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My Home Page

So You Find Yourself Interested In This Poetry Site?
I Am So Glad To Hear That.
First Let Me Tell You How To Get Started.

Submitting Your Poetry

If You Would Like To Submit A Poem Please Scroll Down
Click The Link Titled Submit Your Best.
Follow The Directions On That Page And Answer All Required Questions.
After Submitting Your Poem Or Poetry,We Will Review It And Have It Up For Viewing As Soon As We Can.

To Edit Your Poetry

If You Would Like To Edit Any Of Your Poetry
Please Click The Link Titled Edit My Work.
That Page Will Show A Form Please Answer All Required Questions
And Retype Your New Poem And Submit It For Review Again We Will
Have Your Poem Or Poetry Poested As Soon As We Can.

To Read The Poetry On Our Site

Click The Link Titled Read Poetry.
Remember Please Respect The Author And If You Would Like
E-mail The Author Let Them
Know Your Feelings On There Poetry.Please
Rudeness Will Not Be Tolereated On This Site.
Please E-mail The Master Of This Site If Rudeness Is Taking Place
That Person Will Be Barred From This Site
And All Regarding The Poetry Corner.

Submit Your Best
Edit Your Work
Read Our Poetry