins Duke Ben's group. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon a Skeleton Warrior! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [119] <5111-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 36% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Handle* yells ' hahahahaha um sucks dont we' Duke Ben scans around. <5111-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 36% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [75] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [104] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [22] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [24] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior turns blue and shivers. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [28] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. <5120-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 20% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! You slam into a Skeleton Warrior, and send it flying! <5120-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 20% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5120-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 20% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) push' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior looks warmer. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <5120-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 20% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Kenzojen* has entered the game. <5120-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 20% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bender*'s magic MUTILATES Duke Ben. [51] Duke Ben is burned by the Burning Dagger of Ravaging. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [79] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [97] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [152] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [43] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [44] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [54] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [45] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [52] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. <5130-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) minion me' <5130-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Domokun is Knocked Out!' <5130-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Kenzojen* leaves south. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. You slam into a Skeleton Warrior, and send it flying! Duke Ben tells the group 'webbed em' <5130-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bender* struggles! <5130-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'wuiuai'. A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [90] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Skeleton Warrior's severed head plops on the ground. Baron Flux gets 112 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux splits 112 silver coins. Your share is 18 silver. Baron Flux splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. Baron Otaku's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [48] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [40] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [111] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [101] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [140] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice devastates *Baron Bender*. [42] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bender*. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [49] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. <5139-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 60% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5139-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 60% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'wuiuai'. <5139-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 60% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Kenzojen* has arrived. Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) **Skill up 2!**' <5139-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 60% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] A minion realizes you are a threat and attacks. A minion's slap wounds Baron Domokun. [24] <5139-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 60% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Kenzojen* leaves west. *Baron Bender* struggles! <5139-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 60% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <5139-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 60% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] You get the head of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) minion me ' A minion's slap injures Baron Domokun. [16] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [90] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [93] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [47] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [50] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [177] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Bender*. [52] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bender*. *Baron Bender* turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === a minion! [245] A slaen spine spear draws life from a minion. A minion is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a minion! [131] A minion is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a minion! [213] A minion is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A minion hits the ground ... DEAD. Baron Domokun splits 120 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a minion to AoW. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [57] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [56] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [214] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [145] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [160] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [145] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [255] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [217] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5149-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 24% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] No way! You are still fighting! <5149-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 24% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bender* and draw from their soul!! <5149-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 24% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bender*. [88] <5149-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 24% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5149-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 24% (ESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] A Skeleton Warrior's whip decimates Baron Flux. [31] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [105] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [90] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [100] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [38] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Bender*. [52] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bender*. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [173] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [157] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skeleton Warrior's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 119 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun splits 119 silver coins. Your share is 19 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. <5160-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> *Baron Bender* struggles! Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Bender* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5160-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> Baron Flux falls flat on his face. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5160-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bender* and draw from their soul!! <5160-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 (ESW)> *Baron Bender*'s magic mauls Duke Ben. [27] Duke Ben is burned by the Burning Dagger of Ravaging. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bender*! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Bender*! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bender*! [140] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Your pierce misses *Baron Bender*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Bender*! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Duke Ben's slice maims *Baron Bender*. [45] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bender*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bender*. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Bender*! [221] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. *Baron Bender* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Some newbie blackens and crisps! <5164-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 56% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Bender*! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Bender*! [265] <5164-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 49% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Bender* struggles! *Baron Drowg* has arrived. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Bender* turns deathly white. <5164-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 49% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Bender*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5164-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 49% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* leaves south. Baron Domokun disarms *Baron Bender*! <5164-5742hp: 389-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 49% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] (Advice: All communication is separated based on kingdom. ) You are hungry. The white aura around your body fades. <5171-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 50% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] [SANCTUARY OUT!]' Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bender* and draw from their soul!! <5171-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 50% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Bender*, and send him flying! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bender*! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Bender*! [115] *Baron Bender* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Bender*! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Bender*! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bender*! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Bender*! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Your pierce *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Bender*! [205] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Bender*. [53] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Duke Ben's slice maims *Baron Bender*. [47] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Bender*! [265] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Bender* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Bender*! [268] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Bender* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Some newbie blackens and crisps! Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice maims *Baron Bender*. [49] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice maims *Baron Bender*. [46] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais gets the Burning Dagger of Ravaging. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Bender* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' Count Zaltais tells the group 'Sanct out' <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bender* hates bash Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bender* and draw from their soul!! <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bender* struggles and breaks free! Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ###SANC### ##Out!##' <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Infra Out!' <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. Baron Otaku's eyes glow red. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1384 Enemy: 4% (ESW)> [*Baron Bender*: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bender*. [86] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Bender* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bender*! [130] *Baron Bender* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Bender* to your trophy. You receive 35 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Flux has just killed *Baron Bender* at The Graveyard. *Baron Bender*'s arm is sliced from his dead body. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group ':)' <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> But you aren't fighting anyone! <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> You get The Ancient Gauntlets of Time from the corpse of Baron Bender. You get 8 silver coins and 1438 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Bender. You split 8 silver coins. Your share is 3 silver. You split 1438 gold coins. Your share is 243 gold. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'SANC IS OUT MOTHER FUCKERS' Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Baron Domokun gets the corpse of Baron Bender. Baron Domokun gets the arm of the Baron Bender. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '26 XP' <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Domokun hops around like a little kid. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Count Zaltais is surrounded by a white aura. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) i love it :D' <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Otaku gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . Scanning: Baron Flux is right here. Baron Domokun is right here. Baron Otaku is right here. Count Zaltais is right here. Duke Ben is right here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Otaku quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. You are surrounded by a white aura. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Otaku chants. Baron Domokun peers intently south. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'wellsy' <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'wnat him' <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Domokun is surrounded by a white aura. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Duke Ben tells the group 'hrm' <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) nod' <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. It is pitch black ... <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NE)> Baron Domokun scans around. Count Zaltais scans around. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NE)> Duke Ben peers intently north. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NE)> You follow Duke Ben north. It is pitch black ... Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. It is pitch black ... <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5177-5742hp: 390-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Your eyes glow red. Duke Ben scans around. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a white aura. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Flux is surrounded by a white aura. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Duke Ben peers intently west. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a white aura. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Baron Flux gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> Baron Flux quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. (White Aura) A massive two-headed giant stands here, a huge maul clutched in both fists. (White Aura) A massive two-headed giant stands here, a huge maul clutched in both fists. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> An Ettin gate-guard glares at Baron Flux and says, 'Ye shall DIE!' <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> An Ettin gate-guard yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at Hole Leading Into the Underdark.' <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. An Ettin gate-guard is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around an Ettin gate-guard's body vanishes. <5177-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [93] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [87] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< an Ettin gate-guard! [267] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. An Ettin gate-guard is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [198] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === an Ettin gate-guard! [245] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [156] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [224] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [164] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === an Ettin gate-guard! [232] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [185] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [223] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5195-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 54% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends an Ettin gate-guard sprawling with a powerful bash. <5195-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 54% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben scans around. <5195-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 54% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5195-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 54% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [87] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [94] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Otaku's slice injures an Ettin gate-guard. [17] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice injures an Ettin gate-guard. [16] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [145] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [204] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [183] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< an Ettin gate-guard! [255] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [158] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5204-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 28% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'aha' (Advice: Enemy players appear to you as *Race*. ) You are hungry. <5206-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 28% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'found em' <5206-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 28% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5206-5742hp: 385-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 28% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] An Ettin gate-guard's whip MUTILATES you. [51] Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. An Ettin gate-guard is no longer moving so quickly. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [94] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [108] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Otaku's slice wounds an Ettin gate-guard. [22] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds an Ettin gate-guard. [24] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< an Ettin gate-guard! [255] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [198] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [192] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] An Ettin gate-guard's whip decimates Baron Flux. [37] <5162-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 2% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5162-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 2% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5162-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 2% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [96] <5162-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 0% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'candusyrzqh'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a reflective barrier. <5162-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 0% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [132] An Ettin gate-guard is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. An Ettin gate-guard's heart is torn from his chest. Baron Flux gets 89 silver coins from the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux splits 89 silver coins. Your share is 14 silver. Baron Flux splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard to AoW. Baron Otaku's slice wounds an Ettin gate-guard. [24] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice mauls an Ettin gate-guard. [25] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting maims an Ettin gate-guard. [46] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting maims an Ettin gate-guard. [47] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [71] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [127] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. An Ettin gate-guard is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [92] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [133] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [79] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [112] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [74] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [112] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5194-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 70% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around an Ettin gate-guard's body vanishes. <5194-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 70% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <5194-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 70% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! Baron Domokun sends an Ettin gate-guard sprawling with a powerful bash. <5194-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 69% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5194-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 69% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5194-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 69% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5194-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 69% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben humms quietly. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [83] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [101] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Otaku's slice maims an Ettin gate-guard. [50] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [40] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [198] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [171] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [204] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [156] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< an Ettin gate-guard! [277] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [150] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< an Ettin gate-guard! [296] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5207-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 35% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5207-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 35% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5207-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 35% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5207-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 35% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5207-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 35% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5207-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 35% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5207-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 35% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5207-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 35% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5207-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 35% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5207-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 35% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Domokun sends an Ettin gate-guard sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Count Zaltais blocks an Ettin gate-guard's attack with a shield. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! Baron Flux's pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [93] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [152] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Otaku's slice devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [43] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice maims an Ettin gate-guard. [47] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [171] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [210] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [158] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< an Ettin gate-guard! [295] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [183] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice maims an Ettin gate-guard. [48] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Count Zaltais's slice maims an Ettin gate-guard. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 7% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! Duke Ben tells the group 'target wells' <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 7% (ED) > [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 7% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 7% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 7% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 7% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 7% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 7% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 7% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben rocks back and forth. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [90] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [101] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [156] An Ettin gate-guard is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear an Ettin gate-guard's death cry. Baron Flux gets 81 silver coins from the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux splits 81 silver coins. Your share is 13 silver. Baron Flux splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard to AoW. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> *Baroness Wellsy* leaves down. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) got it' <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (ED)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves down. Baron Domokun leaves down. Baron Otaku leaves down. Count Zaltais leaves down. You follow Duke Ben down. ##*## ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south up] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) (White Aura) *Baron Handle* is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Bilalo* is here. < 5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (SU)> They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (SU)> *Baron Bilalo* leaves south. They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (SU)> They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (SU)> They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (SU)> They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (SU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (SU)> They aren't here. <5215-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 (SU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben's slice mauls *Baron Handle*. [28] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Duke Ben's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [101] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [89] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [89] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES *Baron Handle*! [171] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [117] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baron Handle* is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [140] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [93] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's sting devastates *Baron Handle*. [41] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [57] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES *Baron Handle*! [163] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [115] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES *Baron Handle*! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [115] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Handle*! [187] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pi erce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [128] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. *Baron Handle*'s pierce maims Duke Ben. [47] A glass shard draws life from Duke Ben. A glass shard freezes Duke Ben. Duke Ben turns blue and shivers. <5229-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 29% (SU)> [*Baron Handle*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Baron Handle* sprawling with a powerful bash. They aren't here. <5229-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 29% (SU)> [*Baron Handle*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5229-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 29% (SU)> [*Baron Handle*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Handle* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5229-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 29% (SU)> [*Baron Handle*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5229-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 29% (SU)> [*Baron Handle*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. They aren't here. <5229-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 29% (SU)> [*Baron Handle*: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [63] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [62] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [55] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Handle* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [74] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [54] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [86] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [74] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [101] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Duke Ben's slice misses *Baron Handle*. Duke Ben's slice wounds *Baron Handle*. [21] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce misses *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [101] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES *Baron Handle*! [151] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Handle* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [90] *Baron Handle* is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. *Baron Handle* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baron Handle* is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1349 Enemy: 0% (SU)> [no one: DYING] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Handle*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [129] *Baron Handle* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Handle* to your trophy. You receive 33 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Zaltais has just killed *Baron Handle* at A winding tunnel.. You hear *Baron Handle*'s death cry. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'oculoinfra aruoiwunsoh'. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> You get 66 silver coins and 11 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Handle. You split 66 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. You split 11 gold coins. Your share is 6 gold. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ##Skill up!##' <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Duke Ben tells the group ':)' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) one more kill :D' Count Zaltais tells the group '19 XP' <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Otaku gets the corpse of Baron Handle. They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Otaku drops the corpse of Baron Handle. They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'wellsy logged' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) no wellsy' <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'looks like' <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5245-5742hp: 479-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> They aren't here. (Advice: AoW is a pk mud. Newbies might be thought of as spies untill they prove themselves. ) You are hungry. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Flux tells the group '4 more kills for me to lvl' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Count Zaltais chants. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) colik' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sorry reanis' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> You tell the group '[Reanis] jesus christ' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Otaku gets a hunk of bread from a frost covered basket . <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Otaku gets a hunk of bread from a frost covered basket . Duke Ben utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'. Duke Ben has created a scrumptous mushroom. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Otaku eats a hunk of bread. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Otaku eats a hunk of bread. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) co lik up' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Flux scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> You tell the group '[Reanis] oh well' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Duke Ben eats a Magic Mushroom. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Count Zaltais chants. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> You tell the group '[Reanis] I just make a new one' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (SU)> You follow Duke Ben up. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] The torn-out heart of an Ettin gate-guard is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (ED)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (ED)> Duke Ben scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (ED)> Baron Flux scans around. Baron Otaku scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (ED)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. Baron Domokun nods. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'lots of em' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Duke Ben peers intently west. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) well' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] ( 2) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NE)> Duke Ben scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NE)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NE)> Scanning: Count Zaltais is right here. Baron Otaku is right here. Baron Domokun is right here. Baron Flux is right here. Duke Ben is right here. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] (16) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (ESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) at tombs' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] The corpse of Baron Nacreeb is lying here. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Bilalo* is here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> *Baron Bilalo* leaves south. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NES)> They aren't here. You follow Duke Ben south. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] ( 2) a puddle of blood. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 ( NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Baron Flux scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) rofl' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) core now' They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'yep' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) do it :D' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais tells the group 'wow lots west' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'rofl they all west' They aren't here. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Scanning: wall of force is right here. Baron Flux is right here. Baron Domokun is right here. Baron Otaku is right here. Count Zaltais is right here. Duke Ben is right here. a healer is right here. south: wall of force is nearby. south: the Matron Mother of Undermountain is nearby. south: Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is nearby. west: *Baron Bilalo* is nearby. west: *Baroness Colik* is nearby. west: *Baron Drake* is nearby. west: *Baron Ghash* is nearby. west: *Baron Drowg* is nearby. west: *Baron Azore* is nearby. west: *Baron Ender* is nearby. west: Kouran, Captain of the Horde is nearby. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'why not' <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Baron Otaku peers intently west. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> *Baron Drowg* has arrived. *Baron Ghash* has arrived. *Baron Azore* has arrived. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> *Baron Ghash* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5249-5742hp: 480-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> *Baron Drowg* leaves west. *Baron Azore* leaves west. *Baron Ghash* leaves west. (Advice: Check out AoW website at ) You are hungry. The head of a Skeleton Warrior crumbles into dust. <5254-5742hp: 481-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> You utter a word of divine power. Wall of force looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [98] Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You are already blessed. Duke Ben gets a wild look in his eyes! You grant Duke Ben the favor of your god. You feel drained. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [171] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [90] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting misses wall of force. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [192] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES wall of force! [157] Wall of force is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Wall of force is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< wall of force! [280] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. Baron Domokun splits 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of wall of force to AoW. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. Baron Domokun scans around. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> *Baron Bilalo* leaves south. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'bad boys' <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Duke Ben scans around. Count Zaltais scans around. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> Baron Flux scans around. Baron Otaku chants. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> *Count Simon* has arrived. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (NSW)> *Count Simon* utters the words, 'candusyrzqh'. *Count Simon* is surrounded by a reflective barrier. Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = = ==O =# =##== === =@ # *= X The Mother Matrons War Room [Exits: east] ( 3) A wild flower grows here. The Coffins of Undermountain are here, for use of only the powerful. A fountain of blood gurgles here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Ghash* is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Azore* is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Drowg* is sleeping on The Coffins. (Red Aura) *Baron Drake* is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Ender* is sleeping on The Coffins. (White Aura) Kouran, the Mother's Captain, is here with a sinister smirk on his face. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (E)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (E)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (E)> Baron Domokun sends *Baron Ghash* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5266-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 (E)> Kouran, Captain of the Horde yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Mother Matrons War Room.' *Baron Azore*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [69] *Baron Azore*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [74] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [114] Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [50] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [36] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [33] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [32] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Ghash*! [167] *Baron Ghash* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. <5275-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 95% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5275-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 95% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Baron Flux utters a word of dark power! Wall of force screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. Wall of force looks very ill. Wall of force looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [216] *Baron Ghash* turns slightly green, but it passes. *Baron Ghash* looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's DISMEMBERS *Baron Ghash*! [117] *Baron Azore* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's MASSACRES *Baron Azore*! [143] *Baron Drowg* turns slightly green, but it passes. Baron Flux's DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [97] *Baron Drake* turns slightly green, but it passes. *Baron Drake* looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's === OBLITERATES === *Baron Drake*! [239] *Baron Ender* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Ender* turns slightly green, but it passes. *Baron Ender* looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Ender*! [203] Kouran, Captain of the Horde turns slightly green, but it passes. Kouran, Captain of the Horde looks tired and weak. Baron Flux's MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [68] <5275-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 95% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* wakes and stands up. You slam into *Baron Ghash*, and send him flying! <5275-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 95% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drake*'s punch misses Baron Domokun. *Baron Azore*'s punch MANGLES Baron Domokun! [163] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting mauls Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [28] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting mauls Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [28] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [35] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [38] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [45] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Ghash*! [146] *Baron Ghash* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES you! [135] You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. <5157-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 88% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* does sixteen flips and kicks Baron Domokun in the nuts! *Baron Azore*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [81] <5157-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 88% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around Kouran, Captain of the Horde's body vanishes. <5157-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 88% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun disarms *Baron Ghash*! <5157-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 88% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* gets a glass shard. *Baron Drowg* gets an oleander. *Baron Drowg* gets an oleander. *Baron Drowg* gets an oleander. Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is no longer moving so quickly. <5157-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 88% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bruises] [You: Bruises] You slam into *Baron Ghash*, and send him flying! Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [81] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [65] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [66] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [92] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [97] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [112] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Ghash*! [276] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. *Baron Ghash* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES you! [134] <5039-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 77% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* yells at Baron Domokun 'You have bad manna's!' *Baron Azore*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [54] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5039-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 77% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cut s] [You: Bruises] *Baron Ghash*'s kick decimates Baron Domokun. [38] <5039-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 77% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drake*'s punch wounds Baron Domokun. [23] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [60] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [92] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [54] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [100] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [112] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ghash*! [227] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. *Baron Ghash* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Ghash*! [167] *Baron Ghash* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Ghash*! [295] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. *Baron Ghash* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Ghash*! [145] *Baron Ghash* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. <5046-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 66% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Azore* turns deathly white. <5046-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 66% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baron Ghash*'s kick misses Baron Domokun. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'jiparl xafe'. Count Zaltais utters a word of dark power! Wall of force screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin. Wall of force looks very ill. Count Zaltais's === OBLITERATES === wall of force! [241] *Baron Ghash* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Ghash* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Ghash*! [219] *Baron Azore* turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Azore*! [252] *Baron Drowg* looks very ill. *Baron Drowg* looks tired and weak. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drowg*! [203] *Baron Drake* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drake*! [210] *Baron Ender* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. *Baron Ender* looks very ill. Count Zaltais's >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Ender*! [253] Kouran, Captain of the Horde turns slightly green, but it passes. Count Zaltais's DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [120] <5046-5742hp: 411-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 65% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [You: Bruises] You utter a word of divine power. Wall of force looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [192] You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You are already blessed. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. Duke Ben already has divine favor. *Baron Ghash* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Ghash*! [204] Your divine wrath >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Azore*! [267] Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === *Baron Drowg*! [227] *Baron Drake* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drake*! [221] *Baron Ender* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ender*! [247] Your divine wrath MASSACRES Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [135] You feel drained. <5046-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 63% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Ghash* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5046-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 63% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5046-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 63% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5046-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 63% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Wall of force hits the ground ... DEAD. You hear something's death cry. *Baron Drake*'s punch scratches Baron Domokun. [4] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [62] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [64] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [101] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [97] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. *Baron Ender*'s pierce maims Baron Domokun. [48] Baron Domokun's pierce >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Ghash*! [266] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. *Baron Ghash* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Ghash*! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Ghash*. *Baron Ghash* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5058-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 51% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) <3819-3819hp 1153-2423mana 500-500mv 1497tnl E > *Baron Azore* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' *Baron Ender* disarms Baron Domokun! <5058-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 51% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* gets a slaen spine spear. *Baron Drowg* gets the corpse of wall of force. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Drowg* turns deathly white. <5058-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 51% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Azore*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5058-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 51% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Drowg*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5058-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 51% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Azore*'s MASSACRES him! [135] *Baron Azore* shrieks! <5058-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 51% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drake* utters the words, 'egruqaiuai wugh'. *Baron Drake*'s eyes flash a blue tint. *Baron Drake*'s DISMEMBERS *Baron Azore*! [107] *Baron Azore* shrieks! *Baron Drake*'s DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [87] *Baron Drowg* shrieks! <5058-5742hp: 341-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 53% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] You utter a word of divine power. You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You are already blessed. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. Duke Ben already has divine favor. *Baron Ghash* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ghash*! [176] *Baron Azore* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS *Baron Azore*! [124] *Baron Drowg* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drowg*! [203] *Baron Drake* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drake*! [195] *Baron Ender* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ender*! [245] Your divine wrath MANGLES Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [152] You feel drained. <5058-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 51% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben chants. Baron Domokun exclaims 'later ghash!' *Baron Drake*'s punch wounds Baron Domokun. [20] *Baron Ghash*'s punch misses Baron Domokun. *Baron Azore*'s punch MANGLES Baron Domokun! [173] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [66] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [119] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. *Baron Ender*'s smash devastates Baron Domokun. [42] Baron Domokun's punch DISMEMBERS *Baron Ghash*! [116] Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Ghash*! [160] *Baron Ghash* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Ghash*! [166] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Ghash* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip misses you. <5067-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 42% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun wields The Holy Mace. <5067-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 42% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Ghash* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5067-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 42% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Drowg* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <5067-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 42% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Azore*'s MASSACRES him! [131] *Baron Azore* shrieks! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Ghash* and draw from their soul!! <5067-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 42% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] You utter a word of divine power. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS *Baroness Colik*! [107] You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You are already blessed. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. Duke Ben already has divine favor. *Baron Ghash* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === *Baron Ghash*! [231] *Baron Azore* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Azore*! [256] *Baron Drowg* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drowg*! [206] *Baron Drake* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === *Baron Drake*! [231] *Baron Ender* looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Ender*! [213] Kouran, Captain of the Horde looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath MASSACRES Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [130] You feel drained. <5067-5742hp: 201-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 41% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drake*'s punch scratches Baron Domokun. [3] *Baron Drake*'s punch wounds Baron Domokun. [20] *Baroness Colik*'s punch misses you. *Baroness Colik*'s punch *** DEMOLISHES *** you! [180] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [77] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [53] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [54] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [112] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's divine power MANGLES *Baron Ghash*! [173] Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's divine power MANGLES *Baron Ghash*! [173] Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash misses *Baron Ghash*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Ghash*. [53] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Ghash*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Ghash*. Blood flies everywhere!!! You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. <4898-5742hp: 201-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 31% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg* tries to disarm Baron Flux, but fails. <4898-5742hp: 201-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 31% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drake* utters the words, 'egruqaiuai wugh'. *Baron Drake*'s eyes flash a blue tint. *Baron Drake*'s DISMEMBERS *Baron Azore*! [117] *Baron Azore* shrieks! *Baron Drake*'s DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [88] *Baron Drowg* shrieks! <4898-5742hp: 201-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] *Baron Ender*'s circle MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [146] <4898-5742hp: 201-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Otaku calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Ghash*! Baron Otaku's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Ghash*! [251] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4898-5742hp: 201-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Azore*'s DISMEMBERS him! [120] *Baron Azore* shrieks! <4898-5742hp: 201-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1316 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES you! [134] You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. Coils burst at Kouran, Captain of the Horde and draw from their soul!! Baron Domokun stops using The Holy Mace. Baron Domokun wields Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. *Baron Drake*'s punch grazes Baron Domokun. [6] *Baroness Colik*'s punch DISMEMBERS you! [108] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [70] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [106] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [70] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [104] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Otaku's slice maims *Baron Ghash*. [46] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Ghash* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. *Baron Ender*'s pierce MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [66] Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ghash*! [182] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Ghash*. *Baron Ghash* is stunned, but will probably recover. *Baron Ghash* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. *Baron Ghash* is stunned, but will probably recover. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Ghash*! [209] *Baron Ghash* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Ghash* 2 times. You receive 51 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Ghash* at The Mother Matrons War Room. *Baron Ghash*'s leg is sliced from his dead body. You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. <4663-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 22% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* has arrived. <4663-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 22% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drake* utters the words, 'egruqaiuai wugh'. *Baron Drake*'s eyes flash a blue tint. *Baron Drake*'s DISMEMBERS *Baron Azore*! [119] *Baron Azore* shrieks! *Baron Drake*'s DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [93] *Baron Drowg* shrieks! <4663-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 24% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Colik* yells at Baron Otaku 'You have bad manna's!' *Baroness Colik*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [58] <4663-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 24% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. Count Zaltais tells the group '20 XP' <4663-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 24% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Ruadh bellows 'Wellsy in gates' *Baron Ender*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [104] <4663-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 24% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <4663-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 24% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Flux calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Baron Flux's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Drowg*! [237] <4663-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 24% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Count Simon* turns deathly white. <4663-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 24% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4663-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 24% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Count Simon* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' *Baroness Colik*'s punch DISMEMBERS you! [124] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [82] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [70] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is blinded by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [74] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [63] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [112] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [112] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's blast <<< ERADICATES >>> *Baron Ender*! [306] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Ender*. *Baron Ender* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS *Baron Ender*! [113] *Baron Ender* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Ender*! [216] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Ender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Ender* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ender*! [196] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Ender* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Ender*! [200] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Ender*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Ender* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Blood flies everywhere!!! Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES you! [133] <4414-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 15% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baroness Colik* and draw from their soul!! <4414-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 15% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] I see nothing in the cor. (Advice: Train your prime attribute first. ) *Baron Drake* shivers and suffers. *Baron Drowg* shivers and suffers. You are hungry. *Baron Ender* writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4416-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 15% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <4416-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 15% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <4416-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 15% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Count Simon*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4416-5742hp: 295-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 15% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Colik* yells at Baron Otaku 'You have bad manna's!' *Baroness Colik*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [60] You lost your concentration. *Baron Ender*'s circle misses Baron Domokun. <4416-5742hp: 292-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 15% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at Baron Otaku and draw from their soul!! Duke Ben humms quietly. <4416-5742hp: 292-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 15% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Flux calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Baron Flux's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Drowg*! [236] <4416-5742hp: 292-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 15% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Ender*! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Ender*! [273] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4416-5742hp: 292-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1265 Enemy: 15% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drake*'s punch injures Baron Domokun. [15] *Baron Azore*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [138] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [123] *Baron Azore*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [65] *Baron Azore*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [72] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [48] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [60] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [104] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISMEMBERS Kouran, Captain of the Horde! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. *Baron Ender*'s pierce maims Baron Domokun. [46] Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Ender*! [225] *Baron Ender* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Ender* 2 times. You receive 39 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Ender* at The Mother Matrons War Room. You hear *Baron Ender*'s death cry. Count Zaltais's slice wounds *Count Simon*. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [103] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES you! [132] Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES you! [132] <4163-5742hp: 292-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes. <4163-5742hp: 292-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baroness Colik* and draw from their soul!! <4163-5742hp: 292-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [You: Some Cuts] You get 7184 silver coins and 300 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Ender. You split 7184 silver coins. Your share is 1199 silver. You split 300 gold coins. Your share is 50 gold. <4163-5742hp: 292-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Colik* teaches Baron Otaku new respect for chopsticks! *Baroness Colik*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [60] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Duke Ben tells the group 'keep wall up zalt' <4163-5742hp: 292-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Flux calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Baron Flux's torments *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drowg*! [216] You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. You block Kouran, Captain of the Horde's attack with your shield. Coils burst at Kouran, Captain of the Horde and draw from their soul!! <4163-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais gets the corpse of Baron Ender. *Baron Drake*'s punch grazes Baron Domokun. [8] *Baroness Colik*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [112] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [105] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [54] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [98] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear Kouran, Captain of the Horde's death cry. You get 108 silver coins from the corpse of Kouran, Captain of the Horde. You split 108 silver coins. Your share is 18 silver. You get 150 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 150 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [62] *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. <4163-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 61% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at Baron Otaku and draw from their soul!! <4163-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 61% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais tells the group '18 XP' <4163-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 61% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Count Simon*! Count Zaltais's torments DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [92] <4163-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 58% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drake*'s kick decimates Baron Domokun. [31] <4163-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 58% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun bellows ' good god I LOVE ME' <4163-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 58% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <4576-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 58% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drake*'s kick devastates Baron Domokun. [44] *Baroness Colik* kicks Baron Otaku 36 times in the face! *Baroness Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [90] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4576-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 58% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drake*'s punch scratches Baron Domokun. [1] *Baron Drowg*'s slice injures Baron Flux. [15] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Flux. *Baron Drowg*'s slice wounds Baron Flux. [21] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Flux. *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [99] Baron Flux's sting misses *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [95] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [95] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baroness Colik*. [35] *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [111] Your attack is reflected back at you! [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your attack is reflected back at you! [2] Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [115] Your attack is reflected back at you! [86] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [107] Your attack is reflected back at you! [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your attack is reflected back at you! [2] Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [96] *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast misses *Count Simon*. Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Count Simon*. [29] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <4420-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 37% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Azore* kicks Baron Domokun 36 times in the face! *Baron Azore*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [81] Duke Ben tells the group 'I have low mana' <4420-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 37% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4420-5742hp: 319-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 37% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Count Simon*'s punch misses you. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <4420-5742hp: 413-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 37% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Count Simon* wears a pair of Diamond Armplates of Shielding on his arms. *Count Simon* wears the Bloodstained Shield as a shield. *Count Simon* wears the Belt of Purity about his waist. *Count Simon* wears the Deflecting Breast Plate of Defense on his torso. *Count Simon* wears A blue Ring of Protection on his left finger. *Count Simon* wears A blue Ring of Protection on his right finger. *Count Simon* wears the Dark Elven gauntlets of Disaster on his hands. *Count Simon* wears a magical cloak of barrier protection about his torso. *Count Simon* wears a black amulet around his neck. *Count Simon* wears a black amulet around his neck. *Count Simon* wears a Crown of Swords on his head. *Count Simon* wears (Shimmering)Legplates of Demonic Forging on his legs. *Count Simon* wears boots of the Journeyman on his feet. *Count Simon* wields the Savage bow of the Divine. *Count Simon* wears a Drakkenkind bracer of magic around his left wrist. *Count Simon* wears a Drakkenkind bracer of magic around his right wrist. *Count Simon* lights a ball of darkness and holds it. *Count Simon* holds a frost covered basket in his hand. *Count Simon* releases a green lodestone to float next to him. Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Drake* and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4420-5742hp: 413-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 32% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Count Simon*'s DISEMBOWELS him. [93] *Count Simon* shrieks! *Baron Drowg* steps back! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <4420-5742hp: 413-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 29% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Leaking Guts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Colik* does sixteen flips and kicks Baron Otaku in the nuts! *Baroness Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [90] *Baron Drowg*'s slice mauls Baron Domokun. [27] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Domokun. *Baroness Colik*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Otaku! [139] *Baron Azore*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [127] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [113] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [102] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baroness Colik*. [44] *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Drake*. [67] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drake*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drake*. *Baron Drake* turns blue and shivers. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Drake*. [59] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drake*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drake*. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Count Simon*! [162] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Count Simon*. [37] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* turns blue and shivers. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice mauls *Count Simon*. [28] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4420-5742hp: 413-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Ruadh bellows 'People in gates' *Baron Azore* teaches Baron Domokun new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Azore*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [54] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4420-5742hp: 413-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4420-5742hp: 413-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. *Baron Drowg*'s DISEMBOWELS him. [94] *Baron Drowg* shrieks! <4420-5742hp: 413-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <4420-5742hp: 413-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Count Simon*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [105] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4420-5742hp: 413-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Count Simon*'s blast grazes you. [7] Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <4413-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Drake* and draw from their soul!! <4413-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1226 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Count Simon*: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drake*'s punch wounds Baron Domokun. [19] *Baron Drowg*'s slice injures Baron Domokun. [16] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Domokun. *Baron Drowg*'s slice injures Baron Domokun. [17] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Domokun. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Count Simon*! [126] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [90] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [73] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [120] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baroness Colik*. [34] *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES *Count Simon*! [151] Your attack is reflected back at you! [113] *Count Simon* is DEAD!! You have killed *Count Simon* 2 times. You receive 65 experience points. FINAL BLOW bonus awarded to you! [NEWS]: Victory, Reanis has just killed *Count Simon* at The Mother Matrons War Room. You hear *Count Simon*'s death cry. A green lodestone falls to the floor. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Drake*! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drake*! [184] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Drake*. *Baron Drake* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. *Baron Drake* is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drake*! [218] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Drake*. *Baron Drake* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drake*! [199] *Baron Drake* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drake*. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Drake*! [144] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drake*. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 57% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Colik* clobbers Baron Otaku with their forehead! *Baroness Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [90] <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 57% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Azore* yells at Baron Domokun 'You have bad manna's!' *Baron Azore*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [54] <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 57% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Kilmer* has entered the game. <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 57% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. *Baron Drowg*'s DISEMBOWELS him. [89] *Baron Drowg* shrieks! <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 57% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Drake* turns deathly white. <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 57% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Drake* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) toss me heals' <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 57% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) toss me heals' Count Zaltais gets 170 silver coins from the corpse of Count Simon. Count Zaltais splits 170 silver coins. Your share is 28 silver. <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 57% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) toss me heals' Count Zaltais tells the group '49 XP' <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 57% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drake*'s punch misses Baron Domokun. *Baron Drowg*'s slice mauls Baron Domokun. [27] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Domokun. *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [123] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drake*. