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Yo Yo Yo welcome to the pic page because of minor things i cant completly dedicat this page to only pics but i will change thenm evryother day So have fun

haha Well here are some kick ass websites and also some pick Links

Well this is my Main Page
Idont know what i was smokin but hey
My Homie Austin
My Very Own Graphic
Also My Homie Austin with a pop Shuvit
Hand Stand From my Homie Austin
A Heel Flip
Haha Was goin fine till i feel backwards and got a bump on the head haha
HAng Ten Homies
Little Casper Flip
Havent landed it yet but once i do and have it on Film ill see if i cant post it on the site
Probly the nices lookin Boneless 360
A pic Of the Creator of this site

6 Reasons Why Skateboarding is good for the soul!, and 6 reasond why you should not be a prick and not support PPL that are tryin to skate

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