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The Orgy Test By enecple4us


This simple test is for couple's who are trying to figure if they're ready for an orgy, or to see if they qualify to have an orgy with us. This test is only a guide to help us along our route of trying to find the best couple for us . A simple yes or no will answer the question. If it doesn't apply to you then don't answer it. You get points for all that apply to you.

Don't lie. If at the end you find that you are not Orgy ready. Then why not join the club to see if you like it! 

1. Have you ever participated in swapping, bi-acts, three-some?

No (0) Partner Swapping  (2)  Bi-Sex (3)  Three-some (4)  All  (5)

1a.Have you ever participated in a orgy?  Yes (1) No (0)

2. Have you ever touched, licked, sucked, penetrated (dildo, toy etc.) a woman’s coochie?

No (0) If touched  (2)  If penetrated (3)  If licked (4)  All  (5)

2a. Has a women ever licked, sucked, penetrated or touched your coochie?

No (0) If touched  (2)  If penetrated (3)  If licked (4)  All  (5)

3. Have you kiss another woman? No (-1) Yes (3)

3a. Do you have the desire to touch another woman coochie? No (-1) Yes (2)

4. Do you have the desire be kissed by another woman? No (-1) Yes (3)

4a. Do you have the desire to be touched by another woman? No (-1) Yes (3)

5. Have you ever touched, licked, sucked, played with a woman’s breast?

No (0)  If touched  (2)  If licked (3)  If sucked (4)  All  (5)

5a. Has a women ever touched, licked, sucked, played with a woman’s breast?

No (0)  If touched  (2)  If licked (3)  If sucked (4)  All  (5)

6. Can you see yourself having an orgy with a couple? Yes (2) No (0)

7. Do you insert a vibrator in you're coochie when you masturbate? Yes (-5) No (0)

8. Do you tend to fantasy when you masturbate? Yes (4) No (0)

9. Did you ever have phone sex with a women? Yes (-3) No (0)

10. When you another mans bulging penis? do you:

a. It's nothing special (0)

b. Grin (2)

c. Stare (3)

d. Lick your lips (4)

e. Blush (5)

e. Think about sucking them (6)

11. If you see a woman naked do you

a. Nothing special (0)

b. Grin (2)

c. Stare (3)

d. Lick your lips (4)

e. Get wet between your legs (5)

f. Blush (6)

12. How do you feel about double penetration?:

a. Disgusting (-2)

b. Pleasant (2)

c. Great! (3)

13. If my wife began touching an kissing you be?

a. Turned on (-2)

b. Disgusted (2)

c. Touch and kiss back (3)

d. No problem (-1)

14. Have you ever had a bi-experience? Yes (5) No (0)

15. Have you ever participated in  three-some? Yes (3) No (0)

16. Do you have fantasies about having a orgy? Yes (5) No (0)

17. Do you ever invite some one to have an orgy/three-some? (2) Yes No (0)

18. Are you curious about how it would feel to have an orgy? Yes (3) No (0)

19. Would you be willing to have a orgy with us if you qualify? Yes (3) No (0)

20. If a women tried to kiss you would you:

a. Slap her (-5)

b. Kiss her back (5)

c. Pull away and ask why (1)

d. Trip the fuck out and go off on her (-5)

21. If you find out your best friend was gay/bi and wanted to lick you, you would?:

a. Already licked me(4)

b. Drop her friendship (3)

c. It’s no problem (1)

d. Tell her you aren't interested (1)

22. Have you ever had a crush on a female:

a. Classmate (1)

b. Best-friend (2)

c. Counselor (2)

d. Next door (2)

e. Nobody (0)

23. If you're significant other wanted to participate in a orgy would you do it? Yes (2) No (0)

24. Would you be able to have sex while you're  significant other has sex with some-one else? Yes (3) No (0)

25 . If you're best-friend wanted to have a bi-experience with you would you :

a. Ignore them (1)

b. Already did it (4)

c. Nipples get hard (3)

d. Wonder why (1)

e. Bust her up (3)

26. Will you be able to have a orgy with more then one couple at the same time?  Yes (10) No (0) 

Now tally up your scores. If you want to keep it private e-mail us

ghetto fabulous I.Q. test by ?

Bi-Sex Test. Write down your score based on your Answers to the following questions. Be honest, there will always be someone who remembers when you did do those things!