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Baron Otaku's slice mauls *Baroness Colik*. [29] *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Domokun's blast MANGLES *Baron Drake*! [160] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Drake*. *Baron Drake* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 51% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Kilmer* wakes and stands up. I see nothing in the cor. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Colik*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baroness Colik*! [124] <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 51% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Colik* clobbers Baron Otaku with their forehead! *Baroness Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [90] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Kilmer* turns deathly white. Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Duke Ben blocks *Baron Drake*'s attack with a shield. Coils burst at *Baron Drake* and draw from their soul!! <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 51% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Drake*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 51% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Azore* teaches Baron Domokun new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Azore*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [54] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Kilmer*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) toss me heals' <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 51% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) toss me heals' <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 51% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drake* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 51% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. *Baron Drowg*'s DISEMBOWELS him. [86] *Baron Drowg* shrieks! <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 51% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux rescues Baron Domokun! <4343-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 51% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drake*'s punch hits Baron Flux. [10] *Baron Drake*'s punch misses Baron Flux. *Baron Drowg*'s slice mauls Baron Domokun. [27] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Domokun. *Baron Azore*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [150] *Baron Azore*'s punch misses Baron Domokun. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drake*! [115] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drake*. [83] *Baron Drake* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drake*. [83] *Baron Drake* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drake*! [189] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Drake*! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drake*! [177] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Drake*! [144] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Drowg*! [140] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Baroness Colik*. [35] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Colik*. <4350-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baroness Colik* falls to the ground! <4350-5742hp: 457-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Kilmer* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' They feel better. <4350-5742hp: 437-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Colik* steps back! *Baron Azore* teaches Baron Domokun new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Azore*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [53] <4350-5742hp: 437-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Kilmer* and draw from their soul!! <4350-5742hp: 437-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang* has entered the game. *Baron Kilmer* teaches Baron Otaku new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Kilmer*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [60] <4350-5742hp: 437-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. *Baron Drowg*'s DISEMBOWELS him. [95] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* shrieks! <4350-5742hp: 437-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Colik*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Flux! [126] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [83] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drake*! [115] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Drake*! [128] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drake*. [92] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drake* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Drake*! [149] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Drake*. [66] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drake*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drake*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Drake*. [62] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drake*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drake*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Drowg*! [142] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4355-5742hp: 437-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4355-5742hp: 437-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. <4355-5742hp: 437-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. They feel better. <4355-5742hp: 417-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang* wakes and stands up. *Baron Azore* teaches Baron Domokun new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Azore*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [53] <4355-5742hp: 417-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Kilmer* teaches Baron Otaku new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Kilmer*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [60] *Baron Drake* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Drake*'s DISMEMBERS him! [107] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drake* shrieks! <4355-5742hp: 417-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 10% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. <4355-5742hp: 417-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 10% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Colik* steps back! <4355-5742hp: 417-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 10% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Azore*'s punch MANGLES Baron Domokun! [160] *Baron Azore*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [144] Baron Flux's pierce misses *Baron Drake*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drake*. [75] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drake* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Drake*! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Drake*! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drake*. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Drowg*! [148] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Drowg*! [155] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Drowg*! [232] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. *Baron Drowg* is blinded by smoke! Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice misses *Baroness Colik*. Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Baroness Colik*. [37] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Colik*. <4358-5742hp: 417-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 0% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts ] *Baroness Colik* clobbers wall of force with their forehead! *Baroness Colik*'s strike MASSACRES wall of force! [150] <4358-5742hp: 417-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 0% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] They feel better. Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. <4358-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 0% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Azore* teaches Baron Domokun new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Azore*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [53] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4358-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1161 Enemy: 0% (E)> [*Baron Drake*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Flux calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drake*! Baron Flux's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Drake*! [255] *Baron Drake* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Drake* to your trophy. You receive 46 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Flux has just killed *Baron Drake* at The Mother Matrons War Room. *Baron Drake*'s head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you. <4358-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 (E)> *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. <4358-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 (E)> *Baron Frang*'s cleave DISEMBOWELS Duke Ben. [96] Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baroness Colik*. [73] *Baroness Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [85] *Baroness Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Colik*! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baroness Colik*! [182] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Colik*! [148] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baroness Colik*. [39] *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice mauls *Baroness Colik*. [30] *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. *Baroness Colik* is blinded by smoke! Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Colik*! [170] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Colik*! [163] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Count Zaltais's slice maims *Baroness Colik*. [49] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Colik*. Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Baroness Colik*. [34] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Colik*. <4367-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 67% (E)> [*Baron ess Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] I see nothing in the cor. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baroness Colik* turns deathly white. <4367-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 67% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baroness Colik* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <4367-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 67% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <4367-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 67% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baroness Colik*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4367-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 67% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! <4367-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 67% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! Someone bellows 'ken, klaven bilalo and wellsy in gates' *Baroness Colik*'s punch misses Baron Flux. *Baroness Colik*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [80] *Baron Azore*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [65] *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [105] Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [100] *Baroness Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baroness Colik*! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Baron Otaku's slice mauls *Baroness Colik*. [27] *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Colik*! [148] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drowg*! [176] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Baroness Colik*. [35] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Colik*. Count Zaltais's slice devastates *Baroness Colik*. [41] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Colik*. <4369-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 56% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Azore* does sixteen flips and kicks Baron Domokun in the nuts! *Baron Azore*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [80] <4369-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 56% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baroness Colik* does sixteen flips and kicks Baron Flux in the nuts! *Baroness Colik*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Flux. [66] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <4369-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 56% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais tells the group '27 XP' <4369-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 56% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Colik*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baroness Colik*! [123] <4369-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 53% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baroness Colik*. [68] *Baroness Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baroness Colik*. [34] *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Colik*! [175] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Frang*. [56] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Frang*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Frang*. *Baron Frang* turns blue and shivers. Duke Ben's slice maims *Baron Frang*. [47] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Frang*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Frang*. (Advice: Use 'bug' or 'typo' to report either. ) *Baron Drowg* shivers and suffers. Blood flies everywhere!!! You are hungry. <4373-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 47% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'sjfuyl'. <4373-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 47% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Duke Ben tells the group 'keep wall up zalt' <4373-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 47% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang* gets a wild look in his eyes. *Baron Frang* looks warmer. <4373-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 47% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [84] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4373-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 47% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Kilmer* teaches Baron Otaku new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Kilmer*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [60] *Baroness Colik* screams 'You die now!' He makes sushi out of wall of force's face! *Baroness Colik*'s strike *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [200] <4373-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1115 Enemy: 47% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Azore* yells ' die u bastards' *Baron Frang*'s smash DISEMBOWELS Duke Ben. [81] Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [77] *Baroness Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Colik*! [128] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baroness Colik*! [104] *Baroness Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Otaku's slice mauls *Baroness Colik*. [29] *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baroness Colik*. [41] *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Colik*! [175] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Your pierce *** DEVASTATES *** *Baroness Colik*! [203] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Drowg*! [273] *Baron Drowg* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Drowg* 2 times. You receive 34 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Drowg* at The Mother Matrons War Room. You hear *Baron Drowg*'s death cry. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baroness Colik*! [256] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baroness Colik* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baroness Colik*! [134] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baroness Colik* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baroness Colik*! [134] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baroness Colik* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4380-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1081 Enemy: 18% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Colik*. [87] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4380-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1081 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baroness Colik*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Flux. [66] Coils burst at *Baroness Colik* and draw from their soul!! Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ##Skill up!##' You can't take that. You get a slaen spine spear from the corpse of Baron Drowg. <4380-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1081 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang*'s kick wounds Duke Ben. [21] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <4380-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1081 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! Count Zaltais tells the group '22 XP' <4764-5742hp: 397-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1081 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* yells ' die u bastards' They feel better. <4764-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1081 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Azore* yells ' die u bastards' <4764-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1081 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Colik*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baroness Colik*! [129] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4764-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1081 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Frang*'s kick decimates Duke Ben. [35] *Baron Kilmer* clobbers Baron Otaku with their forehead! *Baron Kilmer*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [90] *Baroness Colik* kicks wall of force 36 times in the face! *Baroness Colik*'s strike MASSACRES wall of force! [150] <4764-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1081 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Baroness Colik*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben blocks *Baron Frang*'s attack with a shield. *Baron Azore*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [107] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baroness Colik*! [111] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baroness Colik*! [107] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baroness Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baroness Colik*! [113] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice mauls *Baroness Colik*. [30] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baroness Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Colik*! [152] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Colik*. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baroness Colik*! [150] *Baroness Colik* is DEAD!! Adding *Baroness Colik* to your trophy. You receive 49 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baroness Colik* at The Mother Matrons War Room. You hear *Baroness Colik*'s death cry. <4766-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 (E)> *Baron Azore* yells ' die u bastards' <4766-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 (E)> *Baron Frang*'s kick mauls Duke Ben. [29] <4766-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 (E)> You get 42 silver coins and 15 gold coins from the corpse of Baroness Colik. You split 42 silver coins. Your share is 7 silver. You split 15 gold coins. Your share is 5 gold. <4766-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 (E)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <4766-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 (E)> Duke Ben blocks *Baron Frang*'s attack with a shield. Duke Ben blocks *Baron Frang*'s attack with a shield. *Baron Azore*'s punch misses Baron Domokun. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baron Kilmer*. [41] *Baron Kilmer* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Kilmer*. [23] *Baron Kilmer* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Kilmer*! [175] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Kilmer*! [170] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Kilmer*! [180] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Kilmer*. [58] *Baron Kilmer* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Elf brains blackens and crisps! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Kilmer*! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [104] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Kilmer*! [192] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Kilmer*! [169] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Kilmer*! [143] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Azore*! [252] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Azore*. *Baron Azore* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Azore*! [176] *Baron Azore* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Azore*! [264] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Azore*. *Baron Azore* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <4782-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 60% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Frang*'s kick wounds Duke Ben. [23] Count Zaltais tells the group '26 XP' <4782-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 60% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) jesus i'm a fucking monster :P' <4782-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 60% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux tells the group 'lvl' Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Azore* and draw from their soul!! <4782-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 60% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! <4782-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 60% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Kilmer* clobbers Baron Domokun with their forehead! *Baron Kilmer*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [80] <4782-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 60% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] You rescue Duke Ben! Baron Domokun looks at *Baron Azore*. <4782-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 60% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] You block *Baron Frang*'s attack with your shield. You block *Baron Frang*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Frang*'s cleave MANGLES you! [153] Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Kilmer*. [75] *Baron Kilmer* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Kilmer*! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Kilmer*! [181] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Azore*! [241] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Azore*. *Baron Azore* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Azore*! [186] *Baron Azore* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast MANGLES *Baron Azore*! [174] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Azore*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Azore* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Azore*! [194] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Azore* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Azore*! [267] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Azore*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Azore* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4635-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 46% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Frang*! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Frang*! [255] <4635-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 46% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Frang*'s kick misses you. <4635-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 46% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Kilmer* teaches Baron Domokun new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Kilmer*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [53] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Azore* and draw from their soul!! <4635-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 46% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Bruises] *Baron Frang*'s cleave DISMEMBERS you! [111] You block *Baron Frang*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Frang*'s cleave DISMEMBERS you! [123] Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Kilmer*. [90] *Baron Kilmer* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Kilmer*. [87] *Baron Kilmer* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Elf brains blackens and crisps! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [115] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Kilmer*! [164] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Kilmer*! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Kilmer*! [154] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Azore*! [159] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Azore* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Azore*! [194] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Azore* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4405-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 23% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux rescues Baron Otaku! <4405-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 23% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Kilmer*! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Kilmer*! [259] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4405-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Azore* steps back! <4405-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 16% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang*'s kick maims you. [47] *Baron Kilmer* steps back! <4358-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-1032 Enemy: 16% (E)> [no one: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] You block *Baron Frang*'s attack with your shield. [NEWS]: Loss, Ruadh was butchered by someone at The Entrance to Darkness. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Kilmer*. [96] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Kilmer* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Kilmer*. [79] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Kilmer*. [83] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Kilmer* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Azore*! [161] *Baron Azore* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Azore* to your trophy. You receive 52 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Azore* at The Mother Matrons War Room. *Baron Azore*'s arm is sliced from his dead body. Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Baron Frang*. [33] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Frang*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Frang*. <4358-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-980 Enemy: 10% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Kilmer* steps back! <4358-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-980 Enemy: 10% (E)> [no one: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] I see nothing in the cor. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <4358-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-980 Enemy: 10% (E)> [no one: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <4358-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-980 Enemy: 10% (E)> [no one: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <4358-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-980 Enemy: 10% (E)> [no one: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang*'s kick MUTILATES you. [53] <4305-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-980 Enemy: 10% (E)> [no one: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Flux calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Kilmer*! Baron Flux's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [113] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4305-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-980 Enemy: 7% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Frang* sprawling with a powerful bash. <4305-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-980 Enemy: 7% (E)> [*Baron Kilmer*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais tells the group '22 XP' *Baron Frang*'s smash devastates you. [44] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Kilmer*! [141] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Kilmer*! [137] *Baron Kilmer* is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided. A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. *Baron Kilmer* is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [108] *Baron Kilmer* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Kilmer* 3 times. You receive 47 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Flux has just killed *Baron Kilmer* at The Mother Matrons War Room. *Baron Kilmer*'s heart is torn from his chest. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Frang*! [218] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Frang*. *Baron Frang* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Your pierce misses *Baron Frang*. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Frang*! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Frang*. [77] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. <4265-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 81% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang*'s kick maims you. [46] I see nothing in the cor. <4219-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 81% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Count Zaltais tells the group '25 XP' <4219-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 81% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <4219-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 81% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <4572-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 81% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Frang* turns deathly white. Duke Ben looks around and whistles innocently. <4572-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 81% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Frang* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <4572-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 81% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang*'s kick misses you. You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Frang*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <4572-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 81% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bruises] [You: Some Cuts] You block *Baron Frang*'s attack with your shield. *Baron Frang*'s cleave MUTILATES you. [69] You feel a Diamond-Edged Halberd drawing your life away. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Frang*. [68] *Baron Frang* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses *Baron Frang*. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Frang*! [227] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Frang*. *Baron Frang* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Baron Frang*. [35] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Frang*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Frang*. <4502-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 73% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] You yell 'Yes, targetting the Knight, that ALWAYS works' <4502-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 73% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben scans around. <4502-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 73% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun bellows ' good god!' <4502-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 73% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang*'s kick mauls you. [28] <4474-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 73% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! <4474-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 73% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Count Zaltais blocks *Baron Frang*'s attack with a shield. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! <4474-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 73% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun looks at *Baron Frang*. You block *Baron Frang*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Frang*. [75] *Baron Frang* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Frang*! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Frang*! [119] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Frang*. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baron Frang*. [36] *Baron Frang* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Frang*! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. <4476-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 60% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! <4476-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 60% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Frang*'s smash DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [98] Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! <4476-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 60% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baron Frang*. [37] *Baron Frang* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Frang*! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Count Zaltais's slice devastates *Baron Frang*. [42] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Frang*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Frang*. <4480-5742hp: 377-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 54% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang*'s cleave DISMEMBERS you! [124] You feel a Diamond-Edged Halberd drawing your life away. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast MASSACRES *Baron Frang*! [149] Baron Domokun drops the corpse of Baron Bender. <4354-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 50% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! <4354-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 50% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang*'s smash DISEMBOWELS you. [86] You feel (Red) the Runed Hammer of Bashing drawing your life away. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Frang*! [119] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Frang*! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. <4268-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 44% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bleeding] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun looks at *Baron Frang*. <4268-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 44% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bleeding] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Otaku blocks *Baron Frang*'s attack with a shield. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! <4268-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 44% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bleeding] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun waves happily. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Frang* and draw from their soul!! <4268-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 44% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bleeding] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Frang*, but fails. <4268-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 44% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bleeding] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben frowns. (Advice: Constantly begging or whining for levels or equipment might get you killed by players from your own kingdom. ) You are hungry. The head of a Skeleton Warrior crumbles into dust. <4270-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 44% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Bleeding] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast <<< ERADICATES >>> *Baron Frang*! [331] <4270-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 36% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Blood Covered] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang*'s kick maims you. [45] *Baron Frang*'s smash DISEMBOWELS you. [82] You feel (Red) the Runed Hammer of Bashing drawing your life away. You block *Baron Frang*'s attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Frang*! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Frang*. [97] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Frang*! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Frang*! [183] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Frang*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Frang* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Frang*! [183] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Frang*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Frang* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Baron Frang*. [36] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Frang*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Frang*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4146-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 18% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baron Frang* falls to the ground! <4146-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 18% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] You fail to disarm *Baron Frang*. <4146-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 18% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Otaku calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Frang*! Baron Otaku's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Frang*! [106] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4146-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 15% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun looks at *Baron Frang*. <4146-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 15% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: Almost Dead] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast MANGLES *Baron Frang*! [154] Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Frang*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Frang*! [122] Blood flies everywhere!!! <4146-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 9% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: DYING] [You: Some Cuts] *Baron Frang*'s cleave MASSACRES you! [129] You feel a Diamond-Edged Halberd drawing your life away. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Frang*! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Duke Ben's slice maims *Baron Frang*. [47] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Frang*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Frang*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 4% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: DYING] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Frang* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 4% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: DYING] [You: Some Cuts] You fail to disarm *Baron Frang*. <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-933 Enemy: 4% (E)> [*Baron Frang*: DYING] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Flux sends *Baron Frang* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Otaku calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Frang*! Baron Otaku's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Frang*! [236] *Baron Frang* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Frang* to your trophy. You receive 33 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Otaku has just killed *Baron Frang* at The Mother Matrons War Room. You hear *Baron Frang*'s death cry. <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Count Zaltais gets 277 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Frang. Count Zaltais splits 277 silver coins. Your share is 46 silver. <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Count Zaltais tells the group '18 XP' <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Duke Ben scans around. <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> I see nothing in the cor. <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Duke Ben tells the group 'ehem' <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Baron Otaku chants. Duke Ben nods at wall of force. Wall of force nods at Duke Ben. <4020-5742hp: 371-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> You feel better! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) anyone get my slaen spear?' Count Zaltais scans around. <4282-5742hp: 351-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [77] <4282-5742hp: 351-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [191] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES wall of force! [172] Wall of force is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Wall of force is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [213] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES wall of force! [163] Wall of force is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [192] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [171] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. You get 36 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. <4295-5742hp: 351-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> You feel better! <4550-5742hp: 331-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4550-5742hp: 331-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'pzar'. <4550-5742hp: 331-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> You feel better! <4831-5742hp: 311-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Baron Flux tells the group 'check corpses' <4831-5742hp: 311-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. <4831-5742hp: 311-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> You feel better! <5070-5742hp: 291-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5070-5742hp: 291-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. <5070-5742hp: 291-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> You feel better! <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Baron Domokun leaves east. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Baron Flux tells the group 'omg type look' <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Duke Ben scans around. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> = = ==O =# =##== === =@ # *= X The Mother Matrons War Room [Exits: east] The corpse of Baron Frang is lying here. (111) a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Bender is lying here. The corpse of Baron Kilmer is lying here. The torn-out heart of the Baron Kilmer is lying here. The corpse of Baron Azore is lying here. The sliced-off arm of the Baron Azore is lying here. The corpse of Baroness Colik is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drowg is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drake is lying here. The splattered brains of the Baron Drake are lying here. The corpse of Count Simon is lying here. (Glowing) (Humming) A lodestone lies here. The corpse of Baron Ghash is lying here. The sliced-off leg of the Baron Ghash is lying here. The Coffins of Undermountain are here, for use of only the powerful. A fountain of blood gurgles here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> You follow Duke Ben east. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here, fighting *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is here, fighting Baron Domokun. A wall of force blocks the south exit. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'rofl' <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Count Simon*! [216] *Count Simon* is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear *Count Simon*'s death cry. Baron Domokun splits 9 silver coins. Your share is 1 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of *Count Simon* to AoW. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'meh' Baron Domokun says 'there were two :/' <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5297-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <5588-5742hp: 271-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> You feel better! (Advice: Use 'consider' before you kill a creature. ) You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'as I said' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Flux bellows ' c locate corpse for those who can' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sorry trunks' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] no problem' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) anyone pick it up?' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] I just make a new one' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> You are carrying: (Glowing) a slaen spine spear (Glowing) The Ancient Gauntlets of Time Reanis's shrunken trophy, the head of the Baron Nacreeb ( 2) (Blue Aura) (Glowing) (Black) The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer a frost covered basket (Glowing) (Black) the Whip of Turmoils (Blue Aura) (Glowing) "Icebane" Legendary sword of the Dragonhunter a slaen hide chestplate (Blue Aura) (Glowing) a Diamond-Edged Halberd ( 5) (Blue Aura) (Humming) a dragonsilver lance a Magic Mushroom ( 3) A Restring Token (Glowing) a wightblade a piece of mandrake a Chaos Blade (Glowing) Wolfsbane the broadsword (Black) a Dark Elven longpike (Humming) (Red) the Runed Hammer of Bashing <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) everyone alright?' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'hrm' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'i didnt' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> You are using: <used as light> (Blue Aura) (Glowing) (Black) Valor, Will of a [Valiant] <worn on finger> (Glowing) Purity, Call of a [Valiant] (Ruined) <worn on finger> (Glowing) Purity, Call of a [Valiant] (Battered) <worn around neck> (Glowing) medallion of the stars (Ruined) <worn around neck> (Glowing) medallion of the stars (Damaged) <worn on torso> (Glowing) Aegis, Heart of a [Valiant] (Damaged) <worn on head> (Humming) a Helm of heavenly might (Ruined) <worn on legs> (Glowing) (Shimmering)Legplates of Demonic Forging (Ruined) <worn on feet> (Glowing) boots of the north (Battered) <worn on hands> Demonic Claws of Devastation (Ruined) <worn on arms> (Humming) Celestial sleeves of illumination (Battered) <worn as shield> (Red Aura) (Black) (Humming) a serpent-crested kite shield (Battered) <worn about body> a magical cloak of barrier protection (Battered) <worn about waist> (Black) (Humming) Elan, Mettle of a [Valiant] (Ruined) <worn around wrist> (Glowing) a galvorn enchanted bracer (Damaged) <worn around wrist> (Glowing) a galvorn enchanted bracer (Ruined) <wielded> a slaen spine spear <held> (Glowing) Unity, Code of a [Valiant] (Battered) <floating nearby> (Glowing) (Humming) Safeguard, Charge of a [Valiant] (Damaged) <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Domokun nods. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Someone bellows 'you know, i'd be so much closer to duke now' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Count Demon bellows 'holy fucking shit' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) man that was some whorage' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Flux gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Flux quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. Duke Ben bellows 'grin' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) that was like uh ownage?' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizuguburuhl'. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Domokun bellows ' holy shit' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'oculoinfra pueoculoi'. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Domokun bellows ' um=good lvling zone' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben bellows 'trunks almost died' Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben bellows 'so hush' <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = = ==O =# =##== === =@ # *= X The Mother Matrons War Room [Exits: east] The corpse of Baron Frang is lying here. (77) a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Bender is lying here. The corpse of Baron Kilmer is lying here. The torn-out heart of the Baron Kilmer is lying here. The corpse of Baron Azore is lying here. The sliced-off arm of the Baron Azore is lying here. The corpse of Baroness Colik is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drowg is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drake is lying here. The splattered brains of the Baron Drake are lying here. The corpse of Count Simon is lying here. (Glowing) (Humming) A lodestone lies here. The corpse of Baron Ghash is lying here. The sliced-off leg of the Baron Ghash is lying here. The Coffins of Undermountain are here, for use of only the powerful. A fountain of blood gurgles here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Duke Ben drops the corpse of Baron Archangel. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Duke Ben drops the corpse of Count Simon. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 252-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> (Advice: Use 'finger' to find out information about a player. ) You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = = ==O =# =##== === =@ # *= X The Mother Matrons War Room [Exits: east] ( 2) The corpse of Count Simon is lying here. The corpse of Baron Archangel is lying here. The corpse of Baron Frang is lying here. (27) a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Bender is lying here. The corpse of Baron Kilmer is lying here. The torn-out heart of the Baron Kilmer is lying here. The corpse of Baron Azore is lying here. The sliced-off arm of the Baron Azore is lying here. The corpse of Baroness Colik is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drowg is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drake is lying here. The splattered brains of the Baron Drake are lying here. (Glowing) (Humming) A lodestone lies here. The corpse of Baron Ghash is lying here. The sliced-off leg of the Baron Ghash is lying here. The Coffins of Undermountain are here, for use of only the powerful. A fountain of blood gurgles here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Duke Ben drops a ball of darkness. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (E)> Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Domokun splits 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of wall of force to AoW. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'. Count Zaltais has created a scrumptous mushroom. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Duke Ben stops using a staff of destruction. Duke Ben holds Tome of the Archmagus in his hand. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NSW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] The corpse of Baron Nacreeb is lying here. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NES)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> Count Zaltais eats a Magic Mushroom. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'check corpses in there its in one of em i think' <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] ( 2) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Dregg* is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ED)> *Baron Dregg* leaves east. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ED)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] ( 2) a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Otaku chants. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Domokun nods. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] a puddle of blood. A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. Count Demon bellows '17 people' Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] a puddle of blood. A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] ( 2) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baroness Wellsy* is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) north' <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [58] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [66] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baroness Wellsy*! [185] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. *Baroness Wellsy* is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [157] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [141] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [151] *Baroness Wellsy* is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear *Baroness Wellsy*'s death cry. Baron Domokun splits 9 silver coins. Your share is 1 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of *Baroness Wellsy* to AoW. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> I see no cor here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Duke Ben sighs. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) dregg gone' <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] a puddle of blood. A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] ( 2) a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] ( 2) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ED)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ED)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ED)> Baron Flux leaves down. Baron Otaku leaves down. Count Zaltais leaves down. You follow Duke Ben down. ##*## ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south up] The corpse of Baron Ruadh is lying here. The corpse of Baron Handle is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Baroness Wellsy* is here. *Baroness Wellsy* is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Otaku chants. <5742-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baroness Wellsy*! [216] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. *Baroness Wellsy* is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baroness Wellsy*! [180] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast misses *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [150] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baroness Wellsy*! [177] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [129] *Baroness Wellsy* is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear *Baroness Wellsy*'s death cry. You get 9 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 9 silver coins. Your share is 4 silver. <5746-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5746-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> You get 543 silver coins and 829 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Ruadh. You split 543 silver coins. Your share is 93 silver. You split 829 gold coins. Your share is 139 gold. <5746-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5746-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5746-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5746-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Duke Ben bursts into tears. <5746-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5746-5742hp: 253-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> (Advice: At lvl 50 you can remort an become a more powerful race. help 'remort' ) You are hungry. The white aura around your body fades. <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [SANCTUARY OUT!]' <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Flux tells the group 'SANC IS OUT MOTHER FUCKERS' <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> You tell the group '[Reanis] Lets blow this thing and go home' Baron Domokun hops around like a little kid. <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Flux tells the group 'he's not here' <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sancs' <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Duke Ben humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'Sanct out' <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ###SANC### ##Out!##' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Count Zaltais is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Duke Ben chants. <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Domokun is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 254-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] is carried by *Baroness Wellsy* Safeguard, Charge of a [Valiant] is carried by Baron Reanis Purity, Call of a [Valiant] is carried by Baron Reanis Purity, Call of a [Valiant] is carried by Baron Reanis Unity, Code of a [Valiant] is carried by Baron Reanis Valor, Will of a [Valiant] is carried by Baron Reanis Aegis, Heart of a [Valiant] is carried by Baron Reanis Elan, Mettle of a [Valiant] is carried by Baron Reanis <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. You are surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Flux is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> You tell the group '[Reanis] he is on' <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Duke Ben tells the group 'you do not want to fight UM peopel repop?' <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'. Count Zaltais's skin turns to stone. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (SU)> Baron Domokun leaves up. You follow Duke Ben up. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ED)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ED)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. You tell the group '[Reanis] sure I do' <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ED)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] ( 2) a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] a puddle of blood. A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Duke Ben peers intently west. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) indee' <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Otaku chants. Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] ( 2) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the down exit. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESD)> Duke Ben peers intently south. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESD)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = === = ==O = *##= === = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NS)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NS)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = === = ==O = =##= ==* = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north west] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NW)> Duke Ben peers intently west. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NW)> Baron Otaku chants. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = == = ==O = =## =*= # Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A misshappen creature lurks in the shadows here, covered by a large cloak the color of wet ash. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'hell i got a lvl lets keep this shit up :P' <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] I just had to put in some kind of quite' Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> A Reaver yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Duke Ben frowns. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> A Reaver's whip maims Baron Domokun. [47] Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [111] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [115] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [74] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [122] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [39] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [39] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. <5756-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You tell the group '[Reanis] *quote' <5756-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Count Zaltais blocks a Reaver's attack with a shield. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5756-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. Baron Domokun beams broadly at nothing in particular. <5756-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5756-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 84% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [49] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates a Reaver. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting mauls a Reaver. [30] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [19] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice injures a Reaver. [15] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [97] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [102] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [97] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice injures a Reaver. [17] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice injures a Reaver. [17] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5765-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 68% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5765-5742hp: 234-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 68% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5765-5742hp: 328-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 68% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5765-5742hp: 328-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 68% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5765-5742hp: 328-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 68% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5765-5742hp: 328-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 68% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce maims a Reaver. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce maims a Reaver. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice injures a Reaver. [16] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice injures a Reaver. [15] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [81] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [79] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [108] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [117] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice injures a Reaver. [17] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice injures a Reaver. [16] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice injures a Reaver. [18] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5772-5742hp: 328-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 55% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) bastards i hate them :?' (Advice: Turn color on or off by typing 'color'. ) You are hungry. You can quit now. <5742-5742hp: 328-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 55% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 328-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 55% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You block a Reaver's attack with your shield. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 55% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 55% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [43] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates a Reaver. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [41] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce maims a Reaver. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice injures a Reaver. [17] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice injures a Reaver. [15] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [81] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [61] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast MASSACRES a Reaver! [133] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [57] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [97] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice injures a Reaver. [18] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice injures a Reaver. [15] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5754-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5754-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben bellows 'wellsy came out that way?' <5754-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5754-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux tells the group 'NO QUIT IS OUT' <5754-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Reaver's whip maims Baron Flux. [49] Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5754-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 40% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You tell the group '[Reanis] [NOQUIT OFF!]' Baron Flux's pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Reaver. [35] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Reaver. [37] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice injures a Reaver. [16] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [21] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [95] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [91] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [102] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice injures a Reaver. [17] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice injures a Reaver. [17] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [19] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. A Reaver turns blue and shivers. <5758-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 26% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) No Quit out...!' <5758-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 26% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5758-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 26% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben chants. <5758-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 26% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [43] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice injures a Reaver. [16] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice injures a Reaver. [18] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [64] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [112] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice injures a Reaver. [15] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5771-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 13% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5771-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 13% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku gets a barrel of root beer from a frost covered basket . <5771-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 13% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku drinks water from a barrel of root beer. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5771-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 13% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku drinks water from a barrel of root beer. <5771-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 13% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [47] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [39] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice hits a Reaver. [12] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [19] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [90] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [81] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [108] A Reaver is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Reaver's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 148 silver coins from the corpse of a Reaver. Baron Domokun splits 148 silver coins. Your share is 24 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Reaver to AoW. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Otaku puts a barrel of root beer in a frost covered basket . Duke Ben tells the group 'null it' <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Duke Ben chants. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> = == = ==O = =## =*= # Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] A wall of force blocks the west exit. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = === = ==O = =##= ==* = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north west] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'or that' <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'coiling it' Duke Ben scans around. Baron Domokun scans around. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = === = ==O = *##= === = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NS)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NS)> Baron Flux tells the group 'need mana' <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NS)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NS)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NS)> Baron Otaku chants. Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the down exit. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESD)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Otaku chants. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'right' <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Bilalo* is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Handle* is here. (Red Aura) *Baroness Wellsy* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the down exit. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (ED)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW) > Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'hahahaha' They aren't here. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5786-5742hp: 322-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> They aren't here. (Advice: Gossip is used in Tier, bellow is used in Kael, snarl is used in Undermountain, and inform is used in Cairn. ) You are hungry. You feel yourself slow down. <5742-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Haste out!' They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> Baron Flux tells the group 'whore em' You tell the group '[Reanis] [HASTE OUT!]' Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. *Baron Colik* has arrived. *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. *Baron Handle* has arrived. Baron Flux tells the group 'HASTE IS OUT' You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5742-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 91% (NE)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle* scans around. <5742-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 91% (NE)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Baron Colik* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5742-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 91% (NE)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [15] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. *Baron Colik*'s punch MUTILATES you. [66] Your pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [173] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [99] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS *Baroness Wellsy*! [110] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baroness Wellsy* leaves north. *Baron Handle* leaves north. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! <5670-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'candusyrzqh'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a reflective barrier. <5670-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> Baron Flux sends *Baron Colik* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5670-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Bilalo* turns deathly white. <5670-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5670-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5670-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. *Baron Bilalo* devastates you. [43] You feel Revenge drawing your life away. Revenge sears your flesh. The cold touch of Revenge surrounds you with ice. *Baron Bilalo* maims you. [48] You feel Revenge drawing your life away. Revenge sears your flesh. The cold touch of Revenge surrounds you with ice. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Flux's sting decimates *Baron Colik*. [38] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [122] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [123] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [65] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'get wellsy' <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Colik* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle* has arrived. You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Bilalo*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Bilalo* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-65 0mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle* leaves north. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. They aren't here. <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5577-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [no one: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* leaves north. They aren't here. *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES you. [54] You feel Revenge drawing your life away. Revenge sears your flesh. The cold touch of Revenge surrounds you with ice. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Bilalo* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 (NE)> They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* struggles! They aren't here. <5518-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 98% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'nm' Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [196] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux falls flat on his face. They aren't here. <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Bilalo*, but fails. <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'fight the ones we have' <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5522-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 90% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Frang* has arrived. *Baron Bilalo* struggles! They aren't here. *Baron Bilalo* decimates you. [31] You feel Revenge drawing your life away. Revenge sears your flesh. The cold touch of Revenge surrounds you with ice. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [135] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5488-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 87% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5488-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 87% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5488-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 87% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Frang* leaves east. They aren't here. <5488-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 87% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Otaku's heal *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [199] *Baron Bilalo* shrieks! <5488-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 82% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Bilalo*, but fails. <5488-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 82% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5488-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 82% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5488-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 82% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5488-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 82% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben peers intently north. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! *Baron Bilalo* decimates you. [38] You feel Revenge drawing your life away. Revenge sears your flesh. The cold touch of Revenge surrounds you with ice. <5446-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 82% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5446-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 82% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Duke Ben humms quietly. <5446-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 82% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5446-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 82% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Otaku's heal *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [194] *Baron Bilalo* shrieks! They aren't here. <5446-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 77% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) haste me ben' <5446-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 77% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) haste me ben' <5446-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 77% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5446-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 77% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun's kick MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [68] *Baron Bilalo* decimates you. [32] You feel Revenge drawing your life away. Revenge sears your flesh. The cold touch of Revenge surrounds you with ice. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 76% (NE) > [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 76% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' cackle' Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 76% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Domokun is moving more quickly. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 76% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 76% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 76% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [77] <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 74% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* struggles! <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 74% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 74% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Bilalo*! [101] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baron Bilalo*. [39] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts ] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. You feel yourself moving more quickly. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Frang* has arrived. They aren't here. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Frang* leaves north. They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Bilalo*, but fails. