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Please Note: not really a yiffy character. may do things sexually suggestive things, but rarely does mean it in a sexual way, (It's up to you to interpret). doesn't know what to do when engaged in that kind of role play. is a virgin. It would take a pretty good rp to make a want to be yiffy.


Description: silken feathers nearly shine in the low light of the room. Noticing you gaze upon the well shaped body, free of all clothing save a white loin cloth and a leather belt adorning the waist with a soft brown pouch attached to it hanging at his hip, That pouch holds every belonging. Your gaze meets and patiently awaiting your next move planning one should you draw near


Backround Info: Born from an egg has no belly button, but is a fire bird, and body temperature can rise to amazing degrees, and his body can burst into flame, simply is a phoenix, eyes show expressions where a beak can not.

wishes for a family or a group or constant friends to count on and has not yet had either.