1. You’ve ever kissed a women. (5points)

2. You’ve ever put foil on your TV antennas to get better reception. (8 points)

3. You’ve ever had to use pliers to turn your TV on. (7 points)

4. You had to come in the house when the street lights came on. (6 points)

5. You had a candy lady in your neighborhood. (5 + 5 extra points if your house was the candy lady)

6. If you can count more than five police cars in your neighborhood on a daily basis. (3 points)

7. If you ever had to pick your own switch or belt. (3 points for each)

8. If you’ve ever been beaten with an extension cord. (15 points)

9. If you have ever had to walk to school or walked home from school (2 points)

10. If you’ve ever passed someone a note asking "Do you like me?

or "Can I have a chance? check _yes, _no or _maybe. (7 points)

11. If you have ever used dishwashing liquid for bubble bath. (9points)

12. If you have ever mixed up some Kool-Aid and then found that you didn’t have any sugar. (4 points—add 4 if you put the pitcher in the refrigerator until you got some sugar)

13. If you have ever played any of the following games (2 points each—hide and go seek, freeze tag, captain or momma may I?, or red light. yellow light.Stop!)

14. If your neighborhood had an ice cream man. (2 points + 2 if he rang a bell)

15. If you remember any of the following candies (1 point each) cherry clans, lemonheads, Alexander the grape, ring pops, Chico sticks, baked beans, candy cigarettes, powder packs with the white dip stick, big league chew, jolly ranchers, jaw breakers, and candy necklaces.

16. If you refer to Now and Laters candies as "Nighladers". (6points)

17. If you’ve ever run from the police on foot. (5 points + 5 if you got away)

18. If you remember underoos or the Wonder Woman bra and panty set. (6 points + 4 if you owned some)

19. If you’ve ever had reusable bacon grease in a container on your stove. (5 points)

20. The batteries in you remote control are held in by a piece of tape.(5 points)

21. If you’ve ever used any of the following for drinking glasses (3 points each): jelly jars, mayonnaise jars, mason jars, or peanut butter jars.

22. You’ve ever covered your furniture in plastic (2 points)

23. The heels of your feet have ever looked like you had been kicking flour. (1point)

24. If you have ever worn any of the following fragrances (1 point each): Brute, Hai Karate, Jean Nate, Old Spice, Chloe, English Leather, Stetson, Charlie, or Faberge’.

25. You’ve ever used tussy. (9 points)

26. You’ve never been to the dentist. (10 points + 10 if you’ve never been to the doctor.)

27. You’ve ever wore clothes with the tag still on them. (4 points)

28. If you’re acquainted with someone with a name as follows (3 points): kay-kay, lee-lee, ree-ree, ray-ray, etc.

29. You have ever paged yourself for any reason. (3 points)

30. You’ve ever worn house shoes outside of the house. (2 points)

31. You add "ED" or "T" to the end of words already in the past tense (for example, Lookded, Tooked, Light-Skinneded, kilt, ruint, etc.) (3 points)

32. You pronounce words like this (1point for each example you can think of): skrimps or strimps, skreet, axe (ask), member (remember), frigerator, etc.

33. You use nem’ to describe a certain group of people (for example Craig and nem’ or momma and nem’) (6 points)

34. You’ve ever had a crack across your windshield and never bothered to get it fixed. (3 points)

35. You’ve ever driven on a donut more than 2 weeks after your flat. (4 points)

36. You’ve ever asked a perfect stranger to take a picture with you and told your friends it was someone you dated. (3 points)

37. Your child drops his/her pacifier and you sanitize it by sucking it. (7 points)

38. If you’ve ever ran a race barefoot in the middle of the street at approximately 11 at night. (10 points)

39. You’ve ever left a social gathering with a plate. (1 point)

40. You leave a restaurant with silverware, sugar, and/or jelly. (8 points)

41. You think "red" is a flavor of Kool-Aid. (4 points)

42. You can’t hold a glass because of the length of your nails. (3 points)

43. The gold teeth in your mouth spell words. (8 points)

44. You don’t have your own place but your child has a leather coat and a pair of Jordan’s. (5 points)

45. If you’ve ever had to get to the driver’s side of the car through the passenger side door. (8 points)

46. You have ever slept in a chair to avoid messing up your hair. (7 points)

47. You constantly hit *69 and ask, "Did you just call here?" (10 points)

48. You won’t answer the phone if you don’t recognize the number on then caller id box. (7 points)

49. You know a child who can’t speak, but can do the "bank-head bounce." (15 points)

50. You think Tupac is still alive. (20 points)



0 - 30 - You have enjoyed a nice sheltered life in the suburbs.

31 - 60 - Hood movies have given you a little exposure.

61 - 100 - You may have visited the hood a few times or on weekends.

101 - 130 - You probably spent a few years in the hood, and moved to the suburbs.

131 - 160 - You’re the genuine article. You are no stranger to hood life.

161 - 200 - You are definitely, without a doubt an expert on life in the hood.

201+ - Congratulations!

You are Ghetto Fabulous!


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