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5411-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 71% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. *Baron Bilalo* maims you. [50] You feel Revenge drawing your life away. Revenge sears your flesh. The cold touch of Revenge surrounds you with ice. *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES you. [52] You feel Revenge drawing your life away. Revenge sears your flesh. The cold touch of Revenge surrounds you with ice. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [163] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Bilalo*! [260] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. *Baron Bilalo* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. <5305-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 61% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5305-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 61% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5305-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 61% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5305-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 61% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Flux is moving more quickly. <5305-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 61% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* struggles! They aren't here. <5305-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 61% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES Baron Flux. [51] Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) tip' <5305-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 61% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Bilalo*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Bilalo*! [120] *Baron Bilalo* maims you. [46] You feel Revenge drawing your life away. Revenge sears your flesh. The cold touch of Revenge surrounds you with ice. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [214] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5255-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 51% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Bilalo*, but fails. <5255-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 51% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! <5255-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 51% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5255-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 51% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5255-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 51% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5255-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 51% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Count Zaltais is moving more quickly. <5255-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 51% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. (Advice: Chapter 4 will be opening soon, introducing many new classes and features. ) You are hungry. <5258-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 52% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5258-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 52% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* struggles! They aren't here. <5258-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 52% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. *Baron Bilalo* MUTILATES you. [58] You feel Revenge drawing your life away. Revenge sears your flesh. The cold touch of Revenge surrounds you with ice. <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 52% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Yo u: Scratches] They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Bilalo*! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Bilalo*! [232] <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 46% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun disarms *Baron Bilalo*! <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 47% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 47% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 47% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Bilalo*'s punch mauls Baron Otaku. [29] Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 47% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 47% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Otaku is moving more quickly. <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 47% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 47% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 47% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5195-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 47% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [160] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [128] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baron Bilalo* is blinded by smoke! Count Zaltais's slice devastates *Baron Bilalo*. [40] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* turns blue and shivers. Count Zaltais's slice devastates *Baron Bilalo*. [44] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. <5199-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 27% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5199-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 27% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5199-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 27% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5199-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 27% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Bilalo*! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Bilalo*! [226] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5199-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 22% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux gets Revenge. They aren't here. <5199-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 22% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5199-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 22% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5199-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 22% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Otaku's heal *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [199] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Bilalo* shrieks! They aren't here. <5199-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-900 Enemy: 17% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* struggles! They aren't here. *Baron Bilalo*'s punch wounds you. [23] *Baron Bilalo*'s punch wounds you. [23] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [143] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baron Bilalo*. [31] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Bilalo* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [155] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [187] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Bilalo* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Bilalo*! [207] *Baron Bilalo* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Bilalo* to your trophy. You receive 33 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Bilalo* at Dark Tunnel. You hear *Baron Bilalo*'s death cry. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NE)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NE)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NE)> You get 33 silver coins and 2 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Bilalo. You split 33 silver coins. Your share is 8 silver. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NE)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NE)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NE)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NE)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. Count Zaltais tells the group '20 XP' <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NE)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* leaves north. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] a puddle of blood. A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. You hear something's death cry. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> Baron Domokun faints. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] ( 2) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] a puddle of blood. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the down exit. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESD)> Baron Otaku scans around. Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = === = ==O = *##= === = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Frang* is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. Baron Domokun scans around. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> They aren't here. <5157-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Frang*! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Frang*! [103] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Frang*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Frang*! [246] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Frang* leaves north. *Baron Frang* has fled! <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' this funny' <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] ( 2) a puddle of blood. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the down exit. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESD)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESD)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] ( 3) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESW) > They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] ( 2) a puddle of blood. A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: E XP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 ( NESW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' u guys pwning all shit' <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> Baron Flux leaves down. Baron Otaku leaves down. Count Zaltais leaves down. You follow Duke Ben down. ##*## ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south up] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. The corpse of Baron Ruadh is lying here. The corpse of Baron Handle is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Kilmer* is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> *Baron Kilmer* leaves south. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> Baron Otaku scans around. Duke Ben tells the group 'isgh' <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) south' <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (SU)> Baron Flux scans around. They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves up. You follow Duke Ben up. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. <5159-5742hp: 323-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> Baron Domokun scans around. (Advice: You can use your raises before remort, but it's advised that you save your trains. ) You are hungry. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais tells the group 'lots of them 1s' <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> Duke Ben tells the group 'want wells' <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (ED)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> Duke Ben peers intently north. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> Baron Domokun blinks innocently. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # * # ==== ==O =# =##== Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (NS)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. * = # ==== ==O =# The Bleeding Hall [Exits: south] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Frang* is here. (White Aura) A large mass of brain tissue is seemingly resting here, it must be the Oracle. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate of the mother is here. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate of the Mother is here. A cerebrate is here. The Ultimate Being is here guarding the cerebrates. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (S)> Baron Flux peers intently south. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (S)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-867 (S)> *Baron Frang*'s cleave DISEMBOWELS Duke Ben. [78] Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Frang*! [278] *Baron Frang* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Frang* 2 times. You receive 45 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Frang* at The Bleeding Hall. You hear *Baron Frang*'s death cry. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (S)> You get 157 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Frang. You split 157 silver coins. Your share is 27 silver. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (S)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Count Zaltais tells the group '19 XP' <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (S)> Baron Domokun beams broadly at nothing in particular. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (S)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # * # ==== ==O =# =##== Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NS)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NESW)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NESW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NESW)> Baron Domokun bellows ' how many finals have i gotten?' <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NESW)> Count Demon bellows '18' <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (ED)> #################################################################### # Name: Reanis Level: 51 Hits: ( 5164) 5742 # # Class: Knight Age: 20 Mana: ( 324) 1232 # # Race: storm giant Played: 61h Moves: ( 650) 650 # # Kingdom: Kael Warpts: 108 Clan: Valiant # #------------------------------------------------------------------# # Str: 25(25) Hit+118 Damage+110 Weight:488 /627 # # Int: 21(21) Saves:-81 Gold: 4086 Silver: 6323 # # Wis: 23(23) Trains:0 Pracs:132 Wimpy:0 # # Dex: 23(25) RaisePts:0 QPoints: 0 # # Con: 24(24) Exp:129178 NextLevelIn:822 # #------------------------------------------------------------------# # Items Carried: 65 Max Items: 121 # # Earned Interest Per Tick: Gold: 319 Silver: 21 # #------------------------------------------------------------------# # Enemies Killed: 92 Final Blows: 12 Warscore # # Barons and up killed: 74 Raids: 4 (personal) # # Killed by Players: 0 Warpoints: 108 108 # #################################################################### <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (ED)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (ED)> Duke Ben scans around. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (ED)> Count Demon bellows 'domokun what are you till count?' Baron Domokun bellows ' good lord' <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (ED)> Baron Flux leaves down. Baron Otaku leaves down. Count Zaltais leaves down. You follow Duke Ben down. ##*## ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south up] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. The corpse of Baron Ruadh is lying here. The corpse of Baron Handle is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (SU)> You bellow 'I've got 2' <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (SU)> Scanning: Baron Domokun is right here. Count Zaltais is right here. Baron Otaku is right here. Baron Flux is right here. Duke Ben is right here. south: *Baron Kilmer* is nearby. south: *Baroness Wellsy* is nearby. south: *Count Simon* is nearby. south: *Baron Drowg* is nearby. up: An Evil Wolf is nearby. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (SU)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ##### ##*## ###### ####### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east west] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Kilmer* is here. *Baroness Wellsy* is here. (Red Aura) (Silver Aura) *Count Simon* is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Drowg* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. Baron Domokun bellows ' 2k tnl' <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> They aren't here. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> Baron Flux sends *Baron Kilmer* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send it flying! <5164-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 99% (NEW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Drowg*'s slice decimates Baron Flux. [34] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Flux. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Kilmer*. [89] *Baron Kilmer* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Elf brains blackens and crisps! Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baroness Wellsy*! [178] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Your pierce misses *Baroness Wellsy*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [72] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* turns blue and shivers. <5172-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43 % (NEW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baroness Wellsy*! [236] <5172-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 11% (NEW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'decoy' <5172-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 11% (NEW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* has fled! <5172-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 11% (NEW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Demon bellows 'i hate you=P' <5172-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 11% (NEW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Kilmer*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [76] *Baron Drowg*'s slice mauls Baron Flux. [29] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Flux. *Baron Drowg*'s slice decimates Baron Flux. [31] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Flux. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Kilmer*. [78] *Baron Kilmer* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Kilmer*! [267] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. *Baron Kilmer* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Elf brains blackens and crisps! Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Kilmer*! [267] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. *Baron Kilmer* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baroness Wellsy*! [188] *Baroness Wellsy* is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear *Baroness Wellsy*'s death cry. You get 9 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 9 silver coins. Your share is 4 silver. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Kilmer*! [245] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. *Baron Kilmer* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast MANGLES *Baron Kilmer*! [168] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. *Baron Kilmer* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Kilmer*! [235] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. *Baron Kilmer* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. <5176-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* leaves east. *Baron Drowg* has fled! <5176-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Baron Kilmer* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5176-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Kilmer* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5176-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' <5176-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5176-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5176-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5176-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoqal'. <5176-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5176-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 43% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Kilmer*! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [124] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Kilmer*. [76] *Baron Kilmer* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Kilmer*! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Kilmer*! [218] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. *Baron Kilmer* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Kilmer*! [182] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Kilmer* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5180-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 22% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. <5180-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 22% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. <5180-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 22% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Baron Kilmer* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5180-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 22% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* has arrived. I see nothing in the cor. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Kilmer* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5180-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 22% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Kilmer*! Count Zaltais's torments *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Kilmer*! [225] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5180-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 16% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You : Scratches] *Baron Drowg* leaves north. I see nothing in the cor. <5180-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 16% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [112] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Kilmer*! [157] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Kilmer*! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Kilmer*! [241] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Kilmer* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice devastates *Baron Kilmer*. [43] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Kilmer*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Kilmer*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Kilmer* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. <5181-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 0% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. I see nothing in the cor. <5181-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 0% (NEW)> [*Baron Kilmer*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Kilmer* steps back! I see nothing in the cor. <5181-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 0% (NEW)> [no one: DYING] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. <5181-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 0% (NEW)> [no one: DYING] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. <5181-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 0% (NEW)> [no one: DYING] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. <5181-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 0% (NEW)> [no one: DYING] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. Count Demon bellows '1.3k off of a fucking raid=P' <5181-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 0% (NEW)> [no one: DYING] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. <5181-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 0% (NEW)> [no one: DYING] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. <5181-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 0% (NEW)> [no one: DYING] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. <5181-5742hp: 324-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 Enemy: 0% (NEW)> [no one: DYING] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. (Advice: Use 'wizlist' to see who is on our immortal staff! ) You are hungry. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> Baron Otaku scans around. I see nothing in the cor. Duke Ben scans around. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. Count Zaltais scans around. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ##### ###*# ###### ##### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north west] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-822 (NW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' I see no cor here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. Baron Domokun's kick DISMEMBERS *Baron Kilmer*! [105] *Baron Kilmer* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Kilmer* 4 times. You receive 41 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Kilmer* at A winding tunnel.. Someone's leg is sliced from his dead body. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NW)> Baron Otaku scans around. I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NW)> Baron Flux scans around. Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NW)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Count Zaltais tells the group '26 XP' <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'there :P' I see nothing in the cor. Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ##### ##*## ###### ####### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east west] (17) a puddle of blood. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. *Count Zaltais* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW )> Duke Ben scans around. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. Duke Ben humms quietly. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> I see nothing in the cor. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'what?' Baron Domokun scans around. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NEW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ##*## ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south up] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. The corpse of Baron Ruadh is lying here. The corpse of Baron Handle is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5184-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (SU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (SU)> Baron Domokun faints. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (SU)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (SU)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (SU)> Baron Flux tells the group 'was trying to kill him with bash :P' <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (SU)> Baron Otaku chants. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (SU)> Duke Ben tells the group 'oh' <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (SU)> Baron Flux tells the group 'he got away at 0%' Baron Domokun leaves up. You follow Duke Ben up. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ED)> Duke Ben scans around. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ED)> Duke Ben tells the group 'hush' <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ED)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] The corpse of Baron Bilalo is lying here. ( 6) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NE)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) (White Aura) *Baron Handle* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> *Baron Handle* leaves south. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> Duke Ben peers intently south. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> Baron Otaku chants. They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'isgh' <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> Duke Ben chants. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Nacreeb is lying here. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Count Zaltais peers intently south. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Flux peers intently south. Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] a puddle of blood. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Nacreeb is lying here. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Count Zaltais peers intently south. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Flux scans around. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5547-5742hp: 325-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> (Advice: We are very serious about picking proper names. Please choose an appropriate one, or a constable will change it later on. ) You are hungry. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'wall n' Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. Duke Ben rocks back and forth. Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Flux drinks water from a spring of dark water. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Flux drinks water from a spring of dark water. Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Count Simon Dark Tunnel' <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'wlal n' <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Drowg* is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived . Baron Flux has arrived. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = = ==O =# =##== === =@ # *= X The Mother Matrons War Room [Exits: east] (Black) A black ball absorbs the surrounding light. ( 2) The corpse of Count Simon is lying here. The corpse of Baron Archangel is lying here. The corpse of Baron Frang is lying here. The corpse of Baron Bender is lying here. The corpse of Baron Kilmer is lying here. The corpse of Baron Azore is lying here. The corpse of Baroness Colik is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drowg is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drake is lying here. (Glowing) (Humming) A lodestone lies here. The corpse of Baron Ghash is lying here. The Coffins of Undermountain are here, for use of only the powerful. A fountain of blood gurgles here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Rahoo* is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (E)> They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (E)> They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (E)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> *Baron Rahoo* has arrived. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = = ==O =# =##== === =@ # *= X The Mother Matrons War Room [Exits: east] (Black) A black ball absorbs the surrounding light. ( 2) The corpse of Count Simon is lying here. The corpse of Baron Archangel is lying here. The corpse of Baron Frang is lying here. The corpse of Baron Bender is lying here. The corpse of Baron Kilmer is lying here. The corpse of Baron Azore is lying here. The corpse of Baroness Colik is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drowg is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drake is lying here. (Glowing) (Humming) A lodestone lies here. The corpse of Baron Ghash is lying here. The Coffins of Undermountain are here, for use of only the powerful. A fountain of blood gurgles here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5551-5742hp : 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (E)> They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (E)> They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (E)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. < 5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> Baron Flux scans around. They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] The corpse of Baron Nacreeb is lying here. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Drowg* is here. A wall of force blocks the north exit. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais scans around. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> They aren't here. <5551-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 (NES)> They aren't here. *Baron Drowg*'s slice mauls Baron Domokun. [27] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Domokun. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [66] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [86] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. <5554-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 53% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5554-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 53% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Drowg* turns deathly white. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5554-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 53% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Count Zaltais's torments DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [95] <5554-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 51% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Drowg*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5554-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 51% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! <5554-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 51% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg*'s slice decimates Baron Domokun. [31] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Domokun. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Drowg*! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Your pierce misses *Baron Drowg*. <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 48% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 48% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 48% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Drowg* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 48% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [105] <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 45% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Drowg* and draw from their soul!! <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 45% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Narco bellows 'you boys still there?' <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 45% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg*'s slice wounds Baron Domokun. [23] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Domokun. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [68] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Some newbie blackens and crisps! <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 44% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'. <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 44% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 44% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux rescues Baron Domokun! <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 44% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Count Zaltais's torments DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [100] <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 41% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 41% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben bellows 'yes' <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 41% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'judicandus dies'. Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Duke Ben blocks *Baron Drowg*'s attack with a shield. Coils burst at *Baron Drowg* and draw from their soul!! <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 41% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Drowg*'s slice decimates Baron Otaku. [37] Coils burst at *Baron Drowg* and draw from their soul!! <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 41% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 41% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Drowg* and draw from their soul!! <5559-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 41% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [113] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [102] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Domokun's blast MASSACRES *Baron Drowg*! [135] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Drowg*. *Baron Drowg* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Some newbie blackens and crisps! Count Zaltais's slice decimates *Baron Drowg*. [33] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. <5560-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 29% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5560-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 29% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Drowg*'s slice hits Duke Ben. [11] Coils burst at *Baron Drowg* and draw from their soul!! <5560-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 29% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Drowg* and draw from their soul!! <5560-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 29% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [107] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [64] *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [107] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Drowg*. [24] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Drowg*! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Drowg*! [127] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice misses *Baron Drowg*. <5561-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 16% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Count Zaltais's torments *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Drowg*! [179] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5561-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 12% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Drowg* and draw from their soul!! <5561-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 12% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* says 'u guys r gay' <5561-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 12% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Drowg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5561-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 12% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Drowg* and draw from their soul!! <5561-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 12% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Drowg* and draw from their soul!! Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [94] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [58] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Drowg* is burned by the Whip of Turmoil s. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [89] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5561-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 6% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Count Zaltais's torments *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drowg*! [207] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5561-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 1% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] (Advice: If you need any help, your constables are marked as CON and HCN on the who list. ) You are hungry. Your rage ebbs. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 1% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* says 'and have small penis' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 1% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Drowg*'s slice decimates Baron Flux. [31] Spell Edge draws life from Baron Flux. Coils burst at *Baron Drowg* and draw from their soul!! You slam into *Baron Drowg*, and send him flying! <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-781 Enemy: 1% (NES)> [*Baron Drowg*: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Drowg*. [89] *Baron Drowg* is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided. A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Drowg*. *Baron Drowg* is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Drowg*. [72] *Baron Drowg* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Drowg* 3 times. You receive 44 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Flux has just killed *Baron Drowg* at The Tombs of Undermountain. You hear *Baron Drowg*'s death cry. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Baron Domokun exclaims 'gay like a fox!!' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Fly out!' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'yrl'. Baron Otaku's feet rise off the ground. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group '22 XP' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. Baron Domokun scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) colik north' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'yrl'. They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [FRENZY OUT!]' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> You can't take that. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Baron Domokun's kick MUTILATES wall of force. [53] <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Duke Ben yells ' just log for gods sake' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Wall of force's whip misses Baron Domokun. You hear wall of force's death cry. You hear something's death cry. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> They aren't here. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'heh' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. You hear something's death cry. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> You yell 'except wellsy' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) a something south' Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. Baron Domokun scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> *Count Simon* yells ' nod kael > UM' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> You yell 'he has to die' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Otaku peers intently south. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==O =# ##=* =@ #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NW)> Duke Ben peers intently north. Count Zaltais chants. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NW)> Baron Domokun yells ' i have a penis' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==O *# ##== =@ #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ===* ==O =# ##== =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NSW)> Baron Otaku scans around. Duke Ben peers intently west. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NSW)> *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* leaves north. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NSW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==*= ==O =# =##== == =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (EW)> Baron Otaku scans around. Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Baron Domokun peers intently west. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Duke Ben peers intently west. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Duke Ben scans around. Count Zaltais chants. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Domokun peers intently south. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Count Simon Drider Pit' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Colik Drider Pit' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Duke Ben tells the group ';)' <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Duke Ben scans around. Baron Domokun scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5565-5742hp: 326-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Domokun grins evilly. (Advice: Soon h0bbiez0r will be adding in two new classes, for your enjoyment. ) You are hungry. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'ahahahahh' <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> *Baron Rahoo* has arrived. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> *Baron Rahoo* leaves west. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> You yell 'skavens, tell wellsy that if he returns my restring, I might ask Ben to leave him alone' <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Rahoo* is here, fighting wall of force. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here, fighting wall of force. Wall of force is here, fighting *Baron Rahoo*. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Flux scans around. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5569-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Domokun sends *Baron Rahoo* sprawling with a powerful bash. *Baron Rahoo*'s pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [111] Wall of force is poisoned by the venom on a Dark Elven longpike. A Dark Elven longpike draws life from wall of force. *Baron Rahoo*'s pierce misses wall of force. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s punch misses wall of force. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Rahoo*! [249] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. *Baron Rahoo* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Rahoo*! [226] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. *Baron Rahoo* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Rahoo*! [119] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Rahoo*! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Rahoo*! [159] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Rahoo*! [153] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Rahoo*! [199] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 43% (ESD)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Baron Rahoo* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 43% (ESD)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Rahoo*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baron Rahoo*! [134] <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 40% (ESD)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Arisis The Graveyard' <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 40% (ESD)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Rahoo Dark Tunnel' You slam into *Baron Rahoo*, and send him flying! <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 40% (ESD)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Count Simon Drider Pit' Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 40% (ESD)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Colik Drider Pit' <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 40% (ESD)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Rahoo* turns deathly white. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 40% (ESD)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Rahoo*'s pierce MUTILATES wall of force. [54] A Dark Elven longpike draws life from wall of force. *Baron Rahoo*'s pierce DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [83] Wall of force is poisoned by the venom on a Dark Elven longpike. A Dark Elven longpike draws life from wall of force. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s punch misses wall of force. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Rahoo*! [113] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. *Baron Rahoo* leaves east. *Baron Rahoo* has fled! <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESD)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) <3794-3819hp 1440-2423mana 500-500mv 901tnl ESD > *Baron Rahoo* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Rahoo*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (ESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> *Baron Frang* appears in the room. They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Arisis* is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> *Baron Arisis* leaves west. *Baron Frang* has arrived. They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> *Baron Frang* leaves west. They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben leaves north. Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] a puddle of blood. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-65 0mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> *Baron Arisis* has arrived. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Arisis*! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Arisis*! [249] <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5578-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 (NESW)> They aren't here. *Baron Arisis*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Count Zaltais. [80] Count Zaltais blocks *Baron Arisis*'s attack with a shield. Count Zaltais's slice devastates *Baron Arisis*. [40] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Arisis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Arisis*. Count Zaltais's slice maims *Baron Arisis*. [45] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Arisis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Arisis*. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Arisis*! [232] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Arisis*. *Baron Arisis* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Arisis*! [203] *Baron Arisis* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast misses *Baron Arisis*. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Arisis*! [197] *Baron Arisis* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Arisis*! [283] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Arisis*. *Baron Arisis* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Arisis*! [191] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Arisis*! [165] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Arisis*! [160] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Arisis*! [165] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Arisis*! [153] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [145] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Arisis*. [85] *Baron Arisis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. *Baron Arisis* is blinded by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [139] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Arisis*. [90] *Baron Arisis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 29% (NESW)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 29% (NESW)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Arisis* and draw from their soul!! <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 29% (NESW)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Arisis* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 29% (NESW)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Arisis*, and send him flying! <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 28% (NESW)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Arisis*! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Arisis*! [238] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 22% (NESW)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* has arrived. Duke Ben leaves east. <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-737 Enemy: 22% (NESW)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [Count Zaltais: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Troll Berserker yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Ben found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [138] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Arisis*! [106] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Arisis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [139] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Arisis*. [85] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Arisis* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [143] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce misses *Baron Arisis*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Arisis*! [125] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baron Arisis*. [41] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Arisis* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice mauls *Baron Arisis*. [30] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Arisis* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Arisis*! [201] *Baron Arisis* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Arisis* to your trophy. You receive 46 experience points. FINAL BLOW bonus awarded to you! [NEWS]: Victory, Reanis has just killed *Baron Arisis* at Dark Tunnel. You hear *Baron Arisis*'s death cry. <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* says 'hi' <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [47] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [47] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [47] A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [47] <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5597-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais tells the group '28 XP' Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip maims Baron Domokun. [47] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip maims Baron Domokun. [47] Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [106] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [57] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [85] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [61] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [74] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting decimates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [37] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting decimates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [34] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. <5615-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 85% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. <5615-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 85% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5615-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 85% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5615-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 85% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5615-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 85% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5615-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 85% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Frang* has arrived. Count Demon bellows 'dude domokun' Duke Ben tells the group 'east pls' <5615-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 85% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Frang* leaves south. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5615-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 85% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux rescues Baron Domokun! <5615-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 85% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip maims Baron Flux. [47] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [44] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [42] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [21] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [89] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [117] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [61] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [102] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [72] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5636-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 75% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* says 'if repoped eh' <5636-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 75% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] repop' <5636-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 75% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* scans around. <5636-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 75% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* leaves west. <5636-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 75% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [44] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [46] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Otaku's slice injures a Skeleton Warrior. [16] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice injures a Skeleton Warrior. [16] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce misses Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [122] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [78] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [112] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [65] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [128] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5644-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 69% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <5644-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 69% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' <5644-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 69% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux tells the group 'guard repop' <5644-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 69% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] (Advice: Type 'penter' to enable a new feature that shows when kingdommates login. ) You are hungry. The white aura around your body fades. <5646-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 70% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] [SANCTUARY OUT!]' <5646-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 70% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux tells the group 'SANC IS OUT MOTHER FUCKERS' Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [95] A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [67] A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [67] A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [67] A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [67] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [43] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting decimates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [34] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [33] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [34] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [81] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [73] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [67] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5659-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 61% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Demon bellows '12 out of like 21' <5659-5742hp: 327-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 61% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip DISEMBOWELS you. [97] Coils burst at Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden and draw from their soul!! <5562-5742hp: 421-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 61% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group 'Sanct out' <5562-5742hp: 421-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 61% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5562-5742hp: 421-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 61% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [95] A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [94] A Drider has arrived. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [42] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [48] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [27] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [34] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [82] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [85] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [73] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [113] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [76] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [81] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5574-5742hp: 421-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 53% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' <5574-5742hp: 421-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 53% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. Count Zaltais's eyes glow red. <5574-5742hp: 421-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 53% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Coils burst at Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden and draw from their soul!! <5574-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 53% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ###SANC### ##Out!##' <5574-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 53% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux tells the group 'gah' Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) rescue' <5574-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 53% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) rescue' <5574-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 53% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Drider has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [94] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [94] A Drider has arrived. A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [67] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [42] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [42] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [37] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [39] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Your pierce misses Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [77] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [92] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [70] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [117] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [64] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [102] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [122] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5578-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 47% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'I kill it myself' <5578-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 47% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You hear something's death cry. <5578-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 47% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' <5578-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 47% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Drider has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [94] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [94] A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [67] A Drider has arrived. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [44] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting decimates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [37] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [25] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [42] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [112] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [78] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [97] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [81] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [86] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5584-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 40% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You rescue Baron Otaku! <5584-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 40% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Ben found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' A Drider's whip MUTILATES Duke Ben. [52] A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Ben found, kill them at Dark Tunnel.' Duke Ben blocks a Drider's attack with a shield. <5584-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 40% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a white aura. Duke Ben tells the group 'sancs' <5584-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 40% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [67] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS you. [97] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [49] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting decimates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [37] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce misses Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Drider. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Drider. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [117] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [81] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [113] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [63] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [112] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5493-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 33% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais stops using something. Count Zaltais holds a staff of destruction in his hand. <5493-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 33% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] That person is not fighting right now. <5493-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 33% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a white aura. <5493-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 33% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [67] Duke Ben blocks a Drider's attack with a shield. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [42] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [43] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Drider. [26] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [92] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [63] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [101] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [60] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [86] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [81] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5506-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 24% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's body vanishes. <5506-5742hp: 515-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 24% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You utter a word of divine power. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. Duke Ben already has divine favor. A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [99] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [122] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [106] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [115] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [105] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [85] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [95] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [102] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [101] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [102] Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [112] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [102] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [105] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [122] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [176] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [111] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEVASTATES *** Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [223] Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes! Baron Domokun already has divine favor. You feel full more powerful. You are filled with holy wrath! You are already blessed. Count Zaltais gets a wild look in his eyes! Count Zaltais already has divine favor. Baron Otaku gets a wild look in his eyes! Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Baron Flux gets a wild look in his eyes! Baron Flux already has divine favor. You feel drained. Count Zaltais brandishes a staff of destruction. ...and nothing happens. <5506-5742hp: 445-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 21% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'sanc me pls' <5506-5742hp: 445-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 21% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Flux is surrounded by a white aura. <5506-5742hp: 445-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 21% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'resanc' <5506-5742hp: 445-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 21% (NESW)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [272] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [299] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [282] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [294] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [258] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [270] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [310] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [324] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [328] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [276] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [296] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [309] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [320] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [298] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [603] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [303] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [642] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [90] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [64] Duke Ben blocks a Drider's attack with a shield. A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [64] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [80] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [104] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MASSACRES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [129] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's arm is sliced from his dead body. You get 52 silver coins from the corpse of Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. You split 52 silver coins. Your share is 12 silver. You get 141 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 141 silver coins. Your share is 26 silver. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Drider. [25] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Duke Ben's slice decimates a Drider. [32] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Drider. [53] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting maims a Drider. [48] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [106] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [73] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [84] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [66] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [111] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5517-5742hp: 445-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 51% (NESW)> [a Drider: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] [FRENZY ON!]' <5517-5742hp: 445-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 51% (NESW)> [a Drider: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <5517-5742hp: 445-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 51% (NESW)> [a Drider: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5517-5742hp: 445-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 51% (NESW)> [a Drider: Nasty Wounds] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You utter a word of divine power. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. Duke Ben already has divine favor. A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [108] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [104] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [111] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [97] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [104] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [103] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [101] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [99] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [92] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [101] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [100] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [91] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [100] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [100] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [194] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [95] Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You are already blessed. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. You feel drained. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Count Zaltais is surrounded by a white aura. <5517-5742hp: 375-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 46% (NESW)> [a Drider: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku gets a staff of destruction from a frost covered basket . <5517-5742hp: 375-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 46% (NESW)> [a Drider: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku stops using a staff of destruction. Baron Otaku holds a staff of destruction in his hand. <5517-5742hp: 375-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 46% (NESW)> [a Drider: Bleeding] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [64] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [90] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS you. [93] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS you. [93] Duke Ben blocks a Drider's attack with a shield. A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [64] A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [64] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting maims a Drider. [50] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting maims a Drider. [48] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Drider. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [125] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [80] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [66] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [120] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5344-5742hp: 375-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 21% (NESW)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [282] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Drider! [232] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [280] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [323] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [281] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [280] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [286] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Drider! [246] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Drider! [245] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [295] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [293] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [332] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [260] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [303] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [546] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [270] <5344-5742hp: 375-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 11% (NESW)> [a Drider: Almost Dead] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku brandishes a staff of destruction. Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [317] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [304] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's arm is sliced from her dead body. Baron Otaku gets 20 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Baron Otaku splits 20 silver coins. Your share is 3 silver. Baron Otaku splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Otaku sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [299] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [295] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo *** DEVASTATES *** a Drider! [221] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [263] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [299] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [294] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [328] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [328] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [329] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [328] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Drider! [352] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [292] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [582] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [300] <5344-5742hp: 375-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Domokun is surrounded by a white aura. <5344-5742hp: 375-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> You utter a word of divine power. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. Duke Ben already has divine favor. A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [86] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [100] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [97] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [113] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [93] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [102] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [93] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [86] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [110] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [112] Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [95] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [103] A Drider looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISMEMBERS a Drider! [117] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [199] A Skeleton Warrior looks very uncomfortable. Your divine wrath DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [92] Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You are already blessed. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. You feel drained. A Drider's whip decimates Baron Domokun. [31] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS you. [93] A Drider's whip decimates Baron Domokun. [31] Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Drider. [23] A Drider is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Drider. [23] A Drider is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Drider. [36] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting maims a Drider. [50] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Duke Ben's slice decimates a Drider. [31] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Drider. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's blast misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [81] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [122] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [73] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5265-5742hp: 305-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 21% (NESW)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [287] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [299] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [304] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [260] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [302] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [293] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [284] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [276] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [299] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [302] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [285] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Drider! [237] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [278] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [591] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [305] Duke Ben's a staff of destruction blazes bright and is gone. <5265-5742hp: 305-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 9% (NESW)> [a Drider: DYING] [Duke Ben: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku brandishes a staff of destruction. Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [270] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider spills his guts all over the floor. Baron Otaku gets 66 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Baron Otaku splits 66 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. Baron Otaku splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Otaku sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [310] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [298] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [347] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [276] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo MASSACRES a Drider! [142] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [272] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [297] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [321] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [288] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [289] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [295] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo MANGLES a Drider! [164] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [578] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [263] <5265-5742hp: 305-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS you. [93] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Drider. [25] A Drider is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Drider. [25] A Drider is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Drider. [37] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Drider. [37] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [166] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [96] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [73] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [78] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [116] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5193-5742hp: 305-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 39% (NESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS you. [93] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS you. [93] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. You are surrounded by a white aura. <5007-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 39% (NESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* has arrived. <5007-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 39% (NESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben holds a staff of destruction in his hand. <5007-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 39% (NESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux rescues Baron Domokun! <5007-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 39% (NESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [298] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 71 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 71 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [310] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [295] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [325] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [297] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [280] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [281] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [297] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [260] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [299] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [282] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [ 298] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [587] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [321] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skeleton Warrior's death cry. Duke Ben gets 31 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben splits 31 silver coins. Your share is 5 silver. Duke Ben splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. <5007-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 31% (NESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku brandishes a staff of destruction. Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [288] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [273] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [272] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [297] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [309] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [278] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [263] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [289] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [320] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [293] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [307] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [618] Baron Otaku's a staff of destruction blazes bright and is gone. <5007-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 22% (NESW)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] A Troll Berserker has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims you. [46] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims you. [46] Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Drider. [24] A Drider is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. A Drider is blinded by smoke! Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Drider. [25] A Drider is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [65] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Baron Flux gets 95 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Baron Flux splits 95 silver coins. Your share is 15 silver. Baron Flux splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [223] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [133] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [222] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [89] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [80] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [99] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [80] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [120] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Skeleton Warrior's arm is sliced from its dead body. Baron Flux gets 1 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. <4927-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. <4927-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4927-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> *Baron Bilalo* leaves east. At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <4927-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Cast the spell on whom? <4927-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [459] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [330] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 122 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 122 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [317] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider spills his guts all over the floor. Duke Ben gets 36 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [328] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 43 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 43 silver coins. Your share is 7 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [275] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 66 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 66 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [259] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider spills his guts all over the floor. Duke Ben gets 73 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 73 silver coins. Your share is 12 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [304] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's severed head plops on the ground. Duke Ben gets 18 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 18 silver coins. Your share is 3 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [326] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 64 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 64 silver coins. Your share is 10 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo MANGLES a Drider! [158] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's arm is sliced from her dead body. Duke Ben gets 60 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 60 silver coins. Your share is 10 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [283] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 86 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 86 silver coins. Your share is 14 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Drider! [250] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's arm is sliced from her dead body. Duke Ben gets a gold coin from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. <4927-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4927-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> *Baron Rahoo* has arrived. Baron Domokun sends a Troll Berserker sprawling with a powerful bash. <4927-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <4927-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4927-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> You get the head of a Drider. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain*. [56] *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* is DEAD!! Adding *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* to your trophy. You receive 0 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Ben has just killed *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* at Dark Tunnel. *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* splatters blood on your armor. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Troll Berserker! [210] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [126] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a Troll Berserker! [178] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Troll Berserker! [162] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MANGLES a Troll Berserker! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Troll Berserker! [177] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Your pierce MANGLES a Troll Berserker! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Troll Berserker! [177] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Your pierce MANGLES a Troll Berserker! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [108] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Troll Berserker. [87] A Troll Berserker is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. A Troll Berserker is blinde d by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [121] A Troll Berserker is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Troll Berserker's death cry. Baron Flux gets 66 silver coins from the corpse of a Troll Berserker. Baron Flux splits 66 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. Baron Flux splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of a Troll Berserker to AoW. <4944-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> You shrink the head of a Drider, using the forbidden, dark arts. <4944-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> *Baron Rahoo* leaves east. At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4944-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <4944-5742hp: 399-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> They aren't here. (Advice: Newbies can get the first levels in training areas in the town. ) You are hungry. <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* leaves south. <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Duke Ben stops using a staff of destruction. Duke Ben holds a staff of destruction in his hand. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> *Baron Rahoo* has arrived. Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> *Baron Rahoo* leaves south. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> They aren't here. <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> They aren't here. <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> They aren't here. <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'eh?' <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 400-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> You utter a word of divine power. Duke Ben is already in a frenzy. Duke Ben already has divine favor. Baron Domokun is already in a frenzy. Baron Domokun already has divine favor. You feel full more powerful. You are already in a frenzy. You feel righteous. Count Zaltais is already in a frenzy. Count Zaltais already has divine favor. Baron Otaku is already in a frenzy. Baron Otaku already has divine favor. Baron Flux is already in a frenzy. Baron Flux already has divine favor. You feel drained. <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'I see' <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) shit i lagged out' <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Duke Ben stops using a staff of destruction. Duke Ben holds Tome of the Archmagus in his hand. <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> You nod. Duke Ben scans around. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Scanning: Duke Ben is right here. Baron Domokun is right here. Count Zaltais is right here. Baron Otaku is right here. Baron Flux is right here. north: An Evil Wolf is nearby. west: an Ettin gate-guard is nearby. west: An Evil Wolf is nearby. <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Duke Ben chants. <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) i'm good now' <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] ( 3) The sliced-off arm of a Drider is lying here. ( 3) A steaming pile of a Drider's entrails is lying here. The sliced-off arm of a Skeleton Warrior is lying here. The sliced-off arm of Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is lying here. (15) a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Arisis is lying here. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] a puddle of blood. A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'right' <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Duke Ben peers intently west. Baron Domokun scans around. <4948-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <5323-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Baron Otaku chants. <5323-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5323-5742hp: 330-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESW)> You feel better! Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] a puddle of blood. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5560-5742hp: 310-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESD)> Duke Ben scans around. <5560-5742hp: 310-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESD)> Baron Domokun peers intently south. <5560-5742hp: 310-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESD)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5560-5742hp: 310-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESD)> You feel better! <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESD)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. Count Zaltais gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESW)> Count Zaltais quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESW)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESW)> Count Zaltais stops using a staff of destruction. Count Zaltais holds something in his hand. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] a puddle of blood. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESD)> *Baron Kenzojen* has arrived. *Baron Dregg* has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (ESD)> Baron Flux leaves down. Baron Otaku leaves down. Count Zaltais leaves down. You follow Duke Ben down. * Drider Pit [Exits: up] a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Rahoo* is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Frang* is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Colik* is here. (Red Aura) (Silver Aura) *Count Simon* is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (U)> *Baron Colik* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (U)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (U)> Baron Flux tells the group 'rahoo west on hunt' Baron Domokun sends *Baron Frang* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 (U)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. You slam into *Baron Rahoo*, and send him flying! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Rahoo*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Rahoo*! [117] <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 74% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baron Rahoo*'s kick misses wall of force. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 74% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux sends *Baron Rahoo* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5742-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 74% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baron Rahoo*'s pierce MUTILATES you. [62] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Rahoo*! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Rahoo*! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [52] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice misses *Baron Colik*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Rahoo*! [174] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Rahoo*! [173] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Rahoo*! [173] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Frang*! [208] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Frang*. *Baron Frang* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS *Baron Frang*! [125] *Baron Frang* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Frang*! [199] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Frang*. *Baron Frang* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Frang*! [132] *Baron Frang* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Rahoo*. [53] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Rahoo*. Count Zaltais's slice misses *Baron Rahoo*. <5691-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 57% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< wall of force! [269] *Baron Colik* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5691-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 61% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Rahoo*'s kick misses wall of force. <5691-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 61% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5691-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 61% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Colik* turns deathly white. <5691-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 61% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Rahoo*'s kick misses wall of force. <5691-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 61% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Frang* sprawling with a powerful bash. *Count Simon*'s blast injures wall of force. [18] *Count Simon*'s blast wounds wall of force. [21] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Rahoo*! [115] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Rahoo*! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Rahoo*! [173] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Frang*! [230] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Frang*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Frang* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Frang*! [176] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Frang* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Frang*! [126] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Frang* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Rahoo*. [52] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Rahoo*. <5700-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Rahoo*, and send him flying! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Rahoo* turns deathly white. <5700-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Nasty Wounds ] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Baron Rahoo* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5700-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< wall of force! [300] *Baron Colik* yells 'SIIEEE YUUKEN!!and stick their thumbs in wall of force's eyes! *Baron Colik*'s strike *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [200] <5700-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'keep wall up' <5700-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) <3819-3819hp 1660-2423mana 500-500mv 844tnl U Enemy: 98%> [*Baron Colik*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Baron Colik* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <5700-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Rahoo* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <5700-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Rahoo*'s pierce MUTILATES you. [54] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. *Baron Frang*'s punch decimates Baron Domokun. [38] *Count Simon*'s blast injures wall of force. [18] *Count Simon*'s blast injures wall of force. [16] Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Rahoo*! [155] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Rahoo*! [178] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Rahoo*! [197] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Frang*! [199] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Frang*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Frang* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. (Advice: Use 'map' to find your current location in the world. ) You are hungry. The gold in your vision disappears. <5657-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 39% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] *Baron Rahoo*'s kick misses you. <5657-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 39% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Rahoo*! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Rahoo*! [297] <5657-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 33% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* does sixteen flips and kicks wall of force in the nuts! *Baron Colik*'s strike MASSACRES wall of force! [150] <5657-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 33% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Rahoo*, and send him flying! Baron Domokun sends *Baron Frang* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5657-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 33% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< wall of force! [276] <5657-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 33% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] *Baron Rahoo*'s kick DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [93] Baron Flux sends *Baron Rahoo* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5657-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 33% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5657-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 33% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] Wall of force's whip misses *Baron Rahoo*. *Count Simon*'s blast wounds wall of force. [19] Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Rahoo*! [160] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce misses *Baron Rahoo*. <5661-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 30% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Rahoo*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baron Rahoo*! [128] <5661-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 28% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Rahoo*'s kick DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [97] <5661-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 28% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< wall of force! [277] *Baron Colik* jumps in the air screaming 'DAAEIEIAAUGH!!!' and punts wall of force's head across the room! *Baron Colik*'s strike does UNSPEAKABLE things to wall of force! [400] <5661-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 28% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Colik*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5661-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-691 Enemy: 28% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Rahoo*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS *Baron Frang*. [99] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Rahoo*'s pierce maims you. [50] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. *Baron Frang*'s punch maims Baron Domokun. [46] *Count Simon*'s blast injures wall of force. [17] Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Rahoo*! [112] *Baron Rahoo* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Rahoo*! [145] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Frang*! [220] *Baron Frang* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Frang* 3 times. You receive 47 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Frang* at Drider Pit. *Baron Frang*'s arm is sliced from his dead body. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Rahoo*. [57] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Rahoo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Rahoo*! [258] Blood flies everywhere!!! Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Rahoo* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5610-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-644 Enemy: 16% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Baron Rahoo* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! You slam into *Baron Rahoo*, and send him flying! <5610-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-644 Enemy: 16% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais gets 78 silver coins from the corpse of Baron Frang. Count Zaltais splits 78 silver coins. Your share is 13 silver. <5610-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-644 Enemy: 16% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] *Baron Rahoo*'s kick DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [89] Baron Domokun's kick DISMEMBERS *Baron Rahoo*! [111] Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais tells the group '24 XP' <5610-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-644 Enemy: 13% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5610-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-644 Enemy: 13% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< wall of force! [268] *Baron Colik* yells 'SIIEEE YUUKEN!!and stick their thumbs in wall of force's eyes! *Baron Colik*'s strike *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [200] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You hear wall of force's death cry. *Baron Colik* sacrifices the corpse of wall of force to AoW. <5610-5742hp: 290- 1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-644 Enemy: 13% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5610-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-644 Enemy: 13% (U)> [*Baron Rahoo*: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. *Baron Colik*'s punch MANGLES Baron Otaku! [158] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Rahoo*! [120] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Rahoo*! [133] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Rahoo*! [133] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce misses *Baron Rahoo*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Rahoo*! [149] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Rahoo*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Rahoo*! [213] *Baron Rahoo* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Rahoo* to your trophy. You receive 34 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Rahoo* at Drider Pit. *Baron Rahoo* hits the ground ... DEAD. <5611-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 (U)> They aren't here. <5611-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 (U)> They aren't here. <5611-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 (U)> They aren't here. A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Drider Pit.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Drider Pit.' <5611-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 (U)> You get 10 silver coins and 154 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Rahoo. You split 10 silver coins. Your share is 5 silver. You split 154 gold coins. Your share is 29 gold. <5611-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 (U)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5611-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 (U)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5611-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 (U)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [45] Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [54] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [51] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Colik*! [159] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [101] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Colik*! [170] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's blast MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [127] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [60] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [100] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [55] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [125] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [94] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5618-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 83% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. <5618-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 83% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Count Zaltais tells the group '16 XP' Someone bellows 'motherfucker' <5618-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 83% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Demon bellows '14' <5618-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 83% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <5618-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 83% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Someone bellows 'i hate you ben' <5618-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 83% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [45] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Domokun. [9] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [143] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Otaku's slice maims *Baron Colik*. [49] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Colik*! [160] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Colik*! [199] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [94] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [80] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [96] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [73] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [105] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5622-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 65% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* screams 'You die now!' He makes sushi out of wall of force's face! *Baron Colik*'s strike *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [200] You slam into *Baron Colik*, and send him flying! <5622-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 64% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben chants. <5622-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 64% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Colik*'s punch misses Baron Otaku. Coils burst at *Baron Colik* and draw from their soul!! <5622-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 64% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends a Skeleton Warrior sprawling with a powerful bash. <5622-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 64% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Baron Colik* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5622-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 64% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <5622-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 64% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [45] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [45] *Baron Colik*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [73] Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [104] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baron Colik*. [41] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Colik*! [187] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Colik*! [170] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [222] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [182] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5628-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik*'s strike misses wall of force. Duke Ben bellows 'eh?' <5628-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben bellows 'what?' <5628-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Colik*, and send him flying! <5628-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< wall of force! [262] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Colik*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [61] Coils burst at *Baron Colik* and draw from their soul!! <5628-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5628-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 50% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [64] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [148] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Flux's sting misses *Baron Colik*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Colik*! [153] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Otaku's slice misses *Baron Colik*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Colik*! [182] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Colik*! [164] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Colik*! [180] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Colik*! [158] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [178] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [153] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [118] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [255] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5644-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 21% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5644-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 21% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* teaches wall of force new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [100] <5644-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 21% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< wall of force! [280] <5644-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 21% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baron Colik*, and send him flying! A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [45] Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [114] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [130] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice maims *Baron Colik*. [50] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [56] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Colik*! [175] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Colik*! [198] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Colik*! [158] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's blast MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [169] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [222] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [177] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5653-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-610 Enemy: 1% (U)> [*Baron Colik*: DYING] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Colik*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [69] Coils burst at *Baron Colik* and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Colik*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [129] *Baron Colik* is DEAD!! Adding *Baron Colik* to your trophy. You receive 41 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Zaltais has just killed *Baron Colik* at Drider Pit. *Baron Colik*'s leg is sliced from his dead body. <5653-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5653-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Duke Ben chants. <5653-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> You hear wall of force's death cry. You hear something's death cry. *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Domokun. [11] Baron Domokun's blast MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [169] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [118] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [232] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [97] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [241] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [178] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [99] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [111] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [97] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoi ls. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. <5660-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '16 XP' <5660-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <5660-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5660-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. Duke Ben humms quietly. <5660-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Someone bellows 'i'm missing all this pk' <5660-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5660-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'wuiuai'. I see nothing in the cor. <5660-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5660-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [90] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [80] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [210] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [175] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [159] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [126] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [60] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <5672-5742hp: 290-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 5% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5672-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 5% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] A minion realizes you are a threat and attacks. Duke Ben blocks a minion's attack with a shield. <5672-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 5% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Ferami enters the kingdom. <5672-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 5% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben bellows 'grin' <5672-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 5% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <5672-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 5% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'wuiuai'. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <5672-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 5% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. A Skaven archer has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses Baron Domokun. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [97] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [107] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skeleton Warrior's death cry. Baron Flux gets 107 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux splits 107 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Flux splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [54] *Count Simon* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [61] *Count Simon* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. *Count Simon* is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Count Simon*! [212] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Count Simon*! [158] *Count Simon* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce *** DEVASTATES *** *Count Simon*! [215] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce *** DEVASTATES *** *Count Simon*! [202] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Count Simon*! [176] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [59] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <5677-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 58% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5677-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 58% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Count Simon*, and send him flying! <5677-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 58% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] A Skaven archer yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Drider Pit.' (Advice: You can store excess equipment and money in storage boxes. ) You are hungry. <5681-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 58% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'wuiuai'. A minion tries to disarm Duke Ben, but fails. A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [45] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Domokun. [11] Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [64] *Count Simon* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. *Count Simon* is blinded by smoke! Baron Otaku's slice maims *Count Simon*. [47] *Count Simon* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce misses *Count Simon*. Your pierce MANGLES *Count Simon*! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Count Simon*! [201] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** *Count Simon*! [225] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice misses *Count Simon*. <5685-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 39% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <5685-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 39% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5685-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 39% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Count Simon*'s blast misses Count Zaltais. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! A minion realizes you are a threat and attacks. <5685-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 39% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5685-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 38% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5685-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 38% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Count Simon*, and send him flying! <5685-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 38% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! Baron Flux's sting misses *Count Simon*. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** *Count Simon*! [196] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [69] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [63] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. <5686-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 29% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Count Simon*! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Count Simon*! [274] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5686-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 21% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5686-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 21% (U)> [*Count Simon*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben humms quietly. Duke Ben blocks a minion's attack with a shield. A Skaven archer's whip decimates Baron Domokun. [31] A Skaven archer's whip decimates Baron Domokun. [31] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [45] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Domokun. [11] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Domokun. [11] Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Count Simon*! [152] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [108] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce *** DEVASTATES *** *Count Simon*! [216] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. <5687-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 8% (U)> [*Count Simon*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Count Simon*, but fails. <5687-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 8% (U)> [*Count Simon*: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* leaves up. *Count Simon* has fled! They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5687-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> A Skaven archer's whip decimates Baron Domokun. [31] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [45] Duke Ben's slice devastates a minion. [44] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Your pierce MASSACRES a minion! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from a minion. Your pierce MANGLES a minion! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from a minion. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a minion! [199] A slaen spine spear draws life from a minion. A minion is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a minion's death cry. You get 120 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 120 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skaven archer! [179] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skaven archer! [151] A Skaven archer is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Skaven archer! [207] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skaven archer! [154] A Skaven archer is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Your pierce MANGLES a Skaven archer! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skaven archer! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. <5708-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 46% (U)> [a Skaven archer: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] sigh' <5708-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 46% (U)> [a Skaven archer: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5708-5742hp: 384-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 46% (U)> [a Skaven archer: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Coils burst at a Skaven archer and draw from their soul!! Duke Ben tells the group 'I see' <5708-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 46% (U)> [a Skaven archer: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends a Skaven archer sprawling with a powerful bash. <5708-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 45% (U)> [a Skaven archer: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben scans around. <5708-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 45% (U)> [a Skaven archer: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon a Skaven archer! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === a Skaven archer! [235] <5708-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 36% (U)> [a Skaven archer: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] A Skaven archer's whip decimates Baron Domokun. [31] Your pierce MANGLES a Skaven archer! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Your pierce MANGLES a Skaven archer! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skaven archer! [177] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Your pierce MANGLES a Skaven archer! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skaven archer. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a minion. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Baron Domokun's blast MANGLES a Skaven archer! [159] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skaven archer. A Skaven archer is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skaven archer! [196] A Skaven archer is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skaven archer's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 76 silver coins from the corpse of a Skaven archer. Baron Domokun splits 76 silver coins. Your share is 12 silver. Baron Domokun splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Skaven archer to AoW. < 5723-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5723-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Cast the spell on whom? <5723-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Baron Flux scans around. A minion tries to disarm Duke Ben, but fails. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a minion. [58] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Your pierce MANGLES a minion! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a minion. Your pierce MASSACRES a minion! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from a minion. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [232] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [85] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [222] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [135] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5725-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (U)> [a minion: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a minion and draw from their soul!! Baron Domokun sends a Skeleton Warrior sprawling with a powerful bash. <5725-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (U)> [a minion: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5725-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (U)> [a minion: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5725-5742hp: 478-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (U)> [a minion: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Coils burst at a minion and draw from their soul!! <5725-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (U)> [a minion: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon a Skeleton Warrior! Count Zaltais's torments *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [215] <5725-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (U)> [a minion: Leaking Guts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [33] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [40] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES a minion! [168] A minion is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A minion spills its guts all over the floor. You get 120 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 120 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [241] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [141] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [201] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [135] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [179] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [124] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [189] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [52] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [45] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. <5741-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5741-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <5741-5742hp: 572-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] You block a Skeleton Warrior's attack with your shield. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5741-5742hp: 666-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben scans around. A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [45] Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [43] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [38] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [161] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [167] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [188] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [141] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [223] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [135] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [59] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [58] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [54] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. <5755-5742hp: 666-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 39% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5755-5742hp: 666-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 39% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5755-5742hp: 666-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 39% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baron Raju* yells ' DOOD' Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5755-5742hp: 666-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 39% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Domokun. [45] Baron Otaku's slice misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [48] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [90] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [90] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [140] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [233] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [251] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [156] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [52] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. <5767-5742hp: 666-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 11% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <5742-5742hp: 666-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 11% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] You lost your concentration. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 11% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 11% (U)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [98] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [105] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [48] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [51] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [157] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skeleton Warrior's death cry. You get 41 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. You split 41 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. You get 135 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 135 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Duke Ben yells ' woudl you log already' <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Cast the spell on whom? <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (U)> *Count Simon* yells ' hate UM' Baron Domokun leaves up. You follow Duke Ben up. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] a puddle of blood. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Cast the spell on whom? Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Baron Domokun peers intently south. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5742-5742hp: 663-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> (Advice: Use 'trophy' to show you what enemies you have killed. ) You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> *Baron Raju* yells ' we fucking suck' Count Zaltais tells the group 'simon low...hehee' <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun peers intently south. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'yrl'. Count Zaltais's feet rise off the ground. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Domokun carefully looks for tracks. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Duchess Beraki enters the kingdom. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> *Baron Kenzojen* has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> *Baron Raju* appears in the room. *Baron Kenzojen* leaves west. You slam into *Baron Raju*, and send him flying! <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 99% (NESW)> [*Baron Raju*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) missed simon' <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 99% (NESW)> [*Baron Raju*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle* yells ' hahahahahaha ive lagged out both times i died, its fun' <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 99% (NESW)> [*Baron Raju*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Raju*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Raju*! [113] <5742-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 97% (NESW)> [*Baron Raju*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Baron Raju* says 'omg' Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Raju*! [158] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Raju*. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Raju*! [276] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Raju*. *Baron Raju* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === *Baron Raju*! [243] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from *Baron Raju*. *Baron Raju* is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baron Raju*! [174] *Baron Raju* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5744-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 79% (NESW)> [*Baron Raju*: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Handle Dark Landing' <5744-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 79% (NESW)> [*Baron Raju*: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Raju The Core of Undermountain' Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Raju* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5744-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 78% (NESW)> [*Baron Raju*: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Count Simon Dark Tunnel' Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5744-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 78% (NESW)> [*Baron Raju*: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] You slam into *Baron Raju*, and send him flying! <5744-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 78% (NESW)> [*Baron Raju*: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. *Baron Raju*'s slice decimates you. [33] You feel Raju's Wrecked Dixie!! drawing your life away. The cold touch of Raju's Wrecked Dixie!! surrounds you with ice. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Raju*! [163] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Raju*. Baron Domokun's blast MASSACRES *Baron Raju*! [126] *Baron Raju* leaves north. *Baron Raju* has fled! <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. Baron Otaku scans around. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] ( 3) The sliced-off arm of a Drider is lying here. ( 2) A steaming pile of a Drider's entrails is lying here. The sliced-off arm of a Skeleton Warrior is lying here. The corpse of Baron Arisis is lying here. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> They aren't here. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. The corpse of Baron Bilalo is lying here. (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A misshappen creature lurks in the shadows here, covered by a large cloak the color of wet ash. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben peers intently south. Baron Domokun scans around. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. A Reaver yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Graveyard.' <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5711-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [53] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Reaver. [37] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [89] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [114] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [98] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [86] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [93] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [90] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [110] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [111] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [120] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5733-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben humms quietly. <5733-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5733-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. A Reaver is no longer moving so quickly. <5733-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. The white aura around a Reaver's body vanishes. <5733-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5733-5742hp: 664-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baroness Angel enters the kingdom. You block a Reaver's attack with your shield. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [89] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [87] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [97] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Reaver. [43] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice decimates a Reaver. [34] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [232] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Reaver! [166] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Reaver! [264] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Reaver! [166] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5737-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 49% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben chants. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) this is fucking psycho :P' <5737-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 49% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Reaver's whip MUTILATES Count Zaltais. [54] Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5737-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 49% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5737-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 49% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! A Reaver's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [108] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [94] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [110] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Reaver. [41] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice maims a Reaver. [45] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce misses a Reaver. Your pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [187] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [199] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [228] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES a Reaver! [173] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Reaver! [273] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES a Reaver! [139] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast *** DEVASTATES *** a Reaver! [220] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice maims a Reaver. [48] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a Reaver. [56] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5744-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) i love it :)' <5744-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baroness Angel bellows 'center beraki' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5744-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 17% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! Duke Ben tells the group 'got an imm with us' A Reaver's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [90] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [105] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [131] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice devastates a Reaver. [39] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice maims a Reaver. [46] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [228] A Reaver is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Reaver's arm is sliced from its dead body. Baron Domokun gets 23 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Reaver. Baron Domokun splits 23 silver coins. Your share is 3 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Reaver to AoW. <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) I gained over 1k exp so far' <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] Welcome to Kael, Lupus' <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) 1.2k' <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'I trying to get the mother fuckers to leave' <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) lol' <5758-5742hp: 708-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> (Advice: Type 'advice' to turn off advice channel. ) You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'. Baron Otaku's skin turns to stone. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun gets the arm of a Reaver. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun eats the arm of a Reaver. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Zaltais drinks water from a barrel of root beer. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben peers intently south. Count Zaltais drinks water from a barrel of root beer. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun gets a barrel of root beer from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun drinks root beer from a barrel of root beer. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun drinks root beer from a barrel of root beer. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Flux scans around. Baron Domokun drinks root beer from a barrel of root beer. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun drinks root beer from a barrel of root beer. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku scans around. You tell the group '[Reanis] except Wellsy Ben' Baron Domokun drinks root beer from a barrel of root beer. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben yells ' log already' <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun puts a barrel of root beer in a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben yells ' jesus' <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) and i haven't died!' <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. The corpse of Baron Bilalo is lying here. (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> You tell the group '[Reanis] we want Wellsy dead' <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Flux gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Flux quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'this is the most fun i've had on aow in a while :P' <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] ( 2) The sliced-off arm of a Drider is lying here. ( 2) A steaming pile of a Drider's entrails is lying here. The sliced-off arm of a Skeleton Warrior is lying here. The corpse of Baron Arisis is lying here. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) gotta kill wellsy' <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Handle Dark Tunnel' <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Duke Ben peers intently north. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==*= ==O =# =##== == =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: east west] (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (EW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (EW)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ===* ==O =# ##== =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south west] (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben yells ' cmon now' <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O *# ##== =@ #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south] (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Wh ite Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O =# ##=* =@ #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north west] (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] (White A ura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben peers intently south. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben yells ' tired of this shit' <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. The corpse of Baron Bilalo is lying here. (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Duke Ben peers intently west. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] a puddle of blood. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the down exit. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Duke Ben peers intently south. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = === = ==O = *##= === = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> Baron Flux tells the group 'handle is hiding?' Baron Otaku scans around. Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = === = ==O = =##= ==* = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north west] a puddle of blood. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> Duke Ben peers intently west. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = == = ==O = =## =*= # Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] a puddle of blood. (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A misshappen creature lurks in the shadows here, covered by a large cloak the color of wet ash. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> A Reaver glares at Baron Flux and says, 'Ye shall DIE!' Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [47] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [94] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [96] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [86] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce misses a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [94] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [116] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [100] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5764-5742hp: 709-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku scans around. Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *** WARNING:If you kill Ben, you will be a TRAITOR!! *** Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Duke Ben. [96] Coils burst at you and draw from your soul!! <5764-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. <5764-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You yell 'at least form a group and try' <5764-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! (Advice: Welcome to 3.7, soon Chapter 4 will be opening so hold tight! ) You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. A Reaver is no longer moving so quickly. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [49] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Reaver. [26] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [19] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. You stop following Duke Ben. Duke Ben's slice mauls you. [27] You feel a Chaos Blade drawing your life away. The cold touch of a Chaos Blade surrounds you with ice. Baron Domokun's blast MASSACRES a Reaver! [131] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [76] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [116] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5726-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Reaver seems to ignore your cowardly act! A Reaver's whip maims you. [46] <5680-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5680-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben surrenders to you! <5680-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben sighs. <5680-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* yells ' nod trying to talk some sense' <5680-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Count Zaltais blocks a Reaver's attack with a shield. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5680-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! A Reaver's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Baron Flux's pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [58] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Reaver. [25] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [22] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast MASSACRES a Reaver! [131] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [77] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [111] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5690-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-65 0mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You now follow Duke Ben. Baron Domokun sends a Reaver sprawling with a powerful bash. <5690-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Reaver's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5690-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 44% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] A Reaver's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [48] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [48] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [22] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Reaver. [27] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [116] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [111] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash maims a Reaver. [48] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [89] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [26] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [26] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. A Reaver turns blue and shivers. <5706-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 24% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You join Duke Ben's group. <5706-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 24% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5706-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 24% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5706-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 24% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5706-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 24% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [47] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [21] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [21] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce misses a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Reaver. [30] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [100] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [74] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [105] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [106] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [26] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [25] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. A Reaver turns blue and shivers. <5714-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 8% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5714-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 8% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* yells ' we got no classes with any brains' <5714-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 8% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends a Reaver sprawling with a powerful bash. <5714-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 8% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' u guys suck' <5714-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 8% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [47] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [41] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [20] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Reaver. [25] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A Reaver is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Reaver's heart is torn from its chest. You get 79 silver coins from the corpse of a Reaver. You split 79 silver coins. Your share is 14 silver. You get 135 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 135 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Duke Ben sighs. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Cast the spell on whom? Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben's group: [51 Dea] Baron flux 4772/4874 hp 545/1232 mana 650/ 650 mv 1910 TNL [51 Wit] Baron otaku 3819/3819 hp 2298/2423 mana 500/ 500 mv 715 TNL [51 Kni] Baron reanis 5718/5742 hp 609/1232 mana 650/ 650 mv 569 TNL [54 Ill] Duke ben 4420/4501 hp 397/2029 mana 575/ 575 mv 1010 TNL [51 Bar] Baron domokun 4738/5610 hp 568/ 623 mana 721/ 848 mv 1777 TNL [52 Wit] Count zaltais 4211/4219 hp 1545/2477 mana 550/ 550 mv 1762 TNL <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben yells ' that we do' <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'siiiiiiimon' <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> = == = ==O = =## =*= # Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] The torn-out heart of a Reaver is lying here. a puddle of blood. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = == = =# *== # Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Ghash is lying here. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' ben' <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Flux scans around. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. = == * =# === # Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> Baron Domokun peers intently north. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> They aren't here. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> Count Demon enters the kingdom. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> They aren't here. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> *Count Simon* yells ' 15 FUCKIN BARONS AND WE CANT DO SHIT' Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. * == = =# === # Dark Landing [Exits: south up] a puddle of blood. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A misshappen creature lurks in the shadows here, covered by a large cloak the color of wet ash. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> They aren't here. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> They aren't here. <5718-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' u rape chickens' A Reaver yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at Dark Landing.' A Reaver's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [43] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [50] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [105] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [60] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [81] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [81] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [96] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [66] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [122] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [87] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [116] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [116] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5743-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 71% (SU)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5743-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 71% (SU)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5743-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 71% (SU)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5743-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 71% (SU)> [a Reaver: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [49] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [43] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [19] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [21] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [100] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5751-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 59% (SU)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben rocks back and forth. Baron Domokun yells ' try it again?' <5751-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 59% (SU)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' how much exp so far?' <5751-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 59% (SU)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Reaver's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5751-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 59% (SU)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' u small penissed bastard' Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Reaver. [43] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [21] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Reaver. [25] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [94] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [116] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [106] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. <5764-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 47% (SU)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 47% (SU)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 47% (SU)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* leaves up. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 47% (SU)> [a Reaver: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] A Reaver's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] A Reaver's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [46] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [21] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Reaver. [27] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [125] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [77] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [105] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [90] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [96] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's blast DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [111] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [26] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5755-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 31% (SU)> [a Reaver: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben yells ' fuck if I know' <5755-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 31% (SU)> [a Reaver: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5755-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 31% (SU)> [a Reaver: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] (Advice: All communication is separated based on kingdom. ) You are hungry. You feel yourself slow down. Your force shield shimmers then fades away. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 31% (SU)> [a Reaver: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* yells ' no point' You tell the group '[Reanis] [HASTE OUT!]' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Reaver's whip MUTILATES Count Zaltais. [52] Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 31% (SU)> [a Reaver: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You tell the group '[Reanis] [SHIELD OUT!]' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 31% (SU)> [a Reaver: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux tells the group 'fark' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 31% (SU)> [a Reaver: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [55] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [24] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [23] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [86] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [94] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash misses a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5745-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (SU)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. <5745-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (SU)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. <5745-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (SU)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) No Quit out...!' <5745-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (SU)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'drider pit' You tell the group '[Reanis] shield' <5745-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (SU)> [a Reaver: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] A Reaver's whip devastates Baron Flux. [44] Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [47] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [24] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [23] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [96] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [66] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [100] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice mauls a Reaver. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. Count Zaltais's slice decimates a Reaver. [31] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5760-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 15% (SU)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'go drider pit' Duke Ben yells ' this knight says 1 K' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) haste go bye bye' <5760-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 15% (SU)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5760-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 15% (SU)> [a Reaver: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting maims a Reaver. [50] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce scratches a Reaver. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [19] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice mauls a Reaver. [27] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce misses a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [79] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES a Reaver. [69] A Reaver is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [79] Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos] draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Count Zaltais's slice wounds a Reaver. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5771-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 7% (SU)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'nevalk has tokens' <5771-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 7% (SU)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Domokun is moving more quickly. <5771-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 7% (SU)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux stops using a slaen spine spear. Baron Flux wields a rod of power. <5771-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 7% (SU)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES a Reaver. [52] A Reaver is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Reaver. [32] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES a Reaver. [58] A Reaver is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES a Reaver. [55] A Reaver is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A Reaver is burned by a rod of power. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [21] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds a Reaver. [22] A Reaver is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's blast DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] A Reaver is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Reaver's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 51 silver coins from the corpse of a Reaver. Baron Domokun splits 51 silver coins. Your share is 8 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Reaver to AoW. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gpuzre'. You are surrounded by a force shield. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Flux is moving more quickly. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'THE SKAVEN HAS TOKENS' <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gpuzre'. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. You feel yourself moving more quickly. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Baron Flux mends a slaen spine spear. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Baron Domokun stops using Bloodbane, Scythe of [Chaos]. Baron Domokun wields <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?>. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Duke Ben says 'eh' <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Baron Domokun stops using <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?>. Baron Domokun wields a Chaos Blade. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* peers intently south. Count Zaltais chants. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. Baron Flux leaves up. Baron Otaku leaves up. Count Zaltais leaves up. You follow Duke Ben up. === # * Dark Landing [Exits: north down] (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Duke Ben scans around. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Flux mends a slaen spine spear. Scanning: Baron Domokun is right here. Count Zaltais is right here. Baron Otaku is right here. Baron Flux is right here. Duke Ben is right here. north: An Evil Wolf is nearby. down: *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is nearby. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoinfra aruoiwunsoh'. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ==* # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: south west] Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of the Countess Gellin, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a border guard, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of Brauhaus, lies here. ( 4) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a vampire, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of a Massive Wyvern, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of a human slave, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of an evil lotus faerie, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a Sand Wyrm, lies here. ( 6) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a mountain yeti, lies here. (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Duke Ben peers intently west. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Domokun peers intently west. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) get raid point?' <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Count Demon bellows 'ben when your done pking and stuff will you imbue something for me?' <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Colik The Void' <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Duke Ben sighs. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Flux mends a slaen spine spear. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5781-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' rofl' They aren't here. (Advice: Enemy players appear to you as *Race*. ) You are hungry. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Haste out!' They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku chants. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Otaku is moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku gets a hunk of bread from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku gets a hunk of bread from a frost covered basket . They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Flux mends a slaen spine spear. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku eats a hunk of bread. They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku eats a hunk of bread. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Count Zaltais is moving more quickly. Baron Domokun hops around like a little kid. Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun peers intently west. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' i should create in kael and get summoned' They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Flux mends a slaen spine spear. Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. =*= # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: east west up] (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (EWU)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (EWU)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. *== # = The Entrance to Darkness [Exits: east south up] (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the south exit. (White Aura) A massive two-headed giant stands here, a huge maul clutched in both fists. A massive two-headed giant stands here, a huge maul clutched in both fists. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> An Ettin gate-guard yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' An Ettin gate-guard yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Entrance to Darkness.' An Ettin gate-guard's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] <5742-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> An Ettin gate-guard's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [52] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting maims an Ettin gate-guard. [45] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [55] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting maims an Ettin gate-guard. [46] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [53] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [96] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [85] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [85] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [137] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [82] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [91] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [128] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [92] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [107] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [77] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. An Ettin gate-guard is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [85] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. <5765-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends an Ettin gate-guard sprawling with a powerful bash. <5765-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. An Ettin gate-guard is no longer moving so quickly. <5765-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5765-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'hrm' <5765-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] An Ettin gate-guard's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [71] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting maims an Ettin gate-guard. [46] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [55] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [85] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [107] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [78] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [67] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [105] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. <5776-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun yells ' lowbie pk!' <5776-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around an Ettin gate-guard's body vanishes. <5776-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben stops using Tome of the Archmagus. Duke Ben holds a staff of destruction in his hand. <5776-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 62% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's crush MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [138] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [75] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [116] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [83] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [105] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [172] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [171] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [120] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [189] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< an Ettin gate-guard! [255] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [183] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard turns blue and shivers. <5789-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 34% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to wall of force! [574] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [544] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [640] <5789-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates Baron Flux. [44] An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates Baron Flux. [44] Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! Baron Domokun sends an Ettin gate-guard sprawling with a powerful bash. <5789-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' ill go from level 1 to 53 in no time!' <5789-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Count Zaltais blocks an Ettin gate-guard's attack with a shield. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5789-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 26% (ESU)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's crush MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [127] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [83] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [117] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [100] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [132] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's crush DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [116] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's crush DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [106] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [135] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Duke Ben's slice devastates wall of force. [39] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Duke Ben's slice decimates wall of force. [37] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [183] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [164] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [180] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [149] An Ettin gate-guard is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear an Ettin gate-guard's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 100 silver coins from the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun splits 100 silver coins. Your share is 16 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard to AoW. <5803-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to wall of force! [595] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to an Ettin gate-guard! [594] <5803-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Flux's crush DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [122] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [104] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [136] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [96] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [116] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a rod of power. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [171] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [146] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [222] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [141] An Ettin gate-guard is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. An Ettin gate-guard's severed head plops on the ground. Baron Domokun gets 74 silver coins from the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun splits 74 silver coins. Your share is 12 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard to AoW. Duke Ben's slice maims wall of force. [47] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Your pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [183] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [157] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [145] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [157] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. You get 36 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Otaku sacrifices the head of an Ettin gate-guard to AoW. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> I see no head here. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> You are not carrying a severed head to shrink... Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Duke Ben stops using a staff of destruction. Duke Ben holds Tome of the Archmagus in his hand. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. === * = A Small Mount Shop [Exits: north up] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NU)> Baron Otaku scans around. Baron Domokun scans around. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NU)> ___/Finger: Reanis \_______________________________ Baron Race: Storm giant Class: Knight Kingdom: Kael Warpoints: 116 Played: 61h Clan: [Valiant] Description: | ||((( /(/_(.-(-------)_/ | | || ) (( |_.----------._\ / | || ) | \_| I do not fight alone. | || (| =-_ _.-=- |-) , The will of my brethren | || | `-- | --' |/--._-'/'/_, come with my | || \ | /--.__---- , , blade. | || | --'' || `\_-------- | ||_.ssSS$$\ -====- / )\_ ----- ___.----|---|%$$$$$$/ \_ _.-- /' )$s._ __------- | |%%$$$$/ / ---- /' /$$$$$$$s__ /- -\ ============$$/ / /' /$$$$$$$$$$$SS-. /' ./\\\\\\_( ----._(_))$/ / /' /$$$$%$$$$$- \ Reanis is currently playing. ____________________________________________________________ <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NU)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. *== # = The Entrance to Darkness [Exits: east south up] (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Flux mends a slaen spine spear. <5823-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> (Advice: AoW is a pk mud. Newbies might be thought of as spies untill they prove themselves. ) You are hungry. The white aura around your body fades. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Duke Ben bellows 'af ew outside acron' <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. =*= # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: east west up] Count Zaltais is here. Baron Otaku is here. Baron Flux is here. Duke Ben is here. *Baron Arisis* is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (EWU)> *Baron Arisis* leaves east. Count Zaltais tells the group 'Sanct out' <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (EWU)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [SANCTUARY OUT!]' Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ==* # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: south west] Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of the Countess Gellin, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a border guard, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of Brauhaus, lies here. ( 4) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a vampire, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of a Massive Wyvern, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of a human slave, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of an evil lotus faerie, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a Sand Wyrm, lies here. ( 6) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a mountain yeti, lies here. Baron Domokun is here. Duke Ben is here. *Baron Arisis* is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> *Baron Arisis* leaves south. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Duke Ben bellows 'like 4' <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Arisis Dark Tunnel' <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ###SANC### ##Out!##' <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Count Zaltais is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. === # * Dark Landing [Exits: north down] (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. Baron Otaku is here. Baron Flux is here. Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Domokun leaves down. You follow Duke Ben down. * == = =# === # Dark Landing [Exits: south up] Baron Domokun is here. Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. You are surrounded by a white aura. Count Narco bellows 'i know' <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = == * =# === # Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. Baron Flux is here. Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = == = =# *== # Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] Baron Domokun is here. Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = == = ==O = =## =*= # Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] The torn-out heart of a Reaver is lying here. (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. Baron Flux is here. Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Flux mends a slaen spine spear. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a white aura. Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = === = ==O = =##= ==* = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north west] Baron Domokun is here. (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. Count Narco bellows 'i can't take them' <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> Duke Ben peers intently north. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> *NEWBIE evil drow from Undermountain* has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Domokun is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 611-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> *NEWBIE evil drow from Undermountain* leaves west. Your eyes tingle. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = == = ==O = =## =*= # Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] The torn-out heart of a Reaver is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE evil drow from Undermountain* is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> *NEWBIE evil drow from Undermountain* leaves west. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = == = =# *== # Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE evil drow from Undermountain* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> *NEWBIE evil drow from Undermountain* leaves east. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Duke Ben bellows 'sigh' <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. = == * =# === # Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Flux is surrounded by a white aura. Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. * == = =# === # Dark Landing [Exits: south up] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Baron Flux leaves up. Baron Otaku leaves up. Count Zaltais leaves up. You follow Duke Ben up. === # * Dark Landing [Exits: north down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ==* # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: south west] Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of the Countess Gellin, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a border guard, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of Brauhaus, lies here. ( 4) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a vampire, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of a Massive Wyvern, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of a human slave, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of an evil lotus faerie, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a Sand Wyrm, lies here. ( 6) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a mountain yeti, lies here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. =*= # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: east west up] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (EWU)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. *== # = The Entrance to Darkness [Exits: east south up] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. === * = A Small Mount Shop [Exits: north up] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NU)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. *== # = The Entrance to Darkness [Exits: east south up] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Flux leaves up. Baron Otaku leaves up. Count Zaltais leaves up. You follow Duke Ben up. ^^^^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Looking Down Into Darkness [Exits: north down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] ( 2) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ #*^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Lost On the Mountain [Exits: north east south] A rotting corpse lies here smelling up the place. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> *Baron Kenzojen* has arrived. *Baron Dregg* has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> *Baron Kenzojen* leaves north. *Baron Dregg* leaves north. Count Zaltais scans around. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> Baron Flux mends a slaen spine spear. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> Duke Ben bellows 'then elave zone' <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 643-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] ( 2) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A Skaven archer is sleeping here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 640-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Narco bellows 'i have like 3 mana' <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 640-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Demon bellows 'narco you need help?' They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 640-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 640-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 640-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (Whit e Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 637-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 637-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 637-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 637-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Looking Down Into Darkness [Exits: north down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 636-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 636-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Flux tells the group 'ahahahahah' <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 636-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ^^^^*^^^ #^^^ ^^^ ^^ Narrow Ridge [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'lolllll' <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Demon bellows 'i will get angel' <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Count Narco bellows 'i'm out' <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'mother fuck' <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 635-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ^^^^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Looking Down Into Darkness [Exits: north down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 634-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5742-5742hp: 606-1232m: 634-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> (Advice: Check out AoW website at ) You are hungry. You can quit now. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [NOQUIT OFF!]' <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'fido'. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Count Demon bellows 'me and you can take them if i am on angel=P' <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Otaku scans around. Duke Ben utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'. A magical spring flows from the ground. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Flux mends a slaen spine spear. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> You drink water from a magical spring. Your thirst is quenched. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Duke Ben drinks water from a magical spring. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Duke Ben drinks water from a magical spring. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Duke Ben drinks water from a magical spring. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> You eat a Magic Mushroom. You are no longer hungry. Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> You do not have that item. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Prophet The Tombs of Undermountain' <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Colik The Tombs of Undermountain' Baron Domokun leaves down. You follow Duke Ben down. *== # = The Entrance to Darkness [Exits: east south up] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESU)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Dregg Hole Leading Into the Underdark' Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. =*= # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: east west up] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (EWU)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (EWU)> Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ==* # = Dark Tunnel [Exits: south west] Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of the Countess Gellin, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a border guard, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of Brauhaus, lies here. ( 4) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a vampire, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of a Massive Wyvern, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of a human slave, lies here. Blunt's shrunken trophy, the head of A Billy goat, lies here. Irxezon's shrunken trophy, the head of an evil lotus faerie, lies here. Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a Sand Wyrm, lies here. ( 6) Emo's shrunken trophy, the head of a mountain yeti, lies here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (SW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. === # * Dark Landing [Exits: north down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ND)> Baron Domokun leaves down. You follow Duke Ben down. * == = =# === # Dark Landing [Exits: south up] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (SU)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = == * =# === # Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = == = =# *== # Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = == = ==O = =## =*= # Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. Count Narco bellows 'i need to regen bad' <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = === = ==O = =##= ==* = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NW)> Baron Flux leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = === = ==O = *##= === = # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NS)> Baron Domokun leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = === = *=O = =##= === = # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> *Baron Colik* has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> *Baron Colik* leaves east. They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'sanc erm' <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Count Demon bellows 'hold on a sec' They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) fucking' <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> *Baron Arisis* has arrived. They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> *Baron Arisis* leaves south. They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Baroness Angel enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'sanc wall' Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Wall of force is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESD)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> You are affected by the following spells: Spell: detect alignment: modifies none by 0 for 50 hours Spell: sanctuary : modifies none by 0 for 7 hours Spell: haste : modifies dexterity by 4 for 10 hours Spell: shield : modifies armor class by -20 for 57 hours Spell: bless : modifies save vs spell by -6 for 48 hours : modifies hit roll by 6 for 48 hours Spell: frenzy : modifies armor class by 40 for 7 hours : modifies damage roll by 17 for 7 hours : modifies hit roll by 17 for 7 hours Spell: infravision : modifies none by 0 for 74 hours Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] The corpse of Baron Bilalo is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] ( 2) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Duke Ben peers intently south. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. Baron Domokun peers intently south. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Drowg is lying here. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> Baroness Angel bellows 'narco' They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] ( 3) a puddle of blood. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 607-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. (Advice: Train your prime attribute first. ) <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Baron Prophet The Tombs of Undermountain' They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Count Narco bellows '?' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) prophet' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baroness Angel bellows 'gating to you ok?' They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'fido'. They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'meh' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben peers intently north. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Domokun starts moaning. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' ben u have a small penis' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'why not' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] a puddle of blood. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Count Narco bellows 'ok' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais peers intently west. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Domokun yells ' 8 inches is small?' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais peers intently north. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Wall of force is surrounded by a white aura. Duke Ben utters the words, 'candusyrzqh'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a reflective barrier. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' yes' Baron Flux scans around. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Domokun yells ' wow' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Flux gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Flux quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Duke Ben chants. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Flux scans around. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Scanning: wall of force is right here. Baron Flux is right here. Baron Otaku is right here. Count Zaltais is right here. Baron Domokun is right here. Duke Ben is right here. a healer is right here. north: *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* is nearby. north: wall of force is nearby. south: the Matron Mother of Undermountain is nearby. south: Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is nearby. west: Kouran, Captain of the Horde is nearby. Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Otaku chants. Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Flux mends a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben tells the group 'reanis s' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baroness Angel bellows '=P' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Otaku chants. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> O = #== =@ #= * The Core of Undermountain [Exits: north] (White Aura) A dazzlingly beautiful woman is here, a macabre leer on her face. (White Aura) A terrifying Vampyr is here, seeking death for all sun children. <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' i know u nerds only got 2' <5742-5742hp: 609-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> The Matron Mother of Undermountain yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Core of Undermountain.' You block the Matron Mother of Undermountain's attack with your shield. The Matron Mother of Undermountain's whip <<< ERADICATES >>> you! [304] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at The Core of Undermountain.' You block Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's attack with your shield. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's whip MASSACRES you! [127] <5311-5742hp: 609-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 100% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Your pierce MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce maims the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce misses the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce maims the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [75] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [57] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's smash maims the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [50] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [55] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [68] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [55] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. You block the Matron Mother of Undermountain's attack with your shield. The Matron Mother of Undermountain's whip <<< ERADICATES >>> you! [304] You block Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's attack with your shield. You block Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's attack with your shield. You block Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's attack with your shield. <5017-5742hp: 609-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 95% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Scratches] [You: Bruises] You take up a defensive position. <5017-5742hp: 609-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 95% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku chants. <5017-5742hp: 609-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 95% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5017-5742hp: 609-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 95% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Scratches] [You: Bruises] (Advice: Use 'bug' or 'typo' to report either. ) <5023-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 95% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Your pierce decimates the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [33] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce maims the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [45] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce maims the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [50] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce devastates the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce maims the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [47] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [68] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash maims the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [48] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [63] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [69] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice devastates the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [42] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. The Matron Mother of Undermountain's whip <<< ERADICATES >>> you! [304] The Matron Mother of Undermountain's whip <<< ERADICATES >>> you! [304] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's whip MASSACRES you! [127] <4304-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 90% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The Matron Mother of Undermountain is no longer moving so quickly. <4304-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 90% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku chants. Baron Domokun yells ' indeed' <4304-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 90% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben chants. Baron Domokun sends the Matron Mother of Undermountain sprawling with a powerful bash. <4304-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 90% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] You tell the group '[Reanis] ow' <4304-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 90% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Scratches] [You: Some Cuts] Your pierce misses the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce maims the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [45] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce devastates the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [57] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [55] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [68] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash maims the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [48] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. The Matron Mother of Undermountain is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [68] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [75] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. The Matron Mother of Undermountain's whip <<< ERADICATES >>> you! [304] The Matron Mother of Undermountain's whip <<< ERADICATES >>> you! [304] <3703-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 86% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bruises] [You: Wounds] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around the Matron Mother of Undermountain's body vanishes. <3703-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 86% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bruises] [You: Wounds] Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <3703-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 86% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bruises] [You: Wounds] You tell the group '[Reanis] ow' <3703-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 86% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bruises] [You: Wounds] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Duke Ben humms quietly. <3703-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 86% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bruises] [You: Wounds] Baron Domokun sends the Matron Mother of Undermountain sprawling with a powerful bash. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [114] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [110] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [129] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. The Matron Mother of Undermountain turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [86] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MANGLES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [168] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice MANGLES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [162] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. You block Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's attack with your shield. <3710-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Shield Out.' <3710-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gpuzre'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a force shield. <3710-5742hp: 610-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] You feel better! <3972-5742hp: 590-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] Duke Ben peers intently north. <3972-5742hp: 590-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 77% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [135] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [96] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [122] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [100] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <3978-5742hp: 590-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 72% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] Duke Ben chants. <3978-5742hp: 590-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 72% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] Baron Domokun sends the Matron Mother of Undermountain sprawling with a powerful bash. <3978-5742hp: 590-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 72% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <3978-5742hp: 590-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 72% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Wounds] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <4385-5742hp: 590-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 72% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Some Cuts] You feel better! <4653-5742hp: 570-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 72% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' jerkin off to 7 of 9 on star trek' Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [86] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [62] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [95] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [60] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [74] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [66] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [150] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [122] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [106] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's whip MASSACRES you! [127] <4535-5742hp: 570-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 63% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben peers intently north. <4535-5742hp: 570-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 63% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Duke Ben chants. <4535-5742hp: 570-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 63% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is no longer moving so quickly. <4535-5742hp: 570-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 63% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Wounds] [You: Some Cuts] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <4868-5742hp: 570-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 63% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Wounds] [You: Bruises] You feel better! Baron Domokun sends the Matron Mother of Undermountain sprawling with a powerful bash. <5130-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 63% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's crush DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [88] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting maims the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [50] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [94] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [66] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [104] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [144] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [114] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [90] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. You block the Matron Mother of Undermountain's attack with your shield. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's whip MASSACRES you! [127] <5017-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 54% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben peers intently north. <5017-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 54% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben chants. <5017-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 54% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5017-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 54% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <5415-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 54% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] You hear something's death cry. Baron Flux's crush DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [96] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [80] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [126] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [79] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [97] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [120] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [150] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [90] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5424-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 44% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] You feel better! <5684-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 44% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends the Matron Mother of Undermountain sprawling with a powerful bash. <5684-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 44% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben peers intently north. <5684-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 44% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's body vanishes. <5684-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 44% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <5742-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 44% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Bleeding] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. Baron Flux's crush MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [74] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [79] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [81] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [79] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's crush DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [99] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Baron Flux's crush DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [84] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by a rod of power. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [141] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [124] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [142] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [110] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [144] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. The Matron Mother of Undermountain turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [144] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. You block the Matron Mother of Undermountain's attack with your shield. The Matron Mother of Undermountain's whip <<< ERADICATES >>> you! [304] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's whip MASSACRES you! [127] <5324-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 29% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux stops using a rod of power. Baron Flux wields a slaen spine spear. <5324-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 29% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends the Matron Mother of Undermountain sprawling with a powerful bash. <5324-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 29% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais peers intently north. <5324-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 29% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [102] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [106] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [104] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [100] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [108] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. You block the Matron Mother of Undermountain's attack with your shield. The Matron Mother of Undermountain's whip <<< ERADICATES >>> you! [304] <5328-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 19% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5328-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 19% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais peers intently north. <5328-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 19% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: Almost Dead] [You: Scratches] You hear wall of force's death cry. You hear something's death cry. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [78] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [101] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce MUTILATES the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [80] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice MANGLES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [156] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [94] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [136] A Chaos Blade draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. A Chaos Blade freezes the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [110] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's whip MASSACRES you! [127] <5219-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 7% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: DYING] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku peers intently north. <5219-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 7% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: DYING] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku peers intently north. Duke Ben chants. <5219-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 7% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: DYING] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais tells the group 'ari' <5219-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 7% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: DYING] [You: Scratches] You yell 'STAR TREK IS ON?! WTF AM I RAIDING FOR?!?!?' <5219-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 7% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: DYING] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) toss me a slaen spear?' <5219-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 7% (N)> [the Matron Mother of Undermountain: DYING] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [101] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's sting misses the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [85] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [104] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS the Matron Mother of Undermountain! [104] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS the Matron Mother of Undermountain. [93] The Matron Mother of Undermountain is DEAD!! You raided! [NEWS]: Cries of agony are heard worldwide!! Undermountain has been raided by Kael!!! You receive 0 experience points. The Matron Mother of Undermountain spills her guts all over the floor. Baron Domokun gets 112 silver coins from the corpse of the Matron Mother of Undermountain. Baron Domokun splits 112 silver coins. Your share is 18 silver. Baron Domokun splits 165 silver coins. Your share is 27 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of the Matron Mother of Undermountain to AoW. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's whip MASSACRES you! [127] <5101-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 100% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku sacrifices the guts of the Matron Mother of Undermountain to AoW. <5101-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 100% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Perfect] [You: Bruises] You can't find it. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Count Zaltais gets the corpse of wall of force. <5101-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 100% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5101-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 100% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Perfect] [You: Bruises] They aren't here. <5101-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 100% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Perfect] [You: Bruises] Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce misses Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [129] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [110] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [126] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [114] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [76] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [64] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [150] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [104] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [144] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [106] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5109-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baroness Angel bellows 'woot woot' <5109-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku scans around. <5109-5742hp: 530-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben peers intently north. (Advice: Constantly begging or whining for levels or equipment might get you killed by players from your own kingdom. ) <5116-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku peers intently north. Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5116-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 75% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Some Cuts] [You: Bruises] You are carrying: Reanis's shrunken trophy, the head of a Drider (Glowing) a slaen spine spear (Glowing) The Ancient Gauntlets of Time Reanis's shrunken trophy, the head of the Baron Nacreeb ( 2) (Blue Aura) (Glowing) (Black) The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer a frost covered basket (Glowing) (Black) the Whip of Turmoils (Blue Aura) (Glowing) "Icebane" Legendary sword of the Dragonhunter a slaen hide chestplate (Blue Aura) (Glowing) a Diamond-Edged Halberd ( 5) (Blue Aura) (Humming) a dragonsilver lance ( 3) A Restring Token (Glowing) a wightblade a piece of mandrake a Chaos Blade (Glowing) Wolfsbane the broadsword (Black) a Dark Elven longpike (Humming) (Red) the Runed Hammer of Bashing Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [70] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [82] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [83] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce misses Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's slice MANGLES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [164] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [114] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [135] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [86] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. <5125-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 58% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5125-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 58% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) infra me?' <5125-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 58% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death sprawling with a powerful bash. <5125-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 58% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5125-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 58% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Nasty Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting misses Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [70] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [94] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [141] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [118] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice misses Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [100] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [144] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's slice MANGLES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [164] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [136] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's whip MASSACRES you! [126] <5012-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 36% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben bellows 'took us a while' <5012-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 36% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. Baron Flux's eyes glow red. <5012-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 36% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. <5012-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 36% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Blood Covered] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [95] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [70] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [91] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [68] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce MUTILATES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [126] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [90] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [120] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [110] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [114] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's whip MASSACRES you! [126] <4897-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 20% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death sprawling with a powerful bash. <4897-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 20% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben peers intently north. <4897-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 20% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben humms quietly. <4897-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 20% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Leaking Guts] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. A warm feeling fills your body. <5206-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 20% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* yells ' 7 of 9 is in heat 2!' Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [74] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting maims Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [49] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [84] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [87] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [150] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [118] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [142] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [90] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death! [136] A Chaos Blade draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. A Chaos Blade freezes Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. You block Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's attack with your shield. Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's whip MASSACRES you! [126] <5090-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 3% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: DYING] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) thx' <5090-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 3% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: DYING] [You: Bruises] Coils burst at Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death and draw from their soul!! <5090-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 3% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: DYING] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death sprawling with a powerful bash. <5090-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 3% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: DYING] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben nods at wall of force. Wall of force nods at Duke Ben. <5090-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 3% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: DYING] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5090-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 3% (N)> [Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death: DYING] [You: Bruises] Count Zaltais humms quietly. Baron Flux's pierce misses Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [58] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [92] A slaen spine spear draws life from Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [58] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. [80] Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death's death cry. You get 80 silver coins from the corpse of Mag'ronak, the Matron's Bringer of Death. You split 80 silver coins. Your share is 15 silver. You get 150 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 150 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. <5090-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoinfra aruoiwunsoh'. <5090-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> O = #== =@ #= * The Core of Undermountain [Exits: north] A wall of force blocks the north exit. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5090-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon wall of force! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === wall of force! [233] <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> Duke Ben nods at wall of force. Wall of force nods at Duke Ben. <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting misses wall of force. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [93] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES wall of force! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === wall of force! [234] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES wall of force! [134] Wall of force is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Wall of force is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [225] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Wall of force turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash DISMEMBERS wall of force! [113] Wall of force is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES wall of force! [148] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. Baron Domokun splits 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of wall of force to AoW. <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> *Baron Arisis* has arrived. <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-569 (N)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Baron Flux leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] ( 2) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (NSW)> *Baron Arisis* has arrived. You follow Duke Ben north. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] The corpse of Baron Drowg is lying here. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> *Baron Arisis* has arrived. <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Arisis*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [131] <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5439-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> You slam into *Baron Arisis*, and send him flying! Baron Domokun sends *Baron Arisis* sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais blocks *Baron Arisis*'s attack with a shield. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce MANGLES *Baron Arisis*! [168] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [139] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [149] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Arisis*! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Arisis*! [266] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Arisis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Arisis*. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [146] *Baron Arisis* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Arisis*! [219] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Arisis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Arisis*. Baron Domokun's smash misses *Baron Arisis*. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Arisis*! [292] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Arisis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Arisis*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Arisis*. [59] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Arisis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Arisis*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Arisis*. [61] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Arisis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Arisis*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES *Baron Arisis*. [60] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Arisis*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Arisis*. <5456-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 35% (NES)> [*Baron Arisis*: Blood Covered] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [ You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Arisis* turns deathly white. <5456-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 35% (NES)> [*Baron Arisis*: Blood Covered] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Arisis*! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Arisis*! [280] <5456-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Scratches] *Baron Arisis* leaves south. *Baron Arisis* has fled! <5456-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 (NES)> *Baron Arisis* has arrived. You slam into *Baron Arisis*, and send him flying! Baron Domokun sends *Baron Arisis* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5456-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) <3819-3819hp 2028-2423mana 499-500mv 715tnl NES > *Baron Arisis* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <5456-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku scans around. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5456-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-569 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [*Baron Arisis*: Leaking Guts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Arisis*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Arisis*! [122] Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Arisis*! [107] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Arisis*! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Your pierce MASSACRES *Baron Arisis*! [150] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Arisis*! [219] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Arisis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Arisis*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Arisis*! [194] *Baron Arisis* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Arisis* 2 times. You receive 51 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Arisis* at The Tombs of Undermountain. You hear *Baron Ar isis*'s death cry. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Arisis*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> *NEWBIE mysterious draghkar from Undermountain* says 'hi' They aren't here. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +35 exp' <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> They aren't here. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais tells the group '26 XP' <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> They aren't here. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> They aren't here. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> They aren't here. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> I see nothing in the cor. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> They aren't here. <5468-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. (Advice: Use 'consider' before you kill a creature. ) <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> Baron Otaku scans around. Duke Ben tells the group 'aha' Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NES)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Baron Flux leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ESW)> You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] The corpse of Baron Bilalo is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Duke Ben leaves north. Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Baron Flux leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. Duke Ben scans around. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Duke Ben leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== = =*O = = =##== === =@ # #= Dark Tunnel [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ESW)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ESW)> Duchess Beraki enters the kingdom. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ESW)> Baron Otaku chants. Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'hehe, 1500 exp from raiding um' <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Baron Otaku chants. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] The corpse of Baron Arisis is lying here. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'wof e' <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'wof e' <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] 1300 for me' <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here, fighting wall of force. Wall of force is here, fighting *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. (White Aura) A massive two-headed giant stands here, a huge maul clutched in both fists. <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'set' <5474-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> An Ettin gate-guard yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Reanis found, kill them at Hole Leading Into the Underdark.' Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce misses wall of force. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [105] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [67] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [101] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [75] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [112] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [61] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [107] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [78] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [117] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. <5493-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5493-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce injures wall of force. [18] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. You block an Ettin gate-guard's attack with your shield. Baron Otaku's slice wounds an Ettin gate-guard. [22] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice mauls an Ettin gate-guard. [25] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [62] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [75] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [106] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [67] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. An Ettin gate-guard is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [101] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [82] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [123] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. <5503-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 74% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'i eat pusy' <5503-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 74% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben scans around. <5503-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 74% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around an Ettin gate-guard's body vanishes. <5503-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 74% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce decimates wall of force. [32] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Otaku's slice decimates an Ettin gate-guard. [37] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice maims an Ettin gate-guard. [48] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [130] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [119] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [180] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [164] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [180] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [164] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === an Ettin gate-guard! [234] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. <5514-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 57% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'ur moms' Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. An Ettin gate-guard is no longer moving so quickly. Duke Ben humms quietly. <5514-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 57% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5514-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 57% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'ur moms' <5514-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 57% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5514-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 57% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] You say ''tis nice' <5514-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 57% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce misses wall of force. Baron Otaku's slice maims an Ettin gate-guard. [49] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [40] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [193] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [135] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === an Ettin gate-guard! [246] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [170] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [162] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Count Zaltais's slice devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [42] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Count Zaltais's slice devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [43] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. <5528-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 41% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben says 'good' <5528-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 41% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5528-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 41% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5528-5742hp: 560-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 41% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5528-5742hp: 554-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 41% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce mauls wall of force. [30] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Otaku's slice misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [51] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [189] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [150] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [161] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [137] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice maims an Ettin gate-guard. [47] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Count Zaltais's slice devastates an Ettin gate-guard. [44] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. <5539-5742hp: 554-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 30% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. An Ettin gate-guard's whip MUTILATES Count Zaltais. [51] Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5539-5742hp: 554-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 30% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5539-5742hp: 554-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 30% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] (Advice: Use 'finger' to find out information about a player. ) <5543-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 30% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku humms quietly. Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce misses wall of force. An Ettin gate-guard's whip devastates you. [44] Baron Otaku's slice decimates an Ettin gate-guard. [32] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice maims an Ettin gate-guard. [50] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [90] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [162] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce scratches an Ettin gate-guard. [1] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's slice MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [170] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [164] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === an Ettin gate-guard! [234] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [183] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [202] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [53] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [54] A Chaos Blade draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. A Chaos Blade freezes an Ettin gate-guard. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 6% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [You: Scratches] You stop using a slaen spine spear. You wield a slaen spine spear. A slaen spine spear feels like a part of you! <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 6% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 6% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: DYING] [You: Scratches] Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce misses wall of force. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [80] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Otaku's slice MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [54] An Ettin gate-guard is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. An Ettin gate-guard spills his guts all over the floor. Baron Otaku gets 50 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Otaku splits 50 silver coins. Your share is 8 silver. Baron Otaku splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Otaku sacrifices the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard to AoW. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Duke Ben says 'get that pussy' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Duke Ben says 'ruff' <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Duke Ben scans around. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Count Zaltais chants. Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce decimates wall of force. [31] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> You work on it. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce decimates wall of force. [36] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> You work on it. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Duke Ben tells the group 'down wall' <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Duke Ben chants. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'ben' <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce decimates wall of force. [38] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Baron Flux looks at *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Baron Otaku's slice maims wall of force. [50] Wall of force is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. <5515-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [109] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon wall of force! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS wall of force! [125] <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 34% (ED)> [wall of force: Blood Covered] [*NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Duke Ben asks 'eh?' <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 27% (ED)> [wall of force: Leaking Guts] [*NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 27% (ED)> [wall of force: Leaking Guts] [*NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Wall of force's whip misses *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*. *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain*'s pierce misses wall of force. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS wall of force! [117] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [90] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [116] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. Baron Flux splits 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of wall of force to AoW. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> Count Zaltais chants. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (ED)> You follow Duke Ben down. ##*## ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south up] ( 2) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. The corpse of Baron Ruadh is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SU)> You fail. Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SU)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SU)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SU)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) south' <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SU)> You work on it. Duke Ben tells the group 'right' <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SU)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* exclaims 'ben!' Baron Domokun leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ##### ##*## ###### ####### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NEW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) baddies' <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NEW)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NEW)> Baron Flux scans around. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NEW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. Baron Otaku scans around. You follow Duke Ben west. ##### #*### ## ## ##### ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the north exit. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ##### ##*## ###### ####### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* is here. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NEW)> Baron Otaku scans around. You follow Duke Ben east. ##### ###*# ###### ##### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north west] The corpse of Baron Kilmer is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Otaku scans around. Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'where?' <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'ben' Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> You work on it. Duke Ben tells the group 'which way?' <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'for wellsy' <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. <5518-5742hp: 555-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Duke Ben humms quietly. (Advice: At lvl 50 you can remort an become a more powerful race. help 'remort' ) <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'im askin u something' <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'hi' <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux gets a hunk of bread from a frost covered basket . They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'wellsy' <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux eats a hunk of bread. Duke Ben tells the group 'hutn him' <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) some tank hunt them?' They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux gets a hunk of bread from a frost covered basket . They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* asks 'is ur penis small like reanis?' *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'u guys pwn' Baron Flux eats a hunk of bread. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'zaorz zlz'. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'which way' <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* has arrived. Baron Flux tells the group 'Baroness Wellsy is on hunt west from here.' They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'Baroness Wellsy is on hunt west from here.' <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'Baroness Wellsy is on hunt west from here.' <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NW)> Baron Otaku peers intently west. They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ##### ##*## ###### ####### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5528- 5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NEW)> Baron Domokun says 'sup' <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NEW)> They aren't here. You follow Duke Ben west. ##### #*### ## ## ##### ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the north exit. Baron Flux has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Baron Otaku scans around. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Baron Flux tells the group 'Baroness Wellsy is on hunt north from here.' They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Duke Ben scans around. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> You hear something's death cry. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Baron Otaku peers intently north. They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Duke Ben nods at wall of force. Wall of force nods at Duke Ben. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* looks at Duke Ben. Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun pats *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* on his head. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Baron Flux tells the group 'Baroness Wellsy is on hunt east from here.' <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5528-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Duke Ben chants. Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [96] Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [180] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES wall of force! [170] Wall of force is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [180] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Wall of force turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [176] Wall of force is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Wall of force is blinded by smoke! Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [98] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS wall of force! [101] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [156] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [114] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. You get 36 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'pen' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* exclaims 'ben!!' <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Baron Flux leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. #*### ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south west] ( 2) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 ( SW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SW)> Baron Flux carefully looks for tracks. They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SW)> They aren't here. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SW)> *Baron Handle* has arrived. *Baron Bilalo* has arrived. *Baron Dregg* has arrived. *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. Baron Otaku scans around. You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 99% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. Baron Flux tells the group 'Baroness Wellsy is on hunt west from here.' <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 99% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* humms quietly. Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. Baron Domokun leaves west. <5535-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 99% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce decimates you. [37] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce decimates you. [37] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. <5459-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 99% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Flux has arrived. <5459-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 99% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* leaves west. <5459-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 99% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5459-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 99% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* has arrived. *Count Simon* utters the words 'xzb' Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5459-5742hp: 557-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 99% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around *Baroness Wellsy*'s body vanishes. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Domokun's smash MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [131] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's smash MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [168] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. (Advice: Turn color on or off by typing 'color'. ) <5464-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux tells the group 'ahahahah' <5464-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle* quickly spins behind Duke Ben with weapon raised.... Duke Ben is knocked out cold! Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) No Quit out...!' <5464-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Duke Ben is Knocked Out!' <5464-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* teaches Baron Otaku new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Colik*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [58] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5464-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* says 'i love that' <5464-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [85] <5464-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'lemme in ur group' <5464-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'lemme in ur group' Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [86] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves south. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! Baron Otaku's slice mauls *Baron Colik*. [25] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [54] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [98] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [116] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [102] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. <5471-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux rescues Baron Otaku! <5471-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'push me' <5471-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5471-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* says 'ben' *Baron Colik* teaches Baron Otaku new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Colik*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [58] They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'wuiuai'. <5471-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'push me' <5471-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. *Baron Dregg*'s lunge DISEMBOWELS you. [94] <5377-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [88] They aren't here. <5377-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5377-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5377-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. A minion realizes you are a threat and attacks. A minion's whip injures Duke Ben. [16] *Baron Colik*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Flux! [116] *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce decimates you. [37] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. Baron Otaku's slice mauls *Baron Colik*. [26] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [81] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. *Baron Colik* is blinded by smoke! Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a minion. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. A minion turns blue and shivers. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a minion. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [92] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [110] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. <5349-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 72% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5349-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 72% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baron Colik*! <5349-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 72% (SW)> [no one: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Colik* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5349-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 72% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* steps back! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon a minion! Count Zaltais's torments *** DEVASTATES *** a minion! [207] <5349-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 72% (SW)> [no one: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5349-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 72% (SW)> [no one: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *NEWBIE filthy skaven from Undermountain* leaves south. Duke Ben has fled! A minion glares at Count Zaltais and says, 'Ye shall DIE!' *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Otaku. [10] *Baron Colik*'s punch DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [114] *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce mauls you. [30] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Colik*. [20] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [92] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [77] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [92] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [86] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [102] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Count Zaltais's slice MUTILATES a minion. [53] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Count Zaltais's slice devastates a minion. [40] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Count Zaltais's slice maims a minion. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. <5327-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 58% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux rescues Baron Otaku! You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5327-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 58% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5327-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 58% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baron Colik*! <5327-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 58% (SW)> [no one: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Baron Otaku no longer looks so wild. The shield protecting Baron Otaku vanishes. Baron Otaku's skin regains its normal texture. Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baroness Wellsy*. [32] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice mauls *Baroness Wellsy*. [27] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. *Baron Dregg*'s lunge DISMEMBERS you! [117] <5210-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 58% (SW)> [no one: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Colik* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5210-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 62% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [16] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. *Baron Colik*'s punch maims Baron Domokun. [48] Baron Flux's pierce misses *Baron Bilalo*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [110] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [99] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [116] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [77] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Count Zaltais's slice scratches a minion. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Count Zaltais's slice scratches a minion. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Count Zaltais's slice scratches a minion. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. <5196-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 51% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Otaku! [159] <5196-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 51% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Infra Out!' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5196-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 51% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* falls flat on his face. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'. Baron Otaku's eyes glow red. <5196-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 51% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5196-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 51% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5196-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 51% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s pierce MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [55] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. *Baron Handle*'s pierce MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [64] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baroness Wellsy*. [41] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice misses *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [95] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [104] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Count Zaltais's slice scratches a minion. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Count Zaltais's slice scratches a minion. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. <5199-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 43% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s circle misses Baron Otaku. <5199-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 43% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Colik* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5199-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 43% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [77] <5199-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 43% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon a minion! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a minion! [253] A minion is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A minion's leg is sliced from its dead body. Count Zaltais splits 120 silver coins. Your share is 24 silver. Count Zaltais sacrifices the corpse of a minion to AoW. <5199-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 43% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Shield Out.' <5199-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 43% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5199-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 43% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Dregg*'s lunge DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [93] <5199-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 43% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [17] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Otaku. [11] *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce devastates you. [44] You feel poison coursing through your veins.You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [92] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [110] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's smash DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [89] *Baron Colik* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. *Baron Dregg*'s slash decimates you. [36] <5106-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 33% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Flux quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5106-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 33% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [96] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. <5106-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 33% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [87] <5106-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 33% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Count Zaltais gets the corpse of wall of force. <5106-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 33% (SW)> [*Baron Colik*: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Scratches] [You: Bruises] *Baron Colik* leaves west. *Baron Colik* has fled! <5106-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5106-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5106-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 (SW)> Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baroness Wellsy*. [35] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MANGLES *Baroness Wellsy*! [151] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [96] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Dregg*'s slash decimates you. [33] <5074-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Wounds] [You: Bruises] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Bilalo* sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around *Baron Dregg*'s body vanishes. <5074-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [119] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Bilalo* turns deathly white. You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5074-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Wounds] [You: Bruises] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [77] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baroness Wellsy*! <5074-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 97% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Duke Ben utters the words, 'xzb'. <5074-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 97% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Bruises] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. Refresh failed, you must be poisoned! *Baron Dregg*'s lunge MASSACRES Baron Otaku! [127] <5407-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 97% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures Duke Ben. [14] Duke Ben is burned by The Holy Mace. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. *Baron Dregg*'s slash decimates you. [33] <5378-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 96% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5378-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 96% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [104] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. <5378-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 96% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [82] Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Domokun has fled! <5378-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 96% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <5378-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 96% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. Baron Flux leaves south. Baron Flux has fled! You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures Duke Ben. [14] Duke Ben is burned by The Holy Mace. Coils burst at *Baroness Wellsy* and draw from their soul!! <5378-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 96% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Bilalo* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Otaku. [10] Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baroness Wellsy*. [34] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baroness Wellsy*. [31] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5379-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. Refresh failed, you must be poisoned! Baron Domokun has arrived. <5705-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Dregg* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5705-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5705-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [98] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Flux has arrived. <5705-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [88] <5705-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baroness Wellsy*! *Baron Dregg*'s lunge MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [75] *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce wounds you. [24] You feel poison coursing through your veins.You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Baron Flux's sting misses *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Dregg*! [176] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. Baron Domokun's smash scratches *Baron Dregg*. [1] *Baron Dregg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Dregg*! [221] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. Baron Domokun's smash scratches *Baron Dregg*. [1] *Baron Dregg* is burned by the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Dregg*! [194] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. <5680-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. Refresh failed, you must be poisoned! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'steal it from wellsy' <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [84] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Otaku! [173] *Count Simon*'s blast injures Baron Otaku. [13] Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Dregg*! [185] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baroness Wellsy* and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) rescue' <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun stops using the Flaming mace of Agonies. Baron Domokun wields an --Assassin's-- Blade in his off-hand. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baron Dregg*! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Dregg*, but fails. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 94% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] (Advice: Gossip is used in Tier, bellow is used in Kael, snarl is used in Undermountain, and inform is used in Cairn. ) The white aura around your body fades. Your rage ebbs. You shiver and suffer. <5738-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 95% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5738-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 95% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s circle >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Baron Otaku! [256] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. Baron Otaku turns blue and shivers. Count Zaltais tells the group 'Sanct out' <5738-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 95% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5738-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 95% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s pierce DISMEMBERS Baron Otaku! [119] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. *Count Simon*'s blast wounds Baron Otaku. [21] Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Dregg*! [150] *Baron Dregg* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Dregg*! [113] *Baron Dregg* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 93% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Otaku! [163] *Baron Dregg*'s lunge === OBLITERATES === Baron Otaku! [232] <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 93% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Count Zaltais is surrounded by a white aura. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 93% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baroness Wellsy* and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 93% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ###SANC### ##Out!##' <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 93% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 93% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves west. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) Sanctuary Out!!' <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 93% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 93% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle === OBLITERATES === Baron Otaku! [226] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 93% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux tells the group 'SANC IS OUT MOTHER FUCKERS' *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce DISEMBOWELS you. [90] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baron Handle*. [34] *Baron Handle* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baron Handle*. [41] *Baron Handle* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [106] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's sting misses *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [100] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's sting misses *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Handle*! [165] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice mauls *Baron Bilalo*. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Dregg*! [201] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast *** DEMOLISHES *** Baron Otaku! [177] *Baron Bilalo* falls flat on his face. Baron Flux rescues Baron Otaku! They aren't here. <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Bilalo*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Domokun is surrounded by a white aura. <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] #*### ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south west] The sliced-off leg of a minion is lying here. The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) Baron Flux is here, fighting *Baron Handle*. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here, fighting *Baron Dregg*. (Golden Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here, fighting *Baron Bilalo*. (Golden Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Red Aura) *Baron Dregg* is here, fighting Baron Otaku. (Red Aura) (White Aura) *Baron Bilalo* is here, fighting YOU! (Red Aura) *Baron Handle* is here, fighting Baron Flux. (Red Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) *Count Simon* is here, fighting Baron Otaku. <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] [SANCTUARY OUT!]' <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] You tell the group '[Reanis] [FRENZY OUT!]' <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'sancs' <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) rescue' They aren't here. Duke Ben says 'damnit, sancs' <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5652-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 91% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s circle >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Baron Otaku! [270] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Dregg* sprawling with a powerful bash. *Baron Colik*'s punch >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Baron Flux! [256] *Baron Colik*'s punch >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Baron Flux! [298] *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce MUTILATES you. [75] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [143] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [85] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MANGLES *Baron Handle*! [155] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Otaku's slice mauls *Baron Handle*. [28] *Baron Handle* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice maims *Baron Handle*. [49] *Baron Handle* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES *Baron Dregg*! [163] *Baron Dregg* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Dregg*! [197] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Dregg*! [128] *Baron Dregg* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! <5577-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 90% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Dregg*'s lunge MANGLES Baron Otaku! [171] <5577-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 90% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast *** DEMOLISHES *** Baron Otaku! [181] Baron Flux rescues Baron Otaku! <5577-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 90% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. You are surrounded by a white aura. <5577-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 90% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] That person is not fighting right now. <5577-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 90% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a white aura. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. Duke Ben has fled! *Baron Colik*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Flux! [131] *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce MUTILATES you. [51] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's sting misses *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baron Handle*. [89] *Baron Handle* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [136] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [148] *Baron Handle* leaves south. *Baron Handle* has fled! Baron Flux's pierce maims *Baron Bilalo*. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Dregg*! [212] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES *Baron Dregg*! [172] *Baron Dregg* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** *Baron Dregg*! [178] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES *Baron Dregg*! [172] *Baron Dregg* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* takes Baron Flux's weapon and clobbers them with it! *Baron Colik* disarms Baron Flux! *Baron Colik*'s strike MANGLES Baron Flux! [160] <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Dregg* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'paghz'. *Count Simon* is moving more quickly. Baron Flux gets a slaen spine spear. <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux wields a slaen spine spear. They aren't here. <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* gets the leg of a minion. *Baron Bilalo* gets the corpse of wall of force. <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik*'s punch MANGLES Baron Flux! [174] Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Dregg*! [211] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Dregg*! [141] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Dregg* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Dregg*! [220] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* yells at Baron Flux 'You have bad manna's!' *Baron Colik*'s strike DISMEMBERS Baron Flux! [107] *Baron Dregg*'s lunge MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [69] <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Flux is surrounded by a white aura. <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'paghz'. *Baron Bilalo* is moving more quickly. They aren't here. <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Dregg*! [275] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Dregg* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baron Dregg*! <5525-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 89% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. *Baron Colik*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [82] Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Dregg*. [18] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Dregg* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baron Dregg*. [35] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Dregg* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce maims *Baron Bilalo*. [47] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Dregg*. [60] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Dregg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Dregg*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [92] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. *Baron Dregg*'s slash decimates Baron Flux. [36] *Baron Dregg*'s slash devastates Baron Flux. [39] <5532-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. Refresh failed, you must be poisoned! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Colik* teaches Baron Flux new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Colik*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Flux. [53] <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [77] <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast <<< ERADICATES >>> *Baron Dregg*! [319] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce devastates you. [42] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Baron Otaku's slice devastates *Baron Dregg*. [41] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Dregg* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. *Baron Dregg* is blinded by smoke! A hunk of bread blackens and crisps! Blood flies everywhere!!! <5699-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-518 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Flux calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Dregg*! Baron Flux's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Dregg*! [118] *Baron Dregg* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Dregg* 2 times. You receive 43 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Flux has just killed *Baron Dregg* at A winding tunnel.. You hear *Baron Dregg*'s death cry. <5699-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5699-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] I see nothing in the cor. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +37 exp' <5699-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5699-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5699-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* clobbers Baron Flux with their forehead! *Baron Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [80] They aren't here. <5699-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. Refresh failed, you must be poisoned! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [74] <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben scans around. *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Otaku. [9] *Baron Colik*'s punch misses Baron Flux. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais leaves west. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. Count Zaltais tells the group '26 XP' <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! *Baroness Wellsy* leaves west. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Bilalo* falls flat on his face. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Bilalo*, but fails. *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Otaku! [171] *Baron Colik* teaches Baron Flux new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Colik*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Flux. [53] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Otaku. [10] <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Flux has fled! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baroness Wellsy* and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Count Zaltais's torments DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [90] *Baron Colik*'s punch DISEMBOWELS you. [76] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Otaku. [9] Baron Otaku's slice injures *Count Simon*. [15] *Count Simon* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. <5666-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [76] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Bilalo*, but fails. <5666-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. *Baron Colik* teaches you new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Colik*'s strike MUTILATES you. [54] <5612-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* falls flat on his face. Baron Flux has arrived. <5612-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5612-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 84% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. Refresh failed, you must be poisoned! Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [88] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [70] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baroness Wellsy*. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. <5748-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 80% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baroness Wellsy* and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baroness Wellsy* no longer looks so holy. <5748-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 80% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Otaku! [152] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! *Baroness Wellsy* leaves west. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! <5748-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 80% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Bilalo*, but fails. <5748-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 80% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Colik* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5748-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 80% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Colik*'s punch MANGLES you! [166] *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce decimates you. [33] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. <5548-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 80% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. Refresh failed, you must be poisoned! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 80% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [88] <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 80% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Bilalo*, but fails. (Advice: Chapter 4 will be opening soon, introducing many new classes and features. ) You shiver and suffer. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 81% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais leaves west. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 81% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 81% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 81% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 81% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Flux has fled! They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 81% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches ] They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 81% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bruises] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. They aren't here. *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce mauls you. [26] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Count Simon*. [14] *Count Simon* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5717-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 79% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5717-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 79% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. <5717-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 79% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! *Baroness Wellsy* leaves south. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! <5717-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 79% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [77] <5717-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 79% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Domokun has fled! <5717-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 79% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <5717-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 79% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] You hear something's death cry. *Count Simon*'s blast injures Baron Otaku. [13] Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. *Baron Bilalo* falls flat on his face. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [82] <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais leaves south. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's pierce misses *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's sting maims *Count Simon*. [47] *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Otaku's slice hits *Count Simon*. [11] *Count Simon* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. *Count Simon* is blinded by smoke! <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux leaves west. Baron Flux has fled! They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5722-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. *Count Simon*'s blast injures Baron Otaku. [13] *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce decimates you. [37] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. <5684-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) wellsy' <5684-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux has arrived. <5684-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux leaves south. <5684-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [90] <5684-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* leaves west. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! <5684-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp qaur'. Baron Otaku's coil decimates *Count Simon*. [35] Coils leap out and sink themselves into *Count Simon*. <5684-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 77% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'nods' Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [82] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. *Baron Bilalo* is blinded by smoke! <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux has arrived. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle* has arrived. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s pierce devastates Baron Otaku. [44] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MANGLES Baron Otaku! [173] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* steps back! They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux rescues Baron Otaku! They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at Baron Flux and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s circle MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [69] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. They aren't here. *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Flux. [12] <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 74% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast MANGLES *Baron Bilalo*! [166] <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 70% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* has arrived. *Baron Colik* yells at Baron Otaku 'You have bad manna's!' *Baron Colik*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [57] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 70% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Flux's pierce misses *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's sting devastates *Count Simon*. [43] *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates *Count Simon*. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Coils burst at Baron Flux and draw from their soul!! Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Count Simon*'s blast misses Baron Otaku. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) FREE AS A BIRD!!} } efault}} } efault}' <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 70% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Some Cuts] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle*'s pierce devastates Baron Otaku. [43] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates Baron Otaku. [35] A glass shard freezes Baron Otaku. *Count Simon*'s blast injures Baron Flux. [13] Baron Flux's sting decimates *Count Simon*. [38] *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Otaku's slice decimates *Baron Handle*. [32] *Baron Handle* leaves south. *Baron Handle* has fled! Duke Ben's slice wounds *Baron Bilalo*. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Count Zaltais has arrived. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] You evade *Baron Bilalo*'s bash, causing him to fall flat on his face. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* has arrived. <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches ] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'sjfuyl'. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === *Baron Drowg*! [236] <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* does sixteen flips and kicks Baron Otaku in the nuts! *Baron Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [85] <5687-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 69% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais blocks *Baron Drowg*'s attack with a shield. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Colik*. [18] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Colik*. [18] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5692-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Ba ron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Count Simon* is less insightful. <5692-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Flux's pierce devastates *Count Simon*. [43] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's pierce devastates *Count Simon*. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Coils burst at Baron Flux and draw from their soul!! Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Otaku. [11] Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! <5692-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* steps back! <5692-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'sjfuyl'. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Count Zaltais's torments MASSACRES *Baron Drowg*! [130] <5692-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* screams at Baron Otaku 'You kill my brodda! Now you pay!' *Baron Colik*'s strike mauls Baron Otaku. [28] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power injures you. [17] The Holy Mace sears your flesh. *Count Simon*'s blast grazes Baron Flux. [7] *Baron Colik*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Otaku! [136] *Baron Colik*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [100] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Colik*. [21] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Colik*. [18] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. <5675-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5675-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Count Simon* is no longer moving so quickly. <5675-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Duke Ben is moving more quickly. <5675-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo*'s kick decimates you. [33] <5642-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Flux's sting decimates *Count Simon*. [36] *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Coils burst at Baron Flux and draw from their soul!! Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. Refresh failed, you must be poisoned! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle* has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Perfect] *Baron Drowg* utters the words, 'sjfuyl'. *Baron Drowg* is no longer cursed. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Count Zaltais's torments *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drowg*! [214] <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 67% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Flux. [11] Baron Flux's pierce maims *Count Simon*. [50] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Flux's sting decimates *Count Simon*. [34] *Count Simon* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Colik*. [14] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Colik*. [20] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baron Drowg*. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. <5747-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 66% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Perfect] *Baron Colik* teaches Baron Otaku new respect for chopsticks! *Baron Colik*'s strike MUTILATES Baron Otaku. [57] <5747-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 66% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Count Simon* is less insightful. <5747-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 66% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Perfect] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! Baron Domokun has arrived. <5747-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 66% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Domokun's kick DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [102] *Baron Handle* leaves west. *Baron Handle* has fled! <5747-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 66% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'rescue' <5747-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 66% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* sighs. <5747-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 66% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Perfect] *Baron Drowg* steps back! *Count Simon* says 'so close' Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Drowg*! Count Zaltais's torments *** DEVASTATES *** *Baron Drowg*! [221] Baron Flux's pierce decimates *Count Simon*. [38] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Count Simon*. Baron Otaku's slice injures *Baron Colik*. [15] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Baron Otaku's slice wounds *Baron Colik*. [19] *Baron Colik* is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [61] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Count Simon*! [110] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baron Drowg*. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Drowg*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Drowg*. (Advice: You can use your raises before remort, but it's advised that you save your trains. ) You shiver and suffer. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* says 'o well' <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* takes Baron Otaku's weapon and clobbers them with it! *Baron Colik* disarms Baron Otaku! *Baron Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [84] *Baron Bilalo*'s kick mauls you. [30] <5710-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* gets "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. *Baron Drowg* gets the corpse of Baron Dregg. <5710-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around *Count Simon*'s body vanishes. <5710-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Count Simon* has fled! <5710-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku holds a staff of destruction in his hand. <5710-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* steps back! You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! *Baroness Wellsy* leaves south. *Baroness Wellsy* has fled! <5710-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* leaves west. *Baron Colik*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [81] Baron Otaku's punch misses *Baron Colik*. Baron Otaku's punch misses *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [127] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [92] *Baron Colik* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [122] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [95] *Baron Colik* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [104] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [95] *Baron Colik* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [114] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [112] *Baron Colik* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5710-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo*'s kick mauls you. [28] <5682-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* does sixteen flips and kicks Baron Otaku in the nuts! *Baron Colik*'s strike DISEMBOWELS Baron Otaku. [84] <5682-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Colik* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5682-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux rescues Baron Otaku! <5682-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Handle* has arrived. <5682-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Someone leaves south. *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baron Colik*! <5682-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 63% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [109] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. *Baron Colik* turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [89] *Baron Colik* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [122] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [92] *Baron Colik* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [114] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. <5683-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 61% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Colik*! Count Zaltais's torments MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [65] <5683-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 61% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* has arrived. <5683-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 61% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5683-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 61% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5683-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 61% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5683-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 61% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* leaves south. *Baron Colik* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. You rescue Duke Ben! <5683-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 61% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baron Colik*! Baron Domokun sends *Baron Colik* sprawling with a powerful bash. *Baron Colik*'s punch MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [55] *Baron Colik*'s punch MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [127] *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce devastates you. [42] You feel a Dark Elven longpike drawing your life away. Baron Flux's pierce devastates *Baron Bilalo*. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [78] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baron Bilalo*. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [128] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [89] *Baron Colik* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [116] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [95] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Colik* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. *Baron Colik* is blinded by smoke! Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [134] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baron Colik*. [1] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baron Colik*. [1] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baron Colik*. [1] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux falls flat on his face. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben scans around. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baron Colik* turns deathly white. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) *Baron Colik* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Eiko enters the kingdom. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Colik* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baron Colik*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Otaku calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Colik*! Baron Otaku's torments MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [126] Blood flies everywhere!!! They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. *Baron Colik*'s punch DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [94] Baron Otaku's punch misses *Baron Colik*. Baron Otaku's punch misses *Baron Colik*. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [127] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Colik*. [81] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Colik* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES *Baron Colik*! [127] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [104] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Colik* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [122] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baron Colik*. [1] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baron Colik*. [1] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Colik*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* rescues *Baron Colik*! <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Colik*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Colik*! [119] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun sends *Baron Colik* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-475 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Otaku calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Colik*! Baron Otaku's torments MUTILATES *Baron Colik*. [65] *Baron Colik* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Colik* 2 times. You receive 43 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Otaku has just killed *Baron Colik* at A winding tunnel.. *Baron Colik* splatters blood on your armor. They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 55% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] You get 43 silver coins and 3 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Colik. You split 43 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. Baron Flux's sting misses *Baron Bilalo*. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS *Baron Bilalo*. [84] *Baron Bilalo* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Count Zaltais tells the group '32 XP' <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +43 exp' <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Baron Domokun's slice MASSACRES *Baron Bilalo*! [132] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Bilalo*. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Bilalo*, but fails. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratche s] They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (SW)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* leaves south. *Baron Bilalo* has fled! <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> Baron Eiko bellows 'oot oot' <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> Baron Flux leaves south. They aren't here. You hear something's death cry. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> Count Zaltais leaves south. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> Baron Otaku leaves south. They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves south. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> *Baron Drowg* has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> *Baron Drowg* leaves west. They aren't here. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ##### #*### ## ## ##### ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east] ( 2) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. A wall of force blocks the east exit. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here, fighting *Baron Bilalo*. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here, fighting *Baron B ilalo*. (Red Aura) (White Aura) *Baron Bilalo* is here, fighting Baron Flux. *Count Simon* is here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Duke Ben tells the group 'damnit' <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun sends *Baron Bilalo* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Otaku's punch misses *Baron Bilalo*. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Duke Ben tells the group 'too slow' <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Bilalo* and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo*'s kick maims Baron Flux. [46] <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baron Bilalo* is no longer moving so quickly. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* has arrived. They aren't here. <5650-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 50% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. Baron Otaku's punch misses *Baron Bilalo*. Your pierce maims *Baron Bilalo*. [50] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Bilalo*. *Baron Bilalo* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 49% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Bilalo*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Bilalo*! [109] <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (NE)> [*Baron Bilalo*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo* leaves north. *Baron Bilalo* has fled! They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> *Baron Drowg* leaves north. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> (Advice: Use 'wizlist' to see who is on our immortal staff! ) You feel yourself slow down. You shiver and suffer. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Otaku scans around. You tell the group '[Reanis] [HASTE OUT!]' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) Haste Is Out!!!} } efault}} } efault}} } efault}' <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Flux tells the group 'HASTE IS OUT' They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves north. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves north. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'candusyrzqh'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a reflective barrier. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. You follow Duke Ben north. #*### ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south west] The corpse of Baron Colik is lying here. (46) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. *### #### ## ### A winding tunnel. [Exits: east south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here, fighting *Baron Drowg*. (Red Aura) (White Aura) *Baron Bilalo* is here, fighting wall of force. (Red Aura) *Baron Drowg* is here, fighting wall of force. Wall of force is here, fighting *Baron Drowg*. Baron Flux has arrived. *Baron Drowg*'s slice MUTILATES wall of force. [69] Spell Edge draws life from wall of force. *Baron Drowg*'s slice devastates wall of force. [42] Wall of force is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. *Baron Drowg*'s slice DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [76] Spell Edge draws life from wall of force. *Baron Drowg*'s slice maims wall of force. [47] Wall of force is burned by "Firebane" Legendary sword of the Manhunter. *Baron Drowg*'s slice MUTILATES wall of force. [72] Spell Edge draws life from wall of force. *Baron Drowg*'s slice DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [78] Spell Edge draws life from wall of force. *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [93] Wall of force is poisoned by the venom on a Dark Elven longpike. A Dark Elven longpike draws life from wall of force. *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [126] Wall of force is poisoned by the venom on a Dark Elven longpike. A Dark Elven longpike draws life from wall of force. *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [83] A Dark Elven longpike draws life from wall of force. *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [88] Wall of force is poisoned by the venom on a Dark Elven longpike. A Dark Elven longpike draws life from wall of force. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Drowg*! [142] *Baron Drowg* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (ES)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: DYING] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (ES)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: DYING] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (ES)> [someone: Bleeding] [wall of force: DYING] [You: Scratches] *Baron Bilalo*'s kick MUTILATES wall of force. [52] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You hear wall of force's death cry. *Baron Bilalo* sacrifices the corpse of wall of force to AoW. Baron Flux falls flat on his face. Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Domokun is moving more quickly. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (ES)> [no one: Bl eeding] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (ES)> [no one: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (ES)> [no one: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] *Baron Drowg* leaves south. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (ES)> [no one: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (ES)> [no one: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] They aren't here. <5653-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 46% (ES)> [no one: Bleeding] [You: Scratches] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. Refresh failed, you must be poisoned! They aren't here. *Baron Bilalo*'s pierce misses Baron Flux. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 (ES)> *Baron Bilalo* leaves south. *Baron Bilalo* has fled! They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 (ES)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 (ES)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 (ES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 (ES)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-432 (ES)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. #### *### ## # #### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north south] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 647-650mv: EXP-432 (NS)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 647-650mv: EXP-432 (NS)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. *### #### ## ### A winding tunnel. [Exits: east south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-432 (ES)> Baron Domokun peers intently south. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-432 (ES)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. #*### ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south west] The corpse of Baron Colik is lying here. (46) a puddle of blood. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 645-650mv: EXP-432 (SW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ##### #*### ## ## ##### ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east] ( 2) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the east exit. *Count Simon* is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 55 8-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Otaku scans around. They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Count Simon*! [228] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. *Count Simon* turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's pierce misses *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Count Simon*! [249] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES *Count Simon*! [152] *Count Simon* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. *Count Simon* is blinded by smoke! Your pierce MASSACRES *Count Simon*! [136] *Count Simon* is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear *Count Simon*'s death cry. You get 9 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 9 silver coins. Your share is 4 silver. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (N E)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais gets the corpse of wall of force. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> I see nothing in the cor. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. Baron Flux is moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. Refresh failed, you must be poisoned! <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Eiko bellows 'pk for da vivi?' They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. Count Zaltais drops the corpse of wall of force. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. Duke Ben nods at wall of force. Wall of force slaps Duke Ben. Baron Domokun scans around. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'paghz'. You feel yourself moving more quickly. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun's kick MUTILATES wall of force. [75] <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon wall of force! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === wall of force! [240] <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5742-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [196] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES wall of force! [152] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [183] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [146] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [141] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice misses wall of force. Count Zaltais's slice scratches wall of force. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Count Zaltais's slice scratches wall of force. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 5% (NE)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 5% (NE)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 5% (NE)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 5% (NE)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 5% (NE)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 5% (NE)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais chants. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 5% (NE)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. Baron Domokun sends wall of force sprawling with a powerful bash. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 5% (NE)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben chants. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 5% (NE)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 5% (NE)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Domokun: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [116] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. You get 36 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Flux bellows ' rofl we still kinda raiding :P' They aren't here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> They aren't here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Count Zaltais gets the corpse of wall of force. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Flux scans around. Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ##### ##*## ###### ####### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east west] ( 3) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NEW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. Duke Ben scans around. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NEW)> Scanning: Baron Domokun is right here. Baron Otaku is right here. Count Zaltais is right here. Baron Flux is right here. Duke Ben is right here. *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* is right here. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NEW)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ##*## ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south up] The corpse of Baron Ruadh is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (SU)> Duke Ben scans around. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (SU)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5760-5742hp: 558-1232m: 644-650mv: EXP-432 (SU)> Baron Otaku chants. Baron Domokun peers intently south. (Advice: We are very serious about picking proper names. Please choose an appropriate one, or a constable will change it later on. ) You shiver and suffer. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (SU)> Baron Flux leaves up. You follow Duke Ben up. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ED)> Duke Ben scans around. Baron Domokun scans around. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ED)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5740-5742hp: 558-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ED)> You feel less sick. A warm feeling runs through your body. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ED)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) Haste out!' <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ED)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ED)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'haste out' <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ED)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus sausabru'. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ED)> Duke Ben tells the group 'wellsy' <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ED)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] The corpse of Baron Arisis is lying here. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NESW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'cure poison yourself trunks' <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NESW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ESW)> Eakim enters the kingdom. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ESW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (ESW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] The corpse of Baron Arisis is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drowg is lying here. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the west exit. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. < 5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gpuzre'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a force shield. They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais scans around. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun scans around. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'. Baron Otaku's skin turns to stone. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun's kick MUTILATES wall of force. [53] <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Baron Flux scans around. They aren't here. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] The corpse of Baron Arisis is lying here. The corpse of Baron Drowg is lying here. A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'wof n' <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'sfainfrauai zzur'. They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* has arrived. They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* leaves south. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> You hear something's death cry. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. Kouran, Captain of the Horde yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at The Mother Matrons War Room.' <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A wall of force blocks the west exit. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* is here. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Baron Flux scans around. They aren't here. A Troll Berserker has arrived. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Baron Eiko bellows 'let me know when ya change towns :>' <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> A Troll Berserker yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Otaku found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls Baron Otaku. [27] <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'wof e' <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Troll Berserker and draw from their soul!! <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. <5740-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'nm' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) kill wall f or me' Baron Otaku's punch misses a Troll Berserker. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [127] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses a Troll Berserker. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. [NEWS]: Victory, Narco has just killed *Baron Shigeru* at Forests of Perdition. <5751-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 78% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben humms quietly. <5751-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 78% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5751-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 78% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5751-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 78% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5751-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 78% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5751-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 78% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] A healer utters the word 'candusima'. <5751-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 78% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5751-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 78% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Some Cuts] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku's punch misses a Troll Berserker. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [149] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [127] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [107] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5764-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Troll Berserker and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. <5764-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* says 'boo' Duke Ben tells the group 'isgh' <5764-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5764-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5764-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5764-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5764-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5764-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) kill wall for me' <5764-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. Duke Ben scans around. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) kill wall for me' <5764-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku's punch misses a Troll Berserker. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [117] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [106] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [128] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5772-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 38% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. Count Zaltais tells the group 'already wall here' <5772-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 38% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5772-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 38% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Otaku blocks a Troll Berserker's attack with a shield. A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls Baron Otaku. [27] Coils burst at a Troll Berserker and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. Duke Ben tells the group 'quick' <5772-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 38% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Bl ood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5772-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 38% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5772-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 38% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5772-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 38% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Blood Covered] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku's punch misses a Troll Berserker. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [107] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5782-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 17% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5782-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 17% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Eiko bellows 'I am higher then shit and well, feel like raiding :>' Baron Flux tells the group '?' <5782-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 17% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux scans around. <5782-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 17% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Troll Berserker's thwack mauls Baron Otaku. [27] Coils burst at a Troll Berserker and draw from their soul!! Coils burst at a Troll Berserker and draw from their soul!! <5782-5742hp: 547-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 17% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon wall of force! Count Zaltais's torments === OBLITERATES === wall of force! [226] <5782-5742hp: 547-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 17% (NSW)> [a Troll Berserker: Almost Dead] [Baron Otaku: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'quick' Baron Otaku's punch misses a Troll Berserker. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [111] A Troll Berserker is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Troll Berserker's severed head plops on the ground. You get 55 silver coins from the corpse of a Troll Berserker. You split 55 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. You get 105 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 105 silver coins. Your share is 21 silver. Count Zaltais's slice scratches wall of force. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Count Zaltais's slice scratches wall of force. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [106] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. (Advice: If you need any help, your constables are marked as CON and HCN on the who list. ) <5742-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 52% (NSW)> [wall of force: Nasty Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* sacrifices the head of a Troll Berserker to AoW. <5742-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 52% (NSW)> [wall of force: Nasty Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* says 'um is dumb' <5742-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 52% (NSW)> [wall of force: Nasty Wounds] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Your pierce MANGLES wall of force! [153] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [127] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [127] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [149] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Count Zaltais's slice scratches wall of force. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. Count Zaltais's slice scratches wall of force. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from wall of force. A Chaos Blade freezes wall of force. <5758-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 11% (NSW)> [wall of force: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Perfect] I see no head here. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5758-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 11% (NSW)> [wall of force: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. No way! You are still fighting! <5758-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 11% (NSW)> [wall of force: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) walled in with em' <5758-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 11% (NSW)> [wall of force: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux gets a potion of infinite darkness from a frost covered basket . <5758-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 11% (NSW)> [wall of force: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux quaffs a potion of infinite darkness. <5758-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 11% (NSW)> [wall of force: Almost Dead] [Count Zaltais: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [121] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. You get 36 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 36 silver coins. Your share is 8 silver. <5763-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Baron Otaku chants. Duke Ben tells the group 'nods' <5763-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5763-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Cast the spell on whom? <5763-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES wall of force. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. <5763-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> A healer utters the words 'judicandus dies'. <5763-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. Wall of force is here, fighting Baron Flux. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here, fighting wall of force. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* is here. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) <5763-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [144] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [78] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [124] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES wall of force. [68] Wall of force is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [92] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [120] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [142] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [117] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses wall of force. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [143] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Wall of force is blinded by smoke! <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 8% (NSW)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'agian' <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 8% (NSW)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku scans around. <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 8% (NSW)> [wall of force: DYING] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [113] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES wall of force. [75] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. Baron Flux splits 36 silver coins. Your share is 7 silver. Baron Flux sacrifices the corpse of wall of force to AoW. <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (NSW)> Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = = ==O =# =##== === =@ # *= X The Mother Matrons War Room [Exits: east] ( 3) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Black) A black ball absorbs the surrounding light. The Coffins of Undermountain are here, for use of only the powerful. A fountain of blood gurgles here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here, fighting *Baroness Wellsy*. (Red Aura) (White Aura) *Baroness Wellsy* is here, fighting Baron Domokun. (Red Aura) *Baron Handle* is here, fighting Baron Domokun. (Red Aura) (Silver Aura) *Count Simon* is here, fighting Baron Domokun. (White Aura) Kouran, Captain of the Horde is here, fighting Baron Domokun. Baron Flux has arrived. <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (E)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (E)> *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast MUTILATES Baron Domokun. [66] = = ==O =# =##== === =@ # *= X The Mother Matrons War Room [Exits: east] ( 3) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Black) A black ball absorbs the surrounding light. The Coffins of Undermountain are here, for use of only the powerful. A fountain of blood gurgles here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here, fighting *Baroness Wellsy*. (Red Aura) (White Aura) *Baroness Wellsy* is here, fighting Baron Domokun. (Red Aura) *Baron Handle* is here, fighting Baron Domokun. (Red Aura) (Silver Aura) *Count Simon* is here, fighting Baron Domokun. (White Aura) Kouran, Captain of the Horde is here, fighting Baron Domokun. <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (E)> Baron Otaku scans around. Duke Ben utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (E)> *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [89] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (E)> Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [95] <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (E)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'xarr ay yafqz'. <5783-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 (E)> *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. *Baron Handle*'s pierce devastates Baron Domokun. [39] A glass shard freezes Baron Domokun. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power scratches Baron Domokun. [1] Baron Domokun is burned by The Holy Mace. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power misses Baron Domokun. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [127] Your pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a slaen spine spear. *Baroness Wellsy* is blinded by smoke! Your pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5789-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Domokun waves happily. <5789-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5789-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5789-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baroness Wellsy* and draw from their soul!! <5789-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 58% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power scratches Baron Domokun. [1] Baron Domokun is burned by The Holy Mace. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power scratches Baron Domokun. [1] Baron Domokun is burned by The Holy Mace. Your pierce maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [45] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice injures *Baroness Wellsy*. [18] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [83] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. <5793-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux rescues Duke Ben! <5793-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Wellsy* says 'hah wel lose' <5793-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5793-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. <5793-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle* says 'we all die' *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'sfugw'. <5793-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5793-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 53% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power scratches Baron Flux. [1] Baron Flux is burned by The Holy Mace. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [127] Baron Flux's pierce maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Your pierce decimates *Baroness Wellsy*. [38] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [71] *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5802-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 43% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) null wellsy' <5802-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 43% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle* steps back! Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baroness Wellsy* and draw from their soul!! Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5802-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 43% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5802-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 43% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. *Baroness Wellsy* turns deathly white. <5802-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 43% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Count Zaltais's torments maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [50] <5802-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 41% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s backstab does UNSPEAKABLE things to wall of force! [423] A glass shard freezes wall of force. <5802-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 41% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s pierce misses wall of force. *Baroness Wellsy*'s divine power scratches Baron Flux. [1] The Holy Mace draws life from Baron Flux. Baron Flux is burned by The Holy Mace. Baron Flux's pierce devastates *Baroness Wellsy*. [39] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Your pierce maims *Baroness Wellsy*. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice misses *Baroness Wellsy*. Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baroness Wellsy*. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. <5808-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 36% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< wall of force! [271] You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5808-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 36% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'sanc wall' <5808-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 36% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends *Baroness Wellsy* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5808-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 35% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baroness Wellsy* is no longer moving so quickly. Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) <3732-3794hp 1046-2423mana 500-500mv 575tnl E > *Baroness Wellsy* Is DEATH TOUCHED~!' <5808-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 35% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. *Baroness Wellsy* is no longer so protected. <5808-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 35% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'sanc wall' <5808-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 35% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Wellsy* says 'rofl' <5808-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 35% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s pierce misses wall of force. Your pierce MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses *Baroness Wellsy*. Duke Ben's slice mauls *Baroness Wellsy*. [29] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Baron Domokun's slice DISMEMBERS *Baroness Wellsy*! [115] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle* steps back! *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast === OBLITERATES === wall of force! [229] <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baroness Wellsy* utters the words, 'qaiqzrrahuai'. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 28% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around *Baroness Wellsy*'s body vanishes. You slam into *Baroness Wellsy*, and send her flying! <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 27% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s pierce MUTILATES wall of force. [57] A glass shard freezes wall of force. *Baron Handle*'s pierce DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [78] A glass shard freezes wall of force. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [127] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Domokun. [9] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [128] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [62] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baroness Wellsy*. [60] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Baroness Wellsy*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baroness Wellsy* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 18% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 18% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'wuiuai'. Duke Ben utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 18% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Flux calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baroness Wellsy*! Baron Flux's torments MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [137] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-432 Enemy: 13% (E)> [*Baroness Wellsy*: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle* steps back! *Baron Handle*'s pierce MUTILATES wall of force. [66] A glass shard freezes wall of force. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [127] Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS *Baroness Wellsy*. [99] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baroness Wellsy* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [144] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baroness Wellsy*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce MASSACRES *Baroness Wellsy*! [149] *Baroness Wellsy* is DEAD!! Adding *Baroness Wellsy* to your trophy. You receive 45 experience points. FINAL BLOW bonus awarded to you! [NEWS]: Victory, Reanis has just killed *Baroness Wellsy* at The Mother Matrons War Room. You hear *Baroness Wellsy*'s death cry. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> They aren't here. Baron Domokun gets Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] from the corpse of Baroness Wellsy. Baron Domokun gets 44 silver coins and 219 gold coins from the corpse of Baroness Wellsy. Baron Domokun splits 44 silver and 219 gold coins, giving you 7 silver and 36 gold. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. You tell the group '[Reanis] [*Baroness Wellsy*] IS DEATH-TOUCHED!' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +43 exp' <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> They aren't here. Count Zaltais gets the corpse of Baroness Wellsy. A minion realizes you are a threat and attacks. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> They aren't here. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> I see nothing in the cor. <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> I see nothing in the cor. Count Zaltais tells the group '25 XP' <5809-5742hp: 548-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> I see nothing in the cor. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Wall of force is surrounded by a white aura. (Advice: Soon h0bbiez0r will be adding in two new classes, for your enjoyment. ) <5742-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> I see nothing in the cor. <5742-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> I see nothing in the cor. <5742-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> I see nothing in the cor. <5742-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 (E)> I see nothing in the cor. A minion's slap misses Duke Ben. *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates wall of force. [34] A glass shard freezes wall of force. *Baron Handle*'s pierce devastates wall of force. [39] A glass shard freezes wall of force. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [127] Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a minion. [54] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a minion. [58] A Chaos Blade draws life from a minion. A Chaos Blade freezes a minion. Your pierce MASSACRES a minion! [148] A slaen spine spear draws life from a minion. A minion is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a minion! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from a minion. A minion is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a minion! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from a minion. A minion is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a minion! [143] A minion is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A minion hits the ground ... DEAD. You get 120 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 120 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [68] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [73] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [58] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [37] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is blinded by smoke! Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [40] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] I see nothing in the cor. <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS wall of force! [117] A glass shard freezes wall of force. I see nothing in the cor. <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] I see nothing in the cor. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] I see nothing in the cor. Duke Ben tells the group ':)' <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] I see nothing in the cor. <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] I see nothing in the cor. <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] I see nothing in the cor. <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] I see nothing in the cor. <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. I see nothing in the cor. <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] You tell the group '[Reanis] give spear' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5774-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 93% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] You tell the group '[Reanis] give spear' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Handle*! Count Zaltais's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Handle*! [284] *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates wall of force. [38] A glass shard freezes wall of force. Wall of force turns blue and shivers. *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates wall of force. [38] A glass shard freezes wall of force. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [40] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [69] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [48] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [68] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [49] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5780-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 87% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] You tell the group '[Reanis] give spear' <5780-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 87% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [87] A glass shard freezes wall of force. *Count Simon* waves happily. <5780-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 87% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux sends *Baron Handle* sprawling with a powerful bash. <5780-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 87% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Domokun gives you Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. <5780-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 87% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates wall of force. [33] A glass shard freezes wall of force. *Baron Handle*'s pierce mauls wall of force. [30] A glass shard freezes wall of force. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [127] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Domokun. [11] Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [39] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [73] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [58] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [82] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [62] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [66] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [58] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [69] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. <5795-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 77% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Handle*'s pierce mauls Duke Ben. [26] Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! <5795-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 77% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [96] A glass shard freezes wall of force. <5795-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 77% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* says 'im moveing' <5795-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 77% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends Kouran, Captain of the Horde sprawling with a powerful bash. <5795-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 77% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. You slam into Kouran, Captain of the Horde, and send him flying! <5795-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 77% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. *Baron Handle*'s pierce mauls wall of force. [28] A glass shard freezes wall of force. *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates wall of force. [38] A glass shard freezes wall of force. Wall of force turns blue and shivers. Your pierce misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [61] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [51] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [55] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [51] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [72] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baron Handle*. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. <5804-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 72% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle* steps back! Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Handle*'s pierce misses Duke Ben. Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Handle*! Count Zaltais's torments DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [113] <5804-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 72% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS wall of force! [102] <5804-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 72% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* says 'fuck this town' <5804-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 72% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5804-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 72% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Some Cuts] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s pierce mauls Duke Ben. [29] A glass shard freezes Duke Ben. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip MASSACRES Baron Domokun! [126] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [39] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [50] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice devastates *Baron Handle*. [44] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [61] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [61] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [66] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde turns blue and shivers. Baron Domokun's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [76] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. <5826-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 64% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5826-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 64% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] You slam into Kouran, Captain of the Horde, and send him flying! <5826-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 64% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically. <5826-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 64% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! <5826-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 64% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS wall of force! [118] Baron Domokun's kick MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [63] <5826-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 64% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates Duke Ben. [35] A glass shard freezes Duke Ben. *Baron Handle*'s pierce mauls Duke Ben. [29] A glass shard freezes Duke Ben. Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! <5826-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 64% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5826-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 64% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [124] Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [40] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [76] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [34] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [69] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [58] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. <5839-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 59% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) healing wall' <5839-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 59% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends Kouran, Captain of the Horde sprawling with a powerful bash. <5839-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 59% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5839-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 59% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] You slam into Kouran, Captain of the Horde, and send him flying! <5839-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 59% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS wall of force! [117] <5839-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 59% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5839-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 59% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [124] Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [124] *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Domokun. [11] Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [40] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [50] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice misses *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [61] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [62] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [54] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [47] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's slice misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baron Handle*. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. <5850-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 52% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. <5850-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 52% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) rescue me 1x' <5850-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 52% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* says 'stra ass' <5850-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 52% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISEMBOWELS wall of force. [93] <5850-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 52% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is no longer moving so quickly. <5850-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 52% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] You slam into Kouran, Captain of the Horde, and send him flying! Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip misses Baron Domokun. *Count Simon*'s blast hits Baron Domokun. [11] Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [40] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [39] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [37] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [40] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [69] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [58] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [54] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [53] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5864-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 46% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) rescue me 1x' <5864-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 46% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! <5864-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 46% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS wall of force! [118] <5864-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 46% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates Duke Ben. [34] A glass shard freezes Duke Ben. Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip DISMEMBERS Baron Domokun! [124] Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [37] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [52] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [56] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [72] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice DISEMBOWELS Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [76] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [64] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Count Zaltais's slice scratches *Baron Handle*. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. <5868-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 41% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* says 'target me please' <5868-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 41% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Count Simon* and draw from their soul!! Baron Domokun's kick DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [111] <5868-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 41% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] You slam into Kouran, Captain of the Horde, and send him flying! <5868-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 41% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Bleeding] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle MUTILATES wall of force. [71] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! *Count Simon*'s blast wounds Baron Domokun. [21] Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [36] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [39] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [55] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [62] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [53] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [61] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [61] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice scratches Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's slice scratches Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. A Chaos Blade freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. <5884-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 35% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. <5884-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 35% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Eiko bellows 'bastads didn't wait for me :>' <5884-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 35% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Domokun: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux rescues Baron Domokun! Baron Domokun's kick DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [115] <5884-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 35% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast does UNSPEAKABLE things to *Baron Handle*! [353] <5884-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 35% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] You slam into Kouran, Captain of the Horde, and send him flying! <5884-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 35% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s pierce decimates Duke Ben. [35] A glass shard freezes Duke Ben. *Count Simon*'s blast mauls Baron Domokun. [27] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [39] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [39] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Baron Handle*. [66] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's slice scratches *Baron Handle*. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from *Baron Handle*. A Chaos Blade freezes *Baron Handle*. Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === *Baron Handle*! [233] *Baron Handle* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5895-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS wall of force! [101] Baron Domokun stops using a Chaos Blade. Baron Domokun wields <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?>. <5895-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. <5895-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at *Baron Handle* and draw from their soul!! <5895-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux tells the group 'spear Increased.' <5895-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tries to disarm *Baron Handle*, but fails. <5895-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast does UNSPEAKABLE things to *Baron Handle*! [376] <5895-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 33% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [40] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5902-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 31% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Baron Handle*'s circle DISMEMBERS wall of force! [117] <5902-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 31% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] You tell the group '[Reanis] rofl, yay for bashing mobs' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. <5902-5742hp: 550-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 31% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] You slam into *Baron Handle*, and send him flying! (Advice: Type 'penter' to enable a new feature that shows when kingdommates login. ) <5742-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 31% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'aque bragh'. *Count Simon*'s acid blast DISEMBOWELS Baron Domokun. [82] Baron Flux utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Flux calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Handle*! Baron Flux's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Handle*! [253] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Baron Otaku calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Baron Handle*! Baron Otaku's torments >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Handle*! [264] <5742-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 31% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast does UNSPEAKABLE things to *Baron Handle*! [354] Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun winks suggestively. <5742-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-387 Enemy: 31% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip DISMEMBERS Baron Flux! [124] *Count Simon*'s blast mauls Baron Domokun. [26] Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS *Baron Handle*! [102] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Baron Handle* is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES *Baron Handle*! [135] Blood flies everywhere!!! A slaen spine spear draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [39] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [32] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [32] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Baron Handle*! [251] Blood flies everywhere!!! <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> freezes *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Baron Handle*! [235] Blood flies everywhere!!! <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> draws life from *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> freezes *Baron Handle*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice === OBLITERATES === *Baron Handle*! [240] *Baron Handle* is DEAD!! You have killed *Baron Handle* 2 times. You receive 40 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Baron Handle* at The Mother Matrons War Room. You hear *Baron Handle*'s death cry. <5758-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 28% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Count Simon*! [289] <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> draws life from *Count Simon*. <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> freezes *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Count Simon*! [265] <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> draws life from *Count Simon*. <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> freezes *Count Simon*. Coils burst at Baron Domokun and draw from their soul!! They aren't here. <5758-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 28% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You rescue Baron Domokun! Count Zaltais gets 78 silver coins and 6 gold coins from the corpse of Baron Handle. Count Zaltais splits 78 silver and 6 gold coins, giving you 13 silver and 1 gold. <5758-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 28% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '18 XP' <5758-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 28% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben scans around. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +49 exp' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [33] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting wounds Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [24] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [36] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting mauls Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [28] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [38] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [36] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [36] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [39] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5770-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 23% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben rocks back and forth. Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes. <5770-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 23% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5770-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 23% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] That person is not fighting right now. <5770-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 23% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] I see nothing in the cor. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [36] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [37] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [45] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting mauls Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [26] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [38] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [34] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [36] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [32] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5784-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 17% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* gallantly tips his hat. Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5784-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 17% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* gallantly tips his hat. Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at Kouran, Captain of the Horde and draw from their soul!! <5784-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 17% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* gallantly tips his hat. Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS *Count Simon*. [85] <5784-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 17% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *Count Simon* gallantly tips his hat. <5784-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 17% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5784-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 17% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You slam into *Count Simon*, and send him flying! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'. Count Zaltais calls forth the demons of Hell upon *Count Simon*! Count Zaltais's torments MANGLES *Count Simon*! [151] <5784-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 17% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [33] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [43] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [32] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [38] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [34] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [36] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [39] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEVASTATES *** *Count Simon*! [224] *Count Simon* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Count Simon*! [297] <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> draws life from *Count Simon*. <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> freezes *Count Simon*. Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Count Simon*! [285] Blood flies everywhere!!! <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> freezes *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* blocks Count Zaltais's attack with a shield. <5796-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 12% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast does UNSPEAKABLE things to *Count Simon*! [373] Blood flies everywhere!!! <5796-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 12% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Otaku utters the words, 'oculoahp hajqp'. Baron Domokun sends *Count Simon* sprawling with a powerful bash. Blood flies everywhere!!! <5796-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-347 Enemy: 12% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [43] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting mauls Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [25] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting mauls Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [25] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce mauls Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [30] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [35] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [40] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [42] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is blinded by smoke! Your pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [37] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Your pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES *Count Simon*. [64] Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade draws life from *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! A Chaos Blade freezes *Count Simon*. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's pierce === OBLITERATES === *Count Simon*! [236] Blood flies everywhere!!! *Count Simon* is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Blood flies everywhere!!! Baron Domokun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< *Count Simon*! [267] *Count Simon* is DEAD!! You have killed *Count Simon* 3 times. You receive 76 experience points. [NEWS]: Victory, Domokun has just killed *Count Simon* at The Mother Matrons War Room. *Count Simon*'s arm is sliced from his dead body. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You get 136 silver coins from the corpse of Count Simon. You split 136 silver coins. Your share is 26 silver. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '42 XP' <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben scans around. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 6% (E)> [Kouran, Captain of the Horde: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +73 exp' Kouran, Captain of the Horde's whip misses Baron Flux. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [43] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting mauls Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [28] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [38] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's sting mauls Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [27] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [36] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [36] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Flux's pierce decimates Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [31] A slaen spine spear draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [75] <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [57] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's slice MUTILATES Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [75] <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> draws life from Kouran, Captain of the Horde. <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?> freezes Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun's pierce maims Kouran, Captain of the Horde. [45] Kouran, Captain of the Horde is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear Kouran, Captain of the Horde's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 97 silver coins from the corpse of Kouran, Captain of the Horde. Baron Domokun splits 97 silver coins. Your share is 16 silver. Baron Domokun splits 150 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of Kouran, Captain of the Horde to AoW. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Domokun drools all over himself -- making a TERRIBLE mess! <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben tells the group 'shudder' Baron Domokun scans around. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben scans around. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Eakim bellows ' stunned out north' <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Flux tells the group 'rofl' <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) omg aweosome exp' <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben nods at wall of force. Wall of force nods at Duke Ben. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben chants. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Eiko bellows 'hot damn' <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5809-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Your pierce MUTILATES wall of force. [53] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5814-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 96% (E)> [wall of force: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun stops using <?>OMG I'M DYING AIM FOR ME!!!<?>. Baron Domokun wields Wolfsbane the broadsword. <5814-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 96% (E)> [wall of force: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben scans around. <5814-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 96% (E)> [wall of force: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around wall of force's body vanishes. <5814-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 96% (E)> [wall of force: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS wall of force! [106] A slaen spine spear draws life from wall of force. Wall of force is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [205] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES wall of force! [157] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** wall of force! [183] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES wall of force! [151] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite === OBLITERATES === wall of force! [249] Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [204] Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES wall of force! [139] Wall of force is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** wall of force! [205] Wall of force is DEAD!! You hear something's death cry. You receive 0 experience points. You hear wall of force's death cry. Baron Domokun splits 36 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of wall of force to AoW. <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Domokun bellows ' i love me' <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Duke Ben peers intently north. <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. = = ==O =# =##== === =@ # *= X The Mother Matrons War Room [Exits: east] The corpse of Count Simon is lying here. The sliced-off arm of the Count Simon is lying here. (30) a puddle of blood. The corpse of Baron Handle is lying here. ( 3) The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (Black) A black ball absorbs the surrounding light. The Coffins of Undermountain are here, for use of only the powerful. A fountain of blood gurgles here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Otaku chants. Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben tells the group 'right' <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben scans around. <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben tells the group 'repop' <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. = = ==O =# =##== == =@ #* X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north south west] The corpse of wall of force is lying here. (63) A simple scroll is here. (17) A wild flower grows here. A chunk of newbieflesh rots here. A big pot pie has been left here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A healer is here waiting to cure you. (type 'heal' for list) Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Duke Ben peers intently north. Count Zaltais chants. <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Baron Flux bellows ' 2k exp off raiding um so far' <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5825-5742hp: 551-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Baron Eiko bellows 'ee clr eakim' Baron Domokun scans around. (Advice: Newbies can get the first levels in training areas in the town. ) <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'why nota' <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Baron Domokun starts moaning. Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> You bellow '1.5k' Duke Ben peers intently north. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Eakim bellows ' k' <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Baron Otaku gets a barrel of root beer from a frost covered basket . <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NSW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. = # ==== ==O =# =##== == *@ #= X The Tombs of Undermountain [Exits: north east south] A pair of leather boots sits here. (Damaged) A dagger made of lean is lying here. A leather cloak is getting trampled here. A simple mace is here on the ground. A small skiff is here. The Tombs of Undermountain are lined up in the soil here. A spring of dark water flows here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Red Aura) *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* is here. A wall of force blocks the north exit. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku drinks water from a barrel of root beer. Duke Ben chants. Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku drinks water from a barrel of root beer. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku drinks water from a barrel of root beer. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun pats *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* on his head. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Count Zaltais scans around. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun says 'hi' Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> You hear wall of force's death cry. You hear something's death cry. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Troll Berserker has arrived. A Skaven archer has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Troll Berserker yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Skaven archer yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Skaven archer's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] A Skeleton Warrior yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' <5742-5742hp: 553-1232m: 65 0-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> You lost your concentration. Baron Domokun gasps in astonishment. <5742-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden has arrived. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Drider. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Drider. [41] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Drider. [37] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Drider. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [53] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [97] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [93] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Drider! [113] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [72] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [86] Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [74] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses a Drider. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Drider! [113] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [62] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Drider! [108] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [68] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Drider! [122] <5771-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben stops using Tome of the Archmagus. Duke Ben holds a staff of destruction in his hand. <5771-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* says 'hah hah driders out' <5771-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5771-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* says 'hah hah driders out' <5771-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* says 'hah hah driders out' Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] <5771-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends a Drider sprawling with a powerful bash. <5771-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* says 'hah hah driders out' Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Troll Berserker's thwack misses Baron Otaku. Coils burst at a Troll Berserker and draw from their soul!! Duke Ben sighs. <5771-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* says 'hah hah driders out' <5771-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 27% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] A Drider has arrived. A Drider has arrived. A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce maims a Drider. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Drider. [41] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims a Drider. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Drider. [44] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates a Drider. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Otaku's punch misses a Troll Berserker. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. A Drider is blinded by smoke! Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [93] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's arm is sliced from her dead body. Baron Domokun gets 148 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Baron Domokun splits 148 silver coins. Your share is 24 silver. Baron Domokun splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. <5794-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux tells the group 'bah' <5794-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* sacrifices the arm of a Drider to AoW. You can't find it. <5794-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Drider yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Flux found, kill them at The Tombs of Undermountain.' A Drider's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] <5794-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Count Zaltais gets the corpse of wall of force. <5794-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* says 'hah hah driders out' <5794-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5794-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo MASSACRES a Drider! [131] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [257] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [318] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [260] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [300] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [259] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [292] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skaven archer! [572] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [549] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [287] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [292] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [306] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Drider! [247] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <5794-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Drider and draw from their soul!! <5794-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [72] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting misses a Drider. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Drider. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Drider. [37] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Drider. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Drider! [118] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [92] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Drider! [122] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [69] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Drider! [102] Baron Domokun's bite MUTILATES a Drider. [75] Baron Otaku's punch misses a Troll Berserker. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Drider! [102] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [72] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Drider! [108] Baron Domokun's pierce misses a Drider. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [91] <5822-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 25% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Troll Berserker and draw from their soul!! Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5822-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 25% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun's kick DISEMBOWELS a Troll Berserker. [76] <5822-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 25% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [302] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [337] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [327] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [281] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [310] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [295] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [280] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skaven archer! [600] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [611] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [265] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [287] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [253] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [300] <5822-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 11% (NES)> [a Drider: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends a Drider sprawling with a powerful bash. <5822-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 11% (NES)> [a Drider: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] A Drider's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Drider. [39] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting misses a Drider. Baron Flux's pierce maims a Drider. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Otaku's punch misses a Troll Berserker. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [66] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. You get 140 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. You split 140 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. You get 105 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 105 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [20] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [23] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [91] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [83] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Drider! [113] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [83] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [91] Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [97] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [76] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite MASSACRES a Drider! [138] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [90] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5829-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 38% (NES)> [a Drider: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Troll Berserker and draw from their soul!! <5829-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 38% (NES)> [a Drider: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Troll Berserker and draw from their soul!! <5829-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 38% (NES)> [a Drider: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [285] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo MANGLES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [159] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [643] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [241] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [284] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [269] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skaven archer! [585] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Troll Berserker! [477] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [310] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [293] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [332] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo MASSACRES a Drider! [129] Duke Ben's a staff of destruction blazes bright and is gone. <5829-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 26% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] That person is not fighting right now. <5829-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 26% (NES)> [a Drider: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] A Drider's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [41] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [40] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [44] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's punch misses a Troll Berserker. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. A Drider is blinded by smoke! Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [20] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. A Drider turns blue and shivers. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Drider. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. Baron Domokun's bite MUTILATES a Drider. [70] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [83] A Drider is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Drider. [97] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [72] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's leg is sliced from his dead body. Baron Domokun gets 127 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Baron Domokun splits 127 silver coins. Your share is 21 silver. Baron Domokun splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Count Zaltais's slice scratches a Troll Berserker. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Chaos Blade freezes a Troll Berserker. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Troll Berserker. [100] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. A Troll Berserker is blinded by smoke! Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Troll Berserker! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Troll Berserker! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Troll Berserker. A Troll Berserker is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite === OBLITERATES === a Troll Berserker! [237] A Troll Berserker is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Troll Berserker's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 90 silver coins from the corpse of a Troll Berserker. Baron Domokun splits 90 silver coins. Your share is 15 silver. Baron Domokun splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Troll Berserker to AoW. <5871-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* sacrifices the leg of a Drider to AoW. You can't find it. <5871-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5871-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5871-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5871-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden and draw from their soul!! <5871-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku gets a staff of destruction from a frost covered basket . No such player: Ot. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5871-5742hp: 543-1 232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku stops using a staff of destruction. Baron Otaku holds a staff of destruction in his hand. Duke Ben holds a staff of destruction in his hand. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] A Drider's whip decimates Baron Flux. [32] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [41] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [44] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [49] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [48] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [108] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [92] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [124] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is poisoned by the venom on Wolfsbane the broadsword. Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [89] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [124] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [96] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [68] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [75] <5879-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 51% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [286] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [563] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [237] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [289] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [302] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skaven archer! [555] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [270] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [312] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [261] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [320] <5879-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 47% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku brandishes a staff of destruction. Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [298] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [621] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [327] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [286] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [280] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skaven archer! [583] A Skaven archer is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skaven archer's death cry. Baron Otaku gets 105 silver coins from the corpse of a Skaven archer. Baron Otaku splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Otaku splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Otaku sacrifices the corpse of a Skaven archer to AoW. Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [329] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [313] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [274] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [321] Baron Otaku's a staff of destruction blazes bright and is gone. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5879-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 43% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Drider and draw from their soul!! <5879-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 43% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5879-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 43% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden sprawling with a powerful bash. <5879-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 43% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] No such player: Zalt. <5879-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 43% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Bleeding] [Baron Flux: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip devastates Baron Flux. [44] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [42] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [44] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's punch misses Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice wounds Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. A Chaos Blade freezes Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Duke Ben's slice wounds Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. A Chaos Blade freezes Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Duke Ben's slice wounds Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. A Chaos Blade freezes Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [93] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [71] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [113] Count Zaltais's slice scratches a Drider. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Drider. A Chaos Blade freezes a Drider. <5893-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 32% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip devastates Baron Flux. [44] Coils burst at Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden and draw from their soul!! Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [303] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [558] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [306] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [324] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [261] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [320] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [304] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [306] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [254] <5893-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* has entered the game. <5893-5742hp: 543-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] (Advice: Use 'map' to find your current location in the world. ) The white aura around your body fades. <5742-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5742-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) ###SANC### ##Out!##' You rescue Count Zaltais! Baron Domokun sends Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden sprawling with a powerful bash. <5742-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku gets a staff of destruction from a frost covered basket . Count Zaltais tells the group 'Sanct out' <5742-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 28% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku holds a staff of destruction in his hand. A Drider's whip MUTILATES Baron Flux. [66] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [92] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [39] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting decimates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [35] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's punch misses Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [61] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice wounds Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. A Chaos Blade freezes Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Duke Ben's slice wounds Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [20] A Chaos Blade draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. A Chaos Blade freezes Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [96] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [102] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [86] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5755-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 15% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *A filthy skaven from Undermountain* wakes and stands up. <5755-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 15% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [294] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [620] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [248] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [305] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [282] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [296] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [302] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [295] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [273] <5755-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 11% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Count Zaltais is surrounded by a white aura. <5755-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 11% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) rescue' You tell the group '[Reanis] [SANCTUARY OUT!]' <5755-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 11% (NES)> [Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [90] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [92] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce maims Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [46] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's sting devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [41] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce devastates Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [43] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Otaku's punch misses Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [79] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [61] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice wounds Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. A Chaos Blade freezes Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Duke Ben's slice wounds Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [19] A Chaos Blade draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. A Chaos Blade freezes Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Duke Ben's slice wounds Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. A Chaos Blade freezes Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden! [107] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [72] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. [91] Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden spills his guts all over the floor. Baron Domokun gets 132 silver coins from the corpse of Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden. Baron Domokun splits 132 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun splits 141 silver coins. Your share is 23 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of Brimmstone, the Matron's Gate Warden to AoW. <5764-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux tells the group 'need sanc' <5764-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux tells the group 'need sanc' At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Duke Ben tells the group 'sancs' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) Sanctuary Out!!' <5764-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux tells the group 'need sanc' Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [464] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [298] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [251] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [335] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [315] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [291] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [270] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [296] <5764-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. You are surrounded by a white aura. <5764-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Otaku is surrounded by a white aura. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5764-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Drider. [40] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Drider. [42] A Drider is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [67] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. Baron Domokun's bite misses a Drider. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [71] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 67 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Baron Domokun splits 67 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. Baron Domokun splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Drider. A Drider is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses a Drider. Your pierce MUTILATES a Drider. [74] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider spills her guts all over the floor. You get 109 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. You split 109 silver coins. Your share is 19 silver. You get 105 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 105 silver coins. Your share is 20 silver. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [48] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [37] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [96] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [132] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [172] A Skeleton Warrior is poisoned by the venom on Wolfsbane the broadsword. Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [139] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [186] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [151] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [214] Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [205] Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [139] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [163] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [158] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [213] <5779-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 14% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] At this time the Gods do not accept your sacrifice. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5779-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 14% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect ] That person is not fighting right now. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5779-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 14% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo does UNSPEAKABLE things to a Skeleton Warrior! [519] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [302] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [246] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [280] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Drider! [321] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Drider's death cry. Duke Ben gets 79 silver coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 79 silver coins. Your share is 13 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Drider! [277] A Drider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Drider's severed head plops on the ground. Duke Ben gets 15 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Drider. Duke Ben splits 15 silver coins. Your share is 2 silver. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Drider to AoW. <5779-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends a Skeleton Warrior sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Domokun is surrounded by a white aura. <5779-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* sacrifices the head of a Drider to AoW. <5779-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a white aura. I see no head here. <5779-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] No way! You are still fighting! <5779-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* says 'shit' <5779-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [92] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [92] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [92] A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [92] A Skeleton Warrior's whip misses Baron Flux. Baron Flux's pierce maims a Skeleton Warrior. [49] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [37] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [44] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [147] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [44] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Skeleton Warrior hits the ground ... DEAD. Duke Ben gets 61 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben splits 61 silver coins. Your share is 10 silver. Duke Ben splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. <5792-5742hp: 544-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> They feel better. <5792-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben brandishes a staff of destruction. Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [281] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [286] Duke Ben's high explosive ammo MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [135] Duke Ben's a staff of destruction blazes bright and is gone. <5792-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Skeleton Warrior's whip DISEMBOWELS Baron Flux. [92] Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5792-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. Baron Flux is surrounded by a white aura. <5792-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [56] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting maims a Skeleton Warrior. [49] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [37] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [59] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [65] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [74] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [118] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [61] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [97] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [65] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [102] Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [71] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [61] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice misses a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [21] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [22] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's bite misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [71] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [118] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [100] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [106] <5821-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 34% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5821-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 34% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5821-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 34% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5821-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 34% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5821-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 34% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends a Skeleton Warrior sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5821-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 34% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben holds Tome of the Archmagus in his hand. <5821-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 34% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5821-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 34% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'. <5821-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 34% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku brandishes a staff of destruction. Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo <<< ERADICATES >>> a Skeleton Warrior! [309] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [272] Baron Otaku's high explosive ammo >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Skeleton Warrior! [286] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [38] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [44] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [39] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [54] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's punch misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [53] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [30] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [31] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [113] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [76] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [62] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [118] A Skeleton Warrior is poisoned by the venom on Wolfsbane the broadsword. <5831-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 17% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [45] Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5831-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 17% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5831-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 17% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] You rescue Baron Flux! A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [39] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting devastates a Skeleton Warrior. [42] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [51] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's punch misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [60] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [68] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice decimates a Skeleton Warrior. [31] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice wounds a Skeleton Warrior. [24] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's bite MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [127] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [76] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [96] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [76] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [93] Baron Domokun's bite misses a Skeleton Warrior. <5844-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5844-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5844-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5844-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends a Skeleton Warrior sprawling with a powerful bash. <5844-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 7% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: DYING] [You: Perfect] A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [57] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting maims a Skeleton Warrior. [48] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting misses a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's punch misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [52] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [64] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce maims a Skeleton Warrior. [50] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [27] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice mauls a Skeleton Warrior. [25] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [102] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [78] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [86] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Skeleton Warrior's severed head plops on the ground. Baron Domokun gets 39 silver coins and 1 gold coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun splits 39 silver coins. Your share is 6 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. <5854-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* sacrifices the head of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. <5854-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> I see no head here. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <5854-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> You are not carrying a severed head to shrink... <5854-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Otaku blocks a Skeleton Warrior's attack with a shield. Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! <5854-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. A Skeleton Warrior is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around a Skeleton Warrior's body vanishes. <5854-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Skeleton Warrior's whip devastates Duke Ben. [40] Coils burst at a Skeleton Warrior and draw from their soul!! A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [145] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [78] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [140] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [85] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [143] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [106] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [183] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [160] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [226] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [151] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [237] A Skeleton Warrior is poisoned by the venom on Wolfsbane the broadsword. Baron Domokun's bite === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [227] Baron Otaku's punch misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [128] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [128] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Duke Ben's slice maims a Skeleton Warrior. [50] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [57] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [214] Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [136] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [182] Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [143] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5871-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 10% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5871-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 10% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Eiko bellows 'teh woot on baronzorz rezo :>' <5871-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 10% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5871-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 10% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. <5871-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 10% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Almost Dead] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [119] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [99] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [89] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's punch misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [159] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Skeleton Warrior's death cry. You get 70 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. You split 70 silver coins. Your share is 15 silver. You get 135 silver coins for your sacrifice. You split 135 silver coins. Your share is 25 silver. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [57] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [51] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [143] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [126] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [163] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [205] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [166] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [172] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [173] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [205] Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [139] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite === OBLITERATES === a Skeleton Warrior! [227] Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [199] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5879-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 22% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Wounds] [You: Perfect] *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* leaves north. Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5879-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 22% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends a Skeleton Warrior sprawling with a powerful bash. <5879-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 22% (NES)> [a Skeleton Warrior: Leaking Guts] [Baron Flux: Some Cuts] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' A Skeleton Warrior's whip maims Baron Flux. [46] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [144] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [74] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Skeleton Warrior. [84] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Skeleton Warrior! [114] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [134] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Otaku's punch misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MASSACRES a Skeleton Warrior! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses a Skeleton Warrior. Your pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [153] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Skeleton Warrior is burned by a slaen spine spear. A Skeleton Warrior is blinded by smoke! Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [53] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Duke Ben's slice MUTILATES a Skeleton Warrior. [56] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Skeleton Warrior. A Chaos Blade freezes a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Skeleton Warrior! [213] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [152] A Skeleton Warrior is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite MANGLES a Skeleton Warrior! [164] A Skeleton Warrior is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A Skeleton Warrior hits the ground ... DEAD. Baron Domokun gets 66 silver coins from the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior. Baron Domokun splits 66 silver coins. Your share is 11 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Skeleton Warrior to AoW. <5886-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5886-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baroness Angel bellows '=P' <5886-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'pzar'. Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5886-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> ___/Finger: Reanis \_______________________________ Baron Race: Storm giant Class: Knight Kingdom: Kael Warpoints: 124 Played: 61h Clan: [Valiant] Description: | ||((( /(/_(.-(-------)_/ | | || ) (( |_.----------._\ / | || ) | \_| I do not fight alone. | || (| =-_ _.-=- |-) , The will of my brethren | || | `-- | --' |/--._-'/'/_, come with my | || \ | /--.__---- , , blade. | || | --'' || `\_-------- | ||_.ssSS$$\ -====- / )\_ ----- ___.----|---|%$$$$$$/ \_ _.-- /' )$s._ __------- | |%%$$$$/ / ---- /' /$$$$$$$s__ /- -\ ============$$/ / /' /$$$$$$$$$$$SS-. /' ./\\\\\\_( ----._(_))$/ / /' /$$$$%$$$$$- \ Reanis is currently playing. ____________________________________________________________ <5886-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' Count Zaltais scans around. <5886-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5886-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5886-5742hp: 524-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> (Advice: You can store excess equipment and money in storage boxes. ) <5742-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baroness Angel bellows 'already getting kills=P' <5742-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'. A warm feeling fills your body. You feel fully refreshed! <5742-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* has arrived. Baron Flux utters the words, 'judicandus gzfuajg'. <5742-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==O =# =##*= == =@ #= X The Graveyard [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A misshappen creature lurks in the shadows here, covered by a large cloak the color of wet ash. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> A Reaver yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at The Graveyard.' A Reaver's whip maims Baron Domokun. [46] A Reaver's whip maims Baron Domokun. [46] Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [118] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [76] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [102] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [61] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [73] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [63] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5758-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 90% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Eiko bellows 'lata we must run mad shit :>' Baron Domokun sends a Reaver sprawling with a powerful bash. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. A Reaver is no longer moving so quickly. <5758-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 90% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Otaku blocks a Reaver's attack with a shield. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5758-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 90% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku's punch misses a Reaver. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [69] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [66] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses a Reaver. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [81] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [96] Baron Domokun's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [92] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [122] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES a Reaver. [69] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5768-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 81% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] They aren't here. <5768-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 81% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] <5768-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 81% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux rescues Baron Domokun! Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. The white aura around a Reaver's body vanishes. <5768-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 81% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben bellows 'acron, you get anything out of that?' <5768-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 81% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Bruises] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben chants. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [106] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [119] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [86] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's bite MANGLES a Reaver! [163] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [157] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [183] Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [130] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Otaku's punch misses a Reaver. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [116] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [117] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Reaver! [213] Baron Domokun's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [109] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [195] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [160] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. <5780-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] You rescue Baron Domokun! <5780-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5780-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. A Reaver's whip misses Count Zaltais. Coils burst at a Reaver and draw from their soul!! <5780-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baroness Angel bellows 'me and narco 2 maning=P' <5780-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 51% (ESW)> [a Reaver: Nasty Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [84] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [129] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [89] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [145] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [191] Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [143] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Reaver! [224] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [170] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a Reaver! [299] Baron Otaku's punch misses a Reaver. Your pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [153] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [105] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [128] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES a Reaver! [128] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. A Reaver is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Reaver! [214] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [156] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** a Reaver! [204] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES a Reaver! [162] A Reaver is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite === OBLITERATES === a Reaver! [246] Count Zaltais's slice scratches a Reaver. [1] A Chaos Blade draws life from a Reaver. A Chaos Blade freezes a Reaver. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 8% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 8% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux rescues Baron Domokun! <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 8% (ESW)> [a Reaver: DYING] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [81] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [99] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES a Reaver. [74] A Reaver is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS a Reaver. [99] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS a Reaver! [118] A slaen spine spear draws life from a Reaver. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a Reaver! [183] A Reaver is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. You hear a Reaver's death cry. Baron Domokun gets 139 silver coins from the corpse of a Reaver. Baron Domokun splits 139 silver coins. Your share is 23 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of a Reaver to AoW. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> Baron Otaku chants. Baron Domokun scans around. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> Duke Ben bellows 'acorn, yes no ?' <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # ==== ==O =# =#*== === =@ # #= X Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Duke Ben peers intently north. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. Count Zaltais scans around. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Count Narco bellows 'no' <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # ==== ==* =# =##== === =@ # #= The Void [Exits: north south west] A pile of cloth is here on the ground before you. ( 5) A red drop of blood appears to have been spilled here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NESW)> Duke Ben bellows 'sigh' Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NESW)> Baron Eiko bellows 'lightning bolt, get me to keeper' <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NESW)> Duke Ben bellows 'sorry' <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NESW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # = # =*== ==O =# =##== === =@ Dark Tunnel [Exits: north east south west] The corpse of Baron Arisis is lying here. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A large well trained wolf stands here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NESW)> Duke Ben scans around. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NESW)> Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # = # *=== = ==O = = =##== === =@ Hole Leading Into the Underdark [Exits: east down] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A massive two-headed giant stands here, a huge maul clutched in both fists. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5796-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> An Ettin gate-guard yells ' INVASION ARGHH DIE!! Domokun found, kill them at Hole Leading Into the Underdark.' Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [113] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [75] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [102] Baron Domokun's pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [65] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [76] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [55] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [58] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [74] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. <5810-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 91% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'good' <5810-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 91% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'. An Ettin gate-guard is no longer moving so quickly. The white aura around an Ettin gate-guard's body vanishes. Duke Ben tells the group 'they stopped' <5810-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 91% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais utters the words, 'ijrruyl'. <5810-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 91% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Scratches] [Baron Domokun: Bruises] [You: Perfect] You rescue Baron Domokun! Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [148] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [121] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [107] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite >>> ANNIHILATES <<< an Ettin gate-guard! [273] Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [129] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [162] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite === OBLITERATES === an Ettin gate-guard! [232] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [170] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [204] Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [191] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite misses an Ettin gate-guard. <5819-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 68% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Eiko bellows 'blink=god :>' <5819-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 68% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Domokun sends an Ettin gate-guard sprawling with a powerful bash. <5819-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 68% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux rescues Baron Domokun! <5819-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 68% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Baron Otaku blocks an Ettin gate-guard's attack with a shield. Coils burst at an Ettin gate-guard and draw from their soul!! <5819-5742hp: 526-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 68% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Wounds] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Count Zaltais scans around. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [98] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [85] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [86] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [99] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [210] Baron Domokun's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [149] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [224] Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [176] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Otaku's punch misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [127] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [111] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [90] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [138] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [128] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. An Ettin gate-guard is blinded by smoke! Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [223] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [171] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite === OBLITERATES === an Ettin gate-guard! [246] Baron Domokun's pierce MANGLES an Ettin gate-guard! [158] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. (Advice: Use 'trophy' to show you what enemies you have killed. ) You can quit now. <5742-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 31% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baroness Angel bellows '=P' You tell the group '[Reanis] [NOQUIT OFF!]' <5742-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 31% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'I was just trying to get the damn restring back' Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 31% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'sigh' <5742-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 31% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux rescues Baron Domokun! <5742-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 31% (ED)> [an Ettin gate-guard: Blood Covered] [Baron Flux: Scratches] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting MUTILATES an Ettin gate-guard. [71] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [108] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's sting DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [81] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by the Whip of Turmoils. Baron Flux's pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [125] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce DISEMBOWELS an Ettin gate-guard. [93] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Flux's pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [134] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun's bite === OBLITERATES === an Ettin gate-guard! [233] Baron Domokun's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [176] An Ettin gate-guard is burned by an --Assassin's-- Blade. Baron Domokun's bite >>> ANNIHILATES <<< an Ettin gate-guard! [277] Baron Domokun's pierce misses an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Otaku's punch misses an Ettin gate-guard. Your pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [143] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [137] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce DISMEMBERS an Ettin gate-guard! [122] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Your pierce MASSACRES an Ettin gate-guard! [143] A slaen spine spear draws life from an Ettin gate-guard. An Ettin gate-guard is burned by a slaen spine spear. Baron Domokun's bite *** DEVASTATES *** an Ettin gate-guard! [224] An Ettin gate-guard is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. An Ettin gate-guard spills his guts all over the floor. Baron Domokun gets 80 silver coins from the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard. Baron Domokun splits 80 silver coins. Your share is 13 silver. Baron Domokun splits 135 silver coins. Your share is 22 silver. Baron Domokun sacrifices the corpse of an Ettin gate-guard to AoW. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) No Quit out...!' Duke Ben chants. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> You get 0 silver coins for your sacrifice. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> Baron Domokun blushes. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. Count Zaltais chants. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* has arrived. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> Baron Domokun scans around. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> Baroness Angel bellows 'eiko lets go pk!=P' Duke Ben tells the group 'going to be purged' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> Baron Domokun pats *NEWBIE wretched troll from Undermountain* on his head. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> Duke Ben tells the group 'nod self' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ED)> Baron Domokun leaves down. Baron Otaku leaves down. Count Zaltais leaves down. You follow Duke Ben down. ##*## ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south up] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SU)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'yabraguoph'. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SU)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SU)> Baron Flux tells the group 'for?' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SU)> Baroness Angel bellows 'gens room=P' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SU)> Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ##### ##*## ###### ####### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) meh who cares' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'spam killing' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) 400 exp from count' Duke Ben tells the group 'nod self' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] nah, we're leaving' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Eiko bellows 'teh follow up hizoe' Duke Ben tells the group 'all 15 of em' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'heaven code is in' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ##### #*### ## ## ##### ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Duke Ben tells the group 'it was a plan' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. Duke Ben tells the group 'by me' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Eiko bellows 'who is our trapper?' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Duke Ben tells the group 'I got 15 guys' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baroness Angel bellows 'narco following me hizoe=P' You tell the group '[Reanis] oh' Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Otaku chants. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Duke Ben tells the group 'to volunteer' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> You tell the group '[Reanis] was a plan huh?' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Duke Ben tells the group 'to spam die' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Count Zaltais chants. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Duke Ben tells the group 'nods elf' <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. #*### ##### ## ## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south west] The corpse of Baron Colik is lying here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. *### #### ## ### A winding tunnel. [Exits: east south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5761-5742hp: 527-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ES)> Baroness Angel bellows 'so follow me =P' Baron Flux tells the group 'rofl' You tell the group '[Reanis] oh, ok ben' (Advice: Type 'advice' to turn off advice channel. ) <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ES)> Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. #### *### ## # #### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NS)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) lies :)' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NS)> Duke Ben tells the group 'never was at any risk at all' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NS)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NS)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) we pick up all loot?' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NS)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NS)> Duke Ben tells the group 'even when reanis bled :)' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NS)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. #### #### *# # #### #### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A crazed dwarf, foaming at the mouth, attacks you! Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Otaku chants. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Duke Ben tells the group 'all over the place' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Flux tells the group 'christ ben's gonna 55 at rate we doing raids' Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) who has a spare spear?' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Duke Ben tells the group 'like a virgin' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Otaku chants. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) i got my jacked' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> You tell the group '[Reanis] that hurt :(' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ##### ##### #* ## ##### ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ##### ##### ## ## #*### ####### ####### ###### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. ##### ##### ## ## ##*## ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # # # # ## ## ##### ##*## A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # # # # ## ## ##### ###*# A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # # ## ## ##### ##* A winding tunnel. [Exits: west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A small brown spider is here, fangs raised in defiance. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Baron Flux tells the group 'ben doesnt know his way?' Duke Ben tells the group 'where the fuck am I' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Duke Ben blocks a small brown spider's attack with a shield. Coils burst at a small brown spider and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Baron Otaku chants. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) reanis u got an extra spear?' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Duke Ben's slice decimates a small brown spider. [37] A Chaos Blade draws life from a small brown spider. A Chaos Blade freezes a small brown spider. Duke Ben's slice decimates a small brown spider. [34] A Chaos Blade draws life from a small brown spider. A Chaos Blade freezes a small brown spider. Duke Ben's slice decimates a small brown spider. [31] A Chaos Blade draws life from a small brown spider. A Chaos Blade freezes a small brown spider. A small brown spider is unaffected by your pierce! A small brown spider is unaffected by your pierce! A small brown spider is unaffected by your pierce! A small brown spider is unaffected by your pierce! A small brown spider is unaffected by Baron Domokun's bite! A small brown spider is unaffected by Baron Domokun's pierce! A small brown spider is unaffected by Baron Domokun's bite! A small brown spider is unaffected by Baron Domokun's pierce! A small brown spider is unaffected by Baron Domokun's bite! A small brown spider is unaffected by Baron Domokun's bite! A small brown spider is unaffected by Baron Domokun's pierce! A small brown spider is unaffected by Baron Domokun's bite! A small brown spider is unaffected by Baron Domokun's pierce! <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 70% (W)> [a small brown spider: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Flux tells the group 'follow me ben' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 70% (W)> [a small brown spider: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Baron Otaku utters the words, 'gajr qaur'. Coils burst at a small brown spider and draw from their soul!! <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 70% (W)> [a small brown spider: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Perfect] You give Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant] to Baron Domokun. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 70% (W)> [a small brown spider: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben tells the group 'not been here for years' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 Enemy: 70% (W)> [a small brown spider: Some Cuts] [Duke Ben: Perfect] [You: Perfect] Duke Ben utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Duke Ben's acid blast >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a small brown spider! [285] A small brown spider is DEAD!! You receive 0 experience points. A small brown spider's leg is sliced from its dead body. Duke Ben splits 105 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver. Duke Ben sacrifices the corpse of a small brown spider to AoW. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Baron Domokun says 'holy hell' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> You get 0 silver coins for your sacrifice. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) +0 exp' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Count Zaltais tells the group '0 XP' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> You tell the group '[Reanis] err' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> You tell the group '[Reanis] wrong spear' <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (W)> Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # # # # ## ## ##### ###*# A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 529-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> (Advice: Welcome to 3.7, soon Chapter 4 will be opening so hold tight! ) <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Duke Ben tells the group 'nice botting mob' <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. ##### ##### ## ## ###*# ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. #### ####* #### #### ### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Duke Ben is here. A small brown spider is here, fangs raised in defiance. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'candusyrzqh'. Duke Ben is surrounded by a reflective barrier. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. Count Zaltais rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # # ## ## ##### ##* A winding tunnel. [Exits: north west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A small brown spider is here, fangs raised in defiance. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NW)> You tell the group '[Reanis] give spear reanis :p' <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NW)> You are carrying: Reanis's shrunken trophy, the head of a Drider (Glowing) The Ancient Gauntlets of Time Reanis's shrunken trophy, the head of the Baron Nacreeb ( 2) (Blue Aura) (Glowing) (Black) The Frozen Staff of the Frostling Sorcerer a frost covered basket (Glowing) (Black) the Whip of Turmoils (Blue Aura) (Glowing) "Icebane" Legendary sword of the Dragonhunter a slaen hide chestplate a slaen spine spear (Damaged) (Blue Aura) (Glowing) a Diamond-Edged Halberd ( 5) (Blue Aura) (Humming) a dragonsilver lance ( 3) A Restring Token (Glowing) a wightblade a piece of mandrake a Chaos Blade (Glowing) Wolfsbane the broadsword (Black) a Dark Elven longpike (Humming) (Red) the Runed Hammer of Bashing <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NW)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) look a restrung spear!' <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NW)> Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # # ###### ##### ####*# #### ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (EW)> Baron Otaku humms quietly. Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # # ###### ####### ####*## ###### ###### A winding tunnel. [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # ###### ####### ####### ####*# ###### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves east. Baron Otaku leaves east. Count Zaltais leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. # ###### ##### ###### ###* ##### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ### ##### ###### #### ####* A winding tunnel. [Exits: north west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ### ##### ####### ###### ####*# A winding tunnel. [Exits: east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (EW)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (EW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'ben before we get even more loss follow me :P' You tell the group '[Reanis] giiiive' Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ### ##### ####### ####### ###*## A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) wow i found one!' <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Domokun leaves north. Baron Otaku leaves north. Count Zaltais leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # ######## ####### ####### ####*## ###### A winding tunnel. [Exits: south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Baron Domokun gives you Retribution, Wrath of a [Valiant]. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (SW)> Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. ######## ####### ######## ###*### ######## A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) :P' <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) I remember cloven died to one of those things once durring a raid' <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'lies' <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun leaves south. Baron Otaku leaves south. Count Zaltais leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. ## # ### ######## ####### ####*### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NW)> Count Zaltais chants. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NW)> You give a slaen spine spear to Baron Domokun. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NW)> Baron Flux leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # ###### ####### ###*### A winding tunnel. [Exits: east west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (EW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # ###### ####### ####*### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Duke Ben tells the group 'grin' <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NE)> Baron Flux leaves north. You follow Duke Ben north. # ###### ###*### ######## A winding tunnel. [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Count Zaltais has arrived. Baron Otaku has arrived. Baron Domokun has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> Baron Domokun stops using Wolfsbane the broadsword. Baron Domokun wields a slaen spine spear. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> Baron Domokun leaves west. Baron Otaku leaves west. Count Zaltais leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. # ###### ###*### ####### A winding tunnel. [Exits: north east south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Domokun is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> [NEWS]: Zwcvtyx is a new player welcome them to AoW. Zwcvtyx enters the kingdom. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben scans around. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Count Zaltais humms quietly. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'being lost = fun' Baron Domokun hops around like a little kid. <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'recall zalt' <5742-5742hp: 531-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> (Advice: All communication is separated based on kingdom. ) <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux leaves east. Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) owning all=fun' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku rocks back and forth. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Saving. Remember that we have automatic saving now. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Count Zaltais prays for transportation! Count Zaltais disappears. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun gets a wild look in his eyes. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'safhar'. A shimmering gate rises up from the ground. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun hops around like a little kid. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) we should raid tier now and get me this level' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'curse check' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Zwcvtyx questions 'sup on dis mud.' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) nodnod' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> You are affected by the following spells: Spell: sanctuary : modifies none by 0 for 3 hours Spell: haste : modifies dexterity by 4 for 2 hours Spell: detect alignment: modifies none by 0 for 28 hours Spell: shield : modifies armor class by -20 for 35 hours Spell: bless : modifies save vs spell by -6 for 26 hours : modifies hit roll by 6 for 26 hours Spell: infravision : modifies none by 0 for 52 hours <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) and rean too' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Flux tells the group 'and that is how you raid with 6 regardless of how many people they have' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben tells the group 'curse check' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> You tell the group '[Reanis] no curse' Count Zaltais tells the group 'nope' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Domokun bellows ' nigga plz' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Baron Otaku utters the words, 'candussido judifgz'. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'no curse' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Duke Ben steps into a shimmering gate. Baron Flux steps into a shimmering gate. You follow Duke Ben. You walk through a shimmering gate and find yourself somewhere else... + + +++ ..# #+# ++++*+++ ..+##+# #+++++ ###+X Portal Grounds of Kael [Exits: east west] Some soft boots are on the floor. ( 3) The famed mail of the Storm lies here. You see a small map here. (12) A hunk of bread lies here. It doesn't look too stale. A shiny blade is on the floor. A pile of brown cloth is on the floor. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) Zwcvtyx is here. A small child with a topknot and staff wanders around this area. Baron Otaku has arrived through a shimmering gate. Baron Domokun has arrived through a shimmering gate. Count Zaltais utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Duke Ben bellows 'oh' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Zwcvtyx questions 'word.' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'gpuzre'. Count Zaltais is surrounded by a force shield. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Duke Ben bellows 'my' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Flux tells the group 'rofl almost all spells have worn off' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Domokun leaves east. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Duke Ben bellows 'fucking' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Duke Ben bellows 'god' <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NEW)> Baron Otaku leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. + + +++ .# #+## ++++*+++ .+##+## #++++++ ###+X# West Kael Road [Exits: east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 649-650mv: EXP-271 (ESW)> Count Zaltais leaves east. Baron Flux leaves east. You follow Duke Ben east. + + +++ # #+### ++++*+++ +##+### #+++++++ ###+X## Center Square of Kael [Exits: north east south west] You see a small map here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A small child with a topknot and staff wanders around this area. (White Aura) An officer of the Black Watch stands watch over the gate. A mysterious man in a meditative pose, is standing here. Necromancer is here. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 648-650mv: EXP-271 (NESW)> Baron Otaku leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. + +++ # #+### ++++++++ +##*### #+++++++ ###+X## ### Cobblestone Street leading into Kael [Exits: north south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. Baron Flux has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 647-650mv: EXP-271 (NS)> Count Zaltais leaves south. Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. + # #+### ++++++++ +##+### #+++*+++ ###+X## ### . Cobblestone Street leading into Kael [Exits: north east south west] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) An officer of the Black Watch stands watch over the gate. Baron Otaku has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 646-650mv: EXP-271 (NESW)> Baron Otaku leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. # + ## ++++++++ +##+### #+++++++ ###*X## ### . Cobblestone Street leading into Kael [Exits: north east south] (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A Stormtrooper of the Black Watch is prepared for anything. A trained riding horse stands here, pissed off at you. Baron Flux has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 533-1232m: 645-650mv: EXP-271 (NES)> Count Zaltais leaves south. Baron Flux leaves south. You follow Duke Ben south. + + +# +# #+++++++ ###+X## #*# . Kael Headquarters [Exits: north east south west] (15) A hunk of bread lies here. It doesn't look too stale. ( 7) A pile of brown cloth is on the floor. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Flux is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Count Zaltais is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. (White Aura) A Stormtrooper of the Black Watch is prepared for anything. You see the advisor to Kael writing something here. Baron Otaku has arrived. (Advice: Enemy players appear to you as *Race*. ) <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (NESW)> Baron Otaku leaves west. You follow Duke Ben west. + + +# +# #++++++ ###+X# *## . General Kael's Personal Room [Exits: east] Someone's femur is here, now seriously here, who would leave one of those behind? A hooded brass lantern has been left here. Eiko's shrunken trophy, the head of a Skaven scout, lies here. ( 2) A curved sword lies here. ( 2) A shimmering helm glows brightly here. A simple bed is in the corner. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) Baron Otaku is here. (Golden Aura) (White Aura) (Silver Aura) Duke Ben is here. A merchant is looking for someone to trade with. (White Aura) A man-at-arms is patrolling the city. (White Aura) A man-at-arms is patrolling the city. A steed stands here, its skin flickers with --Fire--. Baron Flux has arrived. Count Zaltais has arrived. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'abrazak'. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben goes to sleep on a simple bed. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Flux tells the group 'and i need to repair again' <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben wakes and stands up. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'. Duke Ben has created a scrumptous mushroom. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Count Zaltais tells the group 'some wanker nullified me :P' <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben eats a Magic Mushroom. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben goes to sleep on a simple bed. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben tells the group 'what we get from that' Count Zaltais utters the words, 'sfainfrauai zzur'. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Flux tells the group 'make a spring' <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'sfainfrauai zzur'. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Domokun tells the group '(Homo Domo) repairing weapons :P' <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Otaku goes to sleep on a simple bed. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Zwcvtyx questions 'any of you home's got daggers?' Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) me too' <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Otaku tells the group '(Otaku) don't worry zalt' <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Count Zaltais drops the corpse of Baroness Wellsy. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Count Zaltais splits 150 silver coins. Your share is 30 silver. Count Zaltais sacrifices the corpse of Baroness Wellsy to AoW. <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Flux tells the group 'make' <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Flux tells the group 'a' <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Duke Ben bellows 'probably' <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Baron Flux tells the group 'spring' <5742-5742hp: 535-1232m: 650-650mv: EXP-271 (E)> Count Zaltais utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'. A magical spring flows from the ground